Gabriel grimaced.

It was back again.

That icky, black mass that was clogging up his human. No wonder she'd been so tired recently. The doctors probably had a word for whatever it was, but Gabriel just knew it was wrong and he wanted it gone. He expelled a little grace to get rid of it, doing his best to repair the damage to the cells. There wasn't much he could do, but make sure he kept checking for it.

Long-term side effects of severe radiation poisoning wasn't something he'd come across back home. Mostly because people usually died before they managed to live this long and his human had been riddled with it before he'd started healing her regularly.

On the sofa in front of him Hermione sneezed in her sleep and rolled over.

"There are many things I am prepared to believe about you," Hermione responded imperiously, "But that you are solely responsible for the creation of the platypus is not one of them."

Gabriel pouted at her.

Hermione merely raised an eyebrow and looked unaffected. That wasn't new.

"So," She added, turning them back to the job at hand. "We have two options. Either we fiddle with the dorm system and have them room together, or'' She sipped at her tea and Gabriel reheated it absent-mindedly when she grimaced. ''We ensure they both have...What class was it again?''

''Punjab?'' Gabriel offered, flicking through their notes.


''But they're best friends either way.'' Gabriel pointed out. ''They still end up starting their own practice. He still ends up as...''

''Yes, but they're not as close.'' She waved her mug to make a point. ''If they don't share a room, they don't grow so close...''

''They don't fall in love.'' He finished for her. Hermione scowled.


''Do they even get together?'' Gabriel asked.

''Eighty, twenty odds on that.'' She didn't even bother to check the equation.

''Are they happier?''

Hermione sighed.


''What's the catch?'' There was always a catch. A higher body count, a significant death, a ricochet effect which seemed tiny but was actually huge.

Hermione unrolled the rest of the scroll covered in long rows of equations and pointed to a certain section with her teaspoon.


Chances of death for the free radical and his best friend doubled. He scanned the equations for an alternative course of action.

He'd learned how to use to the equations a while ago, mostly out of boredom. He loved learning new things, always had. When you had all of eternity to occupy yourself with you need a hobby and Gabriel had all the hobbies. He'd been almost humming with excitement when the humans had invented machines and electronics. He loved taking them apart, seeing how they worked and then putting them back together to do something they weren't supposed to. (Which was why the Warehouse's TV also made toast and their toaster dispensed coffee.)

''It's only a thirty percent increase,'' He murmured and Hermione sighed. ''And they are happier.''

''But what if they die?'' She scowled. ''He's an important turning point, one we can't bring back.''

''We can bring Matt back?'' Gabriel asked, confused.

''Ninjas.'' Hermione shrugged. ''But without the Radical he's a loose cannon. He has no guidance.''

Gabriel leaned back and folded his arms.

''What if we don't room them together? What then?''

Another section was tapped with the spoon and Gabriel scowled.

''Oh great. Misery.''

''Mmhmm. For them both.''

''So we make sure they don't die.'' He argued.

Hermione's eyes rolled magnificently.

''Oh, what the hell.'' She muttered. ''I'm feeling sentimental.''

After a moment Gabriel asked.

''When is this turning point anyway?''

''Three years ago.'' Hermione shrugged. ''It slipped under the sofa.''

Shift 87526 - Granger/Gabriel

''Are you going to ask me to spy on him too?'' The short man demanded, glowering at them. her.

Hermione smiled at him. It wasn't genuine but the man didn't need to know that.

''Does that happen to you a lot?'' She asked politely and the man sighed heavily.

''More than I'd like.''

''Hmm. Well no, Mr Watson, I'm not here for information.''

Watson's eyes narrow and he stared at them suspiciously.

''What? Why would you...?''

''How's London treating you?'' Hermione asked brightly. Gabriel laughed to himself from where he was standing invisible over her shoulder.


''Not too much of a change?'' She added, glancing around the crowded café they'd cornered him in with a disinterested look. Hermione didn't care much for crowds. ''Must be awfully noisy.''

The man shrugged, slouching in his chair.

''It's interesting, I suppose. My flatmate keeps me busy.''

''I suppose he must. Mr Watson, I'll be frank with you...''

''Brilliant.'' Watson complained.

''I am not here about your partner, I am here about you.''

The man straightened.

''Is that a threat?''

Hermione blinked at him innocently.

''Of course not. Mr Watson, you find yourself in the unenviable position of being the sole caretaker for your...'' Her lips twisted into a smirk, ''Flatmate.''

Watson flushed.

''I'm not...''

''He will endeavour to take up all your time, call upon you at odd hours...'' She leaned forward across the table. ''In short, he is going to take over your life and you, Mr Watson, are going to let him.'' She gave him a cold smile. ''Why wouldn't you?''

Watson gaped at her.

''Now come on.'' He spluttered. ''I hardly know hi...'' Blue eyes narrowed. ''Who are you?''

Hermione slid a white business card across the table. There wasn't much on it. Just their numbers in black ink. Hermione had vetoed the hot pink ones Gabriel had wanted.

''These are the numbers for myself and my associate Mr Gabriel. If you have any problems, I want you to call us.'' She got to her feet, tucking the chair neatly under the table. Watson caught at her wrist as she passed him.

''Who are you?'' He insisted. ''How do you know Sherlock?''

Hermione laughed quietly.

''We were his guardian angels.''


''Mm. Now, I believe, we're yours.''

''Are the bad-ass exit lines preplanned or just habit?'' Gabriel asked, canting his chair backwards.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

''Shut up, Gabe.''

Shift 3694.55 - Gabriel

Gabriel slipped unnoticed onto the plane, oxygen canisters clanking faintly in his arms.

There were times when Hermione stuck fast to the rules of the Warehouse, the rules that she had inherited and that had seen her through a significant portion of her life. They didn't meddle in the time line, they were there for the good of all, not the good of some.

And then there were times when Gabriel got a glimpse of someone who'd spent a good proportion of her life wanting to do the right thing. Wanting to save people. Someone who'd once been something like a Winchester.

Gabriel was far more inclined to listen to the second Hermione rather than the first.

This though...this wasn't about the good of anyone really, save for one man and his team. And he hadn't bothered to ask permission.

The plane was mostly empty, the people who occupied it current out running around trying to save the world. As you do.

He made his way to the medical pods and stacked as many oxygen tanks in each as he could reasonably hide. Some things they couldn't change. Betrayal would still happen here, hearts would break...yada yada all very sad. Some things, however, they could changed. Some trauma shouldn't need to be lived through.

Hermione smiled at him approvingly when he stepped back into the Warehouse and he wondered what he'd have to do to actually surprise her.

It was a wasteland, Hermione hadn't been wrong about that. Metal was twisted into unrecognisable shapes, the doorway the only structure still standing. There was nothing but ruins, the skeletons of a once bustling city broken and raw.

He took to the skies.

There are...were sixteen nuclear sites in Britain, several petro-chemical plants and the remnants of a once booming industrial trade. In America or Europe or basically anywhere else on Earth, there was enough land mass that four strategic explosions would be survivable. From what Gabriel could tell Great Britain had burned in minutes. Some places...the islands around the top of Scotland and some pretty remote fens showed signs of regeneration, nature slowly pushing its way up through the ground. But the cities...Manchester, Glasgow, London...It was concrete and ash and nothing living in sight.

There were no people, that he was pretty sure of. Or at least none still alive. Fifteen years can do many things but no matter what, it's not enough time for the full decomposition of a human corpse. Anyone who wasn't a corpse was long gone.

That's not to say there weren't any humans. Across the globe the human race lived on in small groups, tiny patches of resistance against unnatural weather and man made disasters. But not her family. Not anyone she knew.

He'd waited until she was asleep before going through the door. He hadn't wanted to give her false hope, hadn't wanted her to go through that grief again. He could go back, he supposed. Back in time and see how it was, how it should have been. But then he'd only feel guilty because no matter how happy she'd been, no matter how much she'd lost...these things happened for a reason. If the detonations didn't happen, she wouldn't stay in the Warehouse and he had no intention of giving her up.

Not now. Not when she was all he had left.

Gabriel scooped up one of the acorns in a forest which still showed signs of being fertile and tucked it in his pocket.

He planted the seed in a pot of earth, mostly for something to listen to. Hermione gave him a strange look but didn't point out that trees needed sunlight and space to grow. Gabriel was grateful. He didn't want to explain that he was feeding the damn thing his grace.

If the sapling became mildly sentient...well no one else had to know.

Shift 36192 – Gabriel/Granger

''Uncle Gabby?''

Gabriel opened one eye and glared at the kid. Iskra just grinned back.

''Did you know there's a bird called a ''blue footed booby'?'' The kid giggled as Gabriel sighed.

''Yep. Ain't you supposed to be meditating?''

Iskra squeezed his eyes shut. Gabriel sighed as he watched the kid's aura. It was bright and the colours shifted frequently enough for Gabriel to imagine he was getting a migraine. Not that he knew what one felt like, of course.

The real question was...Why the fuck had no one noticed this eleven year old was meeting a stranger in the local park?

The only person who had noticed was Hermione who was glaring at everyone she could see whilst Gabriel tried to teach this kid some control. He was as bad as Samandriel as a fledgling.

''Uncle Gabby?''

''Y'uh huh?''

''Why are we doing this?''

''We're trying to teach you to concentrate.'' Hermione broke in gently. ''It'll help you in school.''

''But I thought that there was something wrong with me?'' Iskra asked. One day Gabriel would ask what the kid's real name was, he swore he would.

''There is nothing wrong with you.'' Hermione insisted. She smiled at him. ''You're just wired a little differently. Now,'' She settled onto the grass next to them. ''Focus. Ground yourself.''

Gabriel watched with a small smile as, just for a second, Iskra's energies synced with the earth.

''Would you look at that?'' He murmured.

Shift 36192 - Granger/Gabriel

''His father's a drunk.'' Hermione snapped crossly.

Gabriel steered her around several innocent bystanders and further up the street.

''He needs to step up and start acting like a proper father, instead of burying himself in his work!'' She continued, gesticulating wildly. Gabriel tugged her out of the way of a rather startled looking dryad disguised as a barista and nodded. ''Do you know the Shift gets thirty percent easier if he just steps up and accepts his responsibilities?''

''Uh huh.''

''I just can't believe that...'' Hermione paused mid-rant and sighed. ''Except that I can.'' She murmured. ''But his son should be prioritised over grief.''

''Do you actually want responses here?'' Gabriel asked, ''Or is this just one those days with you?''

