Disclaimer: I don't own Pitch Perfect or Pitch Perfect 2. Those belong to the writer's and producers who make a lot more money then I do.

So a friend has been asking me to write a BeChlo story and I had seen a couple where Emily is a love child so I got this idea and decided to run with it. We will see where this goes.

Hope you enjoy the first chapter.

My Girl


Chapter 1

"Mom, no way did aunt Stacie go to the a cappella announcer and seduce her!" Emily shouted as her mom flipped through their book of pictures from her college days. Telling old stories from their days as a Bella.

"Totes true, in the announcer's box too. Stacie had said it was a fun night."

"Ew. Mom please, I have heard enough of Stacie sex stories to last me a lifetime."

"Why is Stacie telling my eighteen year old sex stories?"

Both women on the couch turned at the voice coming though the door behind them.

"Mommy! You're home!" Emily squealed jumping up to hug the other woman.

A smile split the woman's face as she caught her little girl in a hug. Looking over her daughter's shoulder she mouths at her wife Love you

Her wife smiles mouthing it back before the woman turns her attention back to her daughter huffing. "So why is it that I get the 'Mommy' name when she is excited and Mother when she is serious but you always get Mom. And why are we talking about Stacie and sex on your eighteenth birthday because I have got to tell you that isn't what I wanted to hear when I walked in. Actually I don't want to know about Stacie and sex period."

"Oh hush. You make a great mommy." Her Mom teased.

Turning her Mommy loose Emily stepped away as her Mom sauntered up to them. When their friends were in town she would pipe up with them that her moms were so grossly affectionate with each other it was enough to rot a person's teeth. At home she secretly loved to see them still have so much passion and love for one another. The craziest time she ever had the pleasure of watching was about five years ago when all her aunts came over and a pillow fight broke out.

Feathers flew everywhere.

If someone had said that a bunch forty-year-old ladies couldn't act like a kids, she would and could prove them wrong. Going back to the couch she picked up the album again noticing something she hadn't before. In many of the photos one of the girls always had her back to the camera.


Flipping to a for more shots Emily realized it was the same. The girl was tall with long black hair but she could never see her face.

"Mom, Mother who is this?"

She looked up in time to see her Mom shoving her tongue down her Mother's throat. Blushing she looked back down at the pictures again. She had loved the stories of them as Bellas. She had applied to Barden and had gotten in. It was exciting. When she had first brought up them all going back they had told her she would be fine on her own. After a lot of pleading they finally agreed to move there while she did her freshman year. Her Mother could work from anywhere and her Mom had retired a few years ago.

Finally her Mother broke the kiss, blushing like always then came over to see what their daughter was looking at. As soon as she saw the photo her eyes went distant. It was a look her Mother was getting more and more as she grew older. The first time she had noticed the odd look was when she hit sixteen. Her Mother had walked into the kitchen looked at her with a smile as she continued to the frig. Took two steps before slamming to a halt then whipped around to stare at her. Mumbling something about impossibilities she had left to go find her Mom.

There had been an argument and a few things thrown before her Mom had come down only to let her mouth drop then hurry back up the stairs where there was more shouting.

"Her name was Emily Junk, she was a legacy to Katherine Junk who was from the 1981, I think, Bellas. She pioneered the synced bootie shake and had a high vocal range."

"It was 5 octaves honey. Legacy had confirmed it when she said that Katherine still did and that we would not want to hear her mom doing it with her dad."

"Whatever, anyway so we called her Legacy most of the time. She was really camera shy and avoided photos whenever she could."

Emily continued to stare at the photo for a bit when the door bell rang signaling the rest of her family was starting to come.