If you recognise it… I don't own it.


It wasn't an unusual situation in theory. A SHIELD STRIKE teams fighting a Supervillain. It was a situation that had happened many times before.

However this time it was different. Because this time it was taking place on the Helicarrier as it floated in the sky.

It was a situation that should never have been able to happen. The Helicarrier was currently utilising its invisibility mood. Yet the Supervillain had had no trouble in locating and attacking the floating fortress.

This particular Supervillain, on the other hand, was known for being quite technologically advanced. So if anyone would have been able to track them, it would probably have been him. And it was something that the techs would have to investigate later.

The STRIKE team were hard pressed to keep the Supervillain back. He was being far more intent in his attacks than he had ever been before. Far more reckless in his attacks.

One of the doors to the Helicarrier opened; one of the Avengers stepped out. A large circular shield on his arm, clearly displayed.

Seemingly without fear of an attack, he walked across the carrier's deck towards the Supervillain.

"I know you can hear me." He called out.

There was no response. There was no change in the Villain's attack.

"I know you can." The Avenger repeated, "And I know why you're doing this."

A blast was fired, coming dangerously close to the Avenger. But it never touched him. And he didn't even flinch.

"I know." The Avenger stated once again, "I get it. And I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry! I'm sorry that we drove you to this. I'm sorry that we lied to you. And above all…"

He moved so that the shield was resting on the ground, his hands positioned on top keeping it upright.

"I'm sorry that Captain America is dead." Hawkeye addressed Iron Man.


This was the scene that inspired my NaNoWriMo adventure last year. So the story is following. However it is a long one. I've nearly hit 110,000 words and I still haven't reached the scene this is a teaser of.

The problem is lack of motivation. So I'm posting it, so that you, my delightful readers, will motivate me. Reviews would be great. But just knowing that someone somewhere is interested enough to read this will be enough for me.

If I hit 150,000 words before reaching the scene above… Then I'm going to worry. And possibly buy my nearest reader (who knows who they are) a drink. They've been betting that for quite a while.

Please Review.

I write stories because I can't draw. I have all these images in my head that I cannot reproduce. So I try to describe them with words. If anyone would like to try to translate what I have written into what they think I saw in my head, they have my permission. I only ask that I be notified of it, so that I may look and go "Ooooh!".