Hey! Guys I know its been awhile but ive been working on this chapter for a long time I hope you enjoy please don't forget to comment HAPPY READINGS!- Story Lover8

Death. A word no one is really fond of. Death brings grief and sadness and makes you lose the ability to see the light in dark times. Death strips you of everything until you are nothing but a quivering mess…

Ally POV

I groggily open my eyes looking through a blurry haze to see four blurry unmoving shapes near me strewn on the floor. I open my mouth to speak, scream, shout anything to catch their attention but the shapes stayed silent unmoving. Frustration and anger flows through me as darkness creeps back pulling me in.

"Don't you ever think destiny brought us together" Austin looks at me as we stare up at the night sky the last night of summer. The night before the beginning of second grade I look up at his happy face smiling at me through his two front teeth missing. "Austin we just so happen to be neighbors don't be so cheesy plus the weirdest thing is that our parents are all best friends" I say rolling my eyes. "Oh yeah right I know you believe in destiny I've read you diary" he shrugs his shoulder as he casually drops a bomb of a secret. "You've read my diary! Austin that's private!" I feel my cheeks warm up with anger as I stand up as he grimaces and gives me the saddest puppy dog eyes our moment is interrupted when we hear screaming. We race up the hill and hide in the shadows as we see our obviously drunk parents fighting. "You're a slut! Penny and you Mike I'm going to kill you" Daddy screams at mommy as she's on the floor crying Austin's daddy is glaring at my daddy as Austin's mom is on a chair hands covering her face. I take a step forward to my mommy I hate hearing her cry "No Ally we can't… I don't think they're best friends any more" Austin says he pulls me back into the shadows to watch the scene play out.

I gasp as I stir up and take in my surroundings I'm in a gray room with only a flickering lightbulb above giving light then I notice Austin, Dez, Trish and Alex are slumped on the floor not moving panic rises inside me as I see them. "AUSTIN, TRISH , DEZ , ALEX ! CAN YOU HEAR ME!GUYS PLEASE!" Fear rises as they remain still until Austin groans "Ally?" "I'm here, I'm here" he stirs up and takes in where we are. Trish stirs up soon after Alex and Dez soon after I noticed I was holding in my breath until they all woke up.

"Where are we" Austin asks "I don't know I remember us being in the cabin and then everything goes dark" Dez says as he frowns. "Well whoever did this obviously doesn't want us going anywhere" she says eyeing the locked door. "Wait where's blonde Barbie and her minions? This doesn't make any sense we went all together to the camp unless…" Alex asks. "Unless… Barbie was there to keep an eye on all of you until Mr. Moon and Mr. Dawson were able to retrieve you all love the nickname by the way" Cassidy says as she struts in. "Did you say my father and Ally's where there to get us hmm I wonder how we could avoided that" Austin glares at me as I scoff "Of course we get captured by your psycho girlfriend and our obsessed fathers and this somehow is my fault". "That's not fair" Trish shouts out soon after Dez and Alex get in as we all start screaming at each other and Cassidy smirks watching us crumple.

Our fathers walk into the room as Cassidy walks out and we all fall silent as Austin and my father pull chairs out as they sit. "Now children were sorry to put you in this situation but truly we only needed Austin and Ally but you three would be a problem if left alone". Austin's father said as held each of our stares. "Now, Ally we spoke last time in the café at the university do you not remember or did you choose to defy me child" he scolds me as if I'm the one with the problem. "No I did not forget and I didn't defy you Austin and I are no more than acquaintances with mutual friends" I spat out. "ITS NOT ENOUGH!" my father screams as Austin father taps his shoulder but my father roughly stands up. "You were supposed to be in rehab" I stated trying to change the conversation. "A more urgent situation presented that needed my attention as Mike explained to me" my dad said pointing between Austin and I. "Is this always how it's going to be Ally and I are just friends but even if we were more that isn't any of your damn business were no longer those kids you can manipulate and threaten were adults who can choose whatever we damn please" Austin huffed out as both our dad's eyes blazed with anger.