''Hmm?'' She blinked at him. ''Oh, sorry. I'm just worried.''

Gabriel snorted.

''Is this the right house?'' She asked.

They peered up at the suburban house together before Gabriel nodded towards the patrol car parked in the driveway.

''Well yeah...'' They headed towards the door. ''Yeesh, I feel like a Winchester. This is what they do. Hey, you know they once tried to convince me they were repair guys? Morons. Like Sam would end up in a proper career that wasn't modelling.''

Unsurprisingly Hermione appeared to be ignoring him as she knocked on the door. Both of them fixed serious smiles on their faces as it opened. Hey, just cause Gabriel chose to be a bad actor didn't mean he was a bad actor.

''Mr Stilinski?'' Hermione asked. Gabriel had had to tweak her accent slightly for this to be believable and the honeyed Southern drawl almost made him laugh. ''My name's Hermione Granger, this is my partner Gabriel Angelus. We're from Child Services. I'm afraid we've received a complaint.'' Her eyes narrowed into a steely glare. ''May we come in?''

Gabriel groaned, burying his head in the corner of the sofa.

"Shut up!" He begged, his grace pulsing.

Hermione, still dressed in her nightgown, sped quickly down an aisle, her bare feet whisking along the marble floor. A cool hand pressed against his shoulder, rubbing at the arch of his wing and the Archangel went limp.

"What's wrong?" She whispered, kneeling by the sofa.

Gabriel whined, lifting his head just enough to say,

"Prophet Alarm."

"What?" Hermione murmured.

Gabriel moaned as a damp cloth was pressed against his forehead and relinquished his hold on the sofa cushions, rolling over to stare up at her.

"Prophet of the Lord. They've got an alarm system in case they get attacked. Goes straight to Raph..." Gabriel jerked upright and the cloth fell into his lap. "It goes straight to Raphael." He whispered. He turned worried eyes on Hermione and she sighed, pushing his hair back from his face with her hand. There were freckles on her nose, he noted absently. "He's not...He can't be. Not Raph." Not his big brother. Sure, Raph was strict and scary but he'd always been there.

"Who is the Prophet?" Hermione asked, and that forced him to concentrate. The next in line after Chuck Shirley, who'd always been a bit weird, was...

"Kevin Tran. He's a...a kid." Gabriel finished. His headache had died down now that he was paying attention to the source of it, but was still a constant throb against his temple. How did Raphael put up with this? Hermione didn't seem to mind when he rested his head against her shoulder, but he'd learned over the years that she was just as touch starved as he was.

"What do you want to do?" She asked quietly.

That was the other thing. Never orders...always questions.

Made him feel like he wasn't created a soldier.

"I can't go back."

Hermione sighed.

"What does it mean that the alarm went through to you?"

"There's no one else to take it." Gabriel murmured glumly.

"Could a seraph help?" She murmured. "One of your brothers?"

"They're not equipped to protect a Prophet." Gabriel winced as the headache increased. "They're going to hurt him." He glanced up to find deep chocolate eyes staring down at him impassively.

"So?" She asked quietly.

Ah, crap.

"I don't want to do this." He told her, getting to his feet. Hermione pushed herself up, smiling at him.

"Call me if you need help." She paused for a moment. "And come back safe, all right?"

"Urgh you're so bossy." Gabriel teased, heading for his doorway. "I'll be fine. I'm an Archangel, aren't I?"

She snorted and called after him,

"Believe me, I know!"

Kevin Tran, Prophet of the Lord.

Scrawny math geek really. Gabriel would have laughed if he wasn't so worried.

Kevin was being held by demons. Not just any demons...Crowley.

Gabriel, hovering...or existing was maybe a better word, just above the building, rolled his eyes. Right now the Demon King was monologuing to the terrified teenager, going on about Hell and deals and other bullshit.

The building was warded against angels but not Archangels. But then why would it be? As far as anyone knew, they were all dead. He'd tuned into Angel Radio as soon as he'd gotten through the door, expecting to hear the Angelic Chorus, singing in harmony. Usually a little baroque for his tastes but comforting none the less.

But there was just chaos.

Angels shrieked and quarrelled, the Chorus horribly discordant and out of synch. It made Gabriel feel sick.

So he shut them out like he'd been doing in the three years since Lucifer's fall and focused on the problem at hand. Crowley was leaving for now, heading to his office leaving the Prophet alone with his hench-demons. Gabriel could feel the Prophet's fear from here, thick and acrid. It spiked and Gabriel made a decision.

Three pairs of wings rose behind him as Gabriel streaked from the sky like a comet, releasing the tight hold he'd held on his grace. This didn't call for finesse.

This called for a fucking entrance!

The ceiling shattered as Gabriel shot through it, landing in a crouch in front of the tethered Prophet. The rent-a-demons backed up against the walls as Gabriel's sword dropped into his open hand.

"Guess who's back?" He taunted with a wicked smile, before burning the demons straight from their hosts. A snap of his fingers and the handcuffs fell away from the Prophet's wrists.

"Who are you?" Kevin gasped, eyes darting towards the door as he trembled.

Gabriel smirked.

"Name's Gabriel. I'm your guardian angel, kiddo."

Kevin swore.

It was adorable.

"Look, kid, there are demons a-coming. We need to get out of here..." His eyes strayed to the hunk of rock the kid was clutching like a lifeline. "What's that?" He asked slowly.

Kevin jumped, shoving the Word-of-God behind his back.

"Nothing!" He squeaked.

Gabriel cocked his head, listening to the sounds of demons drawing closer.

"Later, kid. We need to move."

"Are you with Sam and Dean?" Kevin blurted, yelping when Gabriel appeared by his side, one hand resting on his shoulders.

"Nah." Gabriel grinned. "I'm too cool for them."

He blew up the building.



An unnecessary show of force?


But when Gabriel made a point, he made one that wasn't forgotten easily.

Kevin threw himself away from him when they landed in front of the warehouse. The door was ajar and Gabriel pushed it open easily, hauling the Prophet inside and sealing the door behind them.

"You're Gabriel?" Kevin blurted as Gabriel sealed the door.

"Yep." The Archangel hung up his coat of the hook beside the door. "The Archangel."

"You're safe here." Hermione called from nearby, appearing silently from behind a cabinet, in jeans and a jumper. Her wand was tucked in her hair, but she looked friendly and welcoming, which was unusual.

"Where are we?" The Prophet demanded.

Gabriel gave Hermione a shrug and she sighed.

"London. Are you all right?" She asked, stepping closer. Gabriel gave her a hug as he passed, heading for the kitchen. Hermione was better at placating than he was.

Kevin looked startled as he was gently pushed through the warehouse before being settled in one of the armchairs as Hermione did her "unstoppable force of nature" thing.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked again, kneeling by the armchair to examine Kevin's wrists. She tutted over the red and bruised skin. "We'd better get these healed. Any other injuries I should know about?"

The terrified Prophet shook his head silently and Hermione smiled at him kindly as Gabriel wandered back over.

"What were you doing with Crowley anyway?" He demanded.

"He needs healing." Hermione said pointedly and Gabriel dropped a hand onto the Prophet's shoulder for the brief second it took him to merge the skin together as though it had never been broken.

"Who're you?" Kevin asked, staring between the two of them.

"I'm Hermione. I work with Gabriel. Can you tell us what happened?"

Kevin wrapped both arms around his middle, large eyes staring at them suspiciously.

"Dick exploded." He mumbled and Gabriel began to shake with laughter.

"Not the answer I was expecting." He snickered.

Hermione smacked at his leg.

"Behave." She warned before turning back to Kevin. "Would you like to explain..?"

"Dick Roman. He was this weird...Leviathan?" Kevin offered and Gabriel froze. Hermione sighed heavily.

"Now you've done it." She muttered.

Kevin frowned.

"What? Is he mad at me?"

"At you?" She laughed. "No. But he may become very mad at me very shortly." She looked up at him. "Oh dear.'' She said dryly. ''That's the smiting face."

That brought Gabriel out of his reverie with a jerk.

"I'm a badass and you know it." He complained, pouting.

Hermione chuckled.

"And who the fuck let the Leviathans out?" He demanded, folding his arms.

"Castiel." Hermione sighed and Kevin jerked.

"You know Castiel?" He yelped.

"Baby bro set free the Leviathans?" Gabriel yelled.

Hermione rolled her eyes at both of them.

"Why don't we let Kevin explain and then I'll tell you the rest later?"

Something was rumbling, a low sub-vocal growl which echoed across the warehouse.

"Gabriel." Hermione sighed.

Oh. That was him. He coughed and the growling stopped.

"Right fine. What happened, short stack?"

Kevin, apparently recovering from his shock, gave Gabriel a pointed look at that but continued anyway.

"Sam and Dean wanted a way to stop the Leviathans so they did this raid on Dick Roman's company with Meg and Cas. And they stabbed Dick and he exploded and then Dean and Cas...just vanished and then Crowley kidnapped me and I don't know where Sam is or Meg and..."

"Whoah..." Hermione hushed. "It's okay. Just breathe." Kevin drew in a long breath and nodded. "Good. Gabriel," She warned, without looking up at him. "Calm down. You're scaring him."

This was probably true. Gabriel shook his heads and banished the angel blade he'd summoned.

"Sorry kiddo. I'm just gonna borrow Hermione here for a sec, k?" He grabbed her shoulders and they reappeared in the kitchen.

"We could've walked." Hermione murmured, leaning back against the table.

"My way's more fun." She made a quiet noise in her throat which sounded vaguely sassy and Gabriel flicked her nose. "Focus. Cas. Leviathans. What the Hell?"

She sighed heavily.

"Castiel opened Purgatory."

Gabriel blinked at her before clenching his jaw.

"What the fuck did Dean do that they thought that was a good idea?"

Hermione shrugged.

"As far as I could calculate, Dean was trying to stop Castiel. He failed, obviously."

For a moment, Gabriel tried to work out what was so bad that it would pit those two against each other. Sam and Dean sure, but not Cas.

"More importantly," Hermione continued. "What do you want to do with the Prophet?"

"What's supposed to happen?" He asked and she shrugged. "Seriously?"

"What? You were the only free radical, Gabe. I calculated slightly further ahead to make sure nothing went severely awry and then I left it at that."

"You should have told me." Gabriel snapped, his wings fluffing slightly. "Right. Prophet. Can we keep him here for a bit? With Crowley on his ass and that tablet..."

Hermione tipped her head back, staring at the rafters. Gabriel had been badgering her for months to put in a proper apartment in up there, so she wasn't literally living in her work. There was enough room, roughly ten feet of clearance between the horizontal beams and the point of the roof. She chuckled.

