Complete Opposites

This is my first story so it probably won't be very good but I hope you can enjoy it ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail

Lucy Heartfilia was your typical everyday nerd. She wore her hair strait down every day to hide her face. She wears somewhat baggy clothes so that she doesn't stand out in a crowd. Then for shoes she always just wears black high top converse.

Every day she gets bullied in the halls on her way to class. Then after she gets to class she gets bullied until the teacher arrives. She has no parents so she goes home to an empty house each day and has to treat her own wounds. Her life was not one you would want to have.

Today on her way to school she encountered some of the bullies that she would normally see in the halls. "Hey! It's Blondie! Get her!" They started to chase after her when she started to run from them. She bumped into a hard chest when she was rounding a corner. She closed her eyes waiting for the impact of the ground but it never came.

"Are you alright?" asked a familiar voice. She opened her eyes and saw that she was in the arms of… Natsu Dragneel. He was one of the most popular boys of the school, Gray Fullbuster was also popular but Natsu might be more.

Lucy squirmed out of his hold not making eye contact. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for catching me. If you see people come around the corner can you tell them I kept running down the street? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone we even met." She said as she ducked into an alley trying to hide from the bullies.

As if on cue, a group of people also rounded the corner and saw Natsu standing there all alone. "Hey, Natsu did you see a blonde nerd pass bye here?" A girl from the group asked, trying to act flirty in front of him. This girl had long white hair that went to her mid back. Natsu had heard of her before, her name was Angel. She was the leader of the group that bullies every girl she thinks might become more popular than herself.

"Yeah, she ran passed me and just kept running. I think I saw her run into the coffee shop over there." Natsu said pointing to a small café on the corner of the street.

"Thanks I hope we can talk sometime." Natsu just nodded trying not to be rude. She extended a hand. Confused, he looked down to see a folded piece of paper. "Here, it's my number call me and we can set a date."

Natsu grabbed the paper but said nothing. He just watched as they took off running to the café he had pointed to. After they had entered he looked into the alley to see if she was still there, but she was gone. 'I wonder who that was.'

~Later that day at school~

Now it was already third period and Lucy had already gone through her daily beating, but today was a little worse than usual because they couldn't find her after they had gone in the café and was frustrated.

She had math now sand was not looking forward to it. Math was one of her few classes she had with Natsu. As soon as she walked through the doors of the classroom she did a scan to see if he was there, luckily he wasn't. She let out a sigh of relief and walked to her seat in the back corner by the window.

Almost immediately she heard the girly cries of fan girls as Natsu walked in. Without thinking Lucy looked up and accidentally made eye contact with him, as soon as it happened she looked away because she was shy and she was hoping he had forgotten about what happened before school.

Not saying anything Natsu turned away from everyone and walked toward Lucy. "You're the girl from this morning aren't you?" he said sitting in the seat next to her.

Being shy Lucy didn't look at him instead she looked at the ground and spoke. "I don't know what you're talking about, sorry." She lied praying that he would be the stupid popular jock and believe her.

However, much to her disappointment, he saw right through her lie. "No, it is you. Why were those people chasing after you?" asked Natsu, concern clearly in his voice.

"For one it's none of your business and two why are you even talking to me? I'll ruin your reputation if any more people see you talking to me." She said finding bravery somewhere in her. She looked up at him to see what his reaction was and got surprised to see a look of hurt on his face.

Natsu feeling a little hurt that she would think that he's like the typical popular guys. "I don't care about my reputation. If I want to talk to a beautiful girl I can. People can think whatever they want about me."

Lucy was taken aback by what he had just said. Then blushed madly realizing he called her beautiful. Before she could say anything else the teacher walked in. Natsu sat next to her for the rest of class passing notes every now and then.

After math Natsu followed her out and into the halls. "Hey, I never got your name. Can I also get your phone number so we can talk?" he asked hopefully.

"Umm… My name is Lucy Heartfilia and I don't have any paper to write my number on sorry." She said trying to get to class without being harassed.

After a little bit of thinking Natsu handed her a pen. "Just write your number on my hand." He had finally gotten her number. "Can we hang out sometime?"

"Maybe, I have to go to class bye." She said waving shyly walking to her class.

"Bye I'll text you later." Natsu yelled after her seeing her turn and nod to him. As Natsu walked in the direction of his own class he pumped his fist in the air. "YES!" He yelled, people giving him a weird look.

Well that's it. I might leave this as is unless I get 10 reviews saying to go on(not that I think that'll happen) I'm sorry if you didn't like it but I'm not very good at writing.