I groaned and rolled over in bed, sighing as my clothes itched from sleeping in them. I slowly sat up and groaned again in discomfort when the light hit my eyes so I dragged myself out of my bed and shut the curtains. The alarm next to my bed read 4:00 pm so I dragged myself to the bathroom and peeled off my dirty clothes, throwing them in the laundry basket by the door. Turning the water to cold I stepped into the shower and sighed in happiness as the chilly water ran over my skin. I slowly washed my body and my hair, scrubbing off all the dirt and just sitting for a while as the water ran over me.

After about twenty minutes I turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping myself in one of my soft black towels and looking in the mirror. There was a bit of redness and some pretty dark circles around my eyes. My skin was pretty much clear except for maybe five freckles across my nose. My skin was not pale at all. And not tanned either. My skin is naturally dark. I have a different dad than my brothers. My dad was japanese so I look a bit different than my brothers.

My hair is naturally dark and you can still tell from my thick but well kept eyebrows. I dyed it blue green about a year ago. My eyes are also dark brown. No little flecks of gold or anything, just dark brown. But I like my eyes.

I grabbed moisturizer from the shelf next to me and put it on and then decided to smear some black eyeliner around my eyes. I liked how it looked. I walked into my room and to my dresser and pulled on matching black undewear and a bra. Then I grabbed my dark wash crop top and my dark high waisted shorts as well and out all of it on. I pulled on a choker necklace and two loose chains ones with coin pendants.

I grabbed my black chuck taylors again and my patch jacket. It only has a few patches which are a Bon Jovi patch on my left sleeve, a large pair of black wings on the back with blood splatters, a bunch of skulls in a pattern down the side, a bunch of other smaller band patches and a ghost on the right cuff. I pulled it on and slipped on my black sunglasses as well. The light was hurting my eyes.

I turned my radio off and left my room, memories of last night flooding my head as I wondered where Michael was.

"You're finally up, jeez where were you and Michael last night?" Sam asked as I walked into the kitchen. I spotted Michael leaning against the counter and sighed in relief, nodding at him. He was wearing glasses as well.

"Nowhere Sammy, can you hand me some water?" I asked. "Sure," he said handing me his cup. I nodded in thanks and tipped the glass back. My throat felt so dry.

There was suddenly a loud rumbling outside and the sound of motorcycles. "Tris, Michael, Tris, Michael, Tris, Michael," "What's going on? No! Don't open the door Michael! Michael!" Sam yelled as Michael walked towards the door. When he opened, the sound was gone and it was quiet. Nothing was there.

I sighed and set the cup down before walking back up the stairs, hearing something about a bath. I just shook my head and collapsed on my bed, too tired for anything.

"Sam! Just wait a minute! Let me talk just wait a minute!" There was a lot of loud banging as Michael yelled through Sam's door.

"What the hell?" I murmured rolling over to get comfortable again. I hadn't even bothered taking my shoes off, I was too tired.

Something cold and hard pressed against my face. It wasn't soft or comfy. It wasn't my bed. Opening my eyes they widened much more than I had intended them to when I looked down and sam my bed about eight feet below me.

A surprised noise left my mouth as I tried to get to the ground. "HELP! AAAGHHHH!"

My eyes widened as I recognized Michael's voice. "MICHAEL!" I yelled crawling across my ceiling to my window. I opened it and looked out and saw Michael floating outside his window hanging onto the phone cord, yelling into the phone. I could hear Sam yelling too.

"MICHAEL! WHAT'S HAPPENING?" I yelled reaching for him as I was now completely out of my room, his hand being the only thing anchoring me to the house.

"I DON"T KNOW! SAMMY! OPEN UP! SAMMY!" he yelled banging on the window. "NO! YOU'RE A VAMPIRE! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME!"


"MICHAEL! I'M SLIPPING! MICHAEL!" I screamed. Michael's hand was sweaty and I began to slide farther away from him. "SAMMY! MICHAEL! HELP!" I screamed. Sammy threw the window open and began to pull Michael in but it was too late, I slipped.

"TRISKA! TRISKA NO!" My arms flailed around me as I floated up even higher and started moving away from my house. My brothers called after me but if felt as though my throat had closed up. I couldn't speak, let alone scream.

There was barking and I looked around, realizing that I was very far from my home indead. There was a white house beneath me with a gate and a long walkway. There was also a dog outside the house. A white dog. It was barking at me, not in a scary way but more of a 'look at the thing!' way.

My eyes widened as I suddenly started getting closer and closer to the ground when gravity suddenly seemed to start working and my world turned black.