Jurassic World

An Indominus Imprint


I had always heard the stories of what had happened before I even knew I got accepted to work here. I was only sixteen but on my own due to my folks being killed in a drunk driver's accidental misuse of the wheel of a semi truck. My parents were crushed under a literal ton of metal and I was orphaned when I was only nine. I managed to apply to be a ward who was emancipated by the age of sixteen since I tested out of the public schooling in the states. It was a pain in the ass to due so but I managed to get past that horrid ordeal in my life.

An ordeal that the world said fuck you too, I got no sympathy.

I applied for a job as an animal keeper when the opening came across to me in the mail, I had gotten word that one of my social workers had pulled through and I'd be working out of the country. The salary was amazing at roughly seventy to ninety thousand a year based on how effective my work was graded in the first year or two. I jumped at the opportunity to really say yes to such a high paying job just fresh out of home schooled high-school courses just barely before my seventeenth birthday. I'd be lying to say I wasn't excited to get a crap ton of money for being fresh off schooling, I actually filled out the application to the place that I never knew existed at all.

It was called Jurassic World.

I wasn't that young enough them to know of the place and how much it'd change my life. I was just a kid at the time to know what the means were to survive on a paycheck, I had to for it was what I needed. Plus the employees were housed at the facility in where they'd work and get a crap ton of benefits to make me thing this was the dream job for a kid my age. So I signed off on the paperwork to my social worker who got me the job within a week of the place, I was excited to the point where I barely got any sleep in order to prepare myself. It made my stomach churn in a good way that made me sick, I had to withhold a grin that threatened to spill over.

So within a few days, the paperwork got approved after getting a new debit card to a bank and having the tedious manners of getting all the account wiring's set. I was set to go to a new job, my very first in a new park of sorts and I could never understand why I felt scared. I was terrified when I got onto that corporate plan that certainly made my nerves shot. In fact I recalled having to take deep breaths in how anxious I was getting, I was apart of the first batch of employees arriving to this place for quite some time and it certainly got my pumped. I remembered drinking so many cups of soda, water and eating a little to quell my body's need to calm itself down.

Yet I remembered the dozen bathroom trips that made half the flight laugh at my youthful nature.

"How old are you kid?" Someone asked when I sat down next to them, I looked over at my neighbor to see an elder man with a bemused expression. He looked rather toned and athletic based on how broad his shoulders were at least compared to me. I had a runners build due to running at a public track in my neighborhood since I never had a console, or computer to keep me locked in my apartment. No matter how small it was, I considered it home and I had to deal with what I had to contend with. I almost forgot to answer the guy who was waiting with a patient yet smirking face.

I replied a bit sheepish, "I'm turning seventeen in three months. I just got out of high-school and I got hired as an animal-keeper due to my social worker. Sorry if I see a bit nervous but first time job." The guy looked at me for a good minute. I fidgeted under the gaze before trying to take deep breathes to calm down in my seat, I barely had time to hear him respond. This older man seemed more curious about my position then anything else really.

"Sixteen? Damn kid, I'll give you all the credit to land a gig like mine. Animal-keeper? Well I'd say you'd be meeting your boss, which is me I guess, anyhow so congratulations." The man revealed laughing as if sharing a private joke with me. I gave a timid smile before he offered his hand to me in a warm gesture, I took it with a firm grip as well. He revealed who he was and I almost had to blink in shock as to the ramifications of what this guy had done for his past job. In fact I felt somewhat out of place in talking to this guy really.

"Owen Grady, Ex-Navy at your service. It's nice to meet you too kid, I'll help you out once we land alright?" He said to me with a friendly face as I replied in kind, "Marcus Sanders but everyone called me Mark when I was in school. Thank you for your service Mister Grady." I stated respectfully to a man who volunteered his to defend our home country. I was always taught to say thank you to any service member of the military, the branch never mattered as my dad said once, so I'd honor my folks to say true to that memory. However I was thrown a curve ball to make me nearly gap in surprise at how casual this guy was with me.

