Yo! I'm ALIIIIVVVVEEE (partially). It's Scarlet, I am so sorry this chapter took forever to write and post. God damn, it's almost been a year since I updated this story. So this chapter is EXTRA long (like 17 pages in word long). Not going to lie, I have several scenes planned for this chapter but I kept changing my mind for a lot of reasons (I am a senior in college, my last semester. Those of you in school/university/college, whatever, you can understand why I'm so busy. I have to adult now, and it SUCKS.)

I will admit that part of the reason the update took so long was because I was being seduced by another fandom. No worries, it was not Yuri on Ice, but I do ship Victuuri :). *Fan girl screams* The fandom that seduced me is freaking awesome, like I have to read two-three chapters before bed instead of just one. But Yuuram for life though.

Reviews! (In order received)

Ashlygmz: Yeahhhh, totally. I was definitely not using a plot hole for my benefit because I ran out of ideas to post that chapter (- sarcasm). Honestly though, I started writing that section not seriously thinking about the implications of the rumor, it was supposed to be something else. But then I thought 'wait a minute. There is some here!' I'm glad you like it.

Yoooo: I wondered where that came from. In several of the fics I read, authors always had Wolfram as the sweet tooth. Good to know (I then binge the whole thing, thank you). But I wanted to mix it up around here and make it apart of Yuuri's character.

Nickesha: Yes, I hate Yuuri for that too. But you may hate me for this chapter (or be confused at the end of the chapter).

Guest 1 (March 21): You, my dear, are going to be my author's note.

Guest 2 (March 28): Are you the same person? I'm disappointed in Wolfram too, but do you think Wolfram has the right to cheat on Yuuri because he's dense? The only thing I know about this story is the ending, Wolfram's reasonings and Yuuri's reactions, everything else is up in the air. And dude, just letting you know, having a sex friend didn't resolve Wolfram's problem of unrequited love. Honestly, I don't like the idea of Wolfram having a fuck buddy even if Yuuri returned his feelings and just wouldn't have sex with him. I'm old-fashion, love is between two people. Plus it feels like a cop-out unless Yuuri is asexual (no shade at author who choose this path).

Green Peanut MM: Welp, this author's note isn't going to be short and/or funny. You're fine, you didn't offended me, it takes a lot. Maybe time you can get a funny author's note. Your questions will be answered next chapter because this chapter was already too long :P.


Silver: You know when anime does something completely weird and unbelievable but you accept it as anime-logic. Same this happens in fan fiction, and I am trying really hard not to do that.

Anis Mairie (From Silver Line): THANK YOU! I understand that Yuuram or Conyuu are the main ships for this fandom, but I don't think people understand how much of a gold mine the other characters are. For those of you who are wondering, I posted a new story about how Celi met one of her husband from his POV.

For anyone that want to review on my story/stories and wants to remain anonymous, like using the 'Guest' as your username, I ask that you look in the review first to check it that username is taken. If it is, PLEASE, choose another username or add something onto it like Guest 2 or Guest-Sendai or Be Our Guest. I like to reply to each of you who choose to review and that just mades it easier for me to know who I am talking to.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except my freedom to write.


Time Chapter 13

Yuuri POV (early morning)

"Great Shinou!" an old man got down on his knees and begged. He raised his hands into the dark, tranquil night skies past the red flames of violence, asking for a miracle. The old man panicked when an enemy soldier found him. "Please help-" the old man choke out as a flash of steel plugged into his back. The soldier was smiling as the sword dug into the old man's shirt, skin, and through his bones. I did this.

A young child's cries drown out by the screams of her parents being mutilated before her eyes. The murderer stood disconcertingly before her... The galloping of horse snapped him back to reality, his reality. Dropping his sword, he closed the distance between them and used his tainted hands to cover her mouth. "All clear!" he called out to his comrades. His voice was harsh with anger but his eyes were misty with regret. Please forgive me.

Crackles of wood under fire harmonized with the pops and snaps of a soldier waist deep in a demon woman. She didn't bother to resist him, her arms like her legs were forced open. Her once radiant indigo eyes now a dull glassy coat of blue never blinking again. Her ruby hair matched the rusty red blood that leaked out of her jugular. Stop it, please!

