A/N I'm backkkkkkkkkk and I have decided that I want to rewrite the two stories that I have already put out into the world it's been awhile, and I don't know how many people have been waiting on the updates, but I promise that I'm back and the stories will be updated and new stories are coming in shortly so just give me some more time even though I've have a few years (yikes!) Buttttttttt here we go FNTB revised but just with a new name (double yikes!)

"Move it Pedo Pierce" Noah "Puck" Puckerman said as he pushed Brett into a row of lockers

Brett's back hit the lockers and his thick rimmed glasses hit the hallway floor in front of him with a 'clatter', only to get crushed by a pearly white Nike sneaker that could only belong to a Cheerio. But in this case the now 'shattering' sound was followed by an ice-cold cherry red slushie being poured on his mop blonde hair by none other the HBIC, Head Cheerio Santana Marie Lopez herself. Great just what he need.

"Aw tiny pierce are you going to cry" Santana laughed with the group of kids that had by now surrounded them as the scene continue to play out before them.

"Move. Move!" Sam Evans said firmly as he pushed through the crowd to get to the person that could only be his cousin since he heard Santana taunting voice.

"Aww look at the little nerd family reunion" Santana said through her fits of laughter as she was egged on by the numerous kids that surrounding her and the three boys she stood before.

The Bell rung and all the kids dissolved to their respectful classrooms to start off their last day of the school year. Santana rolled her eyes as she walked away from the scene that she and Puck had created sometimes she wonders why she even does half the things that she does she knows that after high school being popular won't even matter anymore. But she just shakes the responsible thoughts from her mind as Puck opens the door to her AP Biology class for her.

"When are you going to start to stand up for yourself B you know that I won't be here next year and Brent and Beau still go to Carmel High across town" Sam says sighing to his little cousin as he helps him up from the hallway floor and passing him his fifth pair of crushed glasses this year.

"It's fine I got it I don't need my brothers help, I didn't even need yours" Brett says dejectedly snatching his glasses from Sam and shaking the red substance out of his hair and walking towards his class that he is now late for.

"Brett just please try to stand up for yourself" Sam says drained from the whole situation of his little cousin who seemingly doesn't want to help himself from the situation

"Okay..." Brett utters as he walks into his AP Biology class.

"Mr. Pierce it's lovely for you to finally join us, I expected more from a student like you even on the last day… Take a seat" Mr. Checkrick stated loudly at Brett causing the whole class to stare at him.

Brett keeps his head down that still has a tint of red contrasting against his blonde hair and he makes his way over to the only seat left in the class which he realizes is the seat by The Santana Lopez herself, with a huff he makes his way to his seat to start on his class work and prays that the day goes by faster.

"Don't sit too close Pedo Pierce I don't want to catch anything" Santana announces without looking up from the worksheet she was working on.

Brett didn't reply he just pulls out a pen and just hopes the day would end already so he can get on with his summer and doesn't have to see any of these horrible people until the following semester.

"Yo Brett" Brent yelled to his brother as he saw him exiting his Prius in their 10-car garage he never really understood why his little brother drove the ridiculous car when he has a black 2015 NSX Acura, Audi R8 Razor GTR, and a 2015 Ducati Hybrid. He just shook his head at his brothers' antics to hide the family's wealth.

"What 'Rent" Brett said to his brother as he grabbed his book bag from his car and turning to his older brother whom was walking towards him.

"Why do you choose to drive that horrific car" Brent said cringing at the thought of even sitting in the old car. Brett just looked at his older brother as if to say 'Fuck Off'. "What are you even talking about leave me alone ass hat" Brett said walking into the house with an agitated face he already had a terrible day he didn't need to hear his triple brothers shit too.

"I'm just fucking with you B, but seriously you have three really nice and expensive vehicles why drive the starter car. Anyway, have you seen Beau" Brent inquired briskly trying to keep up with Brett whom was walking quickly to the kitchen.

"No, I literally just got into the house how could I have seen him" He stated to his brother dismissively as he walked into the kitchen where his Mom Jennifer was currently cooking.

"Damn I was just asking a question don't got to be an ass about it" Brent said rolling his eyes at his little brother and walking around the island in the big kitchen to kiss his mother's temple and grabbing a banana.

