A/N: Hola people, thanks for reading and hope you enjoy it. This is not my first story but I have deleted those in the past from when I was ten since they sucked enormously. I love Marvel and Captain America and unfortunately I do not own any of the characters, except for Kennedy. By the way, I use the British spelling of some words, not American, just in case you're wondering. Enjoy!

The man in the posh grey suit strode into the conference room, soldiers flanking him left and right. The doors swung open almost as if afraid of his intimidating and authoritative air. Seven men in lab coats immediately rose to their feet only to sit back down with the wave of the man's hand.

"Thank you for coming gentlemen. I need not remind you that this meeting never happened and if you were to breathe a word of this to anyone...well…." Everyone knew what that meant.

"Anyway, we have two issues to discuss urgently. Firstly, we need our medium for PROJECT INSIGHT. Someone with the capabilities to launch the world into the future by creating something that no one has ever dreamed of. Now I know you sorry sons of bitches can't do it so I took it upon myself to find our "saviour". I'll get to that in a bit. Secondly, our soldier has not been entirely up to standard. He's been exerting forms of aggression to the staff and while he has been getting the job done, he has also been experiencing hesitancy with some of his targets." The room murmured uncertainly and in surprise.

"Our forms of mental conformity are not as effective as we thought. So I propose another solution." He pressed a button on the desk and the room darkened dramatically with a chart of CAT scans appearing on the holographic screen, illuminating their anxious faces.

"We monitored his vitals during his last three missions. As you can see here, the cerebrum of the brain especially that involves human emotion is fluctuating and his heart rate increased exponentially at the very moment he shot his target. His record execution is exactly 0.6 seconds. His latest missions have seen an increase of 1, 3 and 4 seconds. Conventional solutions would be further torture but I want to do something different. How about we appeal to those emotions? Give him someone to latch on to; to protect, even to love." Confusion stirred in the air.

"Sir, after all the work we've done on him...is he even capable of such emotions? " the timid scientist in a bowtie asked hesitantly.

"Let's put it this way. Our soldier is like a dog. You show him love and he will become loyal. However, what happens to an individual when you take away someone they care about?" He eyed the men.

"They become cold and detached," one answered hopefully.

"Precisely! Therefore, turning our soldier into the perfect weapon."

"But what does this have to do with our medium, sir?" bowtie asked.

"That's the next best thing," he answered with a small satisfied smile on his face. He touched the desk again and an image of a girl, around 19-20 years of age, platinum blonde hair and startling, otherworldly green eyes that hated the camera for taking her mugshot, came up on the translucent screen before them. Her skin looked like silk except for the minor bruises under her eyes. The popular theory developed among the individuals in the room was that she was a troublemaker of some kind.

The man gazed at her image, fondly and in awe, something that the board never saw before. He would have never let emotion slip that easily. That immediately indicated her extreme importance.

"This young lady, gentlemen, is the key to our future. She will solve our PROJECT INSIGHT problem." The man had his hands behind his back and looked approvingly at the photograph in front of him.

"But what does she have to do with the Winter Soldier?"

"She will do what needs to be done as both our medium and the soldier's constant companion. After our program launches, she will unfortunately succumb to unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, our soldier will become...perfect from the oh-so tragic loss". Nods of approval and excited exchanges took place (which were probably forced).

"I call this Operation Lazarus," the man declared, "our soldier will die inside, only to be resurrected anew." Pierce was so pleased with himself. He should have been the scientist rather than these expendable buffoons.

In the next room, a girl sat on the ground, her body indicating resignation and defeat. She accepted her fate a long time ago, not just as a recently kidnapped victim of this radical organization, but as a target for the universe's irony. She was just bored.

She supposed she was doing fine in her little cell in Pentonville Prison, not getting into any fights but mostly spending her time reading physics and astronomy books; nothing really special. Then suited men (typically seen in movies, the ones who wore sunglasses at night) escorted her out without further explanation. While she thought that a death sentence must have been passed as plans must have changed, she was taken to a van, got a bag placed over her head and driven off to this place…which was God-knows where.

Honestly, if she were to die at this very moment, she would just laugh. She sat cross legged on the cold and damp floor with nothing to entertain herself but the hem of the pants of her orange jumpsuit. She wished she had a tennis ball, she thought, laughing inwardly from the reference to The Great Escape.

A booming voice suddenly echoed through the room, pulling her out of her reverie. A very unattractive and sagging-faced man in a grey suit smiled at her which made her stomach turn. The look in his eyes made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She looked at him up and down skeptically when he suddenly held her by the chin, tilting her head up.

"Such beautiful eyes," he murmured. She immediately pulled away, dying for some face wash or preferably some disinfectant from his calloused hand.

"Thank you for your patience, my dear. I know you have a lot of questions. The only thing you have to know…is that you are here to save the world," he said confidently. She said nothing as she evaluated this clearly loony old hag before her.

The only thing she thought was, 'What the bloody hell does that mean?' Save the world? Probably not.

The man stopped down to her level and unlocked her handcuffed hands. She rubbed the soreness on her wrists and glared at him suspiciously. What was his end-game? What did he get out of this?

"I expect great things from you, Miss Walsh. You are going to shape this world," the man smiled at her. A chill ran up her spine. She didn't like the sound of that. Without another word, the man left.

One of the HYDRA main guys, Rumlow, waited for his superior in the hallway and immediately stood at attention when he came into view. Pierce nodded at him.

"At ease," he said.

"Your orders, sir?" Rumlow asked.

"I think it's time to wake up an old friend," he replied, leading his minion to the building's cryo-deck.