"Your Majesty, please get back inside!" Gunter pulled me from the balcony. "The human scum are getting closer to the castle, we have to get you somewhere safe!" I couldn't hear him. My people were howling in pain, crying out for my help. The plumes of smoke were getting thicker as the enemy burned my land into a wasteland. This is my fault.

"Yuuri," Wolfram's voice was oddly calm. I turned to him, my eyes pleading with him to tell me what to do. I knew that signing the declaration of war wasn't the answer to this hatred...but I signed it in the end...this isn't what I wanted...

Wolfram was wearing his standard blue military uniform with his sword by his side. His eyes gentle, his face kind, his will strong. But there was something wrong. He was also wearing a silver plated vest, the ones Anissina and Murata designed to protect the soldiers from arrows. The same one hundreds of our dead soldiers are wearing right now.

"Yuuri," his sweet-tempered smile contradicted his feisty personality. "Your Majesty, forgive me for disobeying orders, but I am going to fight." Wolfram bowed and left.

"Wolfram!" I screamed down the hallway, his footsteps getting softer as he walked away. "You can't leave! That's an order!" But he didn't turn around. Wolfram kept walking forward, his soldiers filing in behind him. "Wolfram! Please!" It was getting harder and harder to hear his footsteps. "Wolfram!" I wanted to chase after him but Gunter held me back. I screamed and struggled. "Please don't leave me again!" I couldn't hear his heartbeat anymore. Somebody please stop this. I will do anything. Stop the war, stop the fires, stop the killing, stop the pain.

My eyes snapped open. The brightest of the new day hurt like a right hook the eyes, but not as much the hearing my heart pound against my eardrums. Immediately, I looked to my right to find my blonde husband snoring lightly in his pink nightgown. Relief swept over me like a cold shower. Wolfram was here; not wearing a blue military uniform, not wearing a silver plated vest, not marching off to war. But his sword was by his bed post. A reminder that Wolfram was also a soldier, not just my husband.

So it was another nightmare. I guess it's time to talk to Gisela again.

Wolfram's POV (early morning)

"Morning Wolfram," I woke up to my husband shuffling around in the wardrobe. He had just a towel wrapped around his waist. Groaning at myself, I waited for my mind to clear before realizing that Yuuri had bathed without me. Shit. I needed to follow the same routine set years ago to throw that Sage of my scent.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked finally sitting up.

"I tried. You punched me," he tossed over his shoulder as he continued to get dressed.

"Sorry," I mumbled. At least that was the same.

"It's fine," my husband pulled on his shoes and tapped the tips on the concrete floor. "I'll see you at breakfast?" He asked looking in the mirror to fix his hair.

"Yeah," I answered as I watched him. His hair was as long as if he was transformed into the Maou. His human blood was making his age slightly faster than me so he looked more like his mature counterpart rather than the boy I first met nine years ago.

"Okay, see you then." The Yuuri exited the room, not looking back at me, following the usual routine.

Stretching my limps in all directions, I finally decided to take a bath, maybe it would help me decide how to deal with the Sage. Directly or indirectly?

Gisela's POV (early morning)

There were very few things in the morning that can tell me that it was going to be a great day. Lord Weller standing outside of my clinic wasn't any if those signs.

"Good morning Gisela," Conrart leaned against the door.

"Good morning, you're up early," I commented. He moved aside to let me unlock the door.

"Not that much earlier than usual," he smiled his usual smile, perfect and fake.

"How can I help you?" I asked giving him the same smile. After all, we learnt it from Julia.

"Nothing serious. I just wanted to know if you knew why the Sage is in the castle."

"No clue," I pulled out a basket from a cupboard. "I'm trying to avoid him as much as a wild sand bear."

"But you treated him the other day," he countered.

"I'm a doctor, Conrart. Curing people is my job."

"True. So what did you treat him for?"

"Patient confidentiality," I answered coolly.

"I have a military warrant," he pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket. I glanced through it, though I didn't have to read it, it had Gwendal's seal. How desperate are these brothers? The sage hasn't been here for more than a little over a week.