"All we wanted from you too was separation is that too much to ask! Are you brains incapable of such an easy tasks we didn't want it to come to this but we had no choice DO YOU NOT GET IT" Austin's dad shouted at us as if they're demands were one of a sane person. "So now you choose Austin or Ally's life if you can't live together peacefully death will be a big enough separation" my dad grinned with a gleam in his eyes. "WHAT!" We all shouted, "ARE YOU DEMENTED" Trish shouted my dad glared at her. "Watch your mouth Del La Rosa that why we needed you, Dez and the kid with the black hair Austin and Ally obviously can't choose they'd choose to save each other's life pathetic really so you three will choose for them really it's a great way to see where your loyalties at don't you think" my father stated. "You're a psychopath if you think we'd choose between them this isn't a fucking game show were talking about our best friends life. Your children's life for fuck sake" Dez glared at both our parents.

"Don't you think we know that! Will miss whoever it is terribly but it has to be done for our children sake so don't come here Wade and tell me what we are risking will give you some time to think over your choice" Austin's dad stated. "Thanks" Dez said sarcastically through gritted teeth. The door slammed closed and the silence was deafening. "Choose Ally" Austin rumbled finally "Austin were not choosing are you mental were not going to play their sick games" Dez said. "Don't be an idiot Austin choose him guys I'm not going to let you die because of me" I said "NEITHER WOULD I THIS IS NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION YOUR CHOOSING HER AND THAT'S FINAL" Austin shouted. "This is not your choice to make Austin not this time" Dez glared at him, Austin huffed in disbelief. Then… silence no one spoke it felt like years went by but then it felt like seconds when the doors opened with Our killers. Our fathers. Coming to hear the verdict and with our lives in our best friends hands.

"Well I'm assuming we have our choice then hmm" Austin's father walked in gun in hand waiting to kill with no remorse. "We. Are. Not. Choosing" Dez stated firmly Austin's face paled with fear. "Come again" my father growled. "Do you want me to spell it out were not choosing who gets to die you sick bastard" Dez spat out. Austin's dad sigh dramatically looked at all of us and then at my dad and shrugged "Either you choose one or we kill both" Austin's dad stated. "WHAT! Dez we talked about this Trish! Fucking Parker choose her dammit choose her" Austin's voice broke in desperation. "Quit the fucking show Austin I raised you better if there not choosing because it breaks there pathetic hearts will choose" his dad said as he aimed his gun towards Austin and the gun was fired. "NO!" I shouted and then the gun was aimed at me and the gun was fired again but I felt as a body went on top of me as I closed my eyes. Trish shouted in agony as I opened my eyes to see an injured Dez on top of Austin and an injured Alex on top of me "Shit it looked so much easier in the movies" Alex smiled through bloody teeth I laughed at the stupid joke but it broke into a sob halfway "You're not dying do you understand me do not even think of closing your eyes you idiot" I hugged him to me.

Trish looked around angrily shouting and screaming as Austin was shouting at Dez and I hurriedly checked a groaning Alex. The police busted in aiming their guns at our fathers screaming to put their hands above their heads but I heard only the bussing of it as if the noise was miles away. Trish hugged me and whispered something as I held Alex tightly but I felt nothing I was numb just watching the mess in front of me.

Death. A word no one is really fond of. Death brings grief and sadness and makes you lose the ability to see the light in dark times. Death strips you of everything until you are nothing but a quivering mess and today death took my dearest friend Alex Parker too soon. An over energetic, positive guy who would go on about true love and what true heroism is, even in the darkest of days he was there to show me the light at the end of the tunnel. Forever in my mind will I cherish those small amount of days that I had with Alex until it feels as If I had years with him. Alex died a hero to me and many others he sacrificed himself for what he felt was worth it and everyday will I be forever grateful to him. In my eyes Alex Parker was able to achieve true heroism so when I remember him it will not be with sadness but with happiness and joy.

Alex died on the way to the hospital. He smiled up at me through bloody teeth in the ambulance as I held his hand "Sometimes love is worth sacrificing your life for Ally" he whispered to me as I hugged him tightly and heard his heart stop beating and the machining flat lining to conform it.

I appreciate all the people who have been reading my story and following it from the beginning even with my hectic uploading schedule. The last chapter will be coming out soon. I wish everyone a late happy New Year I hope you spend it well. Please don't forget to comment your thoughts on this chapter I as well will be answering some questions so feel free to ask anything till next time- Story Lover8