HELLO! I know, I know... I am the absolute worse! Thank you for any of you who still check to see if I update and I'm sorry about not updating! I just sort of loose interest in on fanfiction after awhile and take me a long while to get back into it... BUT For those who are a fan of my Blue Flame Alchemist story? I have started to rewrite it because honestly? It rubbish... Anyway this is a Steve Rogers/OC, based on the first movie! And by the way, if you are looking for accurate Line for Line story this is it, I got them straight from the movie and I am really working on on this story... ANYWAY! Have fun, I know it kinda short, but there will be more! I sorta already wrote the whole story down, I just have to type it out and everything... so yeah! HAVE FUN!

Chapter One

"Enlisting into another war?" The woman placed her hands on her hips, giving her two older brothers a raised eyebrow while they sat down. "Can't you sit this one out? Haven't you fought enough?"

The eldest laugh, ruffling his sister's waist length black hair. "And become like you? Afraid I don't have the brain for that!"

"Or the skill," The woman's twin replied with a smirk, then looked to his sister with a sigh. "What else are we suppose to do? It's the only thing we are good at, Amy."

Amy chewed her lip, but agreed. "I just wish that one day, we will just stop. I know, I know! Just a daydream, I know, James."

"Enough about this," Victor groaned. "How's the kid doing?"
Amy knew immediately who Victor was talking about, there was only one person he called 'kid' and that was Abraham Erskine; her prodige. The woman rolled her eyes, fixing her doctor's coat and sighed. "He seems to be very determined that this time will work, now that the serum will be going against the enemy."

"Has he picked anyone for candidate?" James asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine at this point," She ran a hand through her hair, her eyes landing on a scrawny blonde boy. "Hold on, I'll be right back."

Amy walked up to the boy, hand held out for his paperwork. "May I?"

"Of course, Nurse." He said respectfully, which made Amelia smile.

"One thing, I'm not a nurse..." She opened the folder, studying the contents carefully. "I didn't suffer through years of medical school to be called a nurse, soldier."

The boy swallowed, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Smiling, Amelia read over his medical record.

His names was Steven Grant Rogers and he had endless of reasons to not enlist in the Army... And by the already defeated look in Mr, Roger's eye, this wasn't his first time trying to get in.

The doctor sighed, handing back the folder, "You already know what I'm going to say, Steven, but I will say that it's very honorable for you to keep trying."

Steve looked up at her in complete shock, "How did-"

"By the way you look, you just know what was going to happen next." Amy smiled down at the man, putting her hand out for him to take. "I always like meeting brave men like you,"

"Thank you, you're the first person to tell me that." He took her hand and shook it firmly, then slowly stood up. "What's your name?"

"Amelia Howlett," She replied, spinning on her heel to walk back to her brothers.

Steve watched her go, her curls bouncing without any effort. She was really pretty and it was unusual for pretty girls to talk to him. But he like her, liked the way her blue eyes seemed to look into your soul.

James raised an eyebrow at his sister. "What was that about?"

"Nothing you need to worry about," She smiled, patting her brother's shoulder. "Anyway, Abraham is waiting for me and I might have a few new ideas for him."

"Tell the kid I said 'hi'!" Victor grinned.

Amelia nodded, and swiftly left the enlistment office to go find her prodige at the expo that Howard Stark was hosting. While walking over to the expo, the doctor was drawing quickly on the notebook she always carried around. She was making a quick sketch of Steve Rogers for Abraham to see, put in on the list of potentials for Project Rebirth.


Barely anyone was at the expo at the moment, it was too bright out for any excitement, but there were a few who were there to see all the new technology. She easily made her way to the empty stage, walking to the back where Dr. Erskine told her that he would be.

The older man was talking to Howard, making sure he had all the materials he needed. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I triple checked." The inventor smiled at Abraham, but grinned when he saw Amelia walking their way. "And it looks like your assistance has good news for you!"