I sighed again, today was going to be rough. "A hangover," I answered and handed the document back to him. "The same ingredients for Wolfram's and Yozak's hangover. And your occasional visitors."

Conrart just laughed at the comment. "Unfortunately, the little blue bird had to fly away on business."

I rolled my eyes. Conrart and Yozak have been doing this for years.

"Sooo-" he suggested.

"No," I answered firmly.

"Never hurts to ask," he smiled again.

How could Julia or Yozak love this man? "You'd be surprised," I glared at him. It wasn't me that he was hurting, it was Yozak... and himself.

"Okay, I understand."

I thought that he would leave after he got his information, but he just stood there looking at me. "What do you want Conrart?" I asked grabbing the notebook for the greenhouse plants.

He walked over to one of the beds in the clinic and sat down. His perfect posture and that facetious smile dropping with his guard. This was the real Conrart. "Gwendal and I want to know why the Sage is here and what he wants," he said.

I sat down in my chair seeing that this conversation was going to take longer than expected. "Haven't you heard the latest rumor?" I scoffed.

"Yes, but when has the Sage ever stated what he really wants? Normally he leads us in circles before we can even begin to understand step one of his plans. Plus, I think the rumor is just a diversion; he has all eyes on His Majesty and Wolfram making it easier for him to move around and get information." His forehead wrinkling like Gwendal's.

"Sounds like whining to me."

"It's frustration," he countered. Always the hero, never the damsel. Huh, Conrart?

"If you need information on the Sage, why not ask Yozak?"

Conrart winced. "He's reporting what he can, but he says that he's under orders from the Sage not to say anything."

"Then talk to the other soldiers or the maids. He tends to spend much of his time with the maids."

"Jealous?" He smirked.

"Not even remotely," I replied coolly.

"We want to," Conrart continued, "but if the Sage notices that everyone in the castle is watching him, Gwendal and I are afraid he will use drastic tactics to get what he wants."

"But you don't even know what he wants. He could want a cookie for all you know!"

"If only..." Conrart was silent for a while, he wipes his hands against his pants appearing to smooth over the wrinkles in his crisp pants. He was really wiping his sweaty palms on his pants, a habit it did when he was nervous. "That's why we were thinking of using someone who the Sage would least expect."

"Who?" I asked.

"He likes you," I stood, narrowing my glare at him but that didn't faze him. "Maybe if you reciprocated his feelings, he would trust you with some information."

"Get out," I ordered him. How dare he!

Sighing, he stood. "Gisela, it wasn't his fault. You have to let Adalbert go."

"I will when you let go of Julia," I countered. He glared at me; the lion was finally starting to show it's teeth.

Conrart shook his head, his expression soften to the friend I was just talking to minutes ago. "We are in the same place, Gisela. At least you have someone who is willing to help you out. You don't have to love him, but you could let him lead you out of that dark place."

I was about to retort when a knock sounded on the door. The door opened to reveal His Majesty, King Yuuri.

"Your Majesty," Conrart and I greeted the king at the same time and bowed.

"Conrart, I have told you countless times, please called me Yuuri. And Gisela, you are my friends so please do the same," he said.

"Of course Yuuri," Conrart's usual perfect and fake smile was back on his face. "Is there anything I could help you with?"

"Actually, I came here for Gisela," the king said quietly. "I'm sorry if I was interrupting something..."

"No Your- I mean Yuuri," Conrart recovered quickly.

"I'll see you at breakfast then Conrart," Yuuri said, dismissing the soldier.

"Of course, Yuuri," he bowed one more time then left.

Once the door closed, I smiled at the young monarch. "What can I do for you Yuuri?"

"The usual, please," he confessed. His nightmares were starting up again.

"Right away, Your Majesty."

Maid's (Lagansa) POV (morning)

The Sage had certainly shaken things up at the castle. I'm glad. Things were getting boring around here. The only interesting bets going on were when Lord Weller would finally break down and accept Yozak and when Princess Greta would bring back a significant other from that boarding school she was attending. The bet had subdividing parts like if the significant other would be male or female, and what station in society they held; servant, merchant, noblemen, or royalty.

