Hi everybody. Sorry for the super late chapter, but you wouldn't believe how busy I've been… and tired. If you want to know why I've been busy, check out the latest update of my other story, Perseus the Eldest Titan.

To start off, I want to apologize to bluecookiedough because I just found a review that you made for the Poseidon chapter, and i forgot to credit you with the others, so here it is: For Poseidon I think Percy should comment on how supportive of him Poseidon is, but how it affects the other sons like Triton, and maybe Triton is so angry and bitter because of Poseidon helping Percy and Tyson and not him.

Thank you for your lovely comment, and I hope you liked the last chapter despite that. Now, on to the reviews for this chapter!

Aphrodite in Disguise: How about a letter to Hades about not letting go of grudges and learning to forgive and forget? Hades has been hated for so long by both mortals as well as his own brothers that he has grown bitter. He has a strained relationship with his mother in law (and sister) and his wife is with him only because she has no choice. Can't really blame him.

solangelolover: I feel that Hades' letter would be about not holding grudges and caring for family.

someone5 (Guest): I would love to hear one about Hades, and how he hides out in the Underworld and makes life (and death) harder for demigods because he can't do the same for their godly parents.

RoseBadwolf1000: For Hades I definitely suggest delving into Nico and Bianca. I also suggest diving into why he kidnapped his wife instead of convincing her to love him like he did with his mortal romantic partners.

MJ-Booklover: For Hades, you could talk about how Hades is secluded. Sure they kicked him off Olympus, but couldn't he protest to one of the gods who keep peace? He can't hide in the underworld forever. He should also stop fighting with Demeter, and pay attention to his own child.

fandomsforever2000: For Hades could you please talk about how he should TRY to treat demigods better because they aren't their parents so he shouldn't blame their parents faults on them.

myawfod: Hades- well, eliminating problems instead of fixing, like killing Nico and Bianca's mum and hiding the kids in the Lotus Hotel. Sure, he drew the short straw in getting the Underworld, but he could at least try.

Chasing Nirvana: Ok. For Hades you can write about how he always thought that Bianca was better than Nico, his relationship with Persephone, his relationship with Demeter, and his relationship with his brothers.

So hard to chose usernames: Hades is next, right? I think you could have Percy write about how he set the furies after Percy, his monsters after Thalia, locked Percy up in the prison during the Last Olympian, how he designed his palace to look like Mount Olympus, his relationship with Nico (letting him live with him, giving him gifts, that conversation they had in The Blood of Olympus, the good things as well as the bad: like comparing him to Bianca) and his status as a God. Not just Lord of the Dead but his other titles as well as his relationship with Persephone. What happened in the Sword of Hades between them would be a good thing to be brought up maybe.

llMyLastWordsll: I believe that the reason that Hades is so disconnected from his very own family is because he is afraid of rejection. That was what happened in the first place right? Despite him being one of the big three gods, he doesn't have a throne on Mount Olympus. He doesn't have a throne with his family. Maybe he views that as a sign of rejection. Maybe he believes that avoiding his family will stop it from happening again. Though it might not seem like it, he also cares deeply for Nico. He just has a different way to show it. One that makes Nico think that he does not care. And he should really change that.

lunarchroniclesandcockatiels: Hades needs to pay more attention to Persephone and his immortal children.

Wow, thanks for all those reviews! Honestly though, if I missed any of you guys, please tell me.

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO. (Be glad of that. If I did, the book would have come out three times as slow.)

To Hades,

You are alot like Demeter and Hera. Did you know that? You are bitter from betrayal by your own family members, and you hold onto things that you can't change. Don't you realize how much the can hurt you? A caged bird isn't really caged until he stops singing, and you, Hades, have stopped singing. You have turned bitter. You have lost hope. I wish I could help you, but I don't know if I can. I'll try though.

