Okay, I know wwhat your all probably thinking. 'Why start a new story when you have 2 others in progress?' Well I thought this would be a really good story. So as you all know by now the story idea that got the most votes was the time freeze one. Soooooooo here it is. I finally got the time and wrote the first chapter. Now, I know it is not very long, but it is indeed something...different. So I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I would also like it if you would review at the end of the chapter just so that I can get a feel of how you felt the story was. I shall also be updating my other 2 stories when I have the time. This story is going to be rated T for now but I will probably rate it M later on. There will be some later Ausly and I was thinking of adding so dirty smut stuff later on. So I hope you all enjoy!

I do not own Austin & Ally!

October 19 1997

That was the day where everything started... It was a beautiful day. The sun was resting high in the sky and there was not a cloud to be seen. The beaches of Miami were packed with hundreds of people; tanning, swimming, and just enjoying a beautiful day out in the hot sun.

Except for one person in particular.

"Mimi, just calm down. Everything is going to be okay!" Mike Moon explained to his wife, Mimi Moon, who was now going into labour. "Ah!" She yelled, gripping her husbands hand oh so very tight. "Could we please get doctor Smith in here, NOW!" Mike yelled over the pain his wife was squishing into his poor hand.

"Doctor Smith will be with us momentarily, he is just finishing up in the OR." Said a tall Mexican woman. Mimi yelled out in agony yet again, her contractions were getting steadily more and more painful. Then-

"Mimi? Mimi!?" Mike yelled as his wife lay still on the hospital bed.

The nurse rushed to her side. "We need to get doctor Smith in here...NOW!"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Sir, this is completely normal."

"What? What is?"

"Your wife's heart has stopped beating."

"WHAT! You call this NORMAL?! Her heart has stopped beating and that means she is technically dead and so is my baby!?"

"Sir please calm down. Doctor Smith will be here soo-"

"What's the holdup?" Said a young good looking man in his mid twenties. "Doctor, the patients has gone into labour and her heart has stopped beating."

"I see, everyone clear away!"


"Sir, please let go of your wife."

Mike let go of her hand. "Clear!" Yelled the doctor. Mimi soon gasped for air, but the pain soon kicked in once again. "We need to get this baby out, nurse."

"Yes doctor?"

"Let's start shall we."

"Of course doctor."


"Mimi, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He said as he took ahold of his wife's hand. "Okay Mimi, I'm gonna need you to give me a push."


"Okay, good-good. Once more. And, push. That's great your doing great. Just one more. One more."

The hospital room was soon filled with the high pitched sound of a baby's crying. As doctor Smith took the baby in his hands he smiled up at the two new parents. "Mike Mimi, I would like to congratulate you both on becoming parents of a baby boy." As the nurse handed the bundle of joy to his mother, warm tears were streaming down Mimi's face.

"He's beautiful." Mimi said as she cooed at her baby boy. "He is isn't he." Mike said as he gazed down upon his beloved baby boy. "Have a name mam?" Asked the nurse, as she held n baby tag in her left hand and a pen in the right.

"Austin, Austin Monica Moon."

The nurse smiled brightly at the couple and their newborn. Clipping it around Austin's right ankle. "We love you Austin, me and your father love you oh so very mush." Mimi said as she kissed the top of his head. "Wanna hold him?"

"Can I?"

"Of course...he is your son after all." Gently giving Austin to his father, she admired them. 'My two favorite boys in the hole wide world.'

Then suddenly, time froze and the only one still moving and breathing was Austin. But then suddenly, everything and everyone unfroze and no one remembered a thing. No one noticed that they had been frozen, even if it was only for a second or one new...


Austin was playing with his plastic cars on the dinning room floor as his mother was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. His father had just come home from a long day at work, but he did not have a care in the world.

Doing as he usually does, greeting his wife, and then going to great Austin. Everything was as it should be, normal. But then-

There were windows being broken, doors being slammed open, and men in black suits rushing in. Mimi was the first to react as she grabbed Austin and ran, she ran upstairs to Austins bedroom. Mike not far behind. Slamming the door shut they looked at each other.


"I know." Sadness on bother their faces. "Mommy, I'm scared." Said a 4year old Austin, tears streaming down his face.

"I know baby, but everything is going to be okay." Mimi said, smiling at her son. There was banging coming from the other side of the door. "Mimi, we don't have much time." Nodding She hugged Austin as tightly as she could, placing him in the closet. "Austin, mommy and daddy love you oh so very, very much. We are so proud of the young boy you have grown up to become and no matter what happens, always stay true to yourself okay? Find love and happiness someday, okay?" Nodding, as tears stream down his face. Mimi quickly kissed the top of his head as Mike did the same. "Grow up to be big and strong son. And don't let anyone ever change who you are. Fight for what you believe in and do what is right. I love you son and no matter what, we will always be there for you."

"Here, take this." Mike says as he gives Austin a big black duffle bag. "There are nice guys going to come and help you okay? And when they do come, we want you to give this to them. Can you do that champ?" Sniffing he nods his head. "Now be quite okay."

"Mike!" Kissing his forehead and messing up his hair they close the closet door. Then men come barging in through the big wooden door. "Where is he!" Yelled the one man. "Where is who?" Asked Mimi. Hitting her across the face the man yells. "Don't lie to me! The boy! Where is the boy!"

Looking up, blood on her lip she speaks with venom in her voice, "leave my fucking son alone."

"Bitch!" The man says as he shoots her.

"Mimi!" Mike yells rushing towards her. Austin covers his mouth with his hand. 'Be quite.' He keeps telling himself. "Get up!" Another man says trying to drag Mike away from his bleeding wife. But obviously he doesn't cooperate. "Get away from her!"

*bang! Bang! * Mike is shot. Falling towards the floor. "Go look outside, maybe he's there." The men leave the room, in search of Austin. "Austin..." His mother faintly says, tears forming in her eyes. "Don't come out okay. Wait for the good guys to come. *coughing* We love you Austin, and we *coughing * always will. Mommy love you. Mommy...lov-" his mother couldn't finish her sentence as the last bit of oxygen she had left...was gone. Gone forever and never to be returned again.

Austin was now crying, tears were streaming down his face, when suddenly the sound of guns being shot could be heard from outside, along with police sirens. Men were screaming as the sound quickly quieted down. Loud footsteps could be heard from the other side of the closet door. The voices were slowly coming closer to where Austin was. His heart started to race and he got scared.

Closing his eyes shut as the door swung open. "He's here, I repeat the boy is fine." Said the man. Austin slowly opened his eyes, to reveal non other than his favorite uncle. "Uncle John!" Austin yells as he swings his arms around his uncles neck, the tears still stream down his face. "Its okay Austin. Everything is going to be okay." He said as he hugged Austin tightly. "Mommy and daddy wanted you to have this." Austin says between cries as he hands his uncle the black duffle bag. Taking it he looks inside to find various things. His eyes are sad, as single tears stream down his face but there is a small smile on his face.

"Thanks buddy. Now, let's get you somewhere safe." John says as he picks Austin up and starts to carry him outside. But before they leave, time stands still and Austin looks as his parents. His father has a ghost of a smile on his face, where as his mother is smiling a bit bigger. He takes one last look at his parents before time continues...

So iI hope you all liked the chapter. Don't worry in the next chapter there will be much explanation. So if you are confuses don't worry, everything will clear up soon. Please review, like and or follow. I would also like to hear any suggestions that you might have or would like to see happen in the story or should like to add. Any ideas are welcome! Enjoy your weekend! I love you guys soooo much and I would just like to thank you all for reading and supporting me and my stories!