Luke was a normal person living an average life till his world was turned upside. Luke woke up his head was spinning around because he just be part of a historical event. As Luke looked around the place he was in the middle of an open desert. He walked a thousand miles in a hell whole by what Luke was seeing. As Luke stopes he felt like he was being watched by someone. He was not that stupid he looked very small in size, but he was cunning, witty, he knows how to fight if it came down it his head was still spinning like he wanted to vomit, but he could not he was only (16) he was very cocky that's what his school teachers say anyway.

"Hay yo bitch! Is anyone around here!" Said Luke.

Still no response this was very strange he wasn't in a mood today his whole had meaning. The sun was hot like he was backing it was so hot he need water the water was the only source of keeping him alive.

Then he saw something, a massive army heading towards him. He wasn't so sure he was in England anymore. He looked to see a man who was tall the army was threatening figure. Luke froze in fear.

They surrounded him and they pointed their spears at him. Okay, he was not in England anymore, that's for certain he wasn't so sure how about how he was going to approach this.

He came off his horse he came to see him, he inspected him he was big and filled with muscles. He was like a wrestler. The men looked at him as well as the women this was not he was hoping for (play it cool) thought Luke then all of sudden he fainted. He awoke in a tent his clothes were stripped then he was in different clothes.

"Hay! Yo! Bitch what's going on here bitch! Where are my clothes!" Said Luke.

"Your clothes have been burnt.. The names Joarh I am going to protect you unfortunately this place you find yourself in is filled with death." Said Joarh.

"So I am not in England? Anymore I was going to see my friends at the park bitch! Why I am here is this Harry Potter magic!" Said Luke.

"Listen don't cause a moment here you will have a meeting with with Karl Drogo and his new bride." Said Joarh.

"That's totally stupid! I do not need to prove myself to a guy who stripped me down and burnt my clothes!" Said Luke.

"Listen kid you're in mortal danger right now your some kind of witch of some sort." Said Joarh.

"Listen to me, you tell Karl, what's his face that I am ready to see him now! I want answers!" Said Luke.

Luke waited to see if this horseman guy will see him. This was a bad day indeed look. The hours ticked by this was getting annoying. He wanted to go and get some answers. Luke was not going to be bossed around so early Luke saw him. Then the whole camp looked at him.

"What's up bitch! Your Karl Drogro right the man who punched me in the face, listen to me, I want to know where I am? What I am doing here?!" Said Luke.

The man looked at him, he walked towards him he had a long hunting sword. Joarh looked at thinking this was not a good idea.

"Drogro don't he's not worth it, please come." Said the young blonde women.

"This is the crap you know this what is going on this crazy country! Who are you people!" Said Luke.

"You're in the narrow sea, that's all I am going to say to you, until then Joarh will protect you." Said the unknown blonde women.

"Hey, I can handle myself thanks you!" Said Luke.

"You will do what the queen says or else!" Said the big man.

"Okay, fine but I want more answers about why I am here this is bullish it!"

Said Luke.

"daenerys , is this what you wish for me to protect the boy?" Asked Joarh

"Yes, that's been my wish, my friend and thank you this my wedding night after all." Said Daenerys.

Later on that night Luke was by himself looking at the sea. Crashing against the shore. The music was loud enough for him to hear. The jar was wondering what he was up to.

"This is a big celebration of marriage between two people, Luke you know who the mother of dragons is right?" Said Joarh.

"The mother of dragons! Well we have a Welsh dragon on a flag that's is close you get to a dragon." Said Luke.

"Everything you see here is a result of a war for the iron-throne, that's what people want." Said Joarh.

"No offence but can you email me this story it sounds so brilliant." Said Luke.

"I'll leave you to your thought." Said Joarh.

"Jorah I just want to be able to be myself and not be judged about who I am you know." Said Luke.

"Hang in there kid you will be fine," Said Joarh.

That's great advice thought Luke. He was busy humming a song. He wanted to know what about his place in his new world. It was so messed up like he looked around to see if he was on his own.

He played with his long brown hair and blue eyes looked around his new surroundings. Luke felt so alone and isolated from home. Luke was scared a about his new company as well he didn't know much about them. Dany was watching he was scared about where he was. He look at him before he turned to see her not so far away she walked away back to her husband.

Strange thought Luke he need to keep to nose clean he can't afford any mistakes or he's dead. He as to be friends with them. (How is that going to work?) he thought. He was making a list on what to do next.

"This was not a good idea." Thought Luke but he had no choice he had to do something. He had to be-friend these people.

Thought Luke but can he fight if it came down to it?