First-off; I do not own Inyasha or any of the characters. I make no profit off of my work. I just love writing about them!

I had intended this to be a series of one-shots but from both points of view, her first and then his. Let's see how well I stick to that. In this Kinda-canon they are in the same time frame, same people, just Sesshoumaru defeats Naraku instead of the normal 'Crew'. The prologue to this may be a story of it's own, who knows.

I do suck at editing, it's one of the worst things ever, but if you want to edit or can edit for me please let me know?

I do hope you enjoy, comment and let me know!

The flicker of reality pulled at the fabric of her mind, forcing her to acknowledge its vast presence. Trying to focus on a single moment, waking from her forced slumber, her brows furrowed. A soft voice calling to her, far away but entirely inside her own mind, searching within her own body she felt the unmistakable flutter of pain right before she peeled her eyes open. Darkness flecked with drops of spilled milk greeted her, the cool rush of sweet night air graced her lungs as they drew large breaths. Green leaves dotted the edges of her vision, held into place by rough looking branches. The blades of lush grass brushed against her bare arms and thighs, leaving their imprint on her soft body.

She felt the stiffness in her bones, she hadn't moved from that position for some time apparently. Drawing in another sweet breath she tried to sit up, only to fail helplessly halfway through. Pain laced itself through her body, threading her skin with its unpleasant touch, not overpowering by any means but just so to make her walk carefully for the next few days. Splaying her fingers she ran them through the grass, feeling the cool moisture beading upon each blade, satisfied that this didn't bring her much of that warm pain. She vowed to try again, this time letting her arms fall behind her to lean upon. Pushing through the throbbing pulse of her failure she was upright, a feat in and of itself. She slowly curled her legs into herself, resting her bare elbows on her knees, she sat there for what seemed like minutes, hours maybe, just breathing. Aware of her surrounding and of the dangers that lurk, crawling, slinking, slithering in the night she forced her head around, hoping to be alone.

She wasn't.

He was there. Sitting behind her against a thick tree. Massive, hard, silver, amber, white and red. His eyes, thankfully, sealed, she knew he wasn't asleep. Fear never spilling into her being, she looked back down at her aching body, knowing his presence was enough to keep even the most dangerous, slimy things at bay. Her breathing continued for moments, pulling the will to move into her limbs, training her focus on one task which seemed to be an eternity away. Palms to the soft bed of grass she channeled what little energy she had accumulated into her legs, standing in a slow, ungraceful, motion. The ache in her bones burning slightly, just enough.


Warm shivers melting down her back at the deep timber of his god given voice. Her mind went everywhere and nowhere at the same time, his one word made her eyes flutter shut. Knowing that she would do anything that voice demanded without hesitation, she felt for any being to anger him. Hearing this silken, gold flecked voice to be spiked with anger would surely burn everything around him.

"Lord Sesshoumaru" She countered, too breathy, too shallow, too weak, too...human. He was still here, silently watching, protecting, saving her. Thinking him to have left as soon as she fell from his grasp, she was obviously mistaken.

Too soon the silence gripped both occupants of the night, covering them in a blanket too-thin. Tired legs started to tingle with sleep, she needed to move, but to where? Somehow that answer didn't matter to Kagome, she just needed to feel the pull of her muscles before she lost them. Her lean legs unhurriedly carried her around the small, dark clearing, the moon lighting her path only slightly, just enough. She cared not if the Demon Lord watched her, she needed to move about, to be free of her dormancy. Wanting nothing more then to be awake she continued for quite some time. Walking a small trail here and there, feet lightly padding the ground, 'No need to wake the dead' She thought to herself with a bitter laugh.

"Enough Miko" Sesshoumaru imparted, no anger in his voice, only a dimmed disinterest. He would never raise his voice to the gentle creature pacing the clearing.

She halted in her steps, grazing her eyes over his countenance. He was truly a god, such magnificence made her feel so unworthy. Breathing deep the sweet air of the night she moved to place herself next to his great form, not saying a word, just letting her presence be known. Her mind swirled with many thoughts she would never voice around this demon. The one that kept thrusting its way to the forefront of her conscience made her drop her head in … shame? Strong enough at this moment to mask her emotions just as he did, she dropped down next to him, resting her arms on her raised knees.

"Tell me" Kagome voiced, no questioning, it was a demand. She had demanded the Great Daiyoukai of the Western Lands to tell her. 'No' was not a tangible option, it had never been, not once in their relationship had he ever told this spirited woman 'No' to anything she requested of him.

As it turns out he wouldn't start tonight either.

"He is dead" His voice practically purred with joy. "I slew him, I tore the limbs from his body and rend the flesh from bone. He cannot recover from what I have done to him. I consumed his lifeless body into my own". His liquid gold eyes bore into her, awaiting her reaction. He has single-handedly accomplished what her crew had been trying desperately at for many years. Ease swelled through her body, relieving the dull ache of pain momentarily, she could jump for joy, scream her excitement to the night sky, dance around foolishly, sing her satisfaction to whomever would bear it. She could find many way to express her delight, but she sat next to her lord. Her strong, quiet, demon lord. A smile plastered to her pretty face as tears gushed from her cerulean orbs, choking back an ecstatic laugh she swiped them away.

"Sesshoumaru you didn't really eat him, did you"? She inquired, her glee taking a hold of her tiny frame, she shook her head before she finally met his deadly gaze. Her eyes never faltered, her heart never wavering, she was not scared of this being beside her, even though every single sense screamed at her that she should be. Every reason laid stripped and bare before her, a solid foundation for her fear, and she disregarded it entirely. She would never fear Sesshoumaru. Her Sesshoumaru.

"I did"

Kagome gagged slightly, not bothering to hide her blatant disgust at the notion.

"Not in this form, however" He amended. Still earning a sick sound from the female.