Hi everyone! Recently, I have grown a certain interest into the movie 'Mr Peabody and Sherman.' Upon watching the movie again today, I decided to write a story. Hopefully parts won't be too sad!

Disclaimer: I don't own 'Mr Peabody and Sherman.'

Oh, and sorry about the shocking line breaks, I'm writing this on my iPad!

It was then that the wooden structure fell off the tall cliff, ending with a sickening 'crash.' Looking over the edge, Sherman's orange-brown eyes darted back and forth, in hopes to find Mr Peabody. Upon finding no signs of the snow white beagle, his eyes began rimming with tears. He wiped at his eyes furiously as he tried yelling his name, but to no avail. "Dad!" the young boy yelled towards the dismantled wooden horse, which received no answer. Sobs wracked the seven year olds body, making his shoulders shake in guilt and depression.

Sherman awoke with a sudden jolt, his breathing heavier than usual. He felt the soft covers of his bed, and realised it was all a nightmare. 'Four nights in a row,' Sherman thought. 'Why can't I accept that Mr Peabody didn't die?'

He laid his head back onto the high profile pillow, but couldn't fall back asleep. The images flashed through his mind, repeating themselves in a movie-like way. There was no way Sherman could fall asleep now, not when the nightmare was etched into his brain so vividly.

It was almost three in the morning when Sherman finally managed to fall asleep again, his mind still showing the 'death' of his father.


"BEEP!" the alarm clock blared into Mr Peabody's ears, signalling that it was 6 o'clock. After dragging himself out from his bedroom, Peabody walked into the kitchen and began cooking his and Sherman's breakfast.

Just as a stack of pancakes had been completed, Peabody heard the shuffling footsteps of his son becoming louder. "Good morning Sherman," Peabody greeted whilst picking up the stacked plate and moving it over to the dining table. "Did you have a nice sleep."

"Uh...yeah," Sherman replied hesitantly, before producing a loud yawn. "Just t...tired," he added, still yawning.

"And why might that be so?" Peabody looked up from where he placed the stacked pancakes and towards Sherman, noticing the bags under his eyes. 'Hmm...he's been looking quite tired for a couple days now. Maybe something's wrong?' Peabody thought.

"Ehh, I don't know," Sherman shrugged, even though he knew why he was tired. His thoughts flashed towards the images from his nightmare, taunting him, scarring him. His shook his head in hopes of clearing the thoughts, and looked at the plateful of pancakes that had been laid out for him.

"Hmm..." Peabody began before he bit his tongue. 'You're just over thinking it Peabody...' He picked up the daily newspaper that was located on one of the kitchen benches before opening it as he sat down. "Well, eat up, Sherman, you don't have long until school starts."

Halfway through the plateful of pancakes, Sherman looked over to Peabody, slightly reading a back of the newspaper in his fathers' paws. "This is pretty fantastic!" he cried out in delight, his mouth stuffed by the light and fluffy pancakes.

Glancing up from the newspaper, Peabody looked at Sherman, his eyes meeting the boys orangey-brown eyes for a moment, before raising and eyebrow. "That's good that you enjoy them, Sherman," he spoke while his mouth changed into a smirk. "Perhaps you shouldn't talk with your mouthful," Peabody suggested through a small chuckle, looking at the small pieces of pancakes falling out from Sherman's mouth.

"Oh yeah, sorry!"

Once Sherman had 'cleaned' the plate (more like licked it clean), he washed it under the kitchen tap, before placing it in the dishwasher. He made his way over to the bathroom closest to his room, grabbing his school clothes along the way.


"Don't forget that I have a meeting, so you'll be going home with Penny!" Peabody called out over the radiating sounds of traffic.

"Yes, Mr Peabody!" Sherman also called out, although not in his most cheerful tone that he would normally use in such situations.

The two arrived at the school in the scarlet red scooter at the same time that they usually got there each morning. "I love you, Sherman," Peabody said quietly, still only just becoming used to the words that he avoided for years.

"I love you, Mr Peabody," Sherman returned with a hug, making Peabody's tail wag, before departing off into the tall doors for the day, with only a slight smile on his face, which dropped as soon as he was out of eye reach of Peabody. His mind wavered off to the thought of Mr Peabody inside the destroyed wooden horse, his body laying lifeless on the splintered ground. 'I hate nightmares...' he thought as he walked into the hallway.

Thank-you for reading this chapter. Please leave a review or dm me, I would really appreciate that!