"Can you two shut up Maddie was in the den sleeping, but how loud y'all were she's probably up now you two big dummies" Beau announced as he walked into the kitchen with his brothers.

"She's probably up now anyway now those two being so loud when they came in" Their mom said before she kissed her triplets on the forehead, only to have Brett and Brent to wipe the kiss off and Beau to smile after his mom.

Brent jumped up onto the counter and peeled his banana and then turned to his brothers and stated "So Brett me and Beau was talking and we think that its better if we come join you at McKinley for our senior year so that the three musketeers are back in action ya mean" he said looking between his two siblings in front of him.

'Guys you don't have to," Brett protested as he looked at his twin brothers that sat before him looking at him proudly about their decision.

"Yes! We do, we are so tired of you getting bullied you're a Pierce and no Pierce gets bullied" Beau said taking a sip of his Moms drink when she turned away to stir the pasta she was making for dinner.

"You're getting bullied at school?" Mrs. Pierce asked as she turned away from the cooking food and slapped Beau's hand from her cup of juice and turned to look at her youngest son with a worried expression.

"No, Mom I'm not" Brett uttered as he fixed his black rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose under his breath to his mother afraid that she would tell his father who would be pissed about the unknown situation.

"Yes, Mom he is by a Junior girl named Santana Lopez she is only 15" Brent said jumping off of the counter to get some water out of the refrigerator.

"Wow, she is quite young to be going into her senior year," their mom said surprised about the age difference "I should tell Brett." she continued to no one in particular making a move to leave the kitchen.

"No! Mom don't tell Dad okay I can handle it by myself." Junior said to his mom not wanting to have to deal with his problematic father.

"Brett, I love you and I won't tell your father, but if I hear anything else about this then I will have to handle it myself... understood" Mrs. Pierce said sternly to her baby.

"Yes, Ma'am" he said as he watched his mom turn off the stove. "I Love Brett just tell me if you need anything okay?" Mrs. Pierce sighed shaking her head

"I love you too Mom and I understand but I got it handle" Brett said to his mom with a weak smile she smiled in return kissed his head and left the kitchen leaving her three sons in there alone.

"Yea bro tell us if you need anything." Brent said and him and Beau left the kitchen not knowing what else to do to help their brother if he doesn't help himself.

What I'm going to do? Brett asked himself once everybody left the kitchen. He looked down at what he was wearing. Black suspenders with a royal blue collared shirt with black cargo pants and all black chucks. It's time for a change.


"Bent! Beau!" Brett yelled up from the basement where his room was. "Yo Bro" they said as they ran down the basement steps into Brett's room and jumped onto Brett's bed where he was scrolling through his Instagram.

"I wanna do it" Brett said to his brothers. The twin brothers looked at each other and smirked. "Yeahhhhhhhh Buddyyyyyy!" The twins screamed jumping around like little girls. "So where do we start." Brett asked his brothers.

"First we hit the gym" Brent said smiling at his little brother finally letting him help him work out so he can be bigger and look more intimidating to people whom used to pick on him or wanted to hurt him his little brother won't be so little after he was done helping him turn into a man and maybe he will finally have his growth spurt this summer and he won't be so small anymore

"Brett! Get up and get the hell of my dam house!" Brett's dad yelled from the kitchen. Brett literally rolled out of bed and he walked over to his bathroom brushed his teeth, and comb his hair into a quiff using water The first few weeks were hard for Brett he was not strong at all until the beginning July his growth spurt had finally hit him full on. Brett stood at 6'3 his arms were ripped. He had a quiff like his brothers. He had contracts instead of his lame glasses he bought ray bans. And he had all the latest sneakers, and clothes plus he had more leather jackets and snapbacks than he could count. He walked out the bath room and walked into his walk in walked to his shirt section first pulled out a plaid red and black button down and a black V-neck shirt. He grabbed some all black suspenders. Then he went over to his pants section and grabbed a pair of Calvin Klein ripped up skinny jeans. He picked up his fresh pair of fire red retro 5 Jordan's, and asked he ran down stairs.

"Hey Brett." Jennifer said eating toast she had a very bendable schedule the perk of owning her own hospital with her husband and both being successful surgeons she could spend time with her kids and not really miss much and they could live more than comfortable and she more than loved her life and her family.