The Sage's new bet is definitely going to make someone around here richer than the king. "Lagansa can you grab the dirty laundry from the royal baths?" One of the other maids asked me.

"Sure," I said heading down the hallway to the royal baths. It was a little after 8:30 am, the royals are usually done bathing by then and finish getting ready in their rooms for breakfast at 9:00 am. As I reached for the door handle, the door opened to reveal the Prince Consort. I bowed, "Excuse me, Your Majesty. I was about to collect the laundry, but if you are not finished, then I can come back later." As I raised my head, I noticed was wrapped in a fluffy pink robe. No King Yuuri in sight, so that must mean they bathed separately again.

"No, go ahead. I just finished," he said and walked past me. I bowed again. "Lagansa," the Prince Consort called out to me.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I answered waiting for my new orders.

"Prepare a bottle of wine and two glasses on the top balcony of the east tower tomorrow."

"The east tower? Not one of the guest bedrooms?" I whispered confusingly to myself but I guess he heard me.

"Yes, that balcony has the best view of the moon," the Prince Consort smiled at me reassuringly.

"Yes, Your Majesty," I bowed again and he left. That was a weird response. Oh well, maybe the other maids or Yozak will know what it means.

Leon's POV (before lunch)

"Tell the blacksmith that we are going to need 150 medium weighted swords and 250 heavy weighted swords," I tell the messenger. Prince Brat wanted to start the men on a more strenuous sword fighting practice routine since too few wanted to challenge him. The Commander thought they were lacking in skill, it was more that they were lacking in backbone to face him. But it would probably angry him more if I told him that.

The extra sword practice will help the troops in the long run; there were only a few weeks until the inter-army competition. Honestly, I think the 'competition' was just a way the brothers get back at each other. Last year we barely defeated Voltaire's army in magic combat, but they beat us in magic control. But both Voltaire and Bielefeld armies were brutally defeated by Weller's army in sword-fighting and horsemanship. So the Commander organized a practice sword-fighting match with Voltaire's army to determine how best to beat the middle brother. Further proof that the Prince Consort still behaves like a child.

I sighed and lowered my clipboard, my eyes found a nearby patch of orange hair sitting on one of the pillar just observing. I followed his focus to King Yuuri and Lord Weller. It was time for the king's daily horse warm-up. Nothing fancy, just a couple of laps around the courtyard. Though, it was weird to see the double black king on the stallion. Usually Lord Weller or the Commander took care of the horse since His Majesty was too busy with his paperwork.

Yozak's gaze switched to down the hallway, I couldn't see exactly who that down there, but I did recognize the Bielefeld military uniform and short red hair. Fuck, Lutz. That means the Sage is down there too. Wonderful, that was the hallway that lead to the Commander's office, that I need to speak about next week's training routine.

As I walked past Yozak, he winked at me. I shook my head at his antics, but remembered our previous conversation. My next task: figure out why the Prince Consort wanted to meet with the Sage. Privately.

I bowed to the Sage as I passed him. The Sage was dressed in a formal black suit with a full length black cape but there was a white mask instead of his glasses covering his face. Lutz looked mildly uncomfortable as the 4000 year old double black moved around in a variety of weird poses. The green uniformed soldier he was talking to also looked uncomfortable. Needless to say, I got away from that weird scene and to the Commander's office as fast as possible.

I knocked once on the Commander's door and announced himself. "Come in," he said from the other side of the door.

"Sir," I bowed and started my report.

"Only 150 medium weighted swords?" He looked up from his desk of paperwork.

"Yes, I think some of the men need more training on how to fight without a sword or their elements. Lord Weller's army will most likely disarm or overwhelm them within the first two minutes, but the fight isn't over until one party admits defeat."

"Fine, but I want 100 more of each kind, we will have practice matches with Gwendal soon and I don't want him commenting that my men's swordsmanship skills are lacking," he snorted. Yup, this competition is just a game to the royals.

I sat down in one of his chairs in front of his desk and handed him the clipboard to sign it.

"What?" he asked.

"Why do you want to meet with the Sage?" I asked.

"Did Yozak send you?" he put his pen down.


The Prince Consort sighed. "Because that is what I would have done if he started a rumor like this one if I had nothing to hide."