"She is not my assistant, Mr. Stark." Abraham quickly replied, turning to face his teacher.

He was met with a warm smile and a piece of paper shoved in his face. "I want to you to check out this man, I think he has potential."

"Where did you meet him?" He asked, taking the sketch and studying the man's face.

"He was trying to enlist in the Army," She smiled mischievously, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "Again..."

This made Abraham's eyebrows shoot up and slowly smiled. "Oh?"

Amy started to take off her white coat, revealing her navy blue ankle length dress with an orange belt. She tossed it at Howard, which just hit him in the face. "I only talked with him a few seconds, but I think he is worth checking out, yes?"

"If you think so," Dr. Erskine nodded, folding the paper and tucking it into his pocket.

Grinning, the doctor faced Howard now, asking if he needed any help with anything.

"Are you a scientist, as well a doctor?" He said in disbelief. "I think you should leave the big stuff for the experts..."

Forcing a smile onto her face, Amelia placed her hand on her hips. "Do you always underestimate woman? Or only me?"

The inventor didn't answer, leaving Amelia glaring at him. She turned back to her student and sighed. "We have a lot to do before we can start anything... Oh, Victor says 'hello'."

Abraham nodded, laughing at the mention of Amelia's older brother.

They went their separate ways... Erskine went to interview more candidates and Amy went to find her brothers.


"You're both part of the 107th," The doctor shook her head in disbelief. "How is it you two always seem to be stuck together?"

James shot back a glass of whiskey, smiling at his sister. "Guess we're just lucky!"

She rolled her eyes and raised her glass for a toast, look between both of her brothers. "To being lucky!"

"To being lucky!" They yelled, bringing their glasses together, then swallowing the liquor in one drink.

Slamming her empty glass on the counter, Amy looked towards Victor. "What are we gonna do after the war? Honestly, we can keep fighting like this... It's not healthy."

Her eldest brother growled, not liking when she talked like this. "What do you suppose we do? Hmm? If the world knew about us? We would be cast out! No one can understand!"

"That's not true!" She argued back, knowing her brother was wrong. "I have made many friends over the years, and the trusted few who I told? They accepted us with open arms!"

"Like Peggy Carter?" James didn't look away from his empty glass, already knowing that Amy was glaring at him.

He knew that Peggy was a sore spot for his sister, knowing the history that went beyond the agent... Agent Peggy Carter was proof that the three siblings could never have a normal life and Amy would have to accept that fact sooner or later.

Her hands were shaking, voice thick. "Don't you dare... Don't you dare open up that door, James. You know what will happen if you do."

"I'm just being honest," Her twin sighed, finally meeting her eyes. "Let's not talk about any of this tonight? We get deployed tomorrow, let's go and have some fun shall we?"
Amelia studied her brothers closely, contemplating whether or not it was worth to get into this argument they hand hundreds of times before. With a sigh, the doctor stood and smiled at her family. "We should go watch the expo, heard Stark was going to make a car fly."

"First planes, now cars?" James groaned, walking towards the doors. "What's next?"

"Maybe flying people?" Victor laughed, right behind James.

Watching her brothers walk out, Amy took a long breath before she followed them. It was sometimes hard to remain in control with her brothers around, they always knew which buttons to push.

Every time she started to suggest that they settle down, they reminded her why they can't with the cruelest ways...


The streets were different from before, they were filled and crowded, everyone wanting to see the new inventions Howard Stark had whipped up. But the three siblings weren't all the interested in it... After witnessing a few ground breaking inventions, they just become somewhat boring.

Amelia ended up walking towards the art exhibits, even started wondering around the other inventions Stark made.

"See something you like?" Howard appeared behind the woman.

Amy turned, surprised. "Only admiring, you do some good work."

He nodded, taking a step closer to Amelia. "Thank you... I think we got off the wrong foot."

"Oh, and whose fault would that be?" She raised an eyebrow, giving him a smirk as he took another step closer.