"We're going to need a spare room," She admitted. "Just put in a staircase, would you?"

Beaming, Gabriel took off for the rafters, dancing gracefully along the wrought iron. He could hear Hermione making her way back over to the Prophet.

"Sorry about that." She murmured, just loud enough for him to hear her without straining his ears. Probably deliberate, Mimi was odd about things like that sometimes. "Now, Gabriel's going to set up a room for you and we'd like you to stay here for a while to keep you safe."

The Prophet's heartbeat increased slightly.


"We're not going to hurt you." She promised. "I won't and Gabriel physically can't."

"What do you mean?"

Hermione sighed heavily.

"Well, as far as I understand it, when the Prophet's came into being, they were assigned an Archangel to watch over them and protect them from harm. Up until very recently that was the Archangel Raphael. However, he's apparently dead." She explained bluntly and Gabriel flinched. "As are all the others. So," She paused and Gabriel, having worked out what he wanted, manifested the apartment with a loud bang. Kevin's neck cracked as he jerked his head up to stare at the new ceiling. "Gabriel was very confused to get your call, but it means Raphael's duties have passed to him. He got the alarm this morning." She continued.

"Well, more like all week." Gabriel corrected, appearing behind her. Kevin jumped. "Just got serious this morning. What've you been doing? Hanging around demons 24/7?"

"Oh, Meg." Kevin breathed, staring at them with very wide eyes. "The nurse."

Now that was a name Gabriel actually knew. Meg had been around for a very long time, in one guise or another. She was...difficult to quantify.

"What was she doing with the Winchester's?"

Kevin shrugged.

"I thought she was Cas' girlfriend, but I dunno."

"Girlfriend?" Gabriel turned angry eyes on Hermione. ''Girlfriend?''

Hermione heaved a great sigh.

''I told you they'd make it.'' She snapped, coldly. ''I never said it would be soon. Come on, Kevin. Lets go get you settled in. I'm sure you'd like a nap.''

''I would?'' Kevin murmured as Hermione led him away.

Gabriel perched on a cabinet scowling.

This wasn't what was supposed to have happened. They'd managed to thwart the Apocalypse, what could have gone so badly wrong that Cas' thought opening Purgatory was a good idea? He squinted at a medium sized folder which was permanently sitting on Hermione's desk. There was a note taped to the top.

It said ''DON'T'' on it in thick black letters.

He squinted up at the apartment where Hermione and Kevin were, deep in thought.

Wasn't worth the risk.

Seconds later he was back in his own universe and in the air, searching for answers. And possibly throw pillows.

It was complicated and that was coming from the runaway Archangel. Apparently Heaven had fallen into turmoil, Raphael demanding that Michael and Lucifer be released from the Cage. He'd never known when to give up. He'd wanted the Winchester's bodies properly occupied and the Apocalypse back on track.

And Castiel, proving once again that the loyalty he had to Dean Winchester knew no bounds whatsoever (Like seriously Cas' what the Hell, this is embarrassing) had thrown up arms against Raphael and started civil war.

Gabriel had seen a lot of civil wars and they were all the same. Bloody, vicious, with more loss of life than anyone would really admit to. Heaven's garrisons lost a quarter of their angels in the years since the Apocalypse and most of them had died at the hands of their own brothers and sisters. But Raphael, Gabriel's big brother, the last of the Archangel's...he'd died at the hands of Castiel.

From what he could piece together, Castiel had absorbed the souls in Purgatory and defeated Raphael. Then he'd gone on a power drunk rampage until Dean managed to convince him to return to souls to Purgatory. Unfortunately Leviathans refused to be returned, just plain rude. They killed Castiel and escaped into the world causing havoc and chaos and terror and tyranny and...

''Gabriel, I get the point.'' Hermione interrupted.

Gabriel glowered at her.

...death and destruction. So the Winchesters did what they did best and charged off to save everyone. And then Cas came back from the dead, again, which is just...Is the kid allergic to being dead or something? Anyway, he came back but without any memory and then he went insane saving Sam from his memories of the Cage and then they found the Prophet and...

''And then Dick exploded.'' She murmured.

''Bingo.'' Gabriel refilled her margarita and then drank straight from the jug himself. Kevin was passed out somewhere down the hall, they were in the brand new living room although, he noted, Hermione had redecorated so the walls weren't leopard print. He wondered if she'd seen what he'd done to the bathroom yet.

''Can you get them out?'' Hermione asked quietly.

He didn't bother to pretend not knowing what she was talking about.

''No.'' She blinked at him, in a rare show of surprise. ''What? I'm not what I used to be. I mean a millennia ago when I was still in Heaven, sure. Piece of cake. Now? After what I did to escape Lucifer...'' He sighed. ''I got most of my grace back. Most of it. I'm still a celestial bad ass...But I can't break into Purgatory. Not on my own. Not without doing some serious damage to the cosmos.''

''We regularly do serious damage to the cosmos.'' Hermione teased. She downed the rest of her drink in one go, grimacing at the salt. ''Get some rest tonight,'' She murmured as she got to her feet. ''It might be a busy day tomorrow. ''

''We haven't got another Shift for two weeks.'' He complained.

''Yes. But we've got a teenager to look after now and I've got to schedule in the next three days for calculating the future of your universe, so you are going to have to remember to feed him.''

Gabriel blinked at her.

''Do I look like a parental figure to you? Can't I do the calculations?'' He pleaded.

''I feel like I should have recorded that statement for posterity.'' Hermione mused. ''Gabe willingly offering to do paperwork. And no. You can't...Don't look at me like that, you know why.''

Gabriel widened his eyes and Hermione just arched an eyebrow. Damn puppy eyes never worked on her.

''I can't trust you to be impartial.'' She reminded him. ''First warning of trouble and off you'll go to dance in the drama. So you look after the Prophet and I'll deal with the equations. Just feed him and remind him to go to sleep. Children aren't hard.'' She patted his shoulder on the way past. ''It'll be fine.''

Kevin was quiet for the most part. He spent a lot of time deciphering the tablet and asking Gabriel what things meant which was hard for Gabriel because he hadn't really been paying attention to Metatron when he wrote the damn thing and admitting that now was kinda embarrassing. Hermione was quiet too but that was because she hadn't surfaced from her desk in three days except to go to the bathroom and had broken three quills due to the speed she was writing at. Gabriel had banished the mangled golden feathers unhappily, but it wasn't as though she didn't have a drawer full of the damn things. Occasionally she'd glance up from her work and just stare at him with empty brown eyes. She'd done it to Kevin once and the poor kid had freaked out and ran away.

Shift 352691 - Granger/Gabriel

Hermione and Gabriel waited until the bad guy and his henchmen had vanished around the corner before sprinting out from behind the wall and kneeling next to the man in the suit.

''Is he still alive?'' Hermione murmured, removing the man's shattered glasses.

Gabriel extended his grace and frowned.

''Just barely. Brain's still sparking away, which is good.''

''Right,'' Hermione examined the bullet hole, scowling. Most of the skin on the side of his head was missing, as was a good portion of bone. He wasn't dead yet, but he soon would be. ''This will be a patch job then, Ferula.'' Thick white bandages wrapped tightly around the man's head, covering the wound. Gabriel snapped a cell phone into existence and started punching in the code for the emergency services.

''We can't take him to the hospital ourselves?'' He asked.

Hermione shook her head, peering at the thick framed glasses. There were several pieces of thin copper wire poking out of one broken arm.

''Can't risk it. It will look more credible if he was just found by a concerned member of the public. Raises less questions.''

Gabriel spouted off directions to the dispatcher and then hung up.

''They'll be here in five. When do we need to be back?''

Hermione folded the glasses and tucked them in the man's suit pocket.

''We don't. We just needed to make sure he survived. He won't wake up for a few months. C'mon. Let's see if there's a shop around here. Kevin wanted to make brownies.''

Gabriel followed her down the road, leaving the injured man behind them.

''Kevin can bake?''

''That's really creepy.''

Hermione sighed.

''Just ignore it. He'll stop in a minute.''

Kevin whined.

''He's just...What is he doing?''

''He's not there at the moment.'' She placated. ''Don't worry. He'll come back.''

''He's just staring straight at me. It's like he's looking straight into my...Fuck!'' Kevin yelped, reeling backwards as Gabriel blinked and focused his eyes on the Prophet.

''Don't swear.'' Hermione chided.

''How does he do that?'' The Prophet wailed.

Gabriel frowned at them.

''Did I miss something?''

''Kevin's just getting used to some of your habits.'' She inked her quill and scored out a long line of equations.

''I have habits?'' Gabriel asked, bemused.

''But it's not normal.'' Kevin slouched into the sofa and Hermione put down her quill with a sigh, folding her arms.

''He's an angel. This is what they're like.''

''Castiel wasn't.'' Kevin muttered.

''Castiel has been tainted.'' Gabriel pointed out. ''He's been infected with humanity. With love.''

''Oh, Dean, right.'' Kevin nodded before he glared at them. ''Humanity isn't a disease!''

''Isn't it?'' Hermione asked unhappily.

''Urgh,'' Gabriel stepped between them, ''Doesn't have to be a disease to be catchable. Angels' aren't like Castiel, kiddo. Castiel is what an angel looks like after they Fall.''

''And that's bad?'' Kevin frowned.

Gabriel frowned.

''Uhhhhh. Maybe?''

''Love isn't bad, Kevin.'' Hermione placated, taking over. ''But love can drive people to actions which can be considered incomprehensible. What Castiel has done, what he has most Angels is abhorrent. Angels do not understand love.''

''We understand it.'' Gabriel complained. ''We just don't get it.''

''That makes no sense.'' Hermione scoffed. ''My point is...everything Castiel has done, both good and bad, has been in the name of Dean Winchester. And the Angel's don't,''

''The Angel's can't.'' Gabriel corrected.

''Understand that. It's just not in their programming. They're not human, Kevin.''

Gabriel sighed.

''We're barely even people. We're not born, we're made. And we're old. I am so old, Kevin, you can't even grasp it. We don't adapt to new ideas, because most of us can't.''

Kevin frowned at them.

''But what about you?''

He shrugged.

''I got out early. And I'm an Archangel. That makes a whole world of difference. Angels are created to obey. I was made to govern.''

''So why aren't you in Heaven, helping the Angels?'' Kevin demanded.

Gabriel froze and Hermione sighed.

''Kevin, don't ask annoying questions.''

