I'm backk:)) Hey guys! This is my new story! I hope you like it! I'm really excited and happy about it! Please review, follow and fav if you want to know when I update:) I hope you have an amazing day or evening or whatever time it is for you! Please review:)

Ally's P.O.V.

I sighed as I watched the clock slowly tick.

Almost two o'clock,


God it feels like I'm stuck in time.



I smiled before I grabbed my bag throwing it over my shoulder before I walked out of my english class, finally done.

"We're done!" Trish yelled into my ear as I jumped almost falling over as we walked out of the school building.

"Yeah I know! And now we're officially seniors!' I said as Trish squealed,

"finally! So where are we heading for our first day of summer?" Trish asked as I sighed while I got into her car and threw my backpack into the backseat as she got into the driver's seat.

"I need to go to work so can you drop me off there?" I asked as Trish nodded.

"Sure I'll come with you actually" Trish said as I grinned,

"aw thanks!" I said as we drove down to the mall.

"Hey dad" I said as I walked into Sonic Boom while Trish was looking around,

"hey honey! I haven't eaten lunch yet so I'm gonna go look for all the free food samples" my dad said as I slowly nodded as he walked out of the store.

"I sometimes wonder how you two are related" Trish said as I laughed as we walked up to the practice room.

"I do too" I said as I sat down on the piano bench and began to play some notes while I began to sing some lyrics.

"Ally that's amazing!" Trish said as I smiled at her,

"oh stop it, it's a work in progress although it's a duet." I said as I looked at Trish who shook her head.

"No way Ally just ask someone else to do it! Plus I can't write music for the life of me" Trish said as I got up shaking my head.

"Hey you're not bad! I mean you helped me with my last one" I said as Trish raised an eyebrow at me.

"Ally I thought of the title which was one word" Trish said as I laughed,

"still it's-" I began before Dez walked in.

"Hey guys my friend is downstairs he wants to buy something, you work here right?" Dez asked me as my eyes widened.

"Oh god I totally forgot!" I said before I ran down stairs. I walked over to the counter looking for whoever wanted to buy something when I collided with something, well someone.

"Ow!" I said as I looked up and well damn. There before me was a much taller blonde person who had eyes that I swear looked like puppies and it was obvious he was built, like really built. "Ow watch where you're going" he said, ugh it's always the hot ones who are the rudest. "You're the one who hit me" I said as he scoffed,

"you're the one who ran into me, do you work here?" He asked, oh great so he's the costumer. "Yeah I do um sorry I was upstairs" I said as we walked over to the counter.

"You should be I was walking around looking for you for like ten minutes" he said as I rolled my eyes,

"that must of been hard looking for a girl who you didn't know-" I began before Dez interrupted me.

"Austin I'm heading to the food court, meet me there?" Dez asked, I see it's name is Austin. "Yeah, could you please hurry up I'm hungry" Austin said as I smirked as I scanned his guitar picks,

"at least you said please" I grumbled as I saw Austin roll his eyes. I swiped Austin's card before I put them in the bag,

"have a decent day Austin" I said as Austin faked a smile,

"why thank you Ally Dawson" Austin said as I opened my mouth to ask how he knew my name but he was already gone.

"Trish did you tell him my name?" I asked as Trish nodded as I groaned,

"great now it knows my name" I said as Trish raised an eyebrow at me.

"Rocky start?" Trish asked me as I nodded,

"if there was an award for the worst first impression he would win it! Where have I seen him though?" I asked as Trish sighed.

"That's the guy you see all over Kira's instagram, they're dating. He goes to Selby" Trish said as I nodded.

"Ah the high school downtown, well he's kinda sorta a huge jerk" I said as Trish nodded,

"yeah but he's a really good singer" Trish said as her eye's widened before she smiled as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh nothing um anyway I'm hungry so I'm going to the food court but I'll bring you back some pickles" Trish said as I smiled at her before I saw another customer.