I wonder, are you hiding too? Don't act like you don't. I know how you gods work. You act all big, mighty, and indestructible, but at heart, you are all vulnerable. You gods may think that you are independant, but the truth is, everyone needs somebody. Hades, you long to be recognized by your family as one of them, but how that happen when you hide in the Underworld all the time? Yes, you may argue that you can't visit them because you have been banned from Olympus, but they never said that you can't go in the normal world. Have you ever tried visiting a god that isn't on Olympus? No, you haven't because you are too scared. Let me tell you this Hades, your family is just as scared as you are. Have you ever wondered why they hide from you? What if they aren't scared of what you are (Lord of the Underworld), but of who you are? What if they are afraid that you won't love them back? What if they are afraid that you really are cold-hearted? As for your siblings, you protected them and guided them when they were in Kronos' stomach and then later in the war against him. Have you ever considered that all they want is their big brother back?

While we are on the subject of family, what about your children, your wife, or even your mother-in-law? They love you too you know. You know Nico? I bet that he loves having a dad after not having one for about seventy years. I think it's wonderful that you actually care about your son more than most Olympians do their children. Sure, they may care about their children, but none of the gods care enough to break the rules and let their children visit them personally. I know that you loved Bianca too. You even said that Bianca was better than Nico, and I think that hurt him more than he let on. I know that you love him though. In fact, I think that you love them both the same, and you should really tell him that.

You should also tell your immortal children that you love them. Yeah, your three immortal children, remember them? What about your wife? I know you love them too, but do they know that? After years of closing yourself off from others, it's hard to show people that you care for them, but you can do it. You have to do it. Think about it. Your own wife, whom you have been with for thousands of years, doesn't even know how much you love her. Sure, you might show a bit of love from time to time, but that is not enough. When you first met Persephone, you were entranced, but I think you were afraid too. You were afraid that maybe she would be just like the rest of your family. You were afraid that maybe she would fear you, hate you. You were desperate, so you took her from her home and tricked her into eating the pomegranate. How could that possibly show her love? It doesn't. You may know how much you love Persephone, but does she know? I'm going to tell you secret, okay? She loves you.

Warning, I'm about to talk about talk about your step-mother, so try not to freak out. I know you love her too. (I mean, she's your sister for god's sake.) I know that you always bicker all the time, but that's what siblings do. You shouldn't though. Why ruin your relationship over trifle things when you could have a great time with each other like siblings? That applies to the rest of your family too. I know that you have an edgy relationship with your brothers and the rest of your family, but you should at least try to make it work. When you can't make life hard for your family, what do you do? You make life miserable for their children, us demigods. What have we ever done to incur your wrath? Oh that's right, nothing except being born. Although, I suppose we should have gotten used to that by now. Something or someone is always trying to kill us in one way or another just because we are demigods. It's not fair really.

Everyonr knows that you are the god of the Underworld and the Lord of the dead, but people forget your other title. You are also the god of regret. It's understandable. You regret getting the Underworld and you regret not showing your love for your wife and children. Most of all though, you regret pushing your family away and of getting pushed away by them. You feel as if they have rejected you, and you hide in the Underworld trying to hold on to the little hope that you have, the hope that maybe your family still loves you, even if they never show it.

I once visited your palace in the Underworld, a few times actually. Do you remember that? I remember seeing how your palace looks just like Mount Olympus. At the time, I thought nothing of it because I had never seen Mount Olympus, but now, I wonder why you did that. I've thought about it alot, I have come to the decision that maybe you are trying to hold on to something that you don't have. You long to have a place among your family on Mount Olympus and anywhere they are.

I've always heard that grudges are when someone harbors negative feelings toward another person, but I think that it can also mean something else. I think that grudges are holding on to something that you can't have or can't change change.

"Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change."

-George Carlin

You've probably heard this a million times already, but you shouldn't hold on to grudges because it will only hurt you in the end. Oh, and Hades? Don't hide, okay? That only makes things worse. Try really living for once. I promise that it's way better than hiding is.

Live, don't hide,

Percy Jackson

A/N Guys… Hestia's next… last chapter… *sobs quietly in the corner*... Okay, I think I'm okay now.

May I just say that you are all so awesome? Yes, I've probably said that already, but you seriously are. What did I ask for last chapter? 8 reviews. What did you give me? 16. Yep, you guys are so cool. Um, I know this is asking alot, but do you think we could do 12 reviews? Maybe? It would get 150 reviews total…

Also, sorry to say this, but I probably won't be able to update for another month or so. I'm so sorry.

Bye my tear drops!