''Mrs Tran?'' Hermione asked softly, leaning forward in the queue. The short Asian woman in front of her stiffened. ''I've got a message from your son.''

Gabriel watched as Hermione was dragged into a dark shadowy corner of the mall and kept a tight hold on Kevin's collar.

''I know, kid.'' He placated. ''But it's too dangerous.''

Hermione and Gabriel, in a shocking display of maturity, had sat Kevin down and explained to him why he couldn't just go home. But even they weren't heartless and Hermione had felt bizarrely empathetic for this woman that they had never met and her son that they seemed to be fostering, so she'd arranged this encounter.

Gabriel listened in shamelessly as Hermione explained that Kevin was in danger, but that she was taking care of him, keeping him safe. Tiger-mom was...apparently furious until Hermione nodded over the woman's shoulder and she turned to stare at them.

The Prophet's mother was surrounded by demons, there was three nearby right now so Gabriel was using a significant amount of his grace to make sure only the two women could see Kevin sitting next to him.

Kevin burst into tears and waved at his mom. Mrs Tran, looking shell shocked, waved back. She made to move towards them but Hermione stopped her. For a long moment the two women just stared at her, Mrs Tran displaying that particularly terrifying blend of maternal instinct that used to protect the human race from bears. Hermione just looked apologetic and horribly, horribly understanding.

''It'll be okay,'' Gabriel promised as Kevin, tear stained and miserable watched his mother walk away from him, safely convinced that she was keeping him safe.

Shift 3694.97 - Granger/Gabriel

Hermione settled herself in one corner of the cell as Gabriel paced the corridor outside keeping watch. The other occupant scowled at her through his fringe.

''Why have you come back?''

Hermione shrugged.

''I thought you might like someone to talk to. Did you enjoy the books I left for you?''

''Your mortal stories are paltry and beneath me.'' He snarled, green eyes flashing dangerously. Hermione looked unimpressed. ''But the distraction was...appreciated.''

Believe it or not but this was progress. When they'd first started visiting this guy he'd attempted to murder them on sight.

''Good.'' Hermione smiled. ''I'll admit the narrative is a bit lacking in some of them but they're a valuable experience if nothing else.''

Laufeyson nodded his head.

''I enjoyed the one about the dragon.'' He admitted begrudgingly.

Hermione beamed at him which just made the poor bastard look confused and startled.

''Oh the Hobbit. It's one of my favourites as well. I've got the other ones in the series if you'd like to read them?'' She stacked the books next to her without waiting for an answer. ''I like the message about heroes particularly.''

''Your attempts to redeem me bore me.'' He drawled.

Hermione snorted.

''The world is not split into good or bad. You are not evil. You're not even terribly bad. Your brother is not truly a hero. Not with that much blood on his hands.''

''He is not my brother.'' The prisoner spat.

''Not by blood,'' Hermione agreed. ''But the familial bonds we choose are often stronger than those thrust upon us by birth.''

''Thor is no murderer.'' He added, glaring at her. ''Blood spilled in battle does not count.''

''Uh...yeah. It does.'' Gabriel chimed in as he passed the cell.

Hermione groaned.

''Don't.'' She warned when the prisoner opened his mouth to retaliate. ''You two are not to speak to one another. One trickster is more than enough at a time. I swear Gabriel if I didn't need you for long distance travel I'd leave you at home.''

The prisoner stuck his tongue out at Gabriel who made a rude gesture he'd picked up as a Norse deity. The man's pale complexion flushed a ruddy red.

''Gabriel!'' Hermione snapped and he rolled his eyes, continuing his patrol. She turned back to the prisoner. ''That's a rather strong defence for a man you claim to care nothing about.''

Laufeyson, Gabriel refused to call him by his other name, curled his lip at her but didn't argue. He'd learned the hard way that Hermione was too great an opponent.

''How's your mother?'' She added, filling two mugs from her Thermos. She handed one to Laufeyson who accepted it without thought. Another minor victory.

''She is well. Worried about Thor. She thinks he'll get himself killed, battling through the nine realms as he has been. Not that I'm concerned.''

''Of course not.'' Hermione smirked.

''Oh, it's no great secret that the only reason that great oaf survived childhood is because I kept him out of trouble.''

''True. You are the smarter of the pair.'' Hermione sipped at her drink and pretended not to see the look of surprise the prisoner sent her. ''Tell me a story.''

Laufeyson was, loath to admit it as Gabriel was, a far superior story teller. He spent the next two hours telling them about his childhood, weaving hilarious stories and mysterious epics. The pale man basked in their laughter, and their rapt attention, seeming to glow brighter with each story.

Eventually they had to leave and Hermione paused, empty mugs clutched in her hand.

''As long as a person still knows love they cannot truly be said to be lost. You still love deeply and for that reason neither I, nor your mother, nor your brother will ever truly give up on you. This...'' She waved her spare hand around her cell. ''Is not your fate. You will get a second chance, sweetheart. Protect those you love and they will not leave you.'' She allowed Gabriel to pull her through the barrier whilst the prisoner stared at her thoughtfully. ''This is not the end. Don't treat it as such.''

Gabriel was waste deep in Leviathans when Kevin's frantic prayers got through to him.

''Balls.'' He muttered and hoisted the monster above his head, jamming it onto a nearby flagpole. Why didn't people keep pikes around any more? Those things were useful.

''Stay.'' He ordered and took wing, streaking towards London like a comet.

He smelt it before he saw it, crashing through the door only to be greeted with thick tang of copper, iron and life's blood.

Kevin was crouched in the aisle desperately trying to slow the bleeding with his jumper as Hermione tried desperately to calm him down.

''It's okay.'' She was gasping, one bloody hand patting the kid's cheek. Her breath rattled in her chest. ''It's okay, sweetheart. It'll be all right.''

''You're dying!'' Kevin sobbed. ''GABRIEL, COME ON!''

Gabriel shuddered and started moving again.

''Move kid.'' He barked and Kevin virtually threw himself to one side as Gabriel began healing her injuries. Bullet holes, three to be exact, all gut wounds. Judging by the amount of blood, she'd been not long for this realm. ''What the hell happened?'' He demanded as three misshapen bits of metal appeared in his hand. He tossed them to one side, disgusted, before laying his hands back on bare skin and virtually shoving his grace into her.

Hermione whimpered and went limp.

''She just...'' Kevin shivered as her flesh knitted back together. ''She just came through the door, bleeding. I didn't know what to do.''

Gabriel sat back on his heels and sighed. Fuck, if he'd been a minute later...

''You did good, kid.'' He murmured. A quick snap of his fingers and Hermione was dressed in clean pyjamas and the blood was gone. He hoisted her up in his arms and flew the short distance to her bedroom.

''You're gonna be the death of me.'' He grumbled, laying her down on the bed and tucking the covers around her. Hermione didn't say anything, but that was because she was unconscious not because she was ignoring him. ''You could try and make my job easier, you know.'' Gabriel paused as a horrifying thought occurred to him. ''I'm turning into Michael.'' He mumbled, pushing his hair away from his face. ''All responsible and shit.'' He glared at the witch. ''This is your fault.''

On the edge of his hearing Kevin was having an anxiety attack and Gabriel sighed, grabbing the knitted blanket off the end of Hermione's bed.

After being wrapped up like a burrito and dropped on their sofa, Kevin managed to come back to himself.

''I'm sorry.'' He mumbled, picking at the blanket.

Gabriel stared at him doubtfully.

''Why?'' He asked, tipping his head back and tossing another popcorn kernel into his mouth.

''I shoulda...''

''Done nothing.'' Gabriel glared at him. ''Kid, if she dies, unless you pulled the trigger, it ain't your fault. It's mine.'' He passed the Prophet a chocolate bar. ''Hermione's job is dangerous. She knows that. I know that,'' He gritted his teeth. ''Nothing you can do to change it.''

Kevin sighed, playing with the wrapper.

''Is she okay?''

''She's fine.'' He nudged the TV remote towards him with his foot. ''C'mon, I'm in the mood for cartoons.''

Kevin eyed the plastic remote suspiciously.

''It's not going to explode, is it?''

''Would I do that to you?''

Kevin glared at him and Gabriel smirked.

''Would I do that to you, again?''

''You're in trouble.''

Hermione rolled her eyes and swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

''What was it this time?'' She murmured, crossing over to her chest of drawers.

''Almost dying.'' Gabriel growled.

''That wasn't my fault.'' She pointed out, rummaging through her clothes. ''I didn't know he had a gun.''


Hermione scowled.

''I didn't know he was going to shoot someone.''

''Still lying.'' Gabriel sang.

She huffed.

''I didn't know he was going to shoot me. Happy now?''

''No.'' He grumbled. ''What did you do to him anyway?''

''Turned him in to MI6. They'll keep him locked up in solitary for a bit and then put him to work in the Quartermaster's Department. Give him...'' She waved a hand. ''Roughly three years and some intensive therapy to get over what they're going to do to him and he'll help someone save the world. Several times.''

''Will he find love?'' He teased.

Hermione's shoulders set.

''Purely by coincidence.'' She snapped. ''It's got nought to do with me.''

''Of course not. Which door was it?'' Gabriel added idly.

''76691...'' She frowned at him over her shoulder. ''Oh, honestly Gabriel. You don't need to...''

Shift 76691 - Gabriel

The dark haired hacker was curled up on the cot at one end of the tiny cell, his skinny arms wrapped tightly around his knees. There were no lights and the room was soundproofed. No one would hear him.

Gabriel smirked and reached for the Tricksters powers, the ones attributed to Loki. He hadn't used them in so long and this... this felt like retribution.

''Let's find out what you're afraid of.'' He breathed.

There was a phone on Hermione's desk. They'd decided they needed one, but the entire set up was mostly for the stimulating challenge of inventing a phone which could stretch across Universes. It was powered by some bizarre amalgamation of Grace and magic which they were particularly proud of. Unfortunately the only person around to witness their genius was Kevin and his eyes had started to glaze over when they'd explained it to him.

The Prophet in question was sitting under the oak tree, which had outgrown its pot at some point in the last two years and Gabriel had had to plant the thing in the ground. Also there was now a patch of ground in the warehouse which had previously been concrete. Minor miracle but hopefully no one would notice. Both boy and tree seemed fairly happy at the moment, although Gabriel was worried the tree would pine when Kevin left.

Oh, and the phone was ringing.

Gabriel was too busy playing ''The Floor is Made of Lava'' and jumping across cabinets to answer it, so Mimi grabbed it absent-mindedly as she frowned down at a row of equations. Gabriel eavesdropped shamelessly.