"Hey mom, dad," Brett said and grabbed an apple. "Brent and Beau come on you have to pick up your girlfriends." Brett Junior yelled up the steps that was in the kitchen.

Brent and Beau came down stairs wearing almost there same thing as Brett. Brent had on a blue and black shirt like Brett's almost the same Calvin Klein jeans as him except his had Brent going down the right side. With blue retro 5 Jordan's, they left their button downs open so you could see their shirts and Beau and Brent had white V-neck shirts on. Beau had on a white and black version of Brent and Brett shirt, and the same pants as Brett and white and black retro 5 Jordan's on.

"Aye bro's you know what they say great minds think alike." Brett grabbed the keys to his Audi razor he got when he was fifth teen. Brett never drove his fancy cars to school didn't want everybody to know that his family was really wealthy so he dressed like a normal nerd and drove a Prius but not this year or ever again. Brent said grabbing his keys to his all black Ducati Hybrid and tossing Beau his keys and walking out the door.

The Brothers picked up Maya and Maria, Brent and Beau girlfriends and Their childhood friend Vincent Vega. When they pulled up into the parking lot. Brent was on the Left side of Brett's Audi and Beau was on the right with the girls on the back of each bike. A crowd was slowly formed when they saw the four bad asses from Carmel High pull up to McKinley with Santana 'HBIC' Lopez in front with her best friends Jade West to her right and Quinn Fabray to her left. Brent dismounted his bike when Maria hopped off and they looked at their schedules, only to see they have all the same classes.

"Brent do you have all the same classes as me and Maya?" Beau asked looking between the paper and his twin brother "Yea I'm going to ask Junior and Vinny" Brent said as he went over to Brett's Audi and knocked on the window. Brett looked from Vincent who he was talking to, to the window where Brent was and he turned off the car since stepped out the car with Vincent. Brett was eating up the idea that his classmates didn't know who he was and he was glad that his voice had more bass so they wouldn't even know him. Vincent and Brett had their sunglasses on do nobody could see their eyes but that didn't stop the High School students wanting to know who they are.

"Brent, we have all the same classes this is going to be my year." Brett said smirking as he rolled down the window so only his brother could see or hear him.

"Leggo first period going to start soon" Vinny said cutting the sibling conversation short not wanting to make a bad first impression on his last first day.

"Ard." Was the only thing Brett said before getting out his parked car and walking towards the entrance. Only to get stopped by Quinn. "Who are you?" Quinn asked.

"Well I'm Beau this is my girlfriend Maya." Beau said running his hand through his quiff that goes in the right direction.

I'm Brent that's my twin Brother Beau this is my girlfriend Maria, that's our best friend Vincent Vega and that's Our triplet little brother Junior Brent said pointing at Beau, Maria Vincent and Brett.

"Um I'm Vincent Vega and Jad-." "Shut it Vega." Jade interrupted Vinny before he could finish.

"West." Vinny sighed desperately at the girl that he had so much fun with and even caught feelings with before she was ripped away from him.

"Vega." Jade basically growled at the immature she felt that should've fought harder for her but he didn't and just chalked what they had and went back to where ever he had come from and apparently, he had come from this very place she forced to and she's not quite sure if she wants to smack him or kiss him.

"Right whatever you wanna know who I'm ask Jadelyn." Vin said rolling his eyes and running his hand through his curly hair he didn't feel like dealing with this problem this early in the morning and he didn't have the energy too.

"Oh so I'm Jadelyn now." Jade snapped she only told him her real name because she thought, is/ was in love with him but now he has no right to call her that name not now or ever again because he lost that when he didn't fight for her.

"Yep dam sure is, now excuse me I have physics to get to Junior we out." Vinny said walking towards Brett who was on Instagram on his new iPhone 6s plus the whole time.

"Wait who is he." Santana asked Beau not paying jade any attention on what she was yelling about this early in the morning.

"My lil brother just know that Santana." Beau said walking right pass her with his arm around Maya's waist.

"Oh but you already know him." Brent snapped And followed his brothers into the school.

Before Lunch

"What we eating for lunch?" Vinny asked straving and slightly regretting skipping on breakfast because he can't remember the last time he was this hungry and he needed to eat ASAP.

