So I posted the first chapter to the Sequel; The Risk of Mending A Broken Heart! It featuring a completely new character with old characters too! Anyway... I still have yet to choose who to pair this Oc with... SO MESSAGE ME YOUR VOTES! These are your choices! Phil, Clint and Bruce! Majority wins! Anyway, here is a sneak peak of the new story!

Amelia watched the woman closely... Her brunette hair curled so it was barely above her collarbone, the light blue dress bringing out her green eyes that were stuck behind broad glasses. The dress she wore was tight fitting until her waist, where it naturally flowed until the ground; a slit leading up to her mid thigh; no one would suspect that the woman actually had a pistol and two combat knives under that dress.

But Amelia did... She knew because she had been watching this woman for months now and she had only come to the conclusion that she would be the perfect replacement for her.

"Why do keep coming to these things?" Steve whispered into the doctor's ear, not feeling comfortable in the crowded room.

It was the third gala this month and Steve was beginning to get annoyed.

Smirking, Amelia pressed closer to the soldier; leaning into his ear so that he lips touched his neck, causing him to shiver. "Because of that woman over there in the blue dress... She's a bodyguard for some rich man named; Richard Clegor."

"And we are stalking her because...?" He raised an eyebrow, looking down at his beloved.

"She's going to replace me at Shield." Amelia simply stated, her eyes going back to the woman. "But just to make sure... I've organized a little test."

Before Steve could ask her what she met, five butlers drew out their guns and shot the ceiling; causing several screams.

The soldier was quick to protect his love, covering her with his own body. Amelia placed her hand on his shoulder and pointed towards the woman they had been watching only seconds before, telling him to watch her.

Before the butlers even got out their guns, the woman walked over to the first one and knocked him out quickly. After the shots had been fired; she then proceeded to reach within her dress and taken out her two combat knives and unarmed the other two. Picking up the unconscious butler's pistol, the woman pointed then at the remaining attackers.

"Put down your guns slowly, and no one will get hurt. " Her voice was calm, soothing almost. It was almost like she was singing a lullaby to a young child, it just seemed to be at a constant calm.

The two men shared a look and pointed their guns at her. The redhead speaking for the both of them. "I don't think you have the-"

Two shots fired, the woman had shot the gun holders through the knees; making them crippled. "I don't care much for your tone."

Slowly everyone stood up, Steve and Amelia slightly impressed of how well the woman had dealt with the situation.

Folding his arms, Steve nodded. "Okay, what's her name?"

"Lydia Amunet Osborn," She grinned, hooking her arm with his and walking slowly towards Lydia. "A U.S. Marine sniper with a very unique gift... She has eidetic memory, she can remember anything she reads, hears and sees."

YAY! Remember! Phil, Clint or Bruce... CAST IN YOUR VOTE!