''Um...It's Dr Watson. I'm sorry, I'm looking for a Ms Granger?''

''Speaking.'' Hermione murmured, still looking at the parchment.


Hermione sighed heavily and leaned back in her chair. She made a face at Gabriel as the cabinets he was bounding over produced a lot more bounce than they were usually physically capable of.

''What is it, Dr Watson?'' She grumbled.

''He doesn't eat!'' Watson said in a rush.

''It's a problem.'' Hermione agreed.

''Well, what do I do?'' The doctor asked desperately.

''Start small,'' Hermione suggested. ''He's never going to manage a sit down meal, so don't bother. Keep the flat stocked with food, the kind of thing that requires minimal preparation that he can snack on whilst moving. If you put a plate of biscuits or some crisps at his elbow the chances are he'll eat it subconsciously and won't even realise it. If you're cooking make enough for two, but keep it simple. Make sure you eat in front of him, peer pressure is a wonderful thing and there's nothing like watching someone else eat to realise how hungry you are. The same goes for liquids. You can get a lot of water into a person via cups of tea without them even realising you're attempting to hydrate them.'' She paused. ''Do you want me to repeat that?''

'' Keep it small, simple and subconscious.'' Watson rattled off, sounding slightly overwhelmed.

''Mmm. If you have any further difficulties feeding him, talk to my associate Gabriel.'' She scowled at him. ''He thinks he has seniority in this area.''

Gabriel pouted at her, did a somersault off a cabinet and landed neatly on the floor, wings spread for balance. Hermione sketched a glowing seven in the air with her wand.

''You are so the Russian judge.'' He muttered.

''Thanks for all your help.'' Watson said, completely oblivious to everything.

''You're very welcome, Dr Watson. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything.'' She hung up without saying goodbye.

''Rude.'' Gabriel pointed out as he made his way over to her.

''Like you care.'' Hermione murmured. ''I hope your advice works or else he'll never call back.''

''If I can convince you to eat, I can convince him.'' Gabriel spouted. Hermione bad habit of vanishing into her work made her eating habits...well Gabriel ate more regularly that she did and he didn't even digest food properly. Having Kevin around had helped because the kid needed feeding regularly. Gabriel didn't want to stunt his growth.

Was he still growing? When did humans stop growing?

''Speaking of...'' Hermione added, frowning back at the data sheet. ''I think we're about to lose our regular delivery service.''

Gabriel leaned down to peer at the equations.

''What's wrong with Ianto?''

''Nothing.'' Her lips pursed. ''Yet, anyway.''

Gabriel's eyes opened and he smirked.

It was about time.

He stepped neatly off the top of the warehouse and landed in front of the door, booting it open.

"Guess what?" He declared.

No one guessed and Gabriel realised the lights were off. He flew upstairs and reappeared in Hermione's room. There was a lump under the covers. This was an improvement on her sleeping in her armchair.

"Mimi?" He yelled, pulling back the blankets slightly.



"Grrr." One of her brown eyes opened and glared at him. "What?"

"Guess what?"

"Gabriel..." She warned.

"Deano's back." Gabriel sing-songed.

"Go away." Hermione muttered, pulling the duvet over her head.

"Awww, you don't mean that." Gabriel pouted, pulling his legs up so he hovered at the end of her bed. "You love me really."

Hermione snarled and sat upright.

"Look, wonderful, Dean's back! Hoorah. However the first thing on his mind is going to be Sam, so why don't you tell me when they're ready for Kevin, instead of waking me up unnecessarily?" She sighed. "And where's Cas'?" She added pleadingly.

That got his attention and he paused to think about it. Where was baby bro?

Hermione had already gone back to sleep, and he did not get how humans just did that. Kevin especially. You feed the kid and he was out like a light.

Anyway, Castiel.

Dean was easy to find. He was crashing his way through the undergrowth of some forest in North America, looking half-wild and mostly insane. He'd have to be. There was a vampire attached to his arm.

Mentally rolling his eyes, Gabriel began looking for his brother. Castiel was usually easy to find. There had always been something which made him stand apart from the rest of the host but now...There was no sign of him. He didn't dare rummage around in Dean's head, not while he had a vampire symbiote on him so at a guess he'd say Cas' was still back in Purgatory.

Sighing, he went home.

This time Gabriel made sure there was tea on hand when he woke up Hermione. Kevin was snoring away in his room, curled around the tablet like it was some sort of rock hard teddy bear, but Hermione was sleeping silently. No nightmares tonight.


"No." She grumbled.

"I've brought tea."

One arm stretched out of the covers and Gabriel passed over the mug. She sat up with a scowl and took a sip. He opened his mouth to speak but stopped when she glared at him and went back to hovering over the foot of her bed.

''Where is he?'' She asked eventually.

Gabriel sighed.

''Still in Purgatory. I guess Dean didn't care about him that much after all.'' He tried not to sound bitter.

Hermione breathed in steam and fixed him with a lazy glare, before breathing it out through her nose like dragon smoke.

''Does that sound like Dean Winchester to you?'' She murmured.

It did not.

''Does it sound like Cas to open Purgatory?'' He retaliated.

''If he thought he was doing the right thing, yes.'' She took another drink and Gabriel admitted she had a point. Castiel had always loved what was righteous.

Gabriel watched and waited as Dean made his way back across the country to his brother. They had their suitably manly reunion and then Dean went completely insane and then he demanded to know where Kevin was. Gabriel grinned as they listened to the messages on Sam's phone.

"Hey, Sam. Just to let you know I got away from Crowley. Uh...listen...Do you know anything about Archangel's?"

Sam and Dean both paled.

"Hey Sam. It's been like two months now, what the hell are you doing? I'm safe, not that you care. Your friends are looking after me."

"Friends?" Dean mouthed, looking disbelieving.

"Hey Sam. I guess you're dead or something. Hermione says you're still alive but you're just busy. I hope she's right. Gabe says she's always right."

''Gabe?'' Sam squeaked.

"Hey Sam. Did you know Metatron was a douchebag? Apparently none of the Archangels could stand him...You know what...Fuck you! You dragged me into this life and now you've abandoned me in the middle of nowhere with complete strangers. Screw you! Hey, at least I have my guardian angel because if it'd been left to you, I'd be dead!"

"Hey Sam. Just a heads up. I don't think you're even getting these messages but still...They reckon Dean will be back from Purgatory in the next month. Hermione says the time line will converge soon. I dunno what that means. Your friends are weird."

''Where the hell did you send Kevin?'' Dean demanded, furiously.

Sam flailed, tugging at his hair.

''I didn't send him anywhere, how could I? I haven't seen him since Crowley took him!''

''Yeah and by the sounds of things some jerk pretending to be an Archangel took him instead.'' Dean scowled. ''How the hell are we supposed to find him now?''

That, Gabriel thought to himself, may be easier than you think.

''You've got everything?'' Hermione fussed, tugging on Kevin's hoodie for some reason known only to her. Kevin smiled easily and nodded, apparently used to it.

''Yeah, I'm fine.''

Hermione shoved her hair out of her face with a sigh and grimaced.

''Look, if Sam and Dean place you in danger, the alarm should go off and Gabe will drop in to check on you. If he doesn't, call us and we'll help. All right?''

Kevin shuffled his feet.

''Yeah, I'll be all right, Hermione.''

Hermione ignored that and just stared pointedly at Gabriel.

He grabbed Kevin's shoulder and grinned as the kid adjusted the hat on his head. It had flaps over his ears and was a nice shade of blue, with Enochian wards embroidered around the edge.

''Ready kiddo?''

Gabriel and his two humans waited in the first large town down the interstate from the Winchesters and let Kevin call in for help. They sat on a park bench and ate ice cream, which was just insanely sad and made Gabriel wonder at what point he'd become a domesticated Archangel.

''How much can I tell them about you guys?'' Kevin asked, crunching on his chocolate flake.

Gabriel and Hermione shrugged.

''The less said about Mimi the better,'' He announced and Kevin nodded in understanding. The things Hermione could do without grace, would only scare the Winchesters. ''Just tell them she's my human.''

Hermione sighed.

''I am not your human.''

''You kinda are. Look, it says so,'' He waved vaguely at the section of her aura which had his name on it. ''There...ish.''

''Did you write your name on me?'' Hermione snapped, scowling at him.

''Don't you work for Hermione?'' Kevin broke in, used to their bickering by now.

''Like a jealous three year old!'' Hermione continued shrilly, apparently annoyed by something.

Gabriel waved that off.

''Not important.'' His hearing picked up the distinctive engine note that any supernatural being on this Earth knew to listen out for. ''Okay, so they've just rolled into town. Me and Mimi will still be here, you just won't be able to see us. Just say our names if you want our help, okay?'' He snapped his fingers, hiding them both from the passing humans.

''Will he be all right?'' Hermione asked, sounding depressed.

Gabriel stared at her.

''I thought you knew what was going to happen.''

She gritted her teeth.

''Exactly.'' Hermione ground out.

Gabriel paled, looking from her to the Prophet he'd somehow grown attached to.

''Oh.'' He managed.

Sam and Dean looked relieved to find Kevin in one piece, although the darker part of Gabriel suggested that was just because he was of use to them. Judging by the grim twist to Hermione's lips she was thinking along the same lines.

''Where the hell have you been?'' Sam demanded, looking both frantic and guilty. Guess Dean had laid on the guilt trips pretty thick.

Kevin shrugged.

''London mostly.''

The Winchester's gaped at him.

''Kid, how'd you get to freakin' London?'' Dean breathed.

The Prophet looked at them like they were mad.

''Gabriel took me.'' He stared at them wide eyed. ''How do you get to London?''

Even Hermione snickered at that.

''I am so proud of that kid.'' Gabriel managed, laughing into his fist.

''You are a terrible influence.'' Hermione whispered back.

''Kevin, Gabriel's dead!'' Dean snapped. ''Lucifer killed him years ago.''

Kevin shouldered his bag and made his way towards the Impala.

''Whatever you say, Dean. Hey, can we stop for pizza? I'm kinda hungry.''

It didn't take the Winchester's long to try and summon him and Gabriel grinned excitedly at Hermione.

''I can't wait to see their faces.'' He trilled.

Hermione sighed heavily and Gabriel let the smile drop off his face.

Because she wasn't fooled. She was never fooled. And Gabriel wasn't happy.

Gabriel was very, very angry.

He and Hermione appeared invisible in the corner of the boy's motel room, watching Sam and Dean bicker.

