A/N: Hmmm… Enjoy and Review!

(In class 1A…)

"Hey! Did you hear it? There is going to be a transfer student in our class!"

"Whoa! Amazing! Transfer student?!"

"He must be really smart to be able to transfer into our school, more so at this time of the year which our mid-year examination is coming soon!"

Among all the buzz about the transfer student, just then an excited Ashley ran into the class and screamed…

"The transfer student is a guy and he is called ZESS!"

Immediately, roar of delight erupted from the girls and soon, the news spread like fire. Within minutes, many more girls from the other class started to gather outside the class of 1A, hoping to hear how the guy called Zess looked like.

"Hey! Did you manage to see how he looks like?" someone shouted daringly, deciding it is time to ask the millionaire question.

With a smirk and a wide smile, Ashley purposely lowered her volume in order to amplify the effect of her announcement. Looking at all the girls' eager faces and enjoying the brief solo attention she is getting, she teased these eager girls by breathing in slowly and deeply, purposely delaying the time of her announcement. Looking left and right, savouring all the eyes on her, finally the time of her announcement has arrived. Forming an O-shaped with her mouth, all girls waited eagerly yet quietly. This seems like a calm before the storm. Eventually, Ashley shouted…


Immediately, the whole female population rejoiced in happiness upon hearing this piece of good news. Roars of laughing and cheers were defending.

"A hottie! The new transfer student is a HOTTIE!" Ashley repeated, ensuring that everyone, especially the girls, could hear it.


"Yuki-kun. Onegaishimasu!"

"This…Err…" Yuki hesitated, looking at the threatening theatre club as they pleaded him to play the role of the snow white in the fairy tale of the snow white and seven dwarf.

"Yuki-kun. You are the only one that is suited to be in this act! The only guy in this school that could pass off as a girl in this opposite gender role is YOU! Please help us!" The president of theatre club bow his head down and pleaded Yuki to take up the role of snow white.

As Yuki was on the verge of agreeing to act as the snow white, the homeroom teacher walked in. Immediately, silence fell over the class as everyone realised the fiercest teacher in the academy, Shūsei Usui sensei, just walked in silently. Within seconds, students from other classes and the theatre club retreated back out of class 1A while simultaneously the students in class 1A hurried back to their seats, even the loud Ashley also quieten down and ran back to her seat.

"Good morning, students."

"Good morning, Usui-sensei."

"Alright. Please take a seat. I am sure all of you have heard about the transfer student in our class right? So now, without a due, let's welcome Zess-kun into the class." Usui-sensei announced.

The students especially the girls in class 1A clapped enthusiastically while waiting expectedly for a handsome guy to walk in. finally, the door slide opened and Zess walked in coolly. His appearance captured everyone's attention, regardless is it the girls or the boys. Cool silver eyes, slick black hair and tall, strong built body, he was an epitome of an ideal guy.

The girls in class 1A started to cheer more enthusiastically as the thought of becoming his potential girlfriend flashed passed each and every one of them.



The girls tried hard to capture Zess's attention. However amidst all these chaos, Yuki cannot help but too stared at the newcomer called Zess, feeling a sense of familiarity.

"He…is…" Yuki whispered.

"Yuki…he's…"Zess whispered softly

'Mine' both Yuki's and Zess's mind responded automatically.

'No! What am I thinking! I am a guy! A GUY!' Yuki shook his head in deny of what he just thought.

While Yuki was absorbed in his thoughts, Zess just stared fondly at Yuki. Just then, Usui-sensei announced "Zess-kun, please take the seat behind Yuki-kun at the last row."

With a nod, Zess made his way toward Yuki.

'His eyes…'

Gulping his saliva down in anxious, Yuki just can't seem to break away from looking into Zess's silver eyes.

'I feel that… I am being absorbed by it. His eyes is too…'


"Zess…" Yuki whispered again, feeling a sudden longing for him.

Standing in front of Yuki, Zess looked at Yuki warmly and whispered to him "it's fine. I will not betray you, Yuki."

Spreading his large hand out, Zess touched the tips of Yuki's fringe. 'I will not betray you' he thought again.

"Ahem. Zess-kun, please take your seat behind Yuki-kun. "Usui-sensei repeated.

"Yes, Usui-sensei," Zess replied in acknowledgement that he heard Usui-sensei.

Zess's voice was so slick and smooth. Yuki's heart did a somersault as he heard Zess spoke.

'It felt familiar. His voice. But why I can't seem to remember it… there is something I am missing. i…" Yuki's heart clenched tight as he realised that maybe just maybe he is a part of his lost memories. At that moment, Yuki just felt like crying.

'I…I' embarrassed that he was going to cry in front of Zess, Yuki looked down on his desk, trying very hard to prevent his crying dam from breaking.

'Is he really a part of my lost memories? Or am I remembering it wrongly…" Yuki thought, fighting to prevent his tears from falling.

Seeing the sudden reaction from Yuki, Zess petted Yuki's head.

"It is fine. Yuki. Don't force yourself. We have time." Zess said.

Looking up and meeting Zess's silver eyes, the tears in Yuki's eyes started to waver.


"Zess-kun. Please take your seat!" Usui-sensei boomed, shattering the atmosphere around Yuki and Zess.

Zess took the seat behind Yuki.

"Hey Yuki, are you alright? You looked like you are awestruck, you know?" Toko Murasame whispered softly, looking concerned at Yuki.

Yuki blushed red in embarrassment as he realised what had just happened…