"Owen. Never call me mister Grady, kid. Please I got that enough of that shit with in the Navy, you okay with that Mark?" He said to me good naturally as I shrugged in confusion. I had no problem in calling people by their first names but if he was my boss, well how the hell should I call him? I almost felt my brain collapse on the confusion alone but I buckled myself in on the plane ride. I gave a shaky smile as I had no idea in how to react, "Sure Owen, I mean I don't know why, but calling my new boss by his first name? Alright, I'm game and you can call me Marcus if you're serious. It's how everyone else got serious with me when I was in trouble, or they needed my help." I laughed a bit flustered near the end as the man smirked in return.

"Relax kiddo. I'm not a hard ass and for a kid your age to get a job at the place we're going, well shit, I'd say you got some talent in that head of yours. Survive and you can do anything anywhere." He said this to me with a straight face, I nodded when he relaxed in his chair. I looked up the plane to see various other people but we were the only two in what I'd assume was first class. So call me crazy, I looked to Owen to ask him a few questions.

Questions he took in stride and had a bit of fun with really.

"Owen are we in first class or something? I haven't seen anyone else up here with us." The man laughed all the more easily at my curiosity, "You got it in one Mark! See thing is about Jurassic World, the pamphlet I got when they hired me, is that the more dangerous your job is the more benefits they give you as a means to keep you sated after work." I felt my face pale immediately as he noticed this before laughing loudly. He reached over and slapped my shoulder to keep the blood inside my body from freezing, I didn't need to know that type of thing.

"Animal-Keepers are basically the guys in zoo's who are always with their animals. You feed them, clean them if necessary and you tend to interact with them more often. I myself am going to be 'trainer' I guess." He used finger quotes to make me smile a bit. Then Owen seemingly then elaborated on what he assumed would be his job as well, "Plus I'm technically a security consultant as well. So you'll be fine alright? You're not going to die with me around, I promise you, so just breathe and try to not suffocate yourself alright?" He looked a bit concerned to see how pale I was now, he did reassure a bit and I was just nervous as all hell right now. I felt saliva dip into the back of my throat before I leaned back in my seat to have sweat form on my forehead.

What a way to break the ice with my new boss and learn about my new job.

I almost wanted to cry truthfully, "Working with animals? I'm horrible with them period! I worked at an animal shelter for part time and volunteer work for about a year, but that's it! How the hell did my social worker get me this job?" I begged myself to answer those questions but I'd get a headache in return. I seriously tried to look out the plane's window to see the gaping ocean of blue down below and I almost felt my stomach turn horribly. I felt sick, I felt airsick to be precise and I was about to crap my pants because of what was said to me.

What a wonderful start to a new job!

"Is that what it feels like starting a new job? Having a near heart attack and trying not to go crazy?" I asked him seriously as the man sort of laughed it off. He kept his eyes trained on me to maintain my belief that he genuinely cared to reassure me. If he was hiding how scared he was then he was a master at it. I saw nothing but raw confidence in his skills, my own and it showed in how he talked.

He began to lecture me firmly and very clearly, "Not really. It depends on how well you take it at face value and then you find out if you can survive the standards. Animal-keeper in Jurassic World is going to be tough and you're going to have to use your head, Marcus, always use your head. How will the animal eat, or recognize the signs it's agitated or angry. You gotta ask yourself in how they're going to be eating, in where they'd sleep or drink water as well. Do that and you learn how they think to make it easier to get to know them and earn their trust." He paused to take a drink from a cup of liquid, I could smell the alcohol and it smelt similar to tequila. At least something of that extend as I'd be last person in the world to sneak in a drink, I had done it and I liked the taste of rum especially. I wasn't an angel but I knew how to walk that moral line of common sense.

"Earn their trust? Owen, I've helped dogs, cats and the occasional wild animal in a local shelter but is it the same? I mean I've cared for animals yet I don't think I'm any good at it." The man looked at me akin to bemusement, he found something funny. I had to blink a bit owlishly as he took a moment to explain his thoughts on the matter. I had grown used too adults lecturing me but not in a friendly down to earth manner like Owen sitting across from me in the plane.

