Chapter 1

Reader's POV

"Whoa." I gasped in awe. I had visited so many beautiful places in my past years, but nothing was as breathtaking as the small valley in front of me.

The first thing I noticed was the waterfall, only because of the loud sound the water made as it made its way forcefully into the crystal clear waters of the lake. I couldn't help but wonder how that poor girl was able to sleep in here every night. But I didn't give it much thought, as my eyes wondered to the one and only thing that made this little paradise special. And not so dreamy. The lonely tower rose proudly in front of me, and a shiver run through my spline. It was intimidating. Much more than I had thought it would be. Of course, to every other person, it would probably seem pretty ordinary, just a normal tower. But they didn't know it's story. Her story.

I took a deep breath. I was there for a reason. I had to change everything. I had to give her hope. And most of all, I had to make her see, to wake her up. I would get her out of the damn tower, with or without her mother's permission. And I was pretty sure which scenario there would be… In any case, if my calculations were accurate –which they were, I had made sure of it- her mother wouldn't pay any visits around here in less than a day or so. So this was the perfect time for my plan to work. I just needed to go inside the damn tower and… meet her. Holy crow, is this thing so much creepier than what it was in the movie or is it just my idea? No. No. You can't back up now! Chin up. You are about to meet the lost princess, the princess of the kingdom of Corona. And above all, you favorite Disney character. Calm down, and get in that tower.

With one last deep breath, I took a step forward. I remembered the passage Gothel had once used in the movie, and headed towards it, crossing my fingers behind my back as I went.

Darkness. That was all I could see. And there was no noise coming from anywhere close, so I decided that it was safe to step into the room. And I did, but I first checked behind me. I didn't want to be hit by a frying pan or something, like Eugene had when he had first come here. But, fortunately, I was alone. The lights were off, obviously, considering the hour. She should be asleep now.

So I climbed up the stairs to her room. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. And yes, I know the place, but no, I'm not a stalker. I thing that's kind of what happens after the three thousandth time you watch a movie. You know every detail.

Once I reached the doorway I sneaked inside. Still dark, but I was starting to get used to it. And so I started walking towards her bed when I tripped onto something. I covered my mouth with my hand to conceal the upcoming scream. Hair. Of course. I got to her bed and bend over her figure to take a glimpse of her face in person. And gosh she was so beautiful! Eugene was so damn lucky.

With a trembling arm, I softly shook her shoulder to wake her up.

"Hey." I whispered. "Um… Rapunzel? Wake up. Come on… please?"

She moaned and rubbed her eyes with her fists. A small smile formed on her lips, but then suddenly it froze. Her eyes shot open and she pulled herself back, as she shrieked.

"No, no, wait! I'm not going to hurt you, I swear!" I said quickly. "I promise you I don't want your hair, I'm here to help you." I added and pleaded her with my eyes to trust me.

She blinked, her eyes still wide. "How… how did you know about my hair? And how did you get up here? Who are you?" Her voice cracked with fear, and I could barely hold myself from running to seal her in a comforting hug. I could see she was on the edge of freaking out.

"It doesn't matter who I am, trust me. I got here from that secret passage you have downstairs, and as for your hair it's a really, really long story you are about to find out. For now, let's just assume that I know a lot about you and I really want to help you. I have something incredibly important to show you today. Well, tonight. So how about you just come with me and I'll explain when we get there?"

"I am not going anywhere with you." she stated. "You are a total stranger, and even if I wanted to, my mother wouldn't let me."

"Don't you think you are a bit too old to follow your mother's orders, even though you know they're wrong?" She frowned confused. "I mean you'll be eighteen in three says, and she hasn't –not once- let you get out of this tower. Don't you want to leave? To explore the world? To feel the grass the dirt, the summer breeze? To go running and racing and dancing and chasing? Don't you want to go see the floating lanterns you've been watching out a window your entire life? Don't you want your dream to come true?"

There were no words to describe Rapunzel's expression, and despite the seriousness of the situation we were in, I couldn't help but giggle. "I know things, remember?" I told her and winked at her. She gave me a shy smile.

