Project Potter

Chapter 1

The Election

[Summer 1996]

Harry was sitting comfortably in the Weasley kitchen, enjoying a big breakfast with Ron, Hermione and Ginny. The Weird Sisters were singing their latest song ("Bewitched, Bothered, Hexed and Transfigured") on the Wizarding Wireless, and Mrs. Weasley was gently tapping her foot to the music while using her wand to reinstall the refrigeration charm on the cold cabinet. "A witch's work is never done," she murmured cheerfully.

Fred and George sauntered in carrying their brooms. "Harry, Ron, when you're finished -"

But just then the music stopped and an urgent voice on the radio said, "We interrupt this program to take you to the Ministry for Magic in London." With puzzled looks, the twins propped their brooms by the door and sat down at the table.

"This is Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic," the radio proclaimed. Harry and Ron both made a face, and one of the twins snorted. "Recent events have come to light that have made it clear that, indeed, You-Know-Who has returned."

"Bloody well about time," Ron interjected. His mum shushed him.

"As this turn of events would seem to be beyond my capacity as a peace-time Minister, I have decided to resign my position and call for elections." His last few words were nearly drowned out by cheers in the little kitchen. "I have with me Ophelia Payne, Registrar of Magical Elections. Since this is an urgent matter, it has been decided to proceed with a vote immediately. All wizarding citizens of the British Isles who are age 17 and above will receive a ballot." To Harry and Hermione's surprise, three pieces of parchment materialized in front of Fred, George and Molly Weasley.

"By now, you should have your ballot," Ms. Payne's dignified voice intoned, both from the radio and faintly from the parchments. I would urge anyone in transit to stop and find a place to sit privately; those on wizarding trains, however, need not stop."

"Brilliant deduction," Ron smirked.

"At this time, nominations and volunteers will be accepted for the position of Minister for Magic. Please write these, with quill or wand, at the top of the ballot page. If you are the person nominated, you may refuse the nomination by crossing your name out." The parchments were displaying her words as she spoke, word for word.

"This is better than closed-captioning," Hermione said. Harry nodded, while Ron looked puzzled. "I'll explain later," Hermione whispered.

Everyone waited with bated breath as nothing happened for over a minute. Then a signature appeared on the parchments: Lucius Malfoy. Sputters of protest erupted all around. Another name materialized: Dedalus Diggle. George said, "That old crackpot?" A long, tense minute passed. Then another name: Albus Dumbledore. The kids all cheered, and Molly Weasley laughed with relief.

After a further pause, Ms. Payne said, "Nominations will be open for one more minute." The minute passed with unbelievable slowness and tension, but no further signatures appeared. Ms. Payne said, "We will now proceed to the vote. As the right of secret ballot is guaranteed by the Magical Elections Act of 1783, you may erect a privacy charm at this time to protect the secrecy of your ballot and guarantee your rights."

"The right to be mental, she must mean!" snickered Fred, and everyone else smiled. No-one at the table bothered to erect a charm.

"There are three ways to register a vote," Ms. Payne proclaimed. "First, you may place your wand upon the name on the ballot as it is read aloud; second, you may raise your wand in the air and say 'Votum'; third, you may place the index finger of your wand hand on the signature and say 'Votum.' Those few people with handicaps that make these actions impossible will have received special ballots with instructions printed. We will now proceed to the vote."

Harry looked around the room at his friends. He had never before considered that an atmosphere of tension could be so positive and joyful. At the Dursleys, it always meant trouble.

"Lucius Malfoy." The twins both erupted with a raspberry noise. Molly looked annoyed but remained silent.

"Dedalus Diggle." Rolled eyes.

"Albus Dumbledore." Three wands rose in the air, and three voices said "Votum!"

For the next minute Harry thought he would burst. He knew who he expected would win, but the uncertainty made his neck ache.

"The votes have been tabulated," Ms. Payne said.

"So quickly?" said Harry.

"Magic," Ron said, with a wave of his hand.

Ms. Payne then read the results: "Lucius Malfoy, 212; Dedalus Diggle, 2; Albus Dumbledore, 59,580." Whoops and cheers broke out in the kitchen; even Molly joined in. "The results are official: Albus Dumbledore is the new Minister for Magic."

"Why so few votes for Malfoy?" asked Hermione.

"Well, be fair, even his friends don't like him," said Ron.

Fudge's voice came back on: "I would like to pledge my full co-operation and assistance to the incoming minister."

The WWN announcer returned: "We now go to a floo connection with Minister Dumbledore at Hogwarts."

"My dear friends," Dumbledore's kind voice began, "I would like to thank you all for your confidence and support. I hope to prove worthy and I humbly accept. I have always preferred devoting my life to magical education, but as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures. As Lord Voldemort has indeed returned, the wizarding world must respond and protect itself. I will be asking for an increase in the defense budget and an immediate expansion of auror training; and I will be calling up reserve and retired aurors to help us.

"I gladly turn over direction of Hogwarts to my most able Deputy Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall, who has all my confidence - subject to approval by the board of governors, of course. My intention is to make my service at the ministry temporary, rather than the usual ten-year term; and return to my duties as headmaster in a few years if possible. And if they'll have me back. Meanwhile, I promise my friends at Hogwarts that I'll be up to see them with great frequency, never fear. This is only because I would otherwise miss them; I have not the slightest doubt of Minerva's inestimable talent and ability.

"Lastly, I wish to say that we must all be courageous and stand together. If we can but try to do this, we cannot fail. And just a few more words: Ointment. Instinct. Thrombosis. Sprawl. Thank you all."

The kids all grinned; they had come to expect such eccentricities from Dumbledore. Harry looked a little distant. Hermione caught his eye. "What's wrong, Harry?"

"Well - I mean, I'm certainly glad Dumbledore is minister; I mean, who could do it better? But I have the odd feeling that we'll be a little less safe at Hogwarts. He always seemed to know just about everything that was happening there; McGonagall..."

"Isn't quite in the same league, I know," Hermione finished frankly. "And she doesn't have quite as humorous and forgiving a nature; but I'm sure she'll do fine, you'll see!"

"It isn't just that," Harry said. "The only reason Dumbledore would ever leave for London was all-out war. So I guess this means - that's what we've got." The mood of cheerfulness broke a little; the gathered friends realized that Harry was right.

"Well, who knows where any of us will be two years from now - let alone a decade," grinned Fred. "Besides, He-Whose-Name-Must-Be-Hyphenated isn't going to be brought down this morning, or probably even this week. So meanwhile -"

"How about a game of Quidditch?" finished George.

"Yeah!" chorused Ron, Harry and Ginny. Hermione just smirked but got up with them.

"Have fun, dears," Molly said, as she waved her wand clearing the table, and the kids marched out the kitchen door with brooms in hand.

"I just thought of something," said Ginny, as they all headed out. "If McGonagall becomes Headmistress, she can't really be head of Gryffindor any more; it would be too partisan."

"Who could we get?" Asked Hermione.

"Maybe Remus would agree," Harry said, scratching his head.

"Ooh, that'd be wicked, Harry!" Ron crowed enthusiastically. "Finally, a head of house who really takes our side on things besides Quidditch!"

"Well, don't assume," Harry replied, "We can only hope. Now: Who needs a broom?"

[End Chapter One]