Ok this one-shot came out a long time ago, like when Lab Rats 4S came out. I found it and decided to re-do it. So, tell me what you think! I guess now it takes place in season 3

"Davis I can't believe you ruined my project!" Chase yelled at his brother. Davis, however, was just walking ignoring his older brother. He had no regret for what he did. "It's due in two weeks you can make another" Davis said smartly. Chase glared at his brother. "I can but you still ruined it! I'm so sick of you ruining my stuff and acting like it's not a big deal!" Chase yelled. Davis couldn't help but laugh at how mad Chase was getting. It was pretty funny in his opinion.

"Hey, it gives you a chance to make something better" Davis said while turning to walk away. Chase quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "I don't care! Do you not get that this stuff is important to me and when you just ruin it, it actually hurts?" Chase asked trying to get on the boy's sympathetical side. Davis just laughed. "Do you not know that it's funny when you get so mad? I mean you look so mad but your voice gets so funny" Davis said. Chase began to angry. No. That was an understatement. Suddenly three words appeared over his vision. Three deadly words.

Commando App Engaged

Chase's breathing became loud as his voice dropped several decibals. Davis's laughter began to die down as he realized what might've happened. He looked at his brothers face until.

"Spike?" Davis asked in a terrified tone. Spike nodded in response, then grabbed Davis by his shirt and lifted him into the air. "Now listen Runt, you're done messing my projects! If I see you break one more project or even a popsicle stick, I'll break your neck! GOT IT!?" Spike asked Davis, who just nodded. Suddenly, Spike threw Davis to the floor. "Good. Now clean up my project Runt..." Spike said. Davis stood there addressing the blood dripping out of his nose. Spike glared at him. "NOW!" Davis immediately scrambled to his feet and began to pick up pieces. Spike just laughed maniacally. Davis slowly grabbed more pieces while thinking. That's the meanest he had ever seen Spike. Something about Spike's visit this time, left something ratteling in Davis's spine. Something that changed his view on his brother.

"FASTER RUNT!" Spike roared. Davis cleaned up as fast as he can. Spike had had enough of watching Davis clean up and left the room. Knowing Davis would be too terrified to stop. Davis ssat there cleaning even more pieces, in fact he kept cleaning the lab floor. Just to avoid seeing Chase/Spike. Suddenly Adam walked in. "Davis what are you doing?" He asked the youngest Davenport. Davis looked up and immediately ran to the safety of his oldest brother.

"Whoah what's wrong?" Adam asked in a suddenly serious tone. Davis was about to say, but something inside of him kept telling not to. It was in his physical being's best interest. "I uhhh...was using the simulator and things went wrong" He said. He knew he didn't have to come up with a big lie since it was Adam. The oldest looked at the boy and sighed. "Well from now on make sure one of us is with you when you do this" He said. Davis nodded while refusing to let go of the oldest. After a couple of seconds Davis ley go and walked upstairs. Hopefully he can avoid Chase or Spike.

Thankfully, he ran into Donald. "Hey Davis have you seen the glue? Chase needs it for a project" Donald said. Davis just shrugged his shoulders. Donald shut the drawer. "Alright, well Tasha and I are going to the store, Adam and Bree have training, and Leo's going to Janelle's. So Chase is incharge and you have to help finish mister. Since you did break his project" Donald said. Davis looked over at Chase, who obviously was still in Spike mode. He waved innocentaly and smiled.

"Do whatever he says or else there will be a major grounding in your future" Donald said. Davis nodded. Later on Donald and Tasha left, leaving Davis alone with Spike.

"Well, well, well. Look who has to do what I say!" Spike said in a menacing tone. Davis gulped. and sat down on the love seat. "Hand me the tape" Spike said. Davis looked at him weird and handed him the duct tape. Spike took it but immediately threw it back at him. "I mean't scotch tape you idiot!" Spike yelled. Normally Davis yell right back if it were Chase, but this is Spike. Terrifying Spike. "S-Sorry, I'll go get it" Davis said while going over to the bar. He grabbed the tape and handed it to Spike.

"You actually did something right" Spike said. Davis was honestly hurt by that, but he kept trying to tell himself that this is just Chase's alter ego. Not Chase. Spike suddenly got up and walked into the bathroom. Davis sat back on the seat and enjoyed what little time he had to enjoy himself and the peace. Once he turned to sit down, he tripped and fell right onto the new project! Davis stood up in total shock, fear, and illness. He kept rubbing his neck. Mainly because of Spike's threat. Spike walked back into the room and stopped right he saw the project. He then looked at Davis.

"What. Did. You. DO!?" He boomed, which shattered Davis's emotions. Davis stood there shaking in fear. "Well I-I-I. You s-s-s-see, I-I-I'm sorry" Davis said completely scared of what could happen. Spike stared at the project, then to his brother. "You still afraid of the dark?" Spike asked. Davis shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, why?" He asked. Spike grabbed the duct tape and advanced towards the boy. Davis stepped back. "Just wondering. You destroyed my project. So since I'm in charge. I think you deserve a time out" He said. He then tackled Davis and wrapped the duct tape around him. Making sure he couldn't get out. He then placed it over his mouth and dragged him to the darkest closet. He then threw him inside and shut and locked the door.

