Izzy has been trying to call Gemma for the past hour and a half. After she and Owen left, she began to call Gemma to tell her to go to the Main Street so Owen and herself and met her there and get her on the ferry off this island. But she couldn't get a hold of her. It kept sending her to Gemma's voicemail.

"Fuck." Izzy grumbles.

She and Owen was at the Innovation Center, trying to get the guest to remain calm. Apparently Claire did take Owen's advice and began to evacuate the island. Seeing young children being hug close by their parents made Izzy's heart ache more for Gemma. She felt Owen's hand on her shoulder.

"No answer?"

Izzy shook her head. "No. I'm beyond pissed off now…" She paces a bit. "Oh god…fucking fuck fuck…"

"Hey hey," Owen says. "I need you here. Don't go off Izzy please." His green eyes looks into her brown eyes.

"Owen our daughter is missing." She says. " Not to mention that…thing they created is roaming the island and we don't know where it is…" Izzy spoke that last sentence in a low voice.

Owen took her face in his hands. "Izzy I promise we will find Gemma. Safe and sound." He gave her a small kiss before getting interrupted by Claire. When Izzy looks at the red head woman, she looks extremely worried.

"Oh god I need you." Claire breathes out.

"Okay?" Owen says, unsure what she meant.

"I need your help. Both of you. My nephews they're out in the valley," Claire explains as she rambles. "If anything happens to them…"

Owen pulls her to a more quiet place. Izzy follows.

"How old are they?" He asks.

"Um, the oldest one is like high school age," Claire response, making a gesture of his height. "The youngest one, is um…a few years-"

"You don't know your nephews age?" Owen questions.

Izzy places her hand on her forehead. "Okay where's the last place they went? Do you know?"

"They were in the valley inside the Gyrosphere with a friends…I think a girl named Gemma…I dunno." Claire explains.

Izzy and Owen's eyes widen. Gemma was with Claire's nephews.

"Gemma? Are you sure?" Owen asks.

"Yes I'm sure." Claire states.

Gemma was excited to about seeing more dinosaurs or as Zach puts it 'Get the whole Jurassic World'. They been in the Gyrosphere for a while now when they came across a open gate they appears to be an restricted area. Gray and Gemma was weary was going inside, thinking that they are gonna get caught but Zach assures that they it'll be okay.

Their Gyrosphere was in a very dense forest. Gemma hasn't seen another dinosaurs in awhile and she was getting pretty bored. Zach and Gray were arguing about how they were going to get in trouble for going off the trail and not returning to the Gyrosphere station. Gemma went to her backpack to check the time on her cell phone but intense fear overcame her when she saw that her cell phone was turned off.

"Dammit," she cursed, turning the phone back on.

"What's wrong?" Gray asks.

"My stupid cell phone was off for some reason." Gemma mumbles. "My parents are gonna kill me. They probably was trying to call me. I'm gonna be in so much trouble."

"Just tell them the battery died." Zach suggests. He spots a few dinosaurs a couple of a feet away and smiles a little bit.

Gemma shakes her head at the amount of voicemail messages she received. She probably had over 50 voicemails from her mom alone.

"C'mon you guys we are up close and personal with four…" Zach was no aware of the names of the dinosaurs. "dinosaurus…"

Gray sighs. "They're ankylosaurs and there is five."

"I thought you were some dinosaur expert." Zach said. "I see four of those things."

Gemma looks at the ankylosaurs and noticed else something moving but couldn't make out what it was. "Zach I can see five too."

"What? Where?" He asks.

Gray points to the four ankylosaurs that are in front of the Gyrosphere. He then points to a reflection on the Gyrospehere. The first thing Zach is very sharp teeth and slight low growl.

It was moving.

Slowly, all three of them turn towards their backs to look at it. This unknown dinosaur rose its massive head, blocking the sun. Zach had never seen anything like it. It kind of looks like a T-Rex but much more bigger and…mutated.

When the very large dinosaur lets out a aggressive and powerful roar, Gray began to desperately to urge Zach to move, hitting him on his arm. As Zach started to push the Gyrosphere forward, the dinosaur roars, kicking the Gyrosphere towards the now frighten herd of ankylosaurs. Gray screams as the everything begins to spin out of control. Zach felt like he was inside a jumbo size washing machine, all the colors on the outside of the Gyrosphere was like a mixture of dark green. The ankylosaurs then use their massive bony tails to kick the Gyrosphere back and forth like a giant soccer ball.

It finally came to a stop. Gray and Gemma are holding currently holding onto Zach's arm. Gray is breathing hard as Gemma was visibly shaky until she looks over at Gray and Zach.

"Everyone a-alright?" she stammers a bit.

"Yea," Zach says.

Gray nods quickly. He looks over to his seeing the carnivorous dinosaurs that was literally two feet from them. Luckily, its main focus is on the lone ankylosaur. It roar and chargers at the armor plated dinosaur. Zach uses the opportunity to steer away from the danger-


Gray and Gemma screamed. The bony tail of the ankylosaur knocks into Gyrosphere and it spins out of control again, knocking it against a tree and leaving the Gyrosphere upside down.