"Hey how may I help you?" I asked as he said,

"where are the triangles?" I raised an eyebrow before I pointed to a corner in the store as he nodded and walked that way. Well everyone has their own thing. I sighed as I put my hair up into a ponytail while wondering what Trish was thinking.

It was now eight o'clock and my dad ended up getting food poisoning so he was home and Trish still hadn't returned. I was in the practice room sipping a water bottle since that was all that was left in the fridge, it used to be stocked with food but the past week Trish and I spent most of our time up here working on finals and eating.

"Ally!" Trish said running into the practice room with a jar of pickles.

"Yay food!" I said grabbing the jar while Trish was grinning at me while I raised an eyebrow at her as I popped a pickle into my mouth.

"What is it Trish?" I asked while Trish smiled,

"I have someone who will do you're duet and help you write the rest of the song!" Trish said as my eye's widened as I smiled,

"who?" I asked happily as Trish smiled before she pointed to the door.

"Introducing your new partner!" Trish said and the second he walked in my smile dropped. "You?!" Austin and I said at the same time as Dez walked in smiling with Trish.

"Dude you said I'd be working with a real songwriter!" Austin said as I gasped,

"hey!" I said as Austin rolled his eyes.

"Trish may I have a word?" I asked as Trish nodded as I pulled her outside and shut the door. "Trish! Why Austin?" I asked as Trish winced,

"well okay hear me out" Trish began as I nodded crossing my arms.

"Okay so I went to the food court and met up with Dez and we got talking and there's this contest at the end of the summer right? Anyway the winner or winners get a chance to publish their song with Starr records!" Trish said as my eye's widened as I nodded.

"That's amazing Trish but yet again why Austin?" I asked as Trish smirked.

"Why Austin is because we both know you guys are amazing singers and talented people but no offense but you're not the best. Some of you're songs are too slow while his don't always make sense but are very catchy. So we thought you two could make an amazing song together plus who else would sing with you?" Trish asked me as I sighed,

"I could find someone else that would be better!" I said as Trish raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah but do you honestly think any of them will help you as much as Austin could? Please Ally if you won't do this for yourself could you please do this for me? You're best friend who's been rooting for you since kindergarten? If you do this I swear you will be thanking me by the end of summer." Trish said as I rubbed my face with my hands before I looked at her.

"Fine Trish but this is only for you" I said before Trish squealed and hugged me as I smiled hugging her back,

"you won't regret this Ally" Trish said as we walked in I mumbled,

"I really think I will" I said as I looked at Austin who was smirking at me.

"So?" Dez asked me as I crossed my arms smirking back at Austin as I watched his eyes dart down to my v-neck then back up making me blush, ugh this is gonna be rough.

"I'm game, I don't know if he is though" I said as Austin scoffed,

"oh I am plenty game. Why don't we start right now?" Austin said as I nodded.

"Just what I was thinking" I said smirking as Austin rolled his eyes before Trish and Dez walked out.

"Just to let you know I'm not doing this for the record deal or me, definitely not you but for Dez" Austin said as I laughed as I sat down next to him and shoved down the weird feeling I got once our arms touched.

"Oh and you think I'm doing this for you? No this is for Trish, very funny Austin-" I began before Austin said,

"Moon. Pretty sexy right?" Austin said winking at me as I blushed rolling my eyes,

"more like dorky Austin Moon" I said as Austin scoffed.

"Oh and Dawson is any better? You know what that's what I'm gonna call you" Austin said smirking as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever floats your boat space boy" I said as Austin laughter stopped.

"Anyway show me what you've got Dawson" Austin said as I sighed at his nickname before I pulled out my song book.

