Title: Crazy for me

Characters: Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow

Summary: A day before their wedding Caitlin and Barry tell each other their beautiful vows

Beta reader: none

A/N: I'm sorry, but this is my last snowbarry one shot and nothing can change my mind. The Flash has let me down and I neither plan on watching the show anymore nor waste my time to create anything for the hateful fandom. I know that you, the people who have read my work and supported me, deserve better and that's why I couldn't leave you without saying goodbye. This fic is sort of a closure, very fluffy and maybe too cliche. Thank you for all your kind words through the last three years! :)

Crazy for me

Caitlin's skin turns out to be warm and smooth when Barry's lips brush her arm and then her neck. Next, they reach her chin and finally her mouth, making Caitlin smile under the kiss.

"Are you scared?" She asks.

Barry sighs, resting his head on the palm of his hand, and his elbow on the pillow. Caitlin is lying on her back, thanks to which Barry can admire her beauty from above.

"Should I be? I have no experience when it comes to weddings."

"I do, but I lost my husband hours after getting married so I'm not sure it counts." An expression of nostalgia appears on her face; as always whenever she mentions Ronnie. "Back then, I didn't think I would ever fall in love again."

"Listen, Cait, if you don't want to do this, I'll under-"

Her finger touches his lips, ordering him to be silent.

"There's nothing I want more, Barry."

Barry leans over and kisses her again, this time as passionately as if it was their last kiss. It is really just the beginning. Tomorrow, surrounded by friends and family, they will swear to be with each other until death does them part.

"I can't wait to see you walking down the aisle in that beautiful dress," he whispers.

"I can't wait to see if you manage to survive one hour of the ceremony without speeding it up," she teases.

"It won't be a problem. With you, I would like time to stop." His eyes widen suddenly and Barry jumps to his feet. "Oh my god, Caitlin, where are the rings?"

As he begins to search his pockets, apparently freaked out, Caitlin barely holds back her laugh. She gets up from the bed and puts her hands on her fiancé's arms.

"Calm down, honey. You gave them to Cisco the other day, remember?"

"Oh, right. Yeah. Anyway, it seems to me that we have forgotten something."

"Have you finished your vow?"

Barry nods and sits down on the bed, resigned.

"Maybe I'm a bit scared, though," he admits, looking down. "I always lose or screw up everything that is important to me, and you are the one who matters the most. What we have is perfect, I've never been happier. I don't want to mess it up."

"You won't, Barry. You won't," she assures him, taking a seat next to him. "I have an idea… Let's tell our vows now, shall we?"

"What?" He looks at her in disbelief. "Like, right now? Here?"

"Tomorrow we will be surrounded by our friends and family and although they want us to be happy, we will be put under some pressure. Now, in this intimate and private moment, we can be completely honest and assure each other that everything will be just fine. I see you need it and maybe I need it too."

Everything for a moment ceases to matter, the sounds of the city are lost behind the walls of the apartment. Only Caitlin's footsteps can be heard as she approaches the desk and takes out a piece of paper from the drawer, on which she meticulously wrote the entire speech a few days ago.

Then Caitlin returns to bed, where she takes a seat comfortably on a pile of pillows. Barry sits in front of her and does not take his eyes off his fiancée as she unfolds her vow.

She is looking at the words for a long moment while Barry wonders what he has done to deserve the love of this wonderful woman.

Suddenly, Caitlin looks up at him and the amount of admiration on her face makes Barry held his breath.

"I still remember the first time I've seen you. You looked so innocent, lying unconscious at S.T.A.R. Labs, subjected to eternal research with no results. Sometimes, after work, I would stand by your bed, clean your face and wonder what story was hidden behind your calm expression, what kind of person you were. I had no idea that your awakening would change my life once and for all." Her eyes wander from the page to Barry, slowly filling with tears. Her words flow smoothly out of her mouth with undisguised emotion. "After months of being cool and closed to the world, you made me learn to enjoy small things. You reminded me how wonderful it was to smile. Helping you, staying by your side, being your friend... It all become my purpose. Our relationship was full of beautiful and happy moments, as well as sad and tragic. Each subsequent adventure helped me to open myself to the world, be who I was always supposed to be. At some point, I do not know when exactly, you became the most important person in my life. I realized it that day after our karaoke. Do you remember what I said then?"

"You said it was time to move on," he answered. "Find someone new to be crazy about."

"I meant you, Barry. I was falling in love with you, but Ronnie returned soon after, and you still held onto your feelings for Iris... It took us too much time to get together, to let go of the past and move on. But when it finally happened, it was as if your love was able to heal my broken heart. It still is. You and I, we have been through a lot, yet we are able to laugh, to enjoy every moment, to believe that everything will be fine. And although the world is constantly trying to destroy us, we keep going forward because together we are stronger. I love you, Bartholomew Henry Allen, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

As Caitlin finishes, Barry wipes a lone tear away from his cheek.

"In truth, I haven't written down my vow but I know what I want to say. It is not easy for me to put into words what I feel for you, for no words can reflect the magnitude of my love." He grabs Caitlin's hand. "When I say that I love everything about you, I'm not exaggerating at all. I love the way you adorably pout whenever you're annoyed. I love the way you bit your lower lip whenever you're nervous. I love the way you gesticulate your hands while talking about science. I love that your first sentence spoken to me was I need you to urinate in this," Caitlin chuckles, letting tears flow down her face. "You made quite unordinary first impression on me. I must admit that at first, I saw you as an uptight doctor, but at the same time, I knew that deep emotions were hidden under sad eyes and rough words. I was not wrong. You proved not only wise and responsible. After some time, it turned out that you were... you are the best person I've ever known. Your kindness has no limits, you can always see the good in everyone and believe that everyone can be saved. You are also honest, sometimes even too much, funny, brilliant and beautiful in every respect. Every morning I wake up at your side and I cannot believe you're still here because I don't really deserve you."

He pauses for a moment, holds Caitlin's hand with both of his and kisses it gently.

"From the very beginning, you've been challenging me, urging me to be better. You've believed in me even when no one else could. From today until the very end, I intend to love you immensely, support you as you have supported me over the last few years, respect and make you as happy as you make me. I'm crazy about you, Caitlin Snow, and I'll never let you go."

Speechless, Caitlin does not know what to say, but Barry knows exactly what to do. He goes to the laptop and after a few clicks of the mouse, the song so dear to their hearts resounds in the bedroom.

"Oh, Barry…"

She can't help smiling when Barry grabs her hand and pulls her into the middle of the room to dance to their song.

"Summer lovin' had me a blast," he sings, pulling her closer. "Summer lovin' happened so fast."

As the words I met a girl crazy for me, I met a boy cute as can be can be heard, this time Caitlin is the one to initiate the kiss.

Tell me more, tell me more,

Was it love at first sight?

All the stress caused by the wedding seems unreal now. Barry is not the flash at the moment, who risks his life to save the city every day. Caitlin is not a scientist with an alter ego named Killer Frost. Today they are only a pair of young people in love whose desires are simple; to be together.

He got friendly, holdin' my hand

Well she got friendly, down in the sand

"We're quite the pair, Mr. Allen," she whispers.

The music is coming to an end, and their bodies are slowly swaying to the melody known only by them. Their hearts beat in the same rhythm, and their lips grin at the thought of endless happiness.

"Yes, we are, Dr. Snow-Allen."