Author's note: A little less than an year ago I published here a fic called "The Moon Howls", filling gaps of our fourth season of Teen Wolf. By the end of the season - and the fic - I told you all that I would be back.


We have a little more than a week until season 5a finally arrives (oh, how did I miss me Teen Wolf babies), this season seems to be extremely dark (hello again my 3b golden days! I'm so glad you're back!) and of course I couldn't miss my cue.

Now, I liked this first chapter so much, only based on the previews we've been seeing and the little information that we got that I had to post it separately in my personal blog, no translation and anything, in the format of poetry, because I'm feeling poetic today. I guess it comes from reading too much Catherynne Valente. You can find the link to my blog on my profile page. ANYWAY.

Teen Wolf and its poor, poor characters are not mine. I'd have a whole lot of happiness for them if they were.

I also need to remind you that english is not my first language and I probably suck, but give me a chance? Pretty please? Thank you very much!

The Silence of Wolves
A Teen Wolf fanfiction

"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost


There was a clock ticking in the back of their minds counting down every day, scratching the rare moments of happiness that dared to last one minute more and another minute more and another minute more yet tick tick tick

That clock whispered words of fear, of confident terror lurking on their backs, waiting for its finest moment to come out, a curse of rough path that called the creatures of the night in a silent howl of dread and panic and pain and death yet tick tick tick

And that fear was the key to their trembling legs, failed memories, missed calls, foggy eyes, the very core of their nightmares, the shadow of their existence and surviving and strive tick tick tick


A/N: Can I hear a "RE-VIEW!"? Yes? No. Okay then, bye .-.

PS: See you when the season starts!