Gabriel wasn't a normal angel by any means. After all he wasn't just an angel, he was an Archangel. Capitol 'A' and all. At this particular moment he wasn't feeling very powerful though. To be fair it's not like when Dad had created him he had planned for Gabriel to be stabbed by an Archangel blade. His own no less!

Well, even if this wasn't exactly what he had planned at least he was alive… probably. The strange black expanse he currently found himself in seemed like space, though he wasn't sure if there was a place for angels to go if they died.

As soon as Lucifer had swung his blade to his skin he had skedaddled out of there. Leaving behind just enough grace to make a nice, large shockwave and a pair of ashy wings with the remains of his vessel.

The universe that Gabriel found himself in wasn't the Earth Prime, the one where most angels stayed. Here the magic was more scientific, and there were many planets with sentient life. He was in one of the branch-off universes, a variation of the original. Which, really, was probably a good thing.

Most angels tended to stick to the original Earth. That was where the Hell was most active, where Father was last seen, and it was the place that would set off the apokalypse for all of creation. Fun stuff.

There, at the very edge of his being, was a humanoid and Aesir.

It looked to be a young one, no more than four-hundred years certainly. But perfect for a vessel, so he asked.

He revealed himself to be Loki, formerly of Asgard. And after some coxing he began to tell Gabriel his story.

Gabriel felt for the kid, really. Family problems were one thing he could relate too and though Loki's problems with his brother Thor were nothing in comparison to Gabriel's problems with his brothers he still wanted to help.

After finishing by telling Gabriel of his encounter with Thanatos and his attack on Midgard, Earth, Loki looked pitiful and broken. He felt that he had nothing left to live for and wanted nothing more than death.

So, Gabriel gave it to him. Loki said "yes" to being a vessel and when Gabriel entered his now host's body he carefully wrapped the tattered and shivering soul in his grace. Both healing and protecting the young god.

Sadley it would be unlikely for Loki to ever come back. An archangel's grace was a large thing and eventually Loki's soul would be smothered or even absorbed by it. It was as Loki wished, his body would serve a greater purpose and he would be able to painlessly pass on. Gabriel always personally escorted his vessel's soul to Heaven.

With the matter of a vessel settled Gabriel went off to explore the universe, he hadn't visited this one in a long while.

The place was… different. That was for sure.

The universe seemed to have an underlying web of energy everywhere. The sort every universe had that defined things like the laws of physics and magic. However… this was different than what he was used to. In the first universe magical creatures, prototype species, were in abundance. All the test runs Dad wasn't sure of.

This universe it seemed was more perfected than most. While he had noticed that there was life in practically everywhere in space it was very different too see how perfected the planet Earth was.

The humans here were much farther ahead technologically than the ones in the Winchester's universe. They were more evolved as well. Gabriel saw signs of change everywhere, as he was looking through various news channels throughout the planet he saw broadcasts on mutants, experimentally enhanced humans, and some sort of metal suit?

Well, wasn't that interesting!

Tony Stark, that was one name he recognized. So this was the place where those comic ideas had come from… some human on the first Earth must have, or had, a connection to this place.

Other than that interesting tidbit though Gabriel didn't see much of interest… except, was that? It was! Somewhere deep in the earth lay something he remembered.

It was an old old weapon, something from the very beginning. When Father had finished creating, well everything, he had had a little bit of 'stuff' leftover. Something like grace only much much more powerful than anything Gabriel had ever known before besides God himself.

Father had given it to Gabriel and told him to get it away from the first universe, so that it wouldn't interfere. Gabriel had bundled it all into a small condensed tesseract and flung it as far as he could, across the universes.

Evidently it had landed here, in this world of heros, mutants, technology, and beings of many worlds.

That tesseract was what he found.

"Well, since I don't have anything else that I have to do…" Gabriel mused, and so he curled his grace around the planet, so that he would know if something important happened, and focused on everything and nothing. The closest thing an angel (Archangel) could do to sleep. After all, Dad did say to love and cherish the humans on every Earth.

Now that he know where the tesseract had gone when he had flung it he couldn't let it just destroy the planet, not now that he knew. He would protect this place, after all, he would probably never be welcome in the first universe so Gabriel would make this his home.

I OWN NOTHING (If I did I would have much more money than I currently have)

So I was reading over the first chapter that I posted and I really didn't like it... So I changed it :).