"I didn't picture myself being in the Navy, but I had a feeling with animals Marcus. It's not set in stone but an instinct, or a gut feeling if you get my drift. You learn as you go, you learn to know the signs and it eventually clicks within you to know the boundaries. It's not anything any person can learn but it's more of a singular method to gaining an instinct, you survive and you learn, by doing both with animals you can relate too them and they to you." I stared intently hard at the man who was smiling almost whimsically about a past memory. I waited patiently for him to relax and explain himself, the lecture in itself was a work of art that seemed easy to explain. However I had that feeling that it was easier to say that then put it into practice.

But I'd follow that advice to the letter if I could every day.

"So what you're trying to tell me is that the animals, the one's I'll be assigned to work with are going to be like people, as in trying to tell them apart? Like the signs of when there happy, sad or angry?" I said this slowly trying to make sense of it all. Owen nodded almost happily at how quick I pieced that together, or what he assumed as he told me. "Spot on again kid, so color me impressed that you catch onto concepts quick and I'll be watching how you do Marcus. Really you're catching on to what most people would take months if not years to figure out, but again it's not the same when applying into the field here." The man stated gesturing around as if simulating when time fly's by for the most part. I had to frown to understand what was going to be expected of me for any reason.

It was strange in what he was trying to do here.

He wanted me to be set up for success and progress, yet the price of that is putting yourself in the line of danger to know the boundaries. To know when and where to survive in order to understand the nature of the animals that were going to be under my care. I tried as hard as I could to picture this but it wasn't meant to be due to the fact, I had no idea as to how I'd do this. It sounded easy at times but for the sake of my nerves and self-doubts, I nearly wanted to huddle into my chair. I was terrified in seeing this new aspect of a job that I had no clue in trying to aspire into to earn a living by. My nerves were completely ready to try this career out and it was only going to cost me potentially my own life to succeed.

I felt the pressure.

"So let me get this right, please." I started at Owen who was glancing at me as if eager to hear my interpretation of his advice, "In order for me to be the best as a keeper, I'd have to learn the animals in their body language to know that boundary. A boundary meant for me to keep myself alive and the animals live of comfort, to always think ahead and to see the nature of them in order to perfect a job to have them trust me. To succeed at these animals to trust me, I have to put myself at risk just to find that boundary and always watch myself survive in order see if I can truly have them believe in me." I said this slowly near the end as if trying to reach an answer. It wasn't an answer I meant to make lightly but I had to at least try to understand it.

Owen didn't say anything at first before he placed a hand on my shoulder. He kept a firm grip, "That's more or less the general answer Marcus. There's really no specifics to getting through to any animal but for the sake of trying, you got spot on and it never hurts to be cautious as well. Safety for you, for the visitors and the animal are what must be maintained in a balance. For a young kid like you to grasp that concept alone is more then enough for you to make the right decision, so never forget to use your head and listen to your instincts. Alright?" He said this to me seriously as I nodded positive at him. A small smile was given before he leaned back in his seat to close his eyes contently. I guess he wanted to get some shut eye as I felt the plane stir for a take off.

I may have been young and inexperienced.

But I'd never be an idiot when it came down to my job...

I closed eyes as the plane started to take off and soon enough we'd be in Costa Rica to take a ferry to the place that was called Jurassic World.

If there was ever a time I gotten sick more times then I'd ever had in my life, the ferry ride over made it the record as I found himself vomiting over the side of the boat. Owen was next to me occasionally laughing at my expense, I felt my entire stomach empty and then some. He idly patted me on the back to get my body responding as the sea sickness got to me yet again, he had reassured me it was normal for some people who had never been on a boat their entire lives. I desperately prayed to god to stop this sickening game of when the waves kept on rocking the boat, I just felt my face turn pale yet again.

And once more I vomited up acid, water or anything solid remaining inside my body.

"Holy shit Mark, you're worse then this one guy I knew. He could never stay away from the side of the ship for more then five minutes. It's almost over so do what you can to hold on." Owen stated to me laughing while wiping a tear off his face. I glared weakly at the elder man who would be my boss for all intensive purposes, "Fuck you Owen, fuck you. You said that an hour ago and I haven't stopped since..."

My stomach churned when my face met the surface of the ocean yet again.