"NOW SIT IN THERE UNTIL I COME AND GET YOU!" Spike yelled while leaving the hallway. Davis began banging on the door since it was dark. Of course screaming wouldn't help and neither would anything else. He just sat down and waited for Spike or someone else.

Spike grumbled to himself while fixing the project. Again. Suddenly Adam and Bree walked into the room. "Hey Chase. Where's Davis?" Bree asked. Spike shrugged and momentarilly forgot one thing.

"Bathroom" He said in his Spike-deep voice. Bree and Adam sat there shocked. They had no idea Spike was out. "Spike!?" Bree asked surprised. Spike laughed a little. "Heh heh, yeah" He said. Even though he knew the jig was up, he figured maybe he could get them to think he's slightly civil. "Oh no. Where is Davis? Really?" Bree asked a little sternly. She had heard Chase yelling at him but left when she knew something would happen. Spike scoffed. "I already told you. Bathroom" Spike said while slightly getting annoyed. Bree narrowed her eyes as Eddy appeared on the screen.

"Yeah, if "Bathroom" was code for duct tape him and throw him into a closet so he can deal with his fear of the dark!" Bree glared at Spike as did Adam. "Adam keep Spike underwatch. I'm gonna go find Davis" She said. Adam glared at Spike and walked towards him while Bree supersped upstairs. She sped through every hallway and bathroom until...

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

She turned to one door and opened it. She found Davis and unwrapped him from the tape and removed the tape from his mouth. Davis just hugged her tightly and cried.

Meanwhile Downstairs.

"Cool it meathead, he destroyed my project again!" Spike yelled. Adam grunted. "So!? That doesn't mean you can tape him up and lock him in a closet! No wonder nobody likes Spike, now do us all a favor and turn back into Chase!" Adam demanded. Spike shook his head. "No. The freak finally got mad enough for me to finally be let loose! And that runt ruined a project for the last time!" Spike said. Adam was begginning to get mad as Spike talked. "Look once Davenport gets home, I'm having him deactivate you!" Adam threatened. "Great! Please do! But first..spell DEACTIVATE!" Spike said in a mocking tone. Adam thought for a minute.

"Uhh D...ACTYV8! HA!" ADam said in victory. Spike laughed rudely. Suddenly the front door opened to reveal Donald and Tasha. "Spike got mad and duct tape Davis and locked him in a closet while you were gone!" Adam said in a tattletale voice. Donald quickly pulled out a small remote and pressed a small button. "Oh really? Well let's have him turn back" He said while electricity ran through Spike as he turned back into Chase. "What happened?" He asked. Bree walked down with Davis. Tasha quickly ran to him to check him for any marks. Of course his arms were red from the tape and his nose began to bleed again from him banging on the door. She locked Davis in her arms while Donald approached Chase and brought him down to the lab.

Donald and Chase sat down in the lab.

"Spike is getting out of control" Donald said. Chase sat there and thought for a minute. He had no recolection of what happened, Davis walked down with Bree and he looked awful. Chase immediately got a sick feeling. "Did I-" Donald cut him off by nodding. "Yes, well Spike did. You got so mad that Spike was fueled to go for days and since you were mad about Davis and your project, that was Spike's prime objective" Donald said. Chase sat there. What did he do to his little brother? "I'm so sorry" He said. Donald placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's ok. The one you should really talk to is Davis" He said. Chase nodded and walked upstairs to find his brother. How was he suppose to go about this. He has no idea what Spike had told Davis and what Davis hates him?

He found Davis sitting on the couch with a blanket around him watching a movie. Chase's project was cleared off from the table, but that was the least of his worries. He appraoched Davis.

"Davis" He said softly. Davis looked up as fear filled his body. Chase sat down next to him. "I'm so sorry about what Spike did. I didn't know that if I was so mad that he would do that" Chase said. Davis looked down and refused to speak. Something was stopping him. "Davis please you have to talk to me" He said. Davis looked up as fear still filled his body. That spine ratteling feeling was there, and something told Davis it was staying.

"I'm sorry. I can't" He said while leaving the room. Chase sat there. He layed back in pure anger. Not at Davis, but at the one thing that ruins everything for him. "SPIKE!" Chase screamed out of pure anger. He ruined his life, his school life, and now his relationship with his brother is completely demolished. Him and Davis were close. Chase was the one that Davis could open up to. Being the two youngest bionics, they both understood the troubles of that burden. But it was more than that. Davis saw Chase a heroic big brother. But then Spike came along and ruined it.

For good

How was that? I wrote this back when I saw this really intense movie so I was in an intense anger and villianous mood. Which is why Spike was so mean! So...let me know what you think!