Big Hero 6: Shadowed Fate

Summary: Alive!Tadashi. The relationship of the Hamada brothers takes a drastic turn after the fire. As Tadashi distances himself from his brother, Hiro becomes the victim of obsession. When Hiro falls prey to a mad man, can Tadashi become the savior Hiro needs or is s hopeless cause?

Pairings: OCM/Hiro, BROTHERLY Tadashi/Hiro

Warnings: Possible slash, Violence, Language, Neglect, Kidnapping, Drugs, Mind Control

Written by DuoXKouga

Author's Notes:

At long last, here it is! The Rewrite of Big Hero 6: Fighting Destiny!

I deeply apologize for the long, long wait. These last few months have been stressful. But I can happily say that this story will be updated on a two-three week basis. Story may be updated earlier than that. I also realize that is actually might be a little shorter, but I promise Chapter 2 will be much longer

As of right now, this story will feature just Brotherly Tadashi/Hiro. There will be slash between Hiro and another male character, but that won't be until later. There will also be fluff between Baymax and Hiro.


Chapter 1: The Flames That Hurt

Hiro was all smiles as he climbed off the stage and ran towards his brother. He wrapped his arms around Tadashi's neck as his brother lifted him up into the air.

"I knew you could do it!" Tadashi grins as he sets Hiro back down onto the ground as his friends rushed in for hugs. Tadashi felt so proud of his brother.

"Congratulations, Hiro." Proffessor Callaghan said as he took an envelope out and handed it to the youngest Hamada. "I look forward to seeing you in class on Monday."

Hiro took the envelope with a big smile on his face before he was led away by his family and friends. Professor Callaghan watched the group leave before he turned his attention elsewhere.

As they walk outside, Tadashi grabs Hiro's hand as he tells Aunt Cass that they'll catch up later. She nods her head before doing a little happy dance. She wraps them both up into a hug before heading off to go home with Fred, Honey, Gogo, and Wasabi.

Tadashi leads Hiro off to a secluded are where they can see the tech lab. Tadashi folds his arms on a railing and leans on them while he looks at his brother.

"I'm so proud of you." Tadashi says as Hiro leans against the railing as well. He looks over at his brother before reaching a hand out to ruffle his hair. Hiro makes a sound as he pulls away a grin on his face.

"I have you to thank, Tadashi," Hiro says shyly as he looks away, "If you hadn't stood by me, I probably would still be out bot fighting and getting into trouble, so thank you."

Tadashi is surprised when Hiro wraps his arms around his middle before he smiles and returns the hug. His little brother was starting to grow up some. Suddenly, screaming reached their ears and Tadashi took off running with Hiro a few feet behind him.

Hiro's eyes widen in complete horror as he takes in the building that is being consumed by fire. Hiro watches the black smoke rise up from the building before he sees Tadashi helping a woman up from the ground.

"Are you okay?" Tadashi gently helps her to her feet as she coughs. He's looking over her concerned.

"I'm okay, but Professor Callaghan is still inside!" She stumbles away from Tadashi and Hiro watches as his brother turns towards the building.

Tadashi dashes towards the building and Hiro rushes after him. Hiro's heart is beating loudly in his ears as he grabs Tadashi's sleeve, stopping his brother.

Tadashi turns to look at Hiro who is staring at him with confusion and hurt in his eyes. Hiro's grip tightens on the sleeve and Tadashi glances behind him at the building before turning to look back at his brother.

"Tadashi, no!" Hiro cries, his chest tightening in fear and he moves his grip as he grabs the front of Tadashi's jacket. "You can't go in there...!"

Tadashi places his hands on top of Hiro's and forces his brother to let him go. Hiro makes a sound of distress and Tadashi ignores it. Tadashi looks back at the building, determination in his eyes.

"Callaghan's still in there. Someone has to help," Tadashi states firmly and he makes a move to go into the building, but he's stopped once again by Hiro reaching out and grabbing his hand.

Tadashi can feel his brother's small hand shaking and he feels torn. Callaghan needs help and he's the only one who could possibly save him, but Hiro needs him as well.

"Tadashi, You can't! I won't let you go!" Hiro cries as he tightens his grip on Tadashi. His emotions threaten to boil over, the fear and hurt and anger grip his chest tightly. Tadashi couldn't just leave him! What if he didn't make it out? He wouldn't be able to continue without Tadashi.