I groaned as my body curled into a fetal position, I heard giggling and laughter from all around my position. A lot of females were cooing at how 'bad' it must have been and my young age just certainly attracted more then a few mothers in the growing crowds. This was mainly the employee ferry to the island as visitors had the more scenic route, I gave them all the credit in the world and I nearly let out another gurgling reflex. Owen took in the attention by lying to a few jokingly about he was the elder brother, I was the younger and that he certainly told them that I didn't have the stomach for the ocean. I almost wanted to punch him in the balls for that comment.

In fact I managed to whisper this vindictively, "Owen. Say that shit again! I dare you." When a woman asked about me a moment later I quickly elbowed him in the crotch to have the guy shout out in pain. A lot of laughter echoed at my boss's stunned face as he fell to his knees, I flipped the bird at him for good measure.

"No cup, no luck. So suck it up bro." I hissed out sickly to the man who got into a similar pose as I did near the railing of the ship itself. He had a pained smirk but overall it didn't damper his spirits at the least here. Although in retaliation he kicked my knee inwards to have it slam against the metal railing, I screamed silently with my jaw extending and threatening to fall off. I felt a shiver of pain run up my leg and I returned another elbow to his ribs.

And we kept at it for a good twenty or so more minutes.

"Attention! Docking procedures for all Jurassic World employees will be initiating in five minutes. Please secure all luggage, permits and ID's for official check in as we dock. That will all and have a great time at Jurassic World." An announcement came off the speakers as Owen and I looked up to have individual sighs of relief. I almost cried at how thankful I was for the fast journey, I mean I almost literally smiled out of the pain I had been given. I started to hate Owen already and I wasn't being serious at all too! Holding down the remaining liquid in my stomach, I managed to weakly get up from the railing to inhale deeply to get air into my lungs.

"I'll get our bags Mark, you only have one right?" Owen asked me with a pained grin, I nodded despite being pale. He had a single bag as well and I gave him a slap on the shoulder, "Thanks man. I don't think I'll be leaving this place ever if I have to deal with this shit again. I owe you Owen."

The man laughed loudly before waving me off, he set forward towards the interior of the cabin to get our bags which were in our assigned seats. So it wouldn't be too much trouble for anyone and I doubted he'd have a hard time trying to get into any on that way. Plus he was flirting with a few women when I last saw him as I returned my gaze to the ocean.

"I hate the sea."

I mentally that muttered to myself with my head on both of my arms, I tried to ignore my stomach lurching left to right again. All I felt was that urge to vomit, I hated it and I'd swear I'd kiss dry land once we stopped to dock. Flying was easy in my opinion but traveling on a ship, fuck that and fuck all sea orientated traveling to this damned island that had this place I was working at. I almost cried, I really did and I'd do so when the time came to see land.

"When is this thing going to stop?" I loudly said to myself rhetorically and I got a response much to my shock.

It came in the form of a woman more amused then anything, "In literally a few minutes. So you should be fine until you have to vomit again, I feel sorry for you having sea sickness." My eyes went wide when I looked up over warily to see a woman who took my breath away. I wasn't kidding myself to see that she was a beauty, I had limited conversations with those of the opposite fair sex and to be honest I never had any confidence.

Yet I gave a weak grin, "Thanks for giving me something to be looking forward too. Sorry for the show that many of you around had to see, I never been on a ship before in my entire life." The woman whose black curls reached her shoulders almost laughed at my expense. She wore a mid-rift shirt that exposed her toned stomach and had a pair of pants that were lightly loose to allow movement. Plus she had a back pack on and had a pair of sunglasses to mask her eyes from my gaze.

"A lot of people wanted to give you some pills to settle your stomach, but your brother waved the offers off. He seemed to give people the idea you need time to adjust to the ocean." I rolled my eyes at the woman who smirked at bland retort, "Owen isn't my brother, he's my boss and that's a big difference in this case. He told me an hour ago that it'd be over but here I am, spilling my guts into the ocean, so I hope his kids feel that elbow of mine when he grows a pair." The woman chuckled at how my face seemed at the mention of Owen, she seemed to piece together forced bond between the two of us. I noticed she had a drink in her hands and was idly swishing it around, it looked like wine to my inexperienced eyes for a moment.

