Lebannon, Kansas- January 1st 2015

Sam and Dean moved slowly through the darkened bunker. Silently, they searched room by room, looking for any sign of movement. Dean tried to keep his deep voice steady as he called out, "Baileigh! Sarah!" Receiving no answer, his flashlight flicked into the next room. There was a rumble in his chest before he called out again, "Come on girls, shout if you can hear me!"

Through the empty halls of the Men of Letters bunker a panicked and muffled scream of "DEAN!" followed by an extended and desperate plea of "NOOOOO!" finally reverberated off the tiles around them. The scream forced the brothers to race down the halls to the library. In the darkness Sam couldn't see the look on his brother's face, but if he could have he would have seen a look of stubborn determination and unyielding fury.

Desperate, Dean whispered for Sam as they approached the steps to the library.

"I know Dean. We'll get them." Sam tried to be as reassuring as possible. His effort was wasted as a child's shriek of terror froze the Winchesters.

Dean's heart seized. "Sarah!" he shouted, bolting forward, leaving Sam behind. His flashlight flicked around the library searching desperately for her. "Sarah!" he screamed again. But there was no sign of her or whatever grabbed her.

"Outside!" Sam shouted hearing the old, heavy metal door to the bunker close. Dean led the way taking the stairs three at a time as they raced out of the bunker. The heavy door opened onto the road just in time to see the silhouettes of several figures running through the shadows of the trees behind the Men of Letters hideout.

Racing after them, Dean skidded to a halt when Sam cried out behind him, "DEAN! WAIT!"

Sam's flashlight was illuminating the body of a young girl sprawled out on the asphalt in a pool of blood.

"NO!" Dean's voice echoed through the trees as he ran as fast as he could back to her side. "No, no, no, no baby girl." He slid to her side and patted her cheek trying to wake her. "Come on sweetheart, Sarah stay with me." When the young girl didn't open her eyes he shouted for his brother's help. But Sam was already at his side.

Sam had two fingers pressed to the side of Sarah's neck, just above a bloody cut at her throat. He waited and counted. Sam shook his head; he couldn't find her pulse.

"Well do something!" Dean demanded. Sam shouldered him out of the way and started CPR. Dean watched Sam compress Sarah's chest with a look halfway between heartbreak and fear. He sat on the wet asphalt in silence, ignoring the rain and the crashing of thunder in the distance. His eyes were focused on Sarah's round face, waiting for her to breathe and open her eyes.

A scream in the woods pulled Dean's attention away from Sarah for a second. It was Baileigh.

"I've got this Dean. Go," Sam panted.

"No," Dean refused. His hands were balled into fists, grinding his knuckles into the rough asphalt. As another scream scared birds from the trees at his back, Dean pressed his fists into the ground and shaved off a layer of skin.

"Go Dean, I won't leave her. I swear." Sam assured him. Rain mixed with the sweat on his brow as he continued CPR on the young girl. A gentle hand rested on Sarah's forehead for a moment before Dean got up and ran into the trees after her mother.