"But it still seems bold. Yozak thinks you're insane."

"Yozak thinks that of me all the time. He thinks I'm rash, temperamental and childish."

"Two of those things are true."

The Commander glared at me. "Tell Yozak that he needs to tell the Sage about the meeting himself."

"Why?" Does it really matter where the Sage gets his information?

"To gain the Sage's trust. If he wants to gain information from Yozak, some of it has to be true or else he won't trust his spy."

"That's really smart coming from someone so pretty."

"Lt. are you flirting with your Prince Consort?"

I gasped, my tone sarcastic, "Never. Just think of the treason!"

"Wait Leon, have you talked with Lutz? All I know is that he and the Sage have been talking to soldiers from all divisions."

I nodded, they were talking to one of Voltaire's army earlier.

"So?" he asked.

This is why I wanted to leave as soon as I got my answers. "No, I haven't talked to him yet," I replied. "It's kind of hard with the Sage joined to his hip now."

"That damn perverted geezer," he whispered. He handed the clipboard back to me. "This should help," he smirked. Judging from the contents on it, I had a new message to deliver.

"But I think that a King should lead his pawns into battle rather than sit on the sidelines."

"What do you mean?"

I walked backwards towards the door, his reaction was not going to be a pretty one. "Return the king's advances. Get information from the king by returning his advances."

Oh, if looks could kill!

"Everyone knew how you felt for him," I continued. "And the rumor is a perfect excuse. Why not use it to your advantage?"

Yozak's POV (afternoon)

I was waiting on a blue bird to arrive. I had sent Arcas eastward to Big Shimaron. Although the war ended four years ago, Lord Voltaire and I have decided to send spies every month or two to make sure the humans aren't planning for revenge. They weren't too happy when the kiddo killed more than half of their soldiers or when their king decided to commit suicide when he saw that he had to surrender.

Without a King to lead them the human kingdom crumbled in a matter of days. And because the kiddo hated seeing people suffering, he decided to give the humans resources to rebuild their country instead of colonizing it and taking their resources for ourselves. If the boy king wasn't on his death bed, Lord von Bielefeld would have murdered the double black monarch.

Of course there was a lot of humans that refused our help, but they took it anyway. A man cannot take pride in allowing his family to starve because of his ideology. So he will bite his tongue and accept help. But once their bellies are full, their tongues become unbound and they try to bite the hand that fed them.

We don't need another war; I don't think the kiddo can handle it again. The light in his eyes darken, he didn't smile for months. And that's why I was given orders from Lord Voltaire to stop any possibility of a third war against humans. I created a unit of spies, 32 in total, that travel throughout the Human countries investigating anyone who tries to rally for the horns of war.

A blue bird, the Steller's Jay, flitted into the room and landed on its post. A slip of white paper around its foot. The note said, "The land is barren, not even a seed to eat." It's only been a few days since Arcas has arrived in Big Shimaron. Finding rebellious humans can take time, months sometimes years.

"Dig deeper, seeds can be found under the surface," I replied. After tying the note to the bird's foot, I placed it in its cage. A day's rest and it will be ready to fly again.

A brown haired soldier entered the avery, Conrart. "Yozak," he called to with his usual gentle smile.

"Captain?" I asked.

"It's just the two of us, Yozak. Call me Conrart like you usually do." No Yozak, don't fall for the glimmer of hurt that twinkled in his sun kissed brown eyes. Be strong.

"How can I help you Conrart?"

"I was looking for you," I walked over to me. There are so many different meanings those words have. I chose the most innocent one, not wanting to get my hopes up.

"What for?" I closed the door of the cage and walked over to a cabinet to grab the bird some seeds.

Conrart hesitated for a moment then asked, "You know the rumor the Sage is spreading?"

"Already told you, I can't say much when if comes to that old soul-"

He interrupted me. "I know, I just wanted to know what you thought about... all of it."

I stared at him. "I think it's nice that the Sage is taking the initiative to help the king finally understand his feelings for Prince Brat. The brat deserves a little happiness after his sacrifices."

"But is it okay to force them together?" Conrart asked.