"Okay here how does this sound?" I asked as I began to play the song, I was on the second line when he stopped me,

"now you have a good voice I'll give you that the rest of you is well, eh" Austin said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh well same to you" I said as Austin raised his eyebrow,

"oh like I didn't catch you checking me out" Austin said while I rolled my eyes,

"and like I didn't see you, you're not slick plus you've got a girlfriend" I said as Austin grinned. "Indeed I do, a hot one." Austin said while I cough,

"pig" as Austin gasped,

"whatever I've seen you sucking faces with Dallass" Austin said as I groaned hating the thought. "Anywayyy why did you stop me?" I asked as Austin said,

"the notes are great just the lyrics are so damn sad! This is summer a time to live and be happy not go cry in a corner. If you want us to win then we need to a happier song" Austin said as I raised an eyebrow, no one's really criticized me on my songwriting before.

"Okay let's try to think of some happier lyrics do you think you can do that?" I challenged Austin as he nodded,

"I'm not five years old Ally" Austin said as I laughed "oh I beg to differ" I said as Austin rolled his eyes at me.

It had been about three hours now of arguing and plunking out notes and all we had gotten was about five words in the chorus.

"Oh my god you are seriously impossible to work with!" I groaned as I got up and grabbed my jar of pickles.

"Oh you think I'm the impossible one? Coming from the girl who can't adjust her song lyrics for anyone!" Austin said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well if this is so hard for you then just quit! I can win this thing on my own" I said as Austin laughed,

"no way Dawson. Those lyrics might be good but they're not great plus I'm not backing down, I"m gonna be the better person and not quit no matter how annoying you are." Austin said triumphantly.

"Trust me Austin I won't be backing down either" I said as Austin smirked as he flexed his muscles,

"why? Dawson just can't stay away from me and these guns?" Austin said kissing his large-my god how is that possible?-muscles.

"Don't flatter yourself Austin I'm just not a quitter that's all. Okay well-yawn- I'm tired so you can leave now" I said as Austin smiled.

"Finally!" Austin said before something crashed downstairs making both of us jump.

"Did you lock the doors?" Austin asked me as I backed away from the door,

"yes I did once Trish and Dez left. The only other person who has a key is my dad who's home sick" I said nervously. Austin then walked out the door.

"Austin! Don't leave me here to die!" I whisper yelled before Austin came back in rolling his eyes at me.

"I was getting some sort of weapon but all you have is a plumber so I'll work with what I've got" Austin said as I nodded before I began to walk in front of him when he pushed me behind him. "Hey!" I whispered as Austin rolled his eyes,

"I'm not letting you go in front that's practically saying shoot me now. Now follow me" Austin said as he began to walk forward as I crept behind him,

"okay anddd" Austin said as turned the corner and Austin jumped out yelling,

"ah!" But there was no one there? I raised an eyebrow as I turned on the lights,

"what the hell?" I asked as I looked around, all there was the jar of guitar picks on the ground and the glass bowl had shattered but not a person in sight.

"You heard that crash though right?" Austin asked as I nodded slowly looking around,

"yeah well I need to clean this up, you should head back home it's almost midnight" I said as Austin nodded.

"Well um let me just hang out until you're done, with your tiny body if someone jumps you you're dead" Austin said as I laughed grabbing a broom,

"you'd enjoy that wouldn't you?" I asked as Austin gasped while I cleaned up the glass.

"You really think I'm that cruel?" Austin asked me as I shrugged

"I don't know I've only known you for what five hours?" I asked as Austin nodded.

"True but there's no way I'd want you dead" Austin said as I grinned before I dumped the trash into a near garbage.

"Aw Austin actually has a heart!" I said as Austin scoffed rolling his eyes,

"yeah yeah whatever Dawson. I'm leaving now see you around I guess" Austin said as I nodded before he walked out of the store. I sighed as I looked around one more time before I then groaned, Trish was my ride. I grabbed my phone and sat on the counter and called her,

"hey Trish! Sorry this is kinda late, okay really late. Sorry! But can I get a ride please? Please? If you do this I'll buy you breakfast tomorrow, okay great see you in a few" I said before I hung up the phone. I went up to the practice room and grabbed my song book I sighed as I looked at the page with the beginning of the song, it was mostly a lot of scribbles and a few words then Austin wrote his name in a heart before I stabbed it with the pen.