''I knew it.'' Dean shoved at the bowl they'd been using for the summoning. ''He's dead.''

''Kevin described him...'' Sam started.

''So it's something that looks like Gabriel!'' Dean snapped. ''He went up against Lucifer, Sam. There's no coming back from that.''

''Gee boys,'' Gabriel drawled, stepping into the visible spectrum. ''You really oughta have more faith in me.''

''Gabriel?'' Sam stuttered, but Gabriel ignored him, too busy glaring at Dean. The older Winchester, stiffened, folding his arms.

''Hey, Deano.'' Gabriel snarled. He moved and yeah, the hunter was as deadly as ever after his stay in Purgatory, but Gabriel was an Archangel. He had the bastard pinned to the wall before anyone could blink. ''You left my brother behind.'' He tightened his grip and Dean snarled at him. ''You left an angel in Purgatory!''

''You think I don't know that!'' Dean yelled.

''I trusted you to look after him!'' Gabriel snapped. ''And instead you let him free the Leviathans from Purgatory? You let him die, again and then you just leave him behind!'' In the background he can hear Sam scrabbling for a weapon, begging with Hermione, who must have made herself visible, to do something to stop him.

''Gabriel.'' Hermione warned quietly, as Dean started to go purple. ''You can't kill him.''

''Why not?'' He hissed, wings thrashing as the lights flickered around the room and the rest of the state.

''Because it will break Castiel's heart to come back and find him dead.''

Dean dropped to the floor in a heap as Gabriel turned to Hermione, who was being eyed warily by Sam.

''He's coming back?''

''Of course he is.'' She smiled weakly. ''Do you think he'd really be left behind?''

Gabriel grabbed her shoulders, holding her still.

''Do you know he's coming back or do you know?''

Hermione sighed.

''I promised you a happy ending, didn't I? It's still on track.''

''What the hell's going on?'' Sam demanded. ''Who the hell are you?''

Gabriel let Hermione go, smoothing out his shirt absent-mindedly.

''She's Mimi.'' He said as Hermione said,

''I'm not important.''

''Wait,'' Dean rubbed at his throat as he got to his feet, eyeing Gabriel warily. ''Cas' is coming back? How the hell do you know?''

Gabriel shrugged, annoyed.

''She knows everything.''

''Is he okay?'' Dean demanded, turning to her. ''Cas'. Is he all right?''

''Okay is relative.'' Hermione perched on a rickety motel chair. ''He's alive.''

''Relative?'' Dean snarled, advancing on her. ''What kind of jumped up mumbo jumbo answer is that? Is he...''

''Deano,'' Gabriel smiled mercilessly, stepping between him and the witch. ''Engage that smallville brain of yours and Do Not Touch Her.''

The Winchesters froze as the lights flickered again and Gabriel winced because he hadn't meant to make that an Order.

''Whoa.'' Sam grabbed the back of his brother's shirt and pulled slightly, making Dean back off. ''How about we don't piss off the Archangel, huh Dean?'' He paused. ''How'd you survive Lucifer anyway? We went back, you were nothing but burnt wings.''

''Lets just say I didn't learn my best tricks from my brothers.'' Gabriel leaned against the table and popped a malteser into his mouth.

''But why didn't you come back and help us?'' Sam demanded furiously. ''We needed you!''

''No,'' Hermione corrected quietly. ''You didn't. You averted the Apocalypse, you sealed away Lucifer and Michael and saved the world. That was your destiny. Gabriel chose his path and met his own. You didn't need him. He did everything he was supposed to.''

For a moment the motel room was swamped in silence as the Winchesters just stared at her.

''Are you Fate?'' Sam blurted.

Hermione rolled her eyes and got to her feet.

''I'm going to see Kevin,'' She announced and looked at him expectantly. Gabriel snapped his fingers and she vanished. She could travel herself, but he really didn't want the Winchesters to know she could. Those bozos might just come after her someday.

''She's not Atropos.'' Gabriel added, turning back to them. ''Believe me they do not get along. I'm talking serious cat fights there. Anyway,'' he added, changing the topic. ''It's not like I've never helped you guys. What do you think I've been doing for the last year?''

Dean shook himself.

''So it really was you lookin' after the Prophet?''

''Kevin.'' He corrected sharply. ''The kid's name is Kevin. And yeah. Prophet alarm went off and I headed straight for the kid,'' He glared at Sam. ''What the Hell were you thinking Gigantor? Leaving a Prophet with Crowley? Kid's lucky I wasn't dead. And you two can say thank you for the Leviathans by the way.''

They just gaped at him.

Humans. Honestly.

''How long have we got?'' Gabriel asked as she sealed the door behind them.

Hermione sighed unhappily.

''Before Castiel returns? I don't know.''

''How does he get out?''

She hung up her cloak and pretended not to hear him.



''C'mon,'' He wheedled. ''I need to know.''

''No, you don't.''

He narrowed his eyes and followed her, taking in the tired set to her shoulders and the upset tinge to her aura.

''What aren't you telling me?''

Hermione fixed him with a bemused look.

''Most things.''

Urgh, this was hard work.

''What specifically aren't you telling me?'' He pressed.

Hermione shrugged.

''I'm going to go run some more calculations.''


''Later, Gabriel.''

Gabriel scowled as she vanished between filing cabinets and debated sulking. It wasn't any fun on his own.

Shift 83497 - Gabriel

''It's like she doesn't listen to anything I say!'' He whined.

Emrys shrugged.

''Maybe she's trying to protect you.''

Gabriel kicked out at the leaves in front of him.

''I'm an angel.'' He complained. ''I'm a warrior. What do I need protecting from?''

Emrys smiled at him.

''Maybe its not your body she's protecting.'' He suggested, reaching out to snap some flowers off a bush. ''Angel's do have hearts, don't they?''

Well...yes. Technically. Gabriel did have a heart. Or his vessel did at least. But the man-sun probably meant emotions and crap like that.

''Why'd she do that?'' Gabriel scowled. ''What do I care about?''

Cas' was the obvious answer to that one. Baby bro was the last decent angel left in the host and the little seraph was just so damn broken. You couldn't fault Gabriel for wanting to care for the last of his fledglings. Hermione was the next thing that came to mind. He didn't know what he'd do without his human, and then there was Kevin, the charge he'd somehow gotten attached to.

''See?'' Emrys smirked at him, raven black hair sticking up in odd places as his lanky body stepped easily through the woodland.

''Oh, shut up.'' Gabriel snapped. He stretched his wings wide, rolling his shoulders as he did so. The wizard eyed them warily and Gabriel smirked. ''So, speaking of hearts...''

Emrys went red.

''No.'' He grumbled.

''Oh, come on. You can tell me. How's the old soulmate?''

''He's not old.'' Emrys grumbled, missing the point completely. ''And he's fine. Uther's encouraging him to marry.''

''Let me guess, encouraging really means forcing?''

Emrys let out a pathetic whine.

''Oh buddy, does it suck to be you.'' Gabriel announced gleefully. ''Have you told him yet?''

''You know I haven't.'' The man-sun scowled. ''He'd never forgive me.''

''For something you were born to be?'' Gabriel sighed. ''It ain't your fault. But better to hear it from you than someone else.'' He shrugged. ''Just think about it.''

''Gabriel, I understand that you're concerned,'' Hermione insisted, on a rare break from her work. ''But until I identify the best course of action, there's really nothing we can do. So would you stop battering around me like a demented canary?''

Gabriel scowled at her.

''This isn't just some's..''

''One of your fledglings,'' She finished, rubbing at her forehead. ''I understand, Gabriel, I really do, but I'm sorry...'' She paused, flattening her palm out over her head. ''I'm doing my best, but my head is killing me and...'' The blood vessels in both her eyes burst as Hermione let out a bone rendering scream. She fell to her knees clutching at her head, bloody tears streaming down her face and her screams passed beyond vocal, in enough pain that she wasn't capable of making a sound.

''Mimi,'' He yelled, flinging himself towards her. He caught her as she fainted dead away. ''Fuck, Mimi, no...''

Bloody eyes reopened but it wasn't Hermione looking out of them.

''Where am I?'' The stranger demanded, staring up at Gabriel. ''What's going on?''

''Get Out Of Her.'' Gabriel Ordered, manifesting his wings behind him as he tried to use his grace to push the stranger out.

''Wait,'' Hermione's head turned. ''I know this place. This is the Warehouse and...Hermione. Oh this shouldn't have happened. How did this happen? It's never been a problem before.''

Gabriel snarled at the stranger, feeling his grace burn behind his own eyes.

''Get Out Of My Human.''

''Your human?'' Hermione's features twisted into disgusted grimace. ''You can't own a living being, it's barbaric.'' They shuddered. ''Oh no. The psychic backlash is tearing her apart. I need to get my shields back up.'' Brown eyes ringed in red fixed on Gabriel's. ''Catch her.'' The stranger ordered before Hermione's body went limp once again.

Gabriel worked quickly, throwing his own shields up around her mind doing his best to if not sever, then at least dampen that damned connection. He healed the damage to her brain, she'd been working her way up towards a severe stroke. Lifting his human easily, he carried her to the sofa still kept in her office.

''Fuck, Mimi.'' He breathed, brushing her fringe away from the her forehead. ''Don't do this to me.''

A loud hammering echoed across the warehouse and Gabriel's eyes narrowed. He lifted his wings behind him and stalked towards the blue door, unlocking it and ripping it open.

''You.'' He roared, grabbing the man by the lapels and hauling him through the door. He was lanky, dressed in a brown suit and trainers, with tear tracks staining his cheeks. He looked infuriatingly unafraid of an Archangel's wrath. ''What did you do to her?''

The man scowled.

''It's a self defensive mechanism,'' He spat, kicking at Gabriel's knees. ''I reached out to the nearest mind and she wasn't equipped to handle it. So will you let me help her or will you leave her crippled for the rest of her life?''

Gabriel dropped him to the floor.

''If you so much as...'' He warned.

''Whatever.'' The man hissed, ducking around him. ''Now where is she? And who are you anyway? She was on her own the last time I checked.''

''When was the last time you checked?'' Gabriel snapped back. ''You promised you'd visit.''

The man flinched and he ignored Gabriel as he made his way unerringly towards Hermione's office.

''I'm Gabriel,'' Gabriel added. ''The Archangel.''

Brown eyes shot him a disdainful look over one shoulder.

''There's no such thing.''

Gabriel's lip curled into a snarl, showing his teeth and the man turned back, dropping to his knees next to the sofa.