"But tell me Rapunzel, don't you want your life to finally begin?" I asked with hope.

It took her a while, but then she took a deep breath and whispered. "I do."

I didn't even try to hold back the smile of triumph on my face. "Then, come with me. I promise you, nothing bad is going to happen to you and I will bring you back before you mother" I growled quietly at the word "even notices you're missing." I told her, but I saw her hesitating. "And when I promise something…" I added, grinning, "I never, ever break that promise."

She smiled back at me in recognition, and then looked around nervously. When her eyes met mine again, though, she wasn't scared anymore. She was determined. And heaven knows when Rapunzel has something in her mind, nothing in the world can change it. Not even Eugene, but that's another story.

"Okay." She nodded. "Just let me go get my…"

"Pascal. Yeah, well, about that… Animals are not really allowed where we are going."

"What? No! Pascal is my best friend, I need him with me!"

"I'm sorry Rapunzel, but I'm not sure that Pascal will behave properly. Especially when it comes to Eugene."

She frowned. "Eugene who? What are you talking about?"

I sighed. "Look. Today we will be going in a room with some other people you don't know yet, and there we will watch a thing called a 'movie'. It's like a vision of your past, present and possible future. You yourself will appear in the movie, as you are the main character, which means that the movie is about you. And you will learn some things you have never, in your wildest dreams, imagined. It will be worth it, I assure you. But we need to go now, we are already late!" I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me.

"Okay, here we are!" I said enthusiastically once we entered the room. I led her to the seats on the opposite side of where King Frederic and Queen Arianna were sitting, hopping they wouldn't recognize her. They didn't. Actually, they didn't even see her, and thank god. Things were going just as planned. And so, I placed her in the seat, right next to Eugene. Of course. Next to him was an empty seat, saved for Elsa, and on the left was sitting 15-year-old Anna, and then Kristoff, who was a total stranger to her now. And then there was the Chief of the Guard. Next to him, King Thomas was holding his wife's hand, who was sitting on his left, on the last seat. Behind everyone were sitting the thugs from the Snuggly Duckling, and the four little girls that had- that will- make Rapunzel's braid on her birthday. Beside them were Kai and Gerda, and next to them was Oaken and some of Arendelle's partners in trade, apart from the Duke of Wesselton. And, of course, prince Hans wasn't there. Anyone who could cause trouble was not in the guest list.

Rapunzel looked at me with worry. "It's okay." I assured her and squeezed her hand. "I will go and get the last guest and then I will come and sit right here, next to you." She nodded. "Um… just… try not to talk to anybody until I return, okay? Especially the two people on the last seats on the left."


"You'll see later. Just stay put, and I'll be right back."

I sneaked through the hallway. Thankfully, nobody noticed my presence. Once I reached Elsa's door, I heard sobs from the inside. Crap, she was awake. Well, if I had just lost my parents like she had, I wouldn't be able to sleep either.

I knocked. I heard her trying stop crying and taking a deep breath. She cleared her throat. "Who is it?"

I swallowed. "Just a servant, your highness. May I please come in? I have something… important to tell you."

"Um… can't this wait?" she asked, and I could hear the panic in her voice.

"Not really, your highness."

She got up. "Fine, then… Just give me a minute."

I tried to understand what she was doing. I heard her making struggling noises and from time to time she would… course. Seriously, Elsa?

"Damn it! Come on, melt…come on… Ugh!"

Oh. Right. The door was frozen.

She sighed. "Um, could you maybe… tell me what it is from where you stand?" she asked and her voice cracked.

Oh, this was too much for me. I barely could stop myself from crying. Poor little girl, she just turned eighteen, and she just lost her parents, the only ones that new of her powers! And now she had to deal with all these alone…

Love will thaw.

Okay. Well… "You highness… do you remember Olaf?"

I heard her stop breathing. "Olaf?"

"The snowman you built with your little sister when you were kids."

She gasped. "How do you know about this?"

"It doesn't matter. Can you please think of him and what he meant for the two of you? Just think of your little sister for a while. And mainly how you feel about her."