"I'm not planning on forcing them together, Lord Weller," the Sage answered from the doorway.

"Your Excellency?" Conrart and I bowed at the mischievous sage. Why was he wearing a cape? And what's with the mask?

"Sorry if I was interrupting. The door was open and I heard my name," grinning the Sage joked. "Here, take this," the double black offered Conrart a red rose. The soldier accepted, looking apologetic, the tips of his ears glowing bright red with embarrassment.

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Conrart smiled.

"None for me, Your Grace?" I asked. "I heard you've been giving out flowers to soldiers yesterday and today. What's that about?"

"It's kind of like this game on Earth that I always wanted to play," the Sage took off his mask and put on his glasses. He shifted a bit, the light hitting his glasses just right to hide his eyes.

"What game involves giving flowers away? What is the objective of the game?" Conrart asked.

"And why use different flowers? I saw you give one soldier 'Conrart Stand Tall on Earth', another soldier 'Celi's sigh,' and another a 'Beautiful Wolfram.' And now a rose?"

"Where's the fun in the game if I tell you the goal? But I will tell you that each flower has a special meaning. Yours, Lord Weller means deep love and affection, passion and courage. You can either keep it, give it away to me or," the Sage glanced in my direction, "to another person. It's meant to be given to someone special."

That was cruel. Don't meddle in my relationship with the Captain. It's more complicated and it will need more than just single red rose to fix it.

"Oh," Conrart cradled the rose. "I think I'll keep it then. Thank you for the gift, Your Excellency."

I shook my head. "Lady Celi is going to be angry that you stole all her flowers from her garden."

"I don't think I did that much damage yet," the Sage mused.

"So you are not done giving out flowers?" Conrart asked.

"No, I have a few more candidates," the Sage replied.

I laughed at the lunacy, "Your Excellency, I suggest you go to the top balcony of the east tower to 'assess' the damage you've done tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" the Sage questioned.

"Yes, you're not done giving out flowers yet. And if you think you truly didn't any real damage to the garden go after midnight. You would probably only see the Beautiful Wolframs from that height," I instructed the Sage.

"I'll think about it. The flowers should grow back by the time Lady Celi is back from her cruise anyways," and with that the Sage left. He had taken the information he wanted and left, leaving me alone with Conrart holding a single red rose.

"Yozak," Conrart stared at the rose. "Isn't tomorrow a new moon?"

"Is it?" I asked getting the Steller some water. It must be thirsty since the land was barren.

Wolfram's POV

"Return Yuuri's advances, he says," I mumbled to myself. He said it so tauntingly, like I couldn't do it!

But it doesn't matter what I do, return his advances or not, because Yuuri isn't interest in men.

Murata's POV (evening)

Shibuya didn't have that much paperwork to do today. He was on the last stack by the time Lutz and I arrived. Looks like years of being king is finally becoming natural to him. We didn't bring any snacks because it was almost dinner time.

"What's with the tux?" Shibuya asked without looking up from his paperwork.

"I'm cosplaying, can you guess who?" I held up another rose and smiled at him.

Shibuya blinked and frowned. "Do I have to?" he queered.



"No, I would have butter knives instead of a rose," I replied. " Think harder… I'm wearing a tuxedo and a mask."

Shibuya stared blankly at me.

"It's from Sailor Moon," I suggested.

The double black king's eyes widened in realization, "That show were the main character draws power from the moon!"

"Something like that," I took of the mask and put on my glasses. It felt great to be able to see again. "All I remember was that there were a lot of transformation scenes and mini-skirts."

My best friends chuckled and continued to work again. Halfway through his stack he stopped to ask, "What is it Murata? You came in and haven't said anything, mysterious or sagely."

"Maybe I don't have anything to say this time," I countered. Shibuya gave me a dubious look.

"Then why did you come here?"

"Maybe I missed you," I joked. Shibuya balled up a piece of scrap paper and tossed it at my head, almost hitting its target.

I pouted at my bodyguard, "I thought you were supposed to protect me?"

"A piece of paper won't do much damage Your Excellency," Lutz stated a matter of factly.

"What if I bleed out from a papercut?" I asked.

"Answer my question Murata!" the king demanded.