Gemma felt all the blood in her body rushing into her head, causing her to feel dizziness and nausea. "I think I'm gonna be sick…"

"Oh god please don't throw up," Zach says, trying to get the Gyrosphere off its side.

The T-Rex like dinosaur and the ankylosaur starts to engage in a fight. The mutant T-Rex made several failed attempts to bite into the armor like bone back of the ankylosaur. Then it uses its sharp claws to put the smaller dinosaur on its back, leaving it defenseless. Finally it went for its neck and started to twist it using its mouth.

Gemma watches in horror. "Fuck…"

"We're safe in here right?"

"Yeah," Zach said, even though he was unsure.

Gemma's cell phone started to ring really loud. Then Zach's phone started to vibrate. She reaches for her backpack but is having a hard time because she is still strap in. She unbuckles herself from her seat and fell on the 'roof' of the Gyrosphere. She quickly grabs her phone from her backpack and answers it.


'Gemma!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! WHERE ARE YOU!?' It was her mom.

"Mom, I-"

Its large red cat silted eyes was looking. It was looking at them. Gemma drops her cell phone, unable to take her eyes off those horrible red eyes. The thing flares its nostrils against the glass, inspecting it. It then rolls the Gyrosphere around a bit until all three of them was facing it. It sniffs and growls softly, opening its mouth and leaning forward.

All of the kids inside started to scream, believing that this is it. They are going to die. However the carnivore's teeth could not penetrate the Gyrosphere, so it starts to add more pressure to its bite force. Its teeth was now embedded with the glass of the Gyrosphere and it lifts it up a few feet off the ground before slamming it back down. It only cause the glass to shatter not break. Again, it lifted up the Gyrophere. Gemma quickly unbuckles Zach and Gray from their seats just as the Gyrosphere was slam back into the muddy ground.

"RUN!" Gemma screams, once the Gyrosphere was lifted off the ground again.

Zach's legs was burning as he, Gemma and Gray was running away from whatever that thing is called. Each of its footstep made the ground shake. His lungs was burning for air, practically begging him to slow down but Zach forced himself to move faster. They came to a halt near a waterfall. He looks at Gemma.

"Can you swim?"


He looks at Gray. "You can do this!"

"No I can't!" Gray whimpers, shaking his head.

The monster was approaching them now. Each second it got closer and closer.

"On three!" Zach shouts to Gemma.

"Okay. THREE!"

Gemma makes a huge leap towards the bottom of the water, but not before grabbing onto Zach and Gray's arms because the dinosaur was about to kill them. The fall was short but it felt like a lifetime. The water was cold when they finally hit it. Gemma was very thankful for those summers she spent with him learning how to swim. Underwater, she gestures for Gray to wait for a moment before breaking surface. Looking up, she could see the image of the dinosaur looking down at the water. It stares for a few moments before taking off.

Zach was the first to break surface, following Gray then Gemma. He didn't know how much longer he would last underwater. They swam up to shore before collapsing, taking a breather. Gray laughs a little bit.

"Listen I'm sorry I didn't-" Gemma's apologies were cut off when Zach kissed her. He didn't know why he kissed her. Maybe it was his way of saying thank you.

"Thanks." He said.

"What for?"

"For saving Gray and me."

Izzy felt as if she couldn't breath. Everything was closing in on her. 'Gemma is not dead,' she told herself. 'Gemma and those boys aren't dead.' She wanted to forget about that last phone call. She wanted to ignore the sounds of her little girl screaming along with that…that…

She was too distracted about Gemma to noticed that Owen had stop the car.

"Stay in the car," He orders. Izzy was unsure if he meant her or Claire or both. She got out of the car to see what Owen was doing.

Owen was kneeling down, trying to comfort a injured adult female apatosaurs. Izzy recognizes the apatosaur as one as her own.

"Poppy!" She nearly yells, going over to her animal.

The large long neck herbivore was lying on its side, breathing hard and labored. It had multiple deep fatal looking gashes on its side, most likely caused by the Idomimus Rex. Izzy got on her knees, hoping Poppy would rest her head on her lap like she does sometimes. The gentle giant lifts up its head slightly, seeing Izzy and rest its head on her lap.

"Shh its okay girl." She mumbles, her eyes burning with tears while stroking her head.

From the corner of her eye, Izzy saw Claire had come out of the car. She reach out to touch Poppy but Poppy started to wail in distress.

"No its okay. You're okay now." Izzy assures. The female apatosaur relaxes a bit. "That's my big girl. You're my big girl."

Poppy closes her eyes, her breathing become slower until it stops all together. Izzy was heartbroken. She felt Owen giving her a hug.

"Oh my god…"

Owen pulls away from Izzy, looking to what Claire was staring at. In the valley, there are four other dead apatosaurs with the same fatal wounds as Poppy.

"She's not eating them." Izzy whispers.

"No." Owen said. "She's killing for sport."