"So where exactly do you work at Jurassic World?" I asked interested and found another means to ignore the twisting knot inside my stomach. I got a lightly amused snort in return for my innocent curiosity, "I'm surprised you didn't ask that if I was a visitor to the island. You'd be surprised in how many older guys try that line on me and yet it takes a young man like you to be a first time." I had no idea in what the hell she was saying, I just shrugged completely uneasy in what she was implying. My stomach churned again when I felt my throat constrict, I needed to focus on the horizon as I breathed in through my nose once again.

"No offense, I don't care but I'm really not thinking about whatever you're considering, I just want to pass the time and just ignore an urge to hurl the last of my stomach over that railing. Name's Marcus by the way, but you can call me Mark." Groaning pitifully my hand cupped over my mouth, I kept chanting to myself to ignore it. However it was failing horribly much to my embarrassment and the woman looked at me with a raised eyebrow, she noticed the paling skin tone. Interestedly enough I faced the ocean again and hiccuped to have the woman laugh lightly at my skittish reaction.

"Wow. Most guys don't even have that spine to say that to me, I mean it really." The woman said laughing at my pained groans, I had to peg her to be at least twenty. I had no idea of her age and I didn't give a damned because of this crappy boat ride. "You a new employee here Mark? I haven't seen you around before." What gives in the depths of hell and heaven itself? I did not care for this woman's interest in me or whatever the flying hell, I wanted to get off this damnation in what people called a ferry ride to an island.

Reluctantly I answered nearly losing my stomach, "Just got hired as an Animal-keeper or whatever. Owen is my boss apparently so you'd be right, I mean losing my stomach over a ferry ride is not obvious right?" I laughed weakly as my stomach churned once the ship started to move inland. Oh my god I wanted to die, I really wanted to die and call it a weekend. I kept a shuddering breath in before the woman placed hand on my back to firmly pat me as if trying to keep me sane. She gave off an impression of amusement and a genuine curiosity at me really.

"Relax Mark, I'm not going to bite you. What's your last name? I could give you a heads up on what species you'd be working with, so you want to know that or know my name first?" She teased as I gave a weak glare, "It's Sanders and I'd like the job please. I don't care for a social life when I'm dead and practically a walking corpse." I gave her a good laugh apparently much to my utter grief, I didn't want to talk and vomit at the same time truthfully. I had a better wish to do it on dry land, I wanted to keep my food in and that sane sentiments of being a nice guy at least.

Out of my peripherals I saw a tablet of sorts light up, "Sanders. Ah here we go, Marcus Sanders? Man you really are a young one aren't you? Seventeen in August?" She looked at me with her sunglasses tipped to reveal a pair of blue iris's that were playful. I didn't care as I nodded wearily, she explained a bit further with a humming sound, "Well this is kind of awkward. You're going to be apart of the new crews prepping for a new attraction, and apparently you're the guy whose going to be in charge of it. So I guess Henry didn't say that was in store for you and I kind of feel sorry for you now." I had to look at this woman as if she were insane. Did I hear that right? I mean I seriously checked my ears to make sure I didn't have blood leaking down from them.

I was barely about to be seventeen and they were going to put in charge of an animal pen? What the fuck was up with that? I thought it was dumb because I had no experience in doing this, so why would they force that onto me for no reason? Plus who the hell was this woman to say that in an amused tone of voice and she practically found it funny. I didn't understand and I was sick as a dog due to this fucked up boat ride!

"Can you explain a bit? Henry? In charge? And new attraction?" I asked slowly as the woman made the error as she laughed sheepishly, "Oops sorry Mark. Henry is the Chief genetics director of Jurassic World, Dr. Henry Wu former Jurassic Park scientist and now the head of its genetics division. I'm one of his assistants at the labs, I've been here for three months so far." I just stared at her as if she were an alien. I had no idea as to who and what this Doctor guy was, I didn't care because I was half dead right now and more so I still didn't know this woman's name.

"So you help make the animals? Better question, you know what the name of this species is going to be called?" My questions made the woman shrug, her glass swishing idly in the breeze."I just got back from a three day vacation in Costa Rica Mark. I'll know more once I get back in the lab, I can send the information to you via your Jurassic World tablet since all employees are required to use the same network. You'll get one later and you can buy a personal one once you get a few pay checks in." The boat started to lurch over to the side as it came to a docking portion of the journey. I lost the battle to keep down my stomach's contents and I let a tear go down my cheek.

