I kinda lost my groove when it comes to writing there for a while, RL stuff happened and it's been hard but I am still writing! Yay!

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers. Nope...

Word count is in at 1420.

Many thanks to Yami- The Lord of Darkness for reviewing! Many thanks to the following for also Fave/following: CarCars2Fanatic, Jazzilyn Hall, Shimmering Dawnstar, Skyress98, Zeng Xiao Long Sunstar Crystal, Stargazer360, Eunice Pacheo, Morgageb, Redder45, Sapphirestream, igeegeei, summer490, JayJayinMay, and Of-Light-And-Shadow.

Chapter 5




"Wait. Come again? Tell me that you did not just say that." Bay blinked at Ratchet. The holoform's grave face said all she needed to confirm it. "How is that even possible?" Bay gaped at the medic.

"I can't be sure mind you, but the electrical burns on the chest cavities of victims 28, 31, 36, 19, and 44 lead me to believe that their bodies were developing sparks. Transitioning their hearts into a pure energy would certainly have caused this much damage. As for victims 4, 5, 7, 13, and 21 died from an unknown poisoning of their blood correct? You can actually see the tainted coloration in those pictures. Our processed energon is blue. Last time I checked red and blue make purple."

"But why would it take so long for this shit to happen? Surely if this was gonna happen why didn't it do so immediately?" Bay frowned.

"I do not know..." Ratchet sighed. "You said your friend leaked you this information?"


"Is there anyway you can see if he'd willingly come out here?"



Bay glanced at the clock. "Why not it's not like he ever sleeps anyways... He spends too much time with the dead to enjoy sleeping." She grumbled to herself as she pulled out her cell phone and wandered over to a corner. The two men began to talk in low tones.

"Mission City Memorial morgue. This is Dr. Murphy how may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm trying to get a hold of Dr. Onri Fleur."

"I'm sorry but there's no one here by that name."

Bay frowned. "I'm sorry perhaps you misheard me. I'm looking for my friend, Onri Fleur-"

"I'm sorry but there is no one by that name that works at this hospital."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" she snapped loudly.





"Tell meh Ratchet, what did Eight's scan's show you?"

"I haven't looked at them yet." the medic sighed as he stared over the files. "With the light of this knowledge, I would rather rescan him with a stronger in-depth scan."

"Ah noticed that Eight's file is not among these."

"I pulled both Eight's and Bay's medical files of that day from the system around the same time I pulled Sam's, Mikeala's and the soldier's files." Ratchet said quietly.

"Did Bay-"

"Bay was in the hospital from a ruptured spleen and head trauma."

"We're gonna havta tell her about-" Jazz was cut off by Bay shouting into her phone.

"What the hell are you talking about?! Onri has worked at that hospital for over the last ten years! How dare you bullshit me- Shit." She growled as the line disconnected. She kept up the cursing mantra as she stared at her phone. She quickly began to dial another number as she paced over the closet and opened the door.

"Is everythin' okay Bay?"

"No. Onri's been black bagged."

The two blinked at the term before they looked it up. "How can ya be so sure?"

"Besides the fact that they denied the fact that the head mortician never worked there? And the fact that the feds were all over that place like a airport hound on a suitcase full of crack? Yeah I have no clue. Damn it Carson pick up the damned phone!"

"Bay ya need to calm down."

"Right because the fuzz has been going behind your backs covering up something that is obviously right up the fringe science category, and one of the people that was working on collecting similar cases has gone missing right along with the rest of his colleagues... Shit." she growled before pressing redial.

"Bay." Jazz grabbed her shoulders. "Just stop. Stop and breathe. You are safe. I doubt that anything is gonna get by me and Ratch' okay? That's it breathe... That's mah girl."

The red haired femme shook her head and she sighed. "I'm sorry. I just don't like unknown elements. And this... I'm really worried for Carson."

"It'll be okay. Tomorrow mornin' me 'n ya can drive on down ta da city ta check up on your friend to make sure he's okay alrigh?"

"I promised Eight I'd take him shopping for school tomorrow. You know since he's hit his latest growing spurt." she sighed as she shut her phone.

Ratchet quickly volunteered. "I can do it."

Bay raised a brow. "You? Seriously I thought you had a base full of soldiers to terrorize."

"I'd love to take the youngling out for the day. Besides you really do need to find this 'Carson.' and convince him to come to the base."

Bay eyed the medic with a raised brow for a long moment before shrugging. "Sure I guess. Just make sure it's not that tattered crap they have for a style nowadays and we'll be okay. I'm going to try to get some sleep." she said as she made her way out of the room leaving the two cybertronians to sigh with relief the instant the door closed.

"Growing spurt?" Ratchet glared at Jazz.

"He's only grown a couple o inches. Mebbe six at the most, the net says tha's normal for a kid his age." Jazz shrugged. "How was Ah supposed ta know that it could be a bad thing? Slaggit Ratch, please tell me that this isn't going ta happen ta Eight."

"... I really don't know Jazz. I didn't have to remove any of the Allspark shards from Octavius. However, there is the problem of your energon getting into his system.. Coupled with the highly concentrated level of Allspark Radiation... I really don't know. I'm going to take him to the base tomorrow after I take him 'shopping'." Ratchet sighed before he dismissed his holoform.

Jazz ran a hand down his face before dismissing his holoform as well.


~Meanwhile at the Witwicky Household~



Sam groaned as he rubbed his temples trying to ease the pressure of his headache. He kind of regretted not tell Ratchet that of the on and off headache that he had been having since Mission City... But surely if Autobot medic would have noticed something wrong he would have said something to him. it's probably a tension headache... After all it's not like we've told my folks about the bots yet... Though with the way Bee keeps sneaking in here my mom's gonna think that I'm swinging for both teams. Not that Bee's holoform ain't bad looking...

Sam let loose a hiss as the pain settled right behind his eyes and grew to a stabbing pain. Damn this headache... I wish it would just stop...

"Sam?" Bee's english accented voice hissed from the window as the holoform climbed in. "Hey are you okay?"

Sam winced as Bee's hand was gently placed on his shoulder. "Never better." he smiled at the blonde. "Just working on my college applications."

"I thought you wanted to go to Princeton?"

"I do, but I gotta keep my options open and have back ups in case I get denied by the entrance board." Sam shrugged as he picked up his pen again. He set his jaw as he tried not to acknowledge the pain in front of Bee.

"I see." Bee said sitting down in his spare chair. They sat there in silence for several more minutes as Sam glared at the entry form trying to concentrate on the wording, his eyes blurring at the edges and threatening to tear up. Sam finally sighed in resentment and closed the packet and set it aside. His hands went back to rubbing his temples.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah." Sam said as he glanced at the clock noting the lateness of the hour. "I think I just need to catch some Z's This will probably be easier if I had a clearer head." Sam said as he pushed chair back and stood up.

Bee stared at him with concern in his blue eyes before simply nodding. "Well okay.. um... Good night Sam."

"Night Bee." Sam said as the holoform faded from existence. Closing his eyes he let out a silent sob and made his way into his bed. He collapsed into it's softness as his head protested the abuse, the pain ratcheting up another mark as it seared like hot coals centered in the back of his eyes.. He whimpered quietly into his pillow and prayed that it would be gone come morning...