"I'm still thinking. Finish your work, I'll have a decision by then."

Shibuya shrugged, "Ok. I guess." 45 minutes passed before the king was don't with his work, 15 minutes until dinner time. "So?"

I fumbled with my hands, what was the next step. The Prince Brat was calling me out, bold move. He's taking the initiative unlike his brothers who have soldiers watching my every move. I was planning on accepting his invitation, but the issue is whether or not I tell Shibuya. How will he react? Who am I kidding, my best friend wouldn't bat an eyelash if I was meeting with Wolfram. He would think we were talking about politics or that I was just messing with his husband because I was bored.

Hmmm, I wonder if I can make him jealous. It's one of Shinou's direct tactics, but…

"Lutz, can you step outside for a minute? Knock on the door when if time for dinner," I ordered my bodyguard. My redhead pawn bowed and left. As soon as the door closed I started, "Someone, asked me out today," I tried to look bashful.

"Who?" he said smiling sitting back like what I just said was impossible. I don't know why though, I'm adorable. "Gisela?"

I laughed, only in my dreams. "No. They want to meet me on the east balcony tomorrow around midnight."

"Oooo, a midnight tryst," Shibuya mocked me. I have a sudden urge to throw the paper ball back at him.

"Shut up," I shook my head. "This is why I wasn't going to tell you."

"Male or female?" he asked.

"Male," I answered. No visible signs of disgust on his face.

"A soldier?" he asked.

"Yes, and a pretty high ranking one too," I played along. This may end badly, but…

"Then, do I know him?" he asked smiling.

"Yes, I would say that," I answer.

"Will you tell me who?" he asked.

"I will if you ask me," I replied. A knock sounded on the door, it was time for dinner. Shibuya and I stood smiling like idiots.

"Damn it Murata! Stop with the mind games. Tell me who asked you out."

"Prince Wolfram," I answered and walked away. The look on his face wasn't what I was expecting.

Did I make a mistake? Shibuya was smiling.

Author's Note: Who else is confused about the ending, tell me in the review section! And that was a freaking long chapter. I have a question for you all, does anybody know what a new moon looks like, like in the real world? (hint) And Conrart why you so thirsty. IF THERE IS ANY PART OF THE CHAPTER THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, tell me in the review section or PM me. I will try really hard to explain without spoilers.

Now my pretty little Guest, are you ready?

Ok, firstly, thank you for reviewing, I appreciate and cherish you review. I'm glad you are enjoying the story so far! Also, I'll accept the consensus of the fandom, and make Gadwin a jerk, at least when you guys see him. Any last calls on this?

Now down to business. Topic #1 Interactions. There are two main reasons I wanted this story to be interactive. One: This story is about infidelity and how the couple figures out their emotions. It questions the behaviors and actions of the characters. And sometimes (most of the time) as the author, I totally know what is going on in my character's head. But the same cannot be said about my readers. Take the last scene in the chapter for example, what does Murata hope to gain by telling Yuuri about the meeting? What was the mistake, was it his approach or his thoughts that Yuuri even loved Wolfram? And why was Yuuri smiling at the end? The answers for these questions can vary greatly. By having my reader tell me where they are confused, it allows me the opportunity to elaborate on those confusing areas of the plot. It is your way of signaling to me that you don't understand something, and I am happy to explain it. I have already received questions through PM and I have answered this both in previous chapters and in PM. I said it before in one of my openings or closing remarks (I don't remember which), but this story is going to be a lot of he said, she said, which means a lot of contradicting information, and you (readers) are going to need to figure out who has trustful information and who just has useful gossip. The second reason is to call me on my bullshit. Yeah, I do purposely confusion anime-logic plot points because I want you to call me on my bullshit. Like Murata being able to assume that Wolfram is cheating after being in the castle for all of three hours. That is some stinky bullshit I smell. When you call bullshit on me, as the author, I have to think of some good plot twists/points that make logical sense (I hate anime-logic) and that is going to make this story great.

