GMW Oneshot- Title Unknown:

So, this is a GMW Rucas Oneshot Collection literally called Title Unknown. It's not that I don't know the title, but, that is the name of the fic. You'll see. Anyways, some will have different endings than a lot of my regular fanfics do, but I won't spoil that either. Before I say too much, I'll get to the first story, which is all Riley, but kind of sad.

"I've been waiting, for a, day like this to come-" I attempt to silence my alarm, but instead choose to listen to the song anyways. "Struck like lightning, my hearts, beating like a drum, on the edge of something wonderful." I then decide to turn my alarm off, but my alarm won't go off! "I feel alright I'm gonna take on the world!" My alarm finally goes off after the chorus starts, and I wake up from my bed as alert and focused as Abraham Lincoln's security was in the Ford's Theater. In other words, not at all focused. I somehow manage to get nice new clothes on before heading to family breakfast with Maya and Farkle. Lucas hasn't been doing much since his dad died, and I hardly ever see him anymore, but I still love him just the same if not more anyways. He went from the social kid who always sat in the front to being the silent kid in the back of the room who never said a word all class. He was almost always silent any time, unless I tried to talk to him first about something, which was very rare because I'm too scared to talk to him. The thoughts instantly depress me, and everyone already knows why I'm like that.

"You know, he will talk to you if you are brave and go up to him first," Maya tells me.

"If he likes me like you claim, he would be able to come up to me and talk to me," I tell her, as she gets an evil smirk on her face again.

"You, Miss Matthews, shall get your wish," Maya replies. I regret making the threat, immediately, but I quickly shift thinking, to realizing it might not be the worst thing in the world. I mean, I can't just not talk to someone I like forever, right? I'm going to have to change at some point. Why not now? Why not enjoy my time on this earth? Why would I want to live my life in complete sadness. It makes little sense that I worry so much about these things, but I guess I'm human. Or so they tell me...

"Riley, are you rambling? What about now..." Maya said.

"Well, life, Maya. Life." I tell her not giving up my secret. "I really don't think Lucas talking to me is a good idea. I don't think either of us want to talk yet," I add.

"Well, maybe we will just have to push him into you then. Unless you don't want that either," Maya said, much to my dismay.

"Nope. I don't want to even think about him because all it does is make me sad. Once again, I claim that if he likes me and notices me not looking at him, he might ask what's wrong or at least come talk to me." I say.

"Riley, do you want to take that risk? I know how you are. If he doesn't talk to you, you'll just get upset, want to cry in your room for three days and not come out, and-" I cut Maya off.

"This is not true, obviously. I do not get that upset." I argued.

"Um, what happened Fourth of July?" She asked.

"Did you just?! How dare you! His dad died, of course I was upset for him! If my dad died, I don't know what I'd do with my life." I say, just as I see my dad come in to check if we are up for school.

"Thanks for the compliment. Glad to see you're up. Breakfast will be ready in about fifteen minutes." Dad informs before leaving.

Ugh. I hate how Maya brought that up. Now, I feel like sitting in my room and crying for three days. That was the saddest weekend of my life.


"Why isn't Lucas answering his phone?" I whine to Maya "He always answers within an hour outside of school." I continue.

"He might be grounded? I don't know..." Maya said.

"For what? I hope it wasn't bad..." I say, right as he calls. When he calls, that's not good. It's terrible. Since neither of us like calling each other, he only does it when something bad is happening, or he's in a bad mood at me.

"You going to answer that?" Maya asks before I pick it up.

"Hey! How are you?" I ask trying to sound normal.

"Not good. You?" He questions.

"Well, how I feel isn't important. You called?" I ask, as Maya gives me a thumbs down, indicating I shouldn't have said that. She's helping me talk to Lucas on the phone.

"It is important. I need something to keep me sane. That's you. So, I ask again how are you." Well, someone's being hissy today!

"I'm alive. I guess that's good. I'd say I'm alright. Bored out of my mind, but alright." I say. Maya gives me a thumbs up this time, meaning I said something good.

"Thanks. I was hoping you'd be in a fantastic mood right now, but oh well. Better than I, I suppose." He says.

"So... You called to try and make me feel better? Why didn't you just text?" Like normal...

"Well, this is definitely not going to help you feel better, but I have a terrible message for you. You see... I really don't feel like telling you this over the phone. I'll meet you at your favorite place in 20 minutes. See you soon." He said as he hung up. He quickly texted don't bring anyone else too, meaning something seriously bad is going to happen. Well, I'm already in a bad mood. I haven't even heard what he has to say yet.

"Maya, what's my favorite place?" I ask, thinking about my hundreds of favorite places.

"When Lucas says it, it's the Library." She says. I then have to give her the bad news.

"Maya, he said you can't come. Oh, and I have less than 20 minutes to get there, and I don't look cute right now." I tell her, not mentally ready for whatever was to come.

-End Flashback-

"Riley, I'm sorry okay... Now let's get ready for school," Maya said as I got out of my flashback moment.

"Maya, you know that moment scarred (not scared) me for the rest of my life, right?" I tell her.

"Well, then it looks like today you need to create a new moment. A moment between you two that will erase the bad memories." Maya added.