''I'm sorry.'' He breathed quietly.

Gabriel snorted as the man scanned her with whatever the buzzy blue thing was.

''I don't understand.'' He frowned at his stick. ''She should have severe brain bleeds, injuries...She's basically human and human's can't withstand that kind of psychic strain.''

''I fixed the physical stuff.'' Gabriel glowered at him.

''How?'' The man stared at him. His aura glinted gold around an old and heavily scarred soul.

''I'm an angel.'' Gabriel drawled. ''It's what I do, dipshit.''

The man's lip curled in that particular way Hermione reserved for ''Americans'' and dropped down next to her, lifting his hands to her temples. Gabriel felt the push against his shields and held them firm, waiting quietly for annoyed brown eyes to turn back to him.

''What...How...Never mind, just stop doing that!''

''Why?'' He asked. ''You're in her head enough as it is.'' He watched, mildly interested in the sheer fury that radiated from this guy. That anger was old, anger that had cooled and reheated so many times it was like diamond.

''Either you drop your shields, or she suffers severe psychic scarring and I don't think you want that.'' The man snarled.

Gabriel stared him down for a long moment before he dropped the shields. He kept a close eye on the pair of them though, ready to end the other man the moment he stepped out of line.

Nothing happened though and he dropped his hands to his sides an hour later, looking exhausted.

''There.'' He staggered off to an armchair and collapsed onto it, watching as Gabriel dropped down next to Hermione. '' I really am sorry about this. I never meant to hurt her.''

Gabriel was too preoccupied watching Hermione's magic swirl about her to do more that scoff at that.

She didn't wake for several hours and Gabriel sat by her side letting her dreams filter into his head. Their minds had connected so often it would take actual effort to keep them out and Gabriel...Gabriel didn't really mind them.

The stranger was still there, head tipped back against the cabinet radiating grief and anger. It wasn't uncontrolled now, he'd managed to anchor himself, keeping it from overspilling into Hermione but it was still a swirling, soul crushing maelstrom.

''Rose.'' Hermione breathed, her breath stirring Gabriel's feathers, tucked intangibly against his back.

He sighed as the stranger twitched, eyes narrowing.

''C'mon Mimi.'' He murmured, reaching out to nudge her into consciousness.

''Gabriel?'' She squinted at him. ''What's...'' Her eyes focused over his shoulder on the stranger and she frowned. ''Oh.'' She murmured softly. Understandingly as though she knew exactly what had happened. It was Hermione. She probably did.

Gabriel helped her sit up, propping her up with cushions and sat close to her, keeping a wary eye on her aura. She was sad and her magic had drawn itself close around her like the vines were trying to comfort her.

''I'm so sorry.'' Hermione breathed and the stranger, still sitting against the wall, flinched.

''I didn't think you'd picked up that much before your shields broke.'' He muttered, glaring at the toes of his trainers.

''I didn't.'' Hermione admitted, watching without flinching as the man's fury overwhelmed his grief. He looked up at them with eyes that almost glowed in anger.

''You knew?'' He hissed. ''You knew I was going to lose her?'' He got to his feet as Hermione just sat there. ''You could have done something, could have stopped me before I... You knew I'd lo...''

''Yes.'' Hermione agreed. ''I did. I knew everything. I knew you'd meet a shop girl in London, I knew you'd take her with you, I knew you'd love her and I knew you'd lose her. And I wasn't the only one.''

The man stopped.


Hermione heaved out a large breath.

''Someone made a great sacrifice for you not so long ago. Bad Wolf knew what was coming, she knew and she didn't change it. If she didn't...why would I?''

The man stared at them, pale and drawn and Hermione sighed.

''We're going upstairs if you need us. I'll put the kettle on.''

Stiffly, Hermione got to her feet and headed for the staircase. Gabriel only hesitated for a moment before following her.

''I thought I'd lost you.'' Gabriel murmured.

Hermione stiffened but didn't drop the kettle she was filling with water.

''Gunshot wounds I can fix but this...I didn't even see this coming. How in the name of the Host can I protect you against something inside your own head?''

She turned off the tap and set the kettle onto the lit stove.

''Gabriel,'' She said quietly, turning to face him. ''I don't need to be saved.''

Gabriel looked at her and didn't say anything.

''I'm sorry.'' The man said, sitting unhappily in their kitchen. ''It was an accident.''

Hermione shrugged apparently more interested in the packet of biscuits that whatever he had to say.

''It's a self defence mechanism.'' The man added.

''Against what?'' Gabriel asked, despite himself.

The man glared at him but answered anyway.

''My people were constantly connected to one another. Thousands of minds present and aware of each other all at the same time. You can't imagine.'' Gabriel definitely could. ''We also feel very deeply and often we could be overwhelmed by strong emotions. Loss, grief etcetera. When that happened we would automatically reach out to others for support. Only now...Hermione was the only one I was connected to and her mind couldn't handle the sheer weight. It's a miracle you're still alive.'' He added to Hermione.

She looked up from the table and smirked.

''You have Gabriel to thank for that. Miracles are a speciality of his.''

Despite himself, Gabriel laughed and she grinned at him.

''What is he?'' The man asked bluntly.

''Rude.'' Hermione accused and the man flinched. ''He's an Archangel. As I image he's told you.''

''There's no such thing.''

''Suit yourself.'' Hermione smiled. It wasn't a nice smile. It was the one she had on when she was planning to tell someone the truth. ''You need to find someone else to travel with.''

The man's fingers went white around his mug.

''I can't...''

''You can and you will.'' She insisted forcefully. ''Being alone all the time isn't good for anyone but particularly not for the people who meddle with timelines.'' She smiled. ''Take it from someone who knows. You need someone to be your reality check, someone to stop you from going too far.''

They stared at each other.

''I that what he is?'' The man asked. ''Your reality check?''

''Gabriel?'' Hermione scoffed. ''No. Far worse than that. He's my friend.''

Gabriel locked the blue door, kicked it vindictively and then manifested a Sharpie to draw a moustache on the wolf.

''Mature.'' Hermione commented dryly. ''And unlock it, we're going to have another visitor soon.''

''Him?'' Gabriel grumbled.

''No, Ianto. You like Ianto.''

Gabriel scowled because this was true.

''Stop managing me.'' He complained and then spotted where she was headed. ''Hey! There is no way you're heading back to work after a psychic seizure.'' He grabbed her arm and then picked a door at random. ''We're going for ice cream.''

"Were there turning points in your universe?" Gabriel asked, licking ice cream off his hand. There were sitting in the bright sunlight of a desert town that for some reason only served mint ice cream. The guy selling it had refused to serve Gabriel claiming that ''he didn't exist'' so Hermione had bought it.

Hermione chuckled, apparently unconcerned by the dark clothed figure hiding in a nearby bush, writing down their conversation on a clipboard.

"Of course there were. We couldn't calculate what they were, the time lines were too muddied. But there were some obvious ones which stand out in my memory."

"Like what?"

''An insult which never should have been uttered, a friendship which never should have been lost. Things which could have avoided the Second War. More in my life time however...Harry, my best friend and also my brother-in-law, I had a lot of them, yes. Our school had these houses and Harry asked to be sorted into Gryffindor with me and the Weasleys. And that shaped much of his life as well as my own. However Harry was also offered Slytherin and, if not for my actions, I think he might have taken it."

"What did you do?"

Hermione smiled sadly.

"I told him only really great wizards came from Gryffindor and only dark ones came from Slytherin and that," She grimaced. "Is not entirely true. I was young and naive and didn't know any better than the prejudices I picked up from books. When you added that to Draco's comment about Ron and Harry was horrified to be offered Slytherin. But if he'd actually taken it, I think things would have turned out very differently."

"How'd you mean?"

"We always painted the Slytherins as cruel, manipulative bastards and some of them were. But Slytherins stuck by their own in a way that Gryffindors didn't. They were proud because they had to be. If they didn't care for themselves no one would. Much like the muggleborns, the whole world was against them. They would have noticed that Harry arrived at school skinnier than when he left, that his clothes were hand-me-downs that didn't fit, that no one ever sent him letters. They would have taught him everything he needed to know and they would have loved him in their way. Slytherins aren't dark. They were just driven to darkness because no one in the light wanted them."

"Why'd you change your mind?" He asked, idly.

She smirked.

"I had a rude awakening. Not only did the war change my opinion of certain matters but...I realised I had my own Slytherin living under my roof. Rose, my daughter,'' she clarified. ''She was bright, incredibly so but she had my cunning and my wit. Some of her father's bravery sure, but she was mostly me. I should have been in Slytherin." Hermione added with a grin. "You should have seen Ron's face when I told him I'd had the same choice as Harry did. The only reason I chose Gryffindor was because I was afraid I wouldn't make friends in Slytherin." Her nose wrinkled. "Didn't make many friends anyway but that's beside the point. I had to be sure so I took her to see Draco and his son. He was a bully when I was at school but after the war..." She trailed off for a moment. "Anyway, she and Scorpius hit it off right away, Draco looked disgusted. We couldn't tell her dad though. He'd have thrown a fit. She was always his little Gryffindor. "

"What about Hugo?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. The grief was still there but it was tempered now and she'd learned to smile through it.

"He took after his dad. Gryffindor through and through."

Shift 83497 - Gabriel

''What is it this time?'' Emrys asked. He looked more tired than usual.

''Belladonna, foxglove and...'' Gabriel squinted at the list. ''A gryffon feather.''

Emrys nodded, pursing his lips.

''I don't want to know what she's planning to do with all that.'' He grumbled.

Gabriel frowned at him.

''You okay?''

''No.'' The warlock scowled. ''Uther is dying. Arthur is going to be king.''


Shift 3694.77 Granger/Gabriel

''It'll be fine.'' Hermione murmured.

Gabriel hefted his sword.

''He's a murderer.'' He snapped.

''Lot's of people are murderers.'' She stepped neatly around a jagged piece of iron hanging from the ruined ceiling.

''You're not.'' Gabriel grumbled, expanding his senses.

''Only just.'' She sent him a bemused look. ''I wasn't always a bureaucrat, Gabriel.''


''Really.'' Hermione drew her wand and sighed. ''He's here.''

The man they were here to see wasn't truly a free radical, but he was a guiding force behind one of the largest free radicals in this universe. He was sitting on the floor, staring at the wall. He'd stiffened when they entered the room and, as they approached, he turned to stare at them with large empty eyes. It reminded Gabriel of a child.

