I don't own Harry Potter. I am not making any money off of my fanfictions

Summary: Hermione realizes that she shouldn't let the insults get her down. She unknowingly does a Tom Riddle. Dark Lady Hermione!

Chapter Song: Beautiful, by Christina Aguilera

Hermione wiped the tears off on her sleeve. She looked in the bathroom mirror with distaste feeling her eyes. She was ugly. Who in the world would want to be friends with her? Her hair looked as if she had not brushed it in days. It was pitiful because it was true. Hermione had no time for the brushing her hair, she didn't need to. There were much more important things in life than trying to be pretty. Her teeth almost poked out to say hello to everyone, but they were much too shy. She was thankful that they were shy for she didn't know what she would do if everyone could see them. It would be much more humiliating than her hair.

"I'll show them. I'll be the most-the most powerful mudblood they'll will have ever known." Hermione tried to say encouragingly to herself, but it came out in hiccups and filled with hidden sobbing. She brushed her hair back and almost groaned as the curly strands flipped back into her eyes as if nothing could hold them down.

She could feel the tingling sensation of loud stomps wandering around outside the hall. "What is that." She whispered quietly to herself, she wanted to push herself against the wall and hide. She gathered her courage and wit all in one place in her mind. Holding her hand towards her heart for a few moments, she brought it down and turned around prepared to face whatever was outside. Only to find out that she didn't have to. The most ugliest thing she had ever seen was staring right back at her with it's small eyes. All of her bravery and wit quickly went running away. She let out a loud scream that seemed to last for a few seconds. It was a troll and the troll also let out a loud roar. It waved it's bat and swung at her. Hermione ducked out of the way and tried to gather her knowledge of trolls to her mind. They were slow and dimwitted.

She raised her wand at it after she realized that this was real and reality was right in front of her. It was live or die. The troll held the bat loosely in his hands and she could use that to her advantage. "Wingardium Leviosa!" She felt the club pull from his hands and he was so slow that he didn't notice what was going on. She flicked her wand downwards and watched as the club thunked against the troll's head and she almost laughed. The adrenaline running through her veins gave her feelings she never knew she could have. The troll collapsed against the ground almost instantly. She felt the bathroom door open again and in rushed the two boys she didn't want to see.

"Hermione, Merlin's beard! You just defeated a troll!" Ronald Weasley said as if that made her something special to him now. Ron stared at her with excitement in his eyes and she wanted to stare at him with hate. She would show him annoying and stupid. Right behind him stood the Harry Potter, he looked at her with an awestruck expression. She turned to walk out the door like it was nothing that was new. She didn't get to as almost all the professors walked in at once.

They took one look at the troll and back at Hermione whose wand was still firmly grasped in her hand. Professor McGonagall looked at her with the most shock and she nearly yelled,"Miss Granger! Why in the world did you directly defy the headmaster's orders! You could have died by doing something so irresponsible!"
"I'm sorry but what orders? I apologize I haven't been feeling well all day."Hermione asked confused. What in the world happened when she was absent? Professor McGonagall looked at her with a bit softer expression.

"Oh you poor child. Did they help you defeat this monster?" She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the drooling troll. Hermione looked at the two sheepish boys and she shook her head. They looked at her shocked.

"They just came in here. I defeated it." Hermione would not forgive them for trying leech away some of her glory and points. Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter did nothing to deserve them.

Professor McGonagall looked at them and then back at Hermione. She gave a stern smile and sighed relieved, "I'm glad none of you were hurt. Twenty points to Gryffindor for Miss Granger's quick actions and thinking. Come now we must get you all to Madam Pomfrey." She led Hermione away with her hand on Hermione's shoulder. Hermione knew that Professor McGonagall was proud of her. She wanted to keep it that way.

"And then Harry defeated the troll by just looking at him!" Hermione wanted to wring Ron's neck! She wasn't an idiot. No one would believe her and that would have to change and change quickly.

She watched from her spot beside Parvati Patil as the dark haired "Chosen One" blushed a deep red but made no move to deny the story.

"Oh you're so brave Harry!"Lavender purred and grabbed the arm of Harry and she held onto it as if it were her lifeline.

Oh yes, Hermione would make sure it would change.

Well this was an idea that just popped into my head. I am not sure if I should continue this. If at least two of you show that you want this story to continue, I'll do it. I hope it isn't that cliche, I haven't seen many of "Dark Lady Hermiones" just laying around.