"Chill vins you would probably eat anything." Brett said laughing at his over zealous friend handing him an orange.

"Yea that's the same thing your said when I ate your girl out last night." Vinny said back quickly. "Ohhhhhhh." Beau and Brent Said laughing.

"Oh really because I came over your house last night to play call of duty black ops 3 your mom said you wasn't there, but then she said she will play with me all night." Brett said and smirked and dipping the punch vinny tried to throw at him

"Fuck you Pierce." Vinny said laughing with them and sitting on top of the table waiting to leave to go get good food that's not school lunch

"Pierce?" Brett turned around to see a confused looking Puck "Yea that's my name you know Brent Pierce Beau Pierce and Brett Pierce Jr." Brett continued to explain to puck even though He saw Santana and her friends walk up.

"Pedo Pierce"

Santana chuckled more at herself then him for not realizing that the sexy boy sitting in front of her was the same boy that she bullied every day since Freshman year.

"That's not his name!" Brent growled and stepped forward toward Santana who had a red slushie in her hand Brett put his hand on Brent's shoulder as to tell him he can handle this.

"What you going to do Lopez throw that slushie on me," Brett chuckled darkly while taking off his red leather jacket and handing it to Vinny. "Cause if you are-," He said while grabbing the cup and throwing it in his own face. "I don't need you to." Than Brett unbuttoned his button down and took it wiped the chunks of ice out of his hair, then he wiped the syrup of his chest with his v neck. Every girl in the hallway stopped what he was doing and was staring at Brett's god like body. And So was Santana. Brett grabbed his jacket from Vinny and put it over his body with his abs on full display.

"This is the final slushie that will be thrown at me because the next time somebody try's to throw one at me. If there a guy I'll handle them but if the are a female my lovely. Sisters wouldn't mind getting there hands dirty. I meanThey are Lima Heights finest," Brett chuckled darkly again and put his sunglasses back on with a smirk and turned around towards his family. "So Subway is calling my name leggo." Brett put his arm around Beau and Vinny who were laughing.

Santana just stood there shocked.

"Santana. Santana! did you see Brett." Jade said as she walked up to Santana trying to catch the girl's attention who was still looking at the male god that just slushied himself and threatened her all in the same breath she didn't realize she was holding her breathe until she turned to acknowledge Jade

"Yeahhhhhhhh I did." Santana said while looking at Jade. "Why does he have his shirt off?" Jade asked one of her best friends trying to make sense of the whole situation she obviously missed being mindful to side step the red puddle that laid in the lunch room

"Because he slushied himself." Santana said while fixing her timberlands trying to change the subject of what just happened

"Oh wow, you know I didn't even know that was Pe-." Jade started "Don't you finish that sentence Jadelyn West". Santana said angrily.

"Oh, okay clam down you were the one who said to call him that after he walked into the bathroom while you were getting dress on accident may I add and call me Jadelyn again and I will cut a bitch." Jade said and then rolling her eyes.

"I-I know and I shouldn't have done that to him." Santana said as her gaze dropped to the floor yhinking of all the things she shouldn't have done to Brett.

"Oh My God Thee Santana Lopez has finally admitted to being wrong." Jade said sarcastically.

"Really Jade come on," Santana sighed and rolled her eyes at her best friend "so tell me about you and This Vincent guy."

"It was in LA when I went to go see my dad and I just broke up with beck.'

"Vinny tell us about Jadelyn." Beau said with a snort he sees the effect of the unexpected question od vinny when he almost chokes on his sandwich

"Okay it was in LA when I went to go see Trina." Vinny sighs as he recalls the long story of meeting Jade back in L.A.

Flashback La...

Vinny you need to go out and talk up some girls. Trina said while sitting down on the couch next to her little brother whom she desperately wanted to get out the apartment so that she can invite her newest boy toy over and have a little fun.

I don't want to i just wanna spend July with my big sister. Vinny fabricated when sticking his hand into Trina's bowl of popcorn and eating a handful of the buttery food.

Trina just gave him a pointed look and slapped his away hand as he went in for seconds on her popcorn.

"Okay okay I'm waiting on André to come and pick me up." Vinny said with a smirk as he checked his phone to see if he had gotten any new messages from Andre.