I let the rest of my stomach's contents over into the ocean in a rapid fashion.

"It's almost over Mark." I heard the woman comment kindly as she rubbed my back for good measure. I just groaned because I had heard those words over an hour ago and they weren't relieving at all. However I croaked out while wiping down my mouth with a towel, "I heard Owen say the same thing and I didn't believe him. So how would you contact me if I got a tablet? I doubt you can magically pull up a..." My words were crushed mid way as the woman revealed a photo ID that I had taken in the States when the paperwork was being finalized. I had an employee identification number and there was a predetermined number for 'contacting' information via the network's own inner circle messaging.

"Okay. Never mind." I said back tracking while spitting out the remaining vomit out of my mouth. The woman laughed good naturally at my honest admission, "Trust me on this Mark. I have ways in getting information and every one of employees is fair game. It's a perk in being apart of the geneticists teams for Jurassic World." I would've rolled my eyes but thankfully the boat had finally stopped much to my utter relief. I started praying and blessing the very next moment to god just to kill my sense of sickness. If there was ever a time in me thanking anything higher then my existence, it'd always be against sea sickness for as long as I lived.

The boat came to a still as I looked up to see the docking area for the employees to enter the island, I took a deep breath to finally curb my struggling stomach. I glanced at the woman who finished the last of her glass before head into the main cabin. She looked at me over her shoulder and gave a smile, "Names Kate Winston, so if you want to grab a drink or a bite, just call me. So don't be a stranger to me Mark."

I blinked a bit owlishly as Kate made her way further into the main cabin, I saw Owen leaning against the wall with both of our bags in hand. He walked over me but not before checking out the woman with a vested eye, he commented to me almost grinning. I still had no idea in what the hell was that all about really, "You know Mark, I think you and I are going to get along fine. Since if you can pull that in with just puking over into water and having that innocent boy look pulled off perfectly, I think you're going to make yourself drop your jaw once you see what I pull in next time. Good job by the way, I think you'll be a natural soon enough." He tossed me the bag to make me grunt, I swore the guy was smiling like a devil now. I mean he looked impressed but by what, I had no fucking clue and it scared the crap out of me for real.

And I even had to ask him.

I said simply to the elder man, "I don't get it Owen. What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

All I got that day was just a mysterious smile and a pat on the back, "You'll find out one way or another kid. One day you'll become a man and you're going to know why I'm saying you have the charms to go the distance. Come on Marcus, let's get to work and enjoy the weekend." He slung over a bag on his shoudler as I followed him through the ferry's main cabin. I took one last deep breath before following him onto the docks and the sun hit me in the face.

Wincing I placed a hand to cover the sun to see a sight that would forever be seared into my brain.

I saw the glory of what was Jurassic World...

And this was the first day of the job that would change my life forever.

End Prologue

Author's Note: Leave the Reviews and I'll be a lot happier.

Now before anyone says me, 'Oh my god! No way! You're going to do what?'

I will assure you that the movie's events were good, Jurassic World was flat out amazing! Honest to god I enjoyed the movie but someone inspired a challenge within me to make a Jurassic World spin-off in parallel to my Ranger Series. And for the record, I might consider doing a crossover with the two stories in a sense of Easter eggs/or little cheeky moments to touch upon Ranger of Isla Sorna I and II. Well more like references in the sense of people mentioning it, so it won't do a lot. It's off hand really and I don't want to get too far ahead to spoil anything in that regard. I got the idea from a user called, 'Storylover213' who pitched the challenge. He or she, wanted me to do a complete spin off from the Ranger Series of stories for Jurassic World.

Yet I'll keep it in the same 'universe' (just for convenience really and I might shoe-horn some filler stuff in, it's nothing bad)

But as the title of this story suggests, it's a different spin.

That the canon events of Jurassic World will shift into something of what I'd called the 'What-If' scenario which always makes the imaginations run wild. So I dare say someone is going to outshine this story with something to make me feel interested but for now, we're going for a stroll in the new park in what is called simply.

I welcome you to what I call: "An Indominus Imprint."

And I'm going to say that this is going to be a challenge for me to enjoy.