Running a hand through his hair, Howard smiled. "Abraham chewed me out pretty good... Plus, I didn't know you were the Doctor Howlett who helped invent several classified thing that I shouldn't even know about."

"You thought it was one of my brothers?" Amy laughed, finding that image very funny. "My brothers are nothing more but soldiers born without a brain... But, I do accept your apology."

"So," Stark was now inches away from the woman, wearing a smirk and hope that the night doesn't end here. "How about we go for some fondue?"

Laughing, Amelia shook her head and patted the inventor's shoulder. "I'm afraid that we would never make it past the bread, plus... I would rather go out for a drink, goodnight Mr. Stark."

"Goodnight," He sighed, stepping away from her so she can leave.

As she walked away, Howard watched her... She really was beautiful, do doubt about that and she was smart too. Whoever she ended up with, he is a very lucky man to have such a woman on his arm.


Amelia was walking through the crowds once more, only to be stopped when she felt a familiar hand on her elbow. Already grinning, she turned to face Abraham Erskine with a sarcastic comment to accompany her grin, but stopped when she saw Steven Grant Rogers behind him. He stood nervous, but his eyes portrayed excitement.

Upon meeting eyes with the doctor again, Steve couldn't help but note that she wasn't her white coat anymore. The navy blue brought out her eyes and made her skin look porcelain... She looked like a china doll.

"I told you he had potential," Her eyes never left Steve as she spoke, making him blush.

Then her words reached his ears and his eyes widened. "Y-you recommended me?"

Amelia shrugged, running a hand through her long curly hair. "Someone had to or the good doctor would never have found you!"

"She even drew me a sketch of you!" Dr. Erskine laughed, pulling out the drawing Amelia made hours ago. You could tell it was quickly drawn, but the lines were precise and accurate. "Practically demanded that I be on the look out for you!"

Studying the drawing, the new recruit looked up at Amelia with a fond smile. "You draw?"
"I dabble," She nodded, her smile never fading.

"So do I," He laughed.

Amelia studied Steve closely now, trying to think what exactly the serum would change about him. Obviously his physical appearance would change drastically. But the serum will give Steve he hadn't had before... Fresh air, a life without worrying about his endless problems.

Suddenly the woman turned to Abraham, her smile seeming to be forced now. "I'm sorry, I must be going! My brothers are being deployed tomorrow."

"What troop?" Steve asked.

"107th," She looked over at him, a distant look in her eyes.

Blinking, Steve smiled. "Hey, my best friend is in the troop! Bucky Barnes, practically a brother to me."

"I'll make sure my knuckleheads brothers will take good care of him," Amelia nodded, sincere in her words. "Good Afternoon, gentlemen."

"Good Afternoon," They replied.

Turning swiftly, making her hair swing behind her, Amelia left.

Staring after her, both Steve and Abraham had smiles on their faces. Both had been smitten by her, Abraham years before when he was only starting out in college in Germany. But, Amelia wasn't as happy as Steve knew her know. When she first met Dr. Erskine, she was heartbroken and struggling to see the light at the end of the road.

"She really is something," The recently made soldier was still watching Amelia.

The doctor looked at Steve with raised eyebrows and laughed. "You wouldn't be the first to think that... Unfortunately, Amelia has a never ending list of suitors wishing to court her."

"I could have guessed that," He sighed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Which means I'm nowhere to be seen on that list..."

"I wouldn't say that!" Erskine laughed, patting the man's back and started to walk back to his place. "Amelia doesn't care much for looks, she prefers what on the inside, what makes you human... And based by her reaction, you left a impact on her!"

The doctor was gone before Steve looked up to question him some more, but when he didn't see him anywhere? He sighed and started back to his home in Brooklyn.

OKAY! That's all for now, I'l try to update as fast as I can, but I make no promises! Anyway, tell me what you think about Amelia, Do you like the idea? Can you try to guess what her powers are? They are so amazing and honestly I don't remember if I mentioned them already or not... But try to guess anyway!