We're All Broken Inside

I want to thank you for, at least, opening my story. Please be merciful as i don't have much writing experience. So, without further adieu, have fun reading my story!

I do not own Naruto and I never have.


It was a beautiful summer day in The Village Hidden In The Leaves, and it would've been a perfect day, except for the fact that a demon descended on it. The Nine Tailed Fox, or Kyubi, seemed to appear out of thin air, and immediately started wreaking havoc. The leader of the village, the Fourth Hokage, wasn't present inside the village, but was helping his wife through labor as it ocurred, in a secure hospital. The Hokage knew that the Kyubi couldn't be stopped with conventional means of raw strength, at least the strength they could muster, but with a technique that spelled death for its user. As the Yondaime(Fourth Hokage) mulled over his solutions for this disaster, he was tapped on the shoulder by one of the nurses in the room. She asked him,

"Kushina-san has given birth to two beautiful twins, do you want to see them?"

Minato looked up, and nodded quickly, broken of his thoughts. He walked through the door to a sight he could only describe as beautiful. His wife Kushina, dressed in a hospital gown, was cradling her two newborns, her eyes too enraptured in their sight to move. Minato interrupted her gazing, by calling her name, and Kushina's eyes snapped up, as if broken out of a trance.

"Oh, Minato! Come look at our wonderful children." She exclaimed.

Minato looked at her sadly and said, "Kushina-chan, we won;t have time for that. The village has been attacked by the Kyubi." He said in a calm, soothing voice as to not upset her.

Kushina's eyes became wide, and she became very alarmed at this news. She said, "The Kyubi? No one has seen it since my Aunt died with it inside her."

"I know Kushina-chan, and I'm going to have to put it back in a jail cell, and there lies our problem." Minato said, "We need a person to put the Kyubi in, and we both know you need to put it in a host while the host is in infancy."

Kushina looked apthetic to this information, until she put the puzzle pieces together. She looked down at her babies and said incredulously, "No, no,no Minato you can't! These are our children!"

Minato depressingly looked towards her, and sighed. He said, "Kushina this is our only option. I can't ask other parents to give up their children to be jinchurikii."

Minato swiftly took the babies from her weakened grasp and walked quickly from the room, trying to avoid her scorn, but he inevitably heard it as he teleported to one of his Hirashin kunai on the side of the village that was being attacked.

The Yondaime appeared on the wall next to the Sandaime, Sarutobi, who was gazing at the creature in the distance. He looked over to Minato who gasped saw the scorched earth where the Kyubi was in the distance. Sarutobi asked,

"What can we do against it? It is simply too powerful."

Minato replied, "I have created an almost fool-proof seal that can keep the monster locked up, and as you can see, we have the hosts for it." He said, showing Sarutobi his newly-borns.

Minato held one red haired boy with dark, deep brown eyes(look it up, it's possible), and a blonde haired girl with light blue eyes. They were both slowly closing and opening their eyes to adjust to the bright, flame stricken landscape. Minato then said, "The seal has one drawback though, it takes the user's life."

Sarutobi's eyes widened at this and he asked Minato, "Isn't there any other option? The village shouldn't lose such a young Hokage."

Minato replied, "No, this is the only way to stop the beast."

Sarutobi sighed and said, "Let me do it. I'll die."

Minato responded quickly, "No Sarutobi! This is my village and I must protect all the people in it, and that includes you.

Sarutobi said in a commanding voice, "Oh Minato, you are so young, and I am well past my prime as the God of Shinobi.

Minato solemnly nodded, and shortly later, the place where the Kyubi attacked was enveloped in a bright, white flash, and screams of a man who just wanted to protect his home.

[Scene Break]

It was over, the disaster has passed. Minato held his two newborns in his arms, with his wife at his side. Minato was standing on a podium, and in front of him was almost the entire civilian and ninja population of Konoha. He looked up from his wife and kids and started announcing,

"Citizens and ninja alike, rejoice! The Kyubi has been defeated, but only temporarily. You see, I've sealed the Kyubi into my two babies."

Murmurs rang throughout the crowd, showing suprise and small amounts of malice towards the new-borns, as the beast inside them must've taken something or someone close to them. Minato soon resumed talking after he let them process the knowledge at hand.

"Though you may hold hate towards them, they are not the Kyubi, they are my family, and in the many years to come, no doubt they will be your family too. Look at them, you will see they hold no hostility towards you. My daughter, Michiko Namikaze, holds the chakra of the beast. My son, Naruto Namikaze, holds the soul inside of him. They are both mine, and your kin, and I will guarantee that the will of fire that this village holds will run through their blood, and i hope it will be evident, that it runs in your blood too."

The crowd stood in stunned silence for a moment, before they began chanting the names of Minato and his children.

"Minato! Minato! Michiko! Michiko!"

The cries of their names rang loud and clear, but Naruto's name was heard the least, and eventually faded away. Minato felt amazing in this moment, for he and the village had overcome the monstrosity that is the Kyubi and his family has came out better for it. Truly, nothing could best the high he was feeling, and for now, all was well.


That was chapter one! Be sure to give me a heads up if you liked it. Also, on the topic of parings, I might genderbend Sasuke or make a twin for him, as i really like the Naruto/Fem!Sasu pairing.