Were are you guys going? Trina questioned absent mindedly paying more attention to the TV show that was currently playing then her brothers response.

"To the mall I need a new snapback." Vinny says while scrolling through Instagram and liking random posts;

"Right and what else?" Trina asked turning to her little brother not believing that him and his delinquent friends are just going to the mall to buy things.

"Chill out Trina I'm 17 not 7 I know how to stay out of trouble." Vincent sighed out looking up from his phone and looking at his sister.

"As long as you know Vin." Trina said messing up his hair with a quick ruffle of her hand and jumping up so he doesn't retaliate and hit her or something more sinister.

"All come on mom stop." Vincent groans trying to fix his hair back into place with one hand holding his phone up as a mirror and the other combing through his curly mahogany hair trying to fix it as best as he can.

"I'm not that old you asshole" Trina said rolling her eyes at her younger brothers antics


"That must be Andre I have to go bye old hag." Vinny said running out the house because Trina tried to throw her heel at him.

"Yo Dre." Vinny says as he climbs into Andres Camaro. "Yizzo Cents." Andre says in reply and speeds off the red light. "Were we going." Vinny inquires as he is still Turing to fix his hair in car mirror. "To the mall I have to meet my friend there." The musician chuckles as his watch his old friend struggle with his hair. "Okay dude let's go." Vincent lets out with a frustrated sigh after his failed attempt at trying to fix his hair which looked totally fine to anybody that wasn't the perfectionist boy

At the mall..

"Dre who are we meeting?" Vincent said uninterestedly while looking around the mall. "My friend Beck Oliver" Andre answered while rolling his eyes at the Impatient boy. "Oh okay." Vincent said as he watched a brunette and a red head walk into Victoria secret "Andre!" Beck called out as he saw him and Vincent walking up the steps to the second floor of the mall "Beck." Dre said through a smile as he stopped in place letting the boy catch up to him and Vincent on the stairs.

"Hey so ready to go shopping." Beck said falling into syn with Vinny and Andre as thry walked the second level of the mall looking at windows of stores.

"Why what happened this time?" Andre cut right to te point on why his friend had called him to the mall Beck only wanted to shop when his heart was broken.

"We broke up." Beck said with a sigh not wanting to seem weak about the whole thing going on with his ex girlfriend.

"Oh what you do?" Vinny cut in trying to figure out what happened to the boy that he just met he knew that most break ups were girls alternative for when ever a guy did something wrong.

"She said she just wanted to break up and she also moving with her mom for her senior year in lima." Beck said halfheartedly trying not to relieve the whole situation that only occurred 24 hours ago

"Oh really my boy here Vincent lives there." Andre said trying to engage vinny into the duos conversation and pulling Vinny over to him.

"Yea right of course." Vincent restlessly replied as he started into the Victoria Secret looking for the two girls he saw earlier

"Umm Vinny do you wanna buy something in there for yourself do you need a new thong or maybe a padded bra" Andre said cause Beck to break out into a fit of laughter and Vincent to scowl.

"Well I saw my dream walk in there and my mom always told me to follow my dreams." He said walking away to the store making Beck and Andre laugh even more.

"Guess we are shopping by ourselves." Andre said shaking his head

...With Vincent...

"Hey did you see a girl about 5'7ish come in here?" Vinny asked the Clerk. The Clark just shook her head not even looking up from what she was doing.

"Okay thanks away." Vinny sarcastically replied walking away from the front counter and looking around for the two girls until he heard two voices arguing

"Jade please I need this please Jadddddddeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy please." Cried out to her friend hoping that maybe it will changed her mind. "No cat no no no and don't ever call me Jadey again." Jade said looking up from the row of bras and starting daggers into Cats head

"Please?," Cat begged once more. "No." Jade once again said dismissively "Please?," Cat continuously begged "No." Jade rejected. "Please?," Cat persistently asked

"No cat no means no." Jade said checking her for phone clearly uninterested in the other girls antics in trying to change her mind.

Vinny walked over to the two girls.

"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee." Cat said pulling at Jades arm trying to regain her attention again

"Hey." Vinny said timidly not trying to intrude on what the two girls where arguing about inside of the store.