"What does this have to do with anything? And… and how dare you give me orders! I am your future Queen!"

"Just please do as I say and try to open the door. I need to talk to you. And it's too important to do from out here."

She hesitated for a moment. "What?" I heard her whisper, but I could tell she wasn't talking to me. She was trying to understand how it was possible for me to know so much. But then, a moment later I heard her gasp. "How on earth…" she whispered, and the doors shut open. "Yes!" she cried, but then she remembered me standing there and cleared her throat.

"Love will thaw." I told her, smiling.

"What?" she said, and her eyes widened.

"I need you to come with me, Elsa."

She raised an eyebrow, and I realized I had called her with her first name.

"Um… I…" I took a breath. "I lied, before. I'm not really a servant."

"Then… who are you?"

"I am just a… big fan of yours, let's say. And I know a lot of things. Like, how to melt the ice that was blocking the doors right now." I said with a smirk. "Love will thaw." I repeated.

She shook her head, and I could tell she was frightened. "You… I… I don't know what you are talking about."

"Yet you do. I know about your powers, and I am not afraid of you. Nonetheless, I can help you. You are not a monster, Elsa."

She was shocked. She kept shaking her head, in denial I guess. She was not looking at me. "No. No. That is not possible. Nobody can possibly know all this!"

"I know things! I told you. Now, please, please, will you just listen to me for a second?" I begged, and her eyes met mine. She was terrified.

"First of all, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Okay?" I told her and she hesitantly nodded.

"Good. Now, I need you to come with me tonight. Just for a few hours, nobody is going to notice your absence. And then I will bring you back here safe to continue your boring queenly life. I swear."

She was still shaken, but she smiled a bit. That's a start…

"Where do you want to take me?"

"It's a big room with a thing called screen that will show you something like… visions. Of the future. First we will watch the life of someone else, and then… yours. It will be worth watching. Promise. And there's a happy end and… And you'll be back here before you know it."

She gave it a thought. "Can you guarantee for my safety?"

I sighed, relieved. "Yes. I swear you will be absolutely safe."

She bit her lower lip and then grinned. "Then, please, lead the way."

When we got in the room, Elsa gasped. "You didn't tell me there would be other people!" she whispered at me panicked.


"Uh… sorry?" I said. "But it will be fine, don't worry! Here, just sit next to your sister."

"Elsa?" Anna asked, eyes widened.

Elsa stiffened next to me. "Anna! Uh… what are you doing here?"

Anna looked surprised that Elsa even remembered her name. She loves you Anna, she's just trying to protect you. She doesn't know any better. I thought.

"Th-the same as you, I guess." She stammered.

Elsa smiled, and sat next to her, Eugene being on her right. "It nice to see you, Anna. You look beautiful."

Anna gasped. "Thank you! You look beautifuler! I mean, not fuller. You don't look fuller, but more...more beautiful." She struggled.

I smiled and so did Elsa. "Thank you."

I walked over to Rapunzel. "Hey. Everything okay?"

She smiled. "I guess…"

"Great." I said. "How about I we get started at last?" she nodded. "I'll be right back." I said.

I walked in the middle of the room. Looking at the great amount of people present, I wondered how I was even able to convince them to come here. Maybe I'm a better persuader than I had ever realized.

"Hello everyone and thank you for being here with me today. I know this whole situation might seem rather confusing to you, but I can assure you that nothing bad is going to happen to anyone, as long as you behave. Any kind of violence is forbidden. There is no cursing or fighting of any sort. Am I understood?" Everyone nodded. "Good. So today we are going to watch four movies. I have short of explained what that is to each one of you personally. The movies' names are 'Tangled', 'Tangled Ever After', 'Frozen' and 'Frozen Fever'. We'll start with the 'Tangled' series. And because I want to see your reactions, the first one we will watch will be Tangled Ever After, which actually happened after the original movie, Tangled. This takes place in about a year from now. And with that, let's begin!" I squeaked, and returned to my seat, where I pressed the play button.