"I don't know what you two are so steamed about. My shirts were compliments… giant confidence boosters even."

"Were they?" Questions Thor, "Which part? Titling us old perhaps?"

"Nah, it was probably when she called us geezers." Steve chimes in.

Darcy rolls her eyes. "Ok ok, point taken! But c'mon guys, it is a little bit funny. Especially how long it took you both to notice. Like what, were you getting dressed by candle light each morning?"

Much to their annoyance, Darcy has to stop and cackle at her own joke. By Thor's side, Jane bites her tongue to prevent from joining her.

"Alright! I can take a hint. So I'll tell you what, I'll just reprint the design on brand new shirts, scrub the words 'old' and 'geezer' and keep the 'sexy' going across your backs. Voila! A total, unadulterated compliment. You're welcome!"

"Sexy backs!" Jane squeals, giddy at the reference.

"Jane..." As usual, the disapproving look Thor directs her way ends up morphing into an adoring smile.

Steve, however, focuses on scolding Darcy, "We are not walking around with the word "sexy" on our backs! Could we get anymore self-absorbed?"

"Weeelll," Darcy sing songs," If I added the word 'hot' before 'sexy'... "

It's here that Jane's resolve crumples and she's reduced to peals of laughter. Thor and Steve both shake their heads. Darcy was insufferable, but somehow they loved her for it.

"Kidding, guys, I'm kidding! Okay, how 'bout I reprint the shirts without anything on the backs? No harm, no fowl, right?"

Almost fiendishly, Steve smirks over at Thor and the god nods back with a returning smirk.

"How about you do that and print this little design out for yourself while you're at."

He hands Darcy the concept art he'd been working on and she scowls the second she lays eyes on it.

"Ha-ha guys! I hope you're not expecting me to wear that. Not only is it embarrassingly lame, but I'd look totally…"

"Ridiculous?" Thor suggests. "The feeling is oddly familiar."

Recovered from her giggling fit, Jane takes this opportunity to be a voice of reason, "Seriously Darce? Considering what you put them through, I think it's the least you could do."

Darcy spares another glance at the design.

"Aww, do I have to?!"

"Could you guys have found a more public place?" Darcy was asking Jane, her tone sarcastic.

She had gotten roped into a day at Coney Island with Steve, Thor, and Jane as a part of her "penance."

The main condition, of course, was that she had to wear it: the all-white shirt that had "SNEAKY LIL DEVIL" displayed across the chest. Below it was a large print up of Darcy's face, tinted red and photoshopped with tiny devil's horns and a forked tail. Darcy could thank Jane for contributing the most unflattering picture of her ever, and it had been Thor's idea to put the image on both back and front.

"It's not even that bad." Jane told her. "Silly maybe, but it's kinda cute too. Besides, I bet everything's in your head and no one's gonna notice."

"Aint nothin' cute 'bout that picture of me! And it's too late, Stark already has a shot of me wearing it on Instagram."

"Okay, but not everyone knows wh-"

"He tagged my name," Darcy interrupts, "then cross posted it on Facebook."


A beat of silence passes as Jane tries to think of something helpful to console her sulking friend. Giving up, she settles on a shrug, "Well, you know what they say about payback."

"Yea..." Darcy pouts, "It's a 'sneaky lil devil'."