"Hiiiii my name is Cat." Cat announced forgetting about her conversation with jade

"Hey I'm Vincent." Vinnie said giving his trillion dollar to Cat and softly chuckling at himself at how eager she was towards him.

"And we don't care." Jade stated to Vincent with out even looking up from her phone.

"Jadey that's mean." Cat warned nudging jades arm to get her to pay attention to the pretty boy now standing in front of them

"Well Cat weridos shouldn't just walk up to me and start talking." Jade stated looking up from her phone at Cat and nudging her sarcastically

"Uhmm hey,yea I'm still here." Vinnie said sarcastically to Jade whom was still staring at Cat

"I know and that's something I really despise." Jade replied as she turned to look at vinnie and was shocked at how hot he was and wanting to take back how she was acting but decided not to because he was irritating her.

"Well how do you know I even came over here to talk to you." Vinny spat letting his short fuse sizzle he didn't like when people came at him when he did nothing wrong.

"Because no there is no rason you should be in my presence" Jade stated nonchalantly while shrugging her toned shoulders

"To be so Beautiful you a real Bitch." Vinny said walking away and rolling his eyes at how shallow some girls actually are.

"Hey! wait Vinny here's my number txt me its a party with some of our friends you should come." Cat said handing Vincent her phone to how him the party flier.

"Ugghh Catttttt." Jade groaned out at her best friend for inviting her to her beach party that was only supposed to have a few people.

End of Flashback.


"That's How you knew jade." Beau asked before biting into his buffalo sandwich and moaning in approval

"Yup but I totally hit that." Vinny said High fiving Brett and Brent who was cheering on their best friend who had banged a total babe.

"How was it." Brett inquired wanting a rating between 1-10 on how good the girl was in bed.

"It was like I went to heaven." Vinnie said dreamily

Flashback pt.2

I thought you didn't like me.

Vinny said falling back onto the bed after being force down by Jade West herself

"Yea well I lied then you started acting like you was going to fuck that model and we can't have that." Jade said to Vinnie before ripping his shirt off and kissing him passionately.

Dam girl.

Vinny said while kissing jade back.

Ugggh Vega.

Jade said trying to undo vins pants.

Vinny stopped her hands.

You sure you would be able to handle this.

Jade just kissed him again.

End flashback pt. 2

What happened next.

Brent asked closing his locker.

I fucked the shit out of her.


Brett,Beau, And Brent yelled jumping on Vinny.

Santana,Jade,Cat and Quinn walked passed them.

Why are you screaming.

Jade hissed.

It's that what you were doing all summer long Jade.

Brett said smirking and high fiving Vinny.

Jade walked over to Vincent and slapped the taste out his mouth.


Jade yelled.


Vinny yelled back.


Jade growled.

How about I'm nit dumb at all West.

Vincent shouted.

Why would you tell them that?

Jade asked.

Because I can.

Vinny said walking away.

Why can't you just stay away from us.

Junior asked.

the cheerleaders just shrugged their shoulders.

Okay well listen and listen closely

Stay The Fuck Away Okay

Now nod if you understand.

Junior said.

They nodded.

4 Years later...

Brettt! Brett! Junior! Junior!

Crowd cheered.

Brett get out there.

Santana said.

Where is my glasses Sani.

Brett said flipping the chair.

Santana laughed at Junior.

What? Why are you laughing.

Brett said running his fingers through his Quiff.

Come here and take this picture.

Santana said pulling out her iphone.

Brett walked up to her and held Santana's phone up in the air and put his lips to her cheek and he took the picture when Santana looked surprise.

Santana laughed at the cute picture and posted it on instagram.

(Picture with Brett kissing Santana's cheek and her looking surprised)

Caption:Help my bestie find his glasses (smiley emoji)


lol its on top of his head.

Tell the idoit hurry up and jump on stage

I always knew they were together.

No their just best friends.

San that's not funny.

Brett pushing her and grabbing his glasses off the top of his head.

Go Brett your a minute late.

Santana said rolling her eyes.


Brett said running onstage.

Yooooooooo Neeww York.

Brett yelled onto his headset.

The crowd grew louder.

Okay this song is for a special someone you know my girlfriend Hayden Panettiere.

He looked down at the pit and said.

This is for you baby.

