AU In Eclipse after the newborn fight, Alice knows the Volturi is coming. Instead of keeping Bella there, they have the wolves take her back to the reservation when they carry Jacob back. Everything is the same until that point.

This story is rated M.

Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer.

"Sam, we need you to take Bella with you," Edward pleaded as the wolves struggled with Jacob. He was screaming and writhing in pain from the attack of the newborn.

"Edward, we have a bigger problem right now," Sam retorted, as he fought to hold on to Jacob.

"It's a matter of her life, Sam. Please, she cannot be seen by these vampires. They're going to be here in less than 5 minutes. Please take Bella!" Carlisle spoke softly.

"Embry!" Sam called. "Get Bella."

"What? What's going on? Edward, talk to me," Bella stood staring at him.

"Bella, please go. I love you. Jane is ruthless. If she sees you're still human, she will kill you on the spot. I can't risk that. You have to go. You have to go right now!" Edward kissed Bella firmly and pushed her into Embry's arms. "Take care of her."

"Come on, Bella. We've got to go," Embry grabbed her and picked her up. Her stiff body stared over Embry's shoulder as he hustled away from the field. She watched as the Cullen's stared back at her. The haunted look in Edward's eyes would be carved into her memory for eternity. She would never forget how he looked, what he must have known was coming.

Pushing through the woods, Embry stopped briefly and squatted down. "Hop on my back," he told Bella. Once she was securely holding onto him, he ran through the woods leaving behind her vampire family. As Embry ran, she could have sworn she heard Alice shriek, but she couldn't see anything as she looked back.

"Don't let go," Embry warned her. "I need to go faster." He pushed his human form faster away from the site of the newborn battle.

The pack was all headed toward Jacob's house. Bella watched as Sam, Quil and Paul fought to carry Jake's body in the door as he thrashed and cursed. Charlie and Billy were returning from their fishing trip and Billy's face was horrified.

"What's going on?" Charlie asked as Embry and Bella walked up to the door. Bella was too shocked to explain anything, and Embry wasn't sure what to say to the older man.

"Was he bitten?" Billy asked as he rolled in the house behind his son. "Have you called Sue? Where is Dr. Cullen? Shouldn't he be here helping?"

Sam turned to look at Billy and Bella after they finally laid Jacob on his bed. He took a deep breath before he started answering the Elder's questions.

"He wasn't bitten. We just got here, but I sent Seth to get Sue. They should be here soon. Carlisle wanted to be here but at the moment, he's tied up with something more critical."

"More critical?" Billy asked, the sound of incredulity in his voice. "What could be more critical than Jacob's injuries?"

Sam paused and looked to Bella. She nodded slightly.

"Well, they were receiving unwanted guests. It had to be addressed. They all had to be there."

"Unwanted guests?" Charlie asked, curious.

"Seth is here," Paul announced.

Everyone cleared the room except for Sam and Bella. The room barely held the three of them, and Jake's screaming made it hard for anyone to stay close. Bella kneeled down beside the bed and rubbed her palm against Jake's forehead, pushing his hair back off his face. She fought back her own tears as she watched her best friend writhe in excruciating pain.

Sue rushed into the room and began checking Jacob over. His wounds were healing quickly, so she started cleansing the dirt. He continued to scream in pain and Sue whispered to Sam that without equipment there wasn't much she could do. Obviously, he had a number of broken bones and she could take x-rays to know how to begin to reset things. In her bag, she had pain killers and IV fluids, so she began hooking those up to Jacob.

Bella was able to briefly put aside her worries of the Cullens and the Volturi to help comfort Jacob. She spoke softly to him, apologizing for his pain and assuring him that he would be okay. She flinched as Sue inserted the needle to start the fluids.

Sue muttered about how much medication she'd already given him and it didn't even seem to touch his pain. She took out another vial, filled the syringe and pushed it into Jacob's IV. He calmed slightly, but tears continued to stream down his face.

At last, Carlisle showed up. Bella sighed when she heard he was there. She was confident that he could help her friend. He got straight to work and Bella noted that he could barely look at her. She didn't want to interfere with his work, so she stayed back out of the way.

"Sam, I need to rebreak the bones to set them. I'll need help holding him down. Bella, you need to leave the room," he told them, matter-of-factly. Bella left, brushing her hand one last time over Jacob's face.

Everyone remained out in the yard as Carlisle set to work. They could all hear Jacob's violent screaming. Some of them paced the yard, hands clenching and unclenching. While Leah sat staring into the forest, not speaking or moving. Jared and Brady rehashed some events from the fight, amazed at the fighting abilities of Jasper and Emmett. They chuckled now and then as they talked about some awesome feat. Bella stood leaning over the railing. Now that she was no longer focused on Jacob, she began to worry about the Cullens. Were they okay? Why didn't Edward come with Carlisle? He knew she was here and he was almost as skilled as Carlisle in medicine. Carlisle could have used his help.

After what seemed like days, Carlisle and Sam emerged from the house. Sam was covered in sweat and looked exhausted. Everyone gathered near the door so they could hear Carlisle's report. Bella felt safe surrounded by the pack members. They were all touching in some way. Whether their shoulders were touching, or the edges of their feet. Embry stood behind Bella with his hands on her shoulders.

"He'll be alright. I had to reset the broken bones because his healing had already begun. The pain killers aren't really working well for him. I've given him a lot. Enough to be fatal for most humans. He needs to rest, but he will heal. He should not phase until all of the aches and pains are gone. I don't know how long that will be," Carlisle looked around at them. "My family thanks you for your tremendous help today. It has been a hard day for everyone. I've left medical supplies for Jacob and for Sue, in case she ever needs them again."

"Sam, Billy, could I speak to you both in private?" Carlisle asked.

Sam nodded and started to wheel Billy's wheelchair down the ramp. They walked down the road until they were out of sight. A pin drop could be heard and none of the wolves moved, straining their ears to hear the conversation between the trio.

They were gone for close to half an hour before Sam and Billy returned to the house. Billy stared ahead, his eyes unseeing as Sam pushed him. Sam's expression was the typical alpha mask that Bella loathed. She wondered what they had to talk about that no one else could hear, and why didn't Carlisle come back with him? She needed to see Edward.

"Bill? What's going on?" Charlie asked his friend. There was so much happening he didn't understand. How did Jake get hurt? Why did they think he got bit by an animal? Why didn't Carlisle take him to the hospital? And for God's sakes, why didn't Carlisle use better pain killers so Jake wasn't in so much pain?

Billy looked up at Charlie and then at Bella. The unshed tears swelling in his eyes. His breath caught in his chest. "I…we…we need to talk to you guys."

"What happened?" Bella pushed to the front of the group. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Something bad had happened. She could tell.

"Bella, it's time to tell your dad everything. It's the only way I can explain what Carlisle told me," Billy spoke gently to Bella. His hand held hers as his eyes bored into hers. She knew that whatever he told her was going to change her life.

"Okay," she agreed.

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