I put my songbook in my bag and put my pickles into the fridge before I shut off the lights and walked downstairs. I got a text from Trish that she was in the parking lot, I then locked up and walked through the mall. I was passing Melody Dinner which was still open and I saw Austin with a group of his friends while he was making out with Kira, excuse me while I throw up. Who would even want to kiss him he probably tastes even worse than his attitude.

"Hey Dawson!" Austin called out, crap. I looked at him rolling my eyes before I waved once as I kept on walking while I heard a few whistles making me groan. I luckily saw Trish's car and I ran over to her,

"hey thank you so much for getting me" I said as she nodded while yawning.

"No problem but can you drive? I'm so tired" Trish said as I nodded while we switched seats. "So how was songwriting?" Trish asked me as I groaned,

"with the worst partner in the world? Horrible. We only got about five words done and he's imagination is just so huge it's hard to keep him down in reality" I said as Trish nodded.

"True but you need some of that in your lyrics, yours are so down on the ground that they don't always have a soul to them. Just you wait you'll see you two are a perfect mash for a great song" Trish said as I laughed rolling my eyes at her,

"you've put way too much faith into this Trish it might not work" I said as Trish sighed.

"Ally it's just the first day! You guys have all summer to do this" Trish said as I nodded,

"you're right. Oh guess what happened at Sonic Boom?" I asked as Trish raised an eyebrow "what? Did you guys make out or something?" Trish asked as I laughed blushing, damn it.

"God no that would be the last thing I'd ever want to do with Austin Moon. But somehow the guitar picks jar fell on the ground. I know we have air condition but it's not that strong so I'm wondering what made it happen" I said as I pulled up to my dad's house.

"Hm that's odd look over the security cameras tomorrow" Trish said as I sighed,

"they suck they only catch about one thing out of the thousand of things that happen in the store. It'd be pointless but I'll check it out" I said as I got out as did Trish.

"Wait I thought you were at your mom's today?" Trish asked me as I nervously laughed,

"yeah but you know I just wasn't feeling it you know?" I said as Trish raised her eyebrows at me. "Ally is-" Trish began before I cut her off with a hug,

"see you tomorrow Trish!" I said quickly before I ran up to my dad's house and unlocked the door. I waved at Trish who yelled at me,

"you're a strange one Ally" Trish said as I laughed sticking my tongue out at her before I walked inside. I went up to my bedroom and got into some sleeping shorts and a tank top. I put my bag on my table before I brushed my teeth and got into bed. My phone then went off as I groaned, it was a text from my mom.
(Ally-bold, Penny-Italics)

Where are you?

I'm at dad's.

I thought you were coming here tonight?
Yeah but I'm just really tired it's been a long day and dad's house is closer, sorry.

It's okay just tell me next time, will I see you tomorrow?
I guess.

I then shut my phone and groaned as I threw it on the ground, dreading having to go to my mom's house tomorrow. I sighed as I looked up at my ceiling, my body was tired yet my mind was awake. How in the world am I gonna make this whole partnership thing with Austin work? He hates me I hate him, this is just a disaster. I groaned before I shut my eyes and tried to go to bed while I tried to figure out how to work with this partnership of ours.

Soo there's the first chapter! I hope you liked it! So yeah this is a story where Austin and Ally don't get along at first but I promise you there will be auslly just I'm not gonna dive into it cause you gotta build a friendship;) also hrm Ally and her mother, also Penny lives in Miami as well for this story :) but I'm beyond stroked about this! I am leaving for Ireland on Friday and I'll be gone for two weeks so I'm gonna try my hardest to get one more (at least) chapter up before I go! I just have a tonnnn of packing to do and such:/ but I hope you liked this! I'll update asap! Have an amazing day! Please review:)