Why are my hands bleeding?

I think I know why, I've been holding on

To the words from your every lie

Fool me once, shame on you, baby

Fool me twice, should have know that there would be problems girl

With you

But I thought

Vinny and Beau jumped on stage and started dancing.

You were different,my baby

Now I see you're just like the rest

Thought you were different my baby

You'd become my biggest regret

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stere-ere-ere-o

Can't blame you

You were only being yourself

I fell in love with someone that I barely knew, why?

Fool me once, shame on you, baby

Fool me twice, should have know that there would be problems girl

With you

But I thought

You were different,my baby

Now I see you're just like the rest

Thought you were different my baby

You'd become my biggest regret

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stere-ere-ere-o

You were different,my baby

Now I see you're just like the rest

Thought you were different my baby

You'd become my biggest regret

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

I'd really hate to label you a stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stereotype

Stereotype, stere-stere-ere-ere-o

Brett took his snapback off that said Hayden and threw it to her.

Now please Santana Lopez.

Brett said grabbing her hand and pulling her to the middle of the stage.

I'm on my world tour with out my brothers but with my best friend you all know her as Santana Lopez.

Brett said into the mic.

Beau and Brent are you my brothers but we had to go our separate ways but I still got them and Vinny.

The whole arena started laughing.

And Sani.

Brett said looking Santana in the with his dimples on full display .

San started to blush she she turned her head to the side.

So I'm going to end my tour with a big bang.

Brett said wrapping his arm around Santana.

Brett had sweat on his forehead. He had a stapback on with his quiff coming out the gap. He had on a black sleeveless shirt with a white flannel shirt around his waist and black and white timberlands.

The crowd was going wild looking at Brett and San being cute together but they always said they weren't dating.

Yea Right they not fooling nobody!


Brett said puling her chin up and she put the mic to her lips.


She asked innocently.

Are we talking bodies?

Brett sung.

San started laughing and the crowd started chanting.

Talking Body! Talking Body!

Bed, stay in bed

The feeling of your skin locked in my head

Smoke, smoke me broke

I don't care I'm down for what you want

Day drunk into the night

Wanna keep you here

Cause you dry my tears

Santana walked away from Brett.

Yeah, summer lovin' and fights

How it is for us

And it's all because

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one

San walked behind Brett and ran her hand over his abs.

Brett stood in front of the people cheering Santana's actions on with a smug look on his face.

So put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right

We love for life

On and on and on

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one

So put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right

We love for life

On and on and on

Love, give me love

Anything you want I'll give it up

Lips, lips I kiss

Bite me while I taste your fingertips

Day drunk into the night

Wanna keep you here

Cause you dry my tears

Yeah, summer lovin' and fights

How it is for us

And it's all because

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one

So put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right

We love for life

On and on and on

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one

So put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right

We love for life

On and on and on

(Uh uh)


Our baby making bodies we just use for fun


Let's use them up 'til every little piece is gone

(Let's go)

On and on and on

(Let's go)

On and on

(Let's go)


Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one

So put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right

We love for life

On and on and on

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one

So put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right

We love for life

On and on and on

Now if we're talking body

Put it on me

If you love me right

We love for life

On and on and on

Now if we're talking body

You got a perfect one

So put it on me

Swear it won't take you long

If you love me right

We love for life

On and on and on


Santana push Brett and walked off stage with a swagger.

Good Night New York.


Brett Pierce Posted a Video...

(Behind stage after the show)

Santana you like me body.

(Santana just rolled her eyes)

Not in this life the pervious or the Next she said opening the bottle of water.

But you just ask me to put it on you.

Brett said pouting.

(the person behind the camera snorted)

You would like that wouldn't you huh Pierce.

To bad you look like a bag of Biel.

(Santana went to walk away and Brett picked her up)

Ewwww put me down.

Not without a kiss.

(Santana leaned into kiss him and the video ended)

Caption: Wonder if she would ever kiss me (kissing emoji and winking emoji)


SaniLopez : Never in your life pretty boy.

Did they really kiss. Probably he said again.

Awww I knew they were together.

A/N got a little inspiration from Author of Loose Ends love that story so wanna give my credits.

P.S to that author update loose ends.

P.S.S follow, favorite and review my new story thanks guys