Allowing you guys to create a scene wasn't in the original plans, but I thought it would be a cool addition. Plus I have seen it done sooooo many times on this site, it's comical. But sure, I can restrict the interactiveness for only two purposes. Dear readers, I Scarlet decree that you can no longer ask for specific scenes to be incorporated into this art of fiction, however, if they is any part of the story that is confusing, PLEASE tell me either PM me or comment in the review section if you don't have an account or too lazy to log in. (Honestly, sometimes I'm tell lazy to log in, so I'm sign my reviews as Scarlet or something I found funny that day. And reviewers get faster responses from me, I don't know why.) You, my readers, reviewers, and guests, may also call me on my bullshit whenever and wherever I do do it. (Hehe do-do.) However, I promised Sainan01 a specific scene and I already changed the story line to lead up to it and I plan on keeping that promise. Also there is a discussion thread that goes with this story, it's called 'Time for a discussion.' Please note, that just because you asked a question does not mean that it will be incorporated into the story. Your questions can inspire me to write a specific scene but no that's all they can really do. So inspire me.

Next topic: Let's talk about sex baby. Ok, I am going to stop joking around now. If you came to this fic thinking that you were going to get awesomely written sex scenes, you are in the wrong place. If you came here thinking that you were going to get a decent amount of sex scenes, you are also in the wrong place. Readers, I'm not saying that because Guest scared me into saying that, if you haven't noticed, I SUCK at writing sex scenes. The only one in this story, the one between Yuuri and Wolfram, sucked balls. It was awkward and slightly painful to read, like seriously Yuuri where is the passion. But that was the point, I hid a lot of character development of Yuuri and his development of his feelings to Wolfram. I'm guessing that majority of you all understood that Yuuri was not willing to consummate their marriage but he still did it. But why? For his kingdom, he was becoming an adult, putting your own personal shit aside and doing what you have to do. Notice that Wolfram was never leading in the scene, it was Yuuri who was giving out orders (except when he told Yuuri to continue after pausing). I have the scene from a camera's POV because I didn't want to be bias. Try to think back to that scene from Wolfram's perspective, then from Yuri's perspective. I'm not going to give you the answers because I want you to think about it. Why was Wolfram letting Yuuri lead? Why was Yuuri gentle with Wolfram? Why was didn't Yuuri or Wolfram drink the alcohol? Don't you think that Yuuri been intoxicated would have make it easier for him? I don't write sex scenes for the sake of having sex scenes in a mature fiction, I use it as a way to showcase my characters' depth of emotional development. There is a lot that I would like to discuss with you Guest about that scene in particular, however, we need to move to the next subtopic. (I'm sure you have fan fiction account since you copied and pasted your review from the Rules and Guidelines page, so PM me and we can continue to talk about it). If anyone else wants to know the layers, review or PM me (I honestly don't care which method you use).

Subtopic: Removing sexual scenes: Mhmm, I have look at your review for months thinking of the proper response. In the future, I will try to stay with in the guidelines and not post chapters that blatantly describe pleasuring of dicks and/or vaginas or the penetration of buttholes and/or vaginas. However, I do plan on posting sex scenes that focus on the emotional context on the scene. This story is very emotional based; if you came for action, I'm so sorry, there is only going to be one action scene, maybe (we'll see). That scene where Yuuri jams his fingers up Wolfram ass to loosen him up, the jams him dick half up before crying like a wuss is being revised. It will be replaced once I have edited it enough that you get the same emotional depth out of the characters without giving away any additional spoilers. I do do (hehe) revisions on my chapters when I have the time, but I make sure not to change the wording too drastically that it changes the meaning of how it is interpreted. So Guest, there is a sex scene in this chapter, it is very brief, but is it tame enough for you my dear?

There is more I want to talk to you about, Guest, but this author's note is longer than it should be. PM me, I promise not to out you in the next chapter. I'm not that petty.

Bless the souls of those who made it this far. I'm sleepy so I make this short: updates on 'I want it in Writing.' So I have started writing it, however, I was wondering if I should break away from the letter style and start telling you what the heck happened on the last day because it is hell-a hard to explain in just letters. Like shit hits the fan, and the fan breaks. And all of you, go read Silver Line. It's good, I promise. It's so cute I end up blushing every time I read it. See you all on this story in 3-8 months, I am sorry, I have to adult now.