''Hello.'' Hermione breathed, tucking her wand back into her sleeve. She dropped onto the floor a few feet away from the man and smiled at him sadly. Gabriel leaned against nothing very much and tried to look non-threatening. ''Are you okay?''

The man stared at them, a small frown forming between his eyebrows.

''I don't know...'' He started and then broke off, looking around him. The room, vault was probably a better word, contained different bits of technology and the echo of a lot of pain. ''Who?'' He asked.

Hermione shrugged.

''My name is Hermione. That's Gabriel. What's your name?''

The frown got worse and Gabriel remembered the calculations Hermione had run before they'd left. As far as they knew, this was the most vulnerable the man would be for quite some time. And vulnerable meant approachable...according to Hermione anyway. Gabriel kept his wings arched, even if the man couldn't see them.

''I don't...I don't remember.'' He stared at Hermione and it seriously creeped Gabriel out how whack-jobs just seemed to imprint on her. ''There was a man?'' He asked nervously.

She nodded. All hail Hermione, Queen of the PTSD ducklings.

''Yes, there was. Are you cold?'' She added as the man began to shiver.

He gave a shallow nod.

Urgh, did that make him a duck? He was an Archangel! He couldn't be a duck!

''That's okay.'' Hermione shifted forward onto her knees very slowly. ''Would you like me to help with that?''

The man paused. Gabriel wondered if giving him an option was wrong. But Hermione had insisted that he had to make the choice himself.

There was the scrape of metal on concrete and then the man moved closer to Hermione, eyeing both of them warily. Gabriel tensed, ready to move in case he made move that was threatening. It only took seconds to kill a human and Gabriel refused to give this guy even one.

Eventually, after enough tense shuffling that had everyone on edge (except Hermione, who was doing her serene thing), the man got close enough for Hermione to touch him.

''Now,'' She said gently. ''This shouldn't hurt, but it will help, okay?''

The man blinked at her.

''I won't touch you unless you say it's all right.''

For a second the man's terrified gaze flickered between Gabriel and Hermione and Gabriel felt his resolve shrink. He'd read the damn file. He knew what they'd done to this guy. And now...with his programming in shreds...There wasn't much left but base instinct.

''Oh...Okay.'' The man breathed and Hermione smiled, lifting her right hand to rest on the man's metal arm. Gabriel shifted his vision and watched as her magic extended along her arm and into the rune she was tracing against the steel plates. The man stiffened as it glowed and sunk into the metal. Hermione didn't often do magic without her wand, she said it took to much out of her to force it without a conduit. But pulling out something that could possibly be a weapon on this guy would be a mistake.

''Better?'' She asked and very slowly the man nodded. Hermione hummed and rummaged in the bag she had hanging by her side. The man flinched immediately, worried she was reaching for a weapon, but Hermione ignored him. She pulled a neatly folded blanket from the bag and set it on the floor between them. It was dark blue and made from the softest wool she could find. It was also, and Gabriel didn't really get how this worked, waterproof and enthused with warming and cleaning charms.

A flesh hand darted out to touch it before being jerked back as though its owner had no idea how it had happened. Gabriel couldn't blame him. Hermione's knitted goods were seriously valuable. Gabriel tugged his woolly hat slightly further down his head. It was bright gold and sparkly and Gabriel guarded it zealously.

''It's yours.'' Hermione murmured and the man stared at her. ''You can touch it.''

Metal blurred as the man snatched out to grab it, clutching the blanket to his chest.

''Now...'' Hermione breathed. ''Why don't you tell me about the man on the bridge?''

''Mission Report?'' He asked with wide eyes.

Hermione smiled kindly.

''If you like.''

The blue door burst open with a bang and Ianto rushed into the warehouse like the dogs of Hell were after him. They probably weren't, Gabriel was pretty sure his universe didn't have Hell hounds. Ianto looked terrible. He was in jeans and a blood stained t-shirt, his face was pale and wan and his hair, usually immaculate, was greasy and unkempt.

Gabriel dropped from his rafter to land directly in front of him and the human grabbed his shoulders tightly, apparently out of his mind enough that the sight of Gabriel falling thirty feet didn't bother him.

''Where's Hermione?'' He demanded.

''Whoa, big guy.'' Gabriel soothed. ''Breathe. Mimi!'' He yelled, over his shoulder.

Gabriel about had the distraught human breathing properly by the time Hermione deigned to wander over to them and then Ianto got himself completely worked up again.

''Please.'' He begged, staring at her with watery eyes. ''Please, it's Lisa. You've got to help me.''

Hermione, looking resigned, simply nodded and got her coat.

Gabriel hated that she didn't look surprised.

Ianto led them back to his flat, a tiny pokey affair that was probably all an archivist could afford on a London salary. It was a mess, with clothes and furniture strew about the place like flotsam from a storm and Gabriel paused inside the doorway smelling the unmistakable scent of iron and life.

''She's through here.'' The man murmured and led them towards the bedroom.

What was left of a woman was attached to a variety of machines, each filling the room with their own quiet beeps.

''The conversion,'' Ianto whispered. ''It was never finished. She's still there. She's still Lisa.''

Lisa didn't stir, deeply unconscious.

''Please, if there's anything you can do...''

Hermione pursed her lips and nodded.

''I'll do my best.'' She said. ''But I make no promises, Ianto. This is...'' She faltered to a stop looking slightly haunted.

Ianto clenched his jaw.

''That's all I can ask.'' He admitted, looking heartbroken.

''Can you get me some tea?'' Hermione added, opening the bag she'd brought with her.

Ianto nodded stiffly and vanished, leaving with one lingering look at his girlfriend.

Gabriel waited until he was out of earshot before he stepped up to Hermione.

''We're not here to save her, are we?''

Hermione pulled a sterilised syringe from her bag and unwrapped it.

''No, we're not. I don't have to do this, I mean I could let her live for another year or so but...I don't want to put him through that.'' She sighed. ''I don't want to put her through that.'' She pushed the needle into a vial of clear liquid and started to fill the syringe.

''What is that?'' Gabriel asked.

''A slow death full of dreams.'' Hermione murmured sadly. ''It'll allow her to slip away in her sleep in about a week or so. Painless. Ianto will be able to say goodbye.''

He stared at her, horrified.

''Have you always planned to do this?''

She flicked the full syringe and ignored him, pursing her lips.

''I'm sorry.'' She murmured, leaning forward, but Gabriel stopped her.

''No.'' He complained, taking the syringe. ''This isn't something I want on your soul.''

''Gabriel...'' Hermione complained softly.

''No.'' He stated and nudged her out the way. At Hermione's direction he injected the poison into what was left of the woman's thigh and used his grace to ensure there was no puncture mark.

''I'm sorry.'' Hermione said again, touching Lisa's forehead. ''You didn't deserve this.''

Ianto bustled back into the room holding a steaming mug as Gabriel banished any evidence of their intervention.

''Thank you, dear.'' Hermione murmured. She passed the tea to Gabriel and hugged the young man tightly. ''Oh, Ianto.''

Ianto Jones broke down onto her shoulder, loud heart-breaking sobs racking his slim frame. Hermione held him for a long time until he managed to regain his composure.

''I've done what I can.'' Hermione murmured. ''But there are limits to my power.'' She flicked her wand and a green glowing orb appeared next to the head of the bed. ''That's a diagnostic tool. If it's green her conditions stable. If it starts to turn purple her condition is deteriorating. If it fades...than I'm sorry.''

Ianto stared at the orb and nodded.

''Take care of yourself, kid.'' Gabriel murmured, touching his shoulder.

''Thank you.'' He breathed. ''For coming.'' He smiled at them weakly. ''I really appreciate it.''

Hermione went white.

Gabriel and Hermione were drinking, Hermione having broken out a bottle of whiskey she'd had hidden somewhere.

''He thanked us.'' Gabriel spat. He felt like...He didn't know what he felt like, but he didn't like it. Guilt was a new emotion for him and it filled him like acid, biting at his insides.

''I hate this job.'' Hermione muttered, staring at the table with haunted and miserable eyes.

''He fucking thanked us.''

They went back and helped Ianto dispose of the body, cremating his girlfriend's remains on a great pyre in the countryside. Gabriel and Hermione helped it to burn hot enough to burn through cybernetics and metal and then they helped Ianto back to his flat.

Hermione cleaned while Gabriel returned the medical equipment to the various hospitals Ianto had stolen it from and then they all settled around the table, staring into mugs of tea.

''You need to get away from here.'' Hermione insisted gently. ''Send her things to her parents and then you need to leave. This isn't good for you.''

Ianto stared at her with wet eyes.

''Where?'' He managed. ''My only reference got blown up, I'm just qualified to be a tea boy.''

''That's not true.'' She rebuked and paused. ''You could always go back to Cardiff.'' She suggested. ''There's a branch of Torchwood there.''

Ianto frowned at her.

''But that's Captain Harkness' team. It's invitation only.''

She smiled.

''Than I suggest you find yourself an invitation.''

Gabriel always forgot that they were outside linear time. The Warehouse existed in its own space but the universes it was connected to didn't run parallel to one another. What was a week in one universe was a month or a day in another. It could seriously mess with your head and Gabriel liked his head so he didn't think about it. But it explained why when Gabriel stepped from 985661 where he'd been dealing with ensuring the right woman joined a monster fighting army so she could meet the right man and they could save the world with a giant robot to find Hermione standing directly in front of him with news they'd been waiting months for.

''It's tomorrow.'' She announced.

Gabriel wiggled his eyebrows at her.

''The day the sun comes out?'' He asked, hopefully.

''Castiel is coming back tomorrow.'' Hermione insisted, scowling at him. She tugged at her hair. ''I don't know why or how, but its tomorrow. You need to go now.''

''Like now, now?''

''Yes!'' Hermione snapped. ''Something isn't going right and I'm not sure what it is, so I need you to go and find out. All right?''

Gabriel frowned at her.

''Are you all right?''

She shuddered and wrapped her arms around her middle.

''I'm fine. Just tired.'' Gabriel eyed the bags under her eyes. ''You need to...''

''Cas' can wait.'' Gabriel insisted, herding her towards the stairs. ''I need to make sure you eat something first.''

''This is important, Gabriel!'' Hermione snapped.

''So's this, sweetheart.'' He murmured, taking her hand and leading the way up to the flat. ''C'mon, I'll make pasta.''


So this took a while. But it hope the length makes up for it. Is 16,500 too long for a chapter?

Thanks for all your support for this story, I hope you like the latest instalment.

I will list all of the universes in the last chapter of the story, so feel free to keep guessing.

Hood Out.