Please, forgive me, Hiro... Tadashi pulls free from Hiro's grip, causing Hiro to stumble backwards and down the steps. He rushes towards the building, but suddenly the flames blow out the windows.

There's a loud boom as the chemicals within the building mix with the flames and causes an explosion. Tadashi knows he has to get away from the building now. He backs away and turns to run when the building explodes again, sending him down the steps and he lands on his hands and knees a few inches away from the curled up form of Hiro. The building begins to crumble under the force of the second explosion.

A soft sob draws his attention and his eyes widen as he takes in Hiro's appearance. Hiro's knees are cut and bleeding and he's cradling his wrist close to his chest. Tears are gathered at the corners of his eyes.

Tadashi stumbles to his feet as he rushes to his brother's side and as Hiro tries to stay strong. He kneels beside the boy and pushes his hair back from his face as he looks down at Hiro's wrist. Gently, he takes it into his hands and pushes the sleeve up to discover that the small wrist is swelling up. He gingerly runs his fingers over the area, earning a whimper of pain from Hiro. He can tell that the wrist isn't broken, but it is sprained.

He hears the sirens and pulls Hiro closer to his chest while being mindful of his brother's injuries. Hiro hiccups softly and curls into Tadashi seeking comfort. Medics rush to tend to those who have suffered injuries, including Hiro, who sniffles as the man wraps up his wrist. Tadashi makes a quick call to Aunt Cass who is now heading their way to get them.

Tadashi thanks the medic as he picks Hiro up like a bride on her wedding day. Hiro turns pink with embarrassment as he buries his face into his brother's shirt. Tadashi carries his brother to Aunt Cass's truck before placing Hiro into the seat. He tells Aunt Cass he needs to grab something real quick. She tells him to hurry.

Tadashi hurries to his lab and grabs Baymax before hurrying to the truck so he can load his mo-ped into the back. He sets Baymax in the back with it before he climbs into the seat next to Hiro. Aunt Cass is looking over Hiro and she sighs softly. The boy looks exhausted. They don't hesitate much longer before they head home.

Upon arrival, Tadashi carries Hiro upstairs and helps him into bed. He then puts his mo-ped away and takes Baymax inside the bedroom as well. He changes into his pajamas and heads to bed. Hiro is already asleep, but Tadashi can't help but worry about his little brother. He knows he messed up by shoving the boy away from him, but he hopes that he can make it up to him. With that thought in his mind, Tadashi drifts to sleep.

Hiro's eyes snap open as he sits up. He pants softly trying to forget that horrible dream. He looks over at Tadashi who is sleeping peacefully before a feeling of bitterness swells in his chest.

He slowly gets out of bed and makes his way over to his brother's bed, choosing to stand next to the bed for a few minutes. His heart tightens as he takes in the cuts that litter Tadashi's hands from the fall from the steps. He pushes the blanket back and slowly crawls onto the bed making himself comfortable next to Tadashi who snores softly.

He reaches over with his good hand and grabs Tadashi's hand, trying to reassure himself that Tadashi wouldn't be going anywhere. The thought that Tadashi could have perished in the fire drives a nail into Hiro's heart and he hopes that his brother won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Hiro slowly drifts to sleep, listening to the sound of his brother breathing.

Tadashi mumbles incoherently as he glances down at Hiro. He had a feeling that Hiro wouldn't be able to sleep alone after what occured today. He reaches his left hand over to smooth back his brother's wild hair from his face. Hiro makes a sound in his sleep and rolls over.

That's when Tadashi notices that Hiro is gripping his hand like a lifeline. Tadashi smiles sadly and he gives Hiro's hand a gentle squeeze before he begins to drift off back into sleep.

I'm not going anywhere, Hiro. I can promise you that...and with that thought, Tadashi succumbs to sleep.

The two brothers begin to snore softly together and sleep unaware of the danger that lurks within the shadows. A masked figure stands on the building across from the Hamada household, a mass of black metallic shadows swarming around the figure's body.

The figure stands there for a few minutes before turning and vanishing from sight, leaving no trace that anyone was there.

End of Chapter 1

DuoXKouga: Well, this is just the beginning of the new version! I hope to see you all in Chapter 2! Thank you!