Mike, Gisele, and Han sat at a table on a beach, observing what was going on around them. Mike sat across from Gisele, who glanced at him and winked. Han sat between them, a cold beer and a bowl of chips in front of him. Every couple of seconds, Han would toss another chip into his mouth. Gisele and Mike's attention followed Han's gaze, which was fixed on Hernan Reyes.

"I count six bodyguards." Mike concluded.

"Seven." Gisele corrected, not taking her eyes off of Reyes. "You think that guy with a fanny pack is a tourist?"

Han snickered, eating another chip.

"What's with you and food, man?" Mike asked, tapping his fingers on the table.

"High metabolism?" Han answered, although it sounded more like a question than an answer. He glanced to Gisele. "How long were you in the army? The gun you pulled the other day, was a Jericho 941. Thumb-racking the side?" He shook his head. "Straight up Mossad."

Gisele did not take her eyes off Reyes. "I got out of the military.." She turned to look at Han, "probably the same time you quit smoking."

Han raised his eyes up.

"The amount of chips you eat. The way you always have to keep your hands and mouth busy. You were a two pack a-day man, for sure. Unfiltered." She finished, turning back to look at Reyes.

Mike laughed softly. "That makes a lot more sense then that high metabolism shit."

"Yeah yeah, more about my past later." Han shook it off, glancing at Reyes. "This is a bust."

Mike nodded in agreement. "There's no way we'll be able to get his fingerprints out here."

"We need to do some more recon." Han added. "Count a couple of extra guys-"

"Or," Gisele cut the two men off, "You don't send a man to do a woman's job."

Gisele stood up and dropped her dress, revealing a bikini. Strutting across the beach, she reached Reyes' bodyguards, who stopped her. Reyes noticed her, however, and motioned for her to come sit with him. Before going to join him, she glanced at Han and Mike. She winked at Mike before beginning to walk up the stairs. Reyes' hand slid down her back, before resting on the bottom half of her body.

Han glanced over at Mike. "Just remember that she's doing this so we all get a bunch of money."

Mike looked over, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, yeah." He muttered, stealing some chips from Han's bowl.

Han popped another chip into his mouth. "So what's it about Skylines that interests you?"

Mike glanced upward, a smile growing on his face. Cars were one of his favorite topics. "Oh, man. I've always loved Skylines; the build, the way the motor purrs, the handling. It's a pure work of art. Been driving them forever." He took a sip of his beer. "I had a 85 Skyline R31 GTS-R in high school."

"Impressive." Han commented, taking some more chips and tossing them in his mouth.

Mike nodded, placing his beer down. "How about you? What cars get your attention?"

Han shook his head. "Anything antique, really. My favorite car of all time would have to be the 240Z."

"Oh, the Fairlady?"

Han nodded. "Yeah. A while back when I still lived up in Detroit, I had put the engine of a R34 Skyline in there. Sound of the motor made me feel so happy. So whenever I hear your Skyline run, it reminds me of.. home."

Mike smiled. "That's really cool, Han." He placed his beer down. "So you're from Detroit? I always assumed-"

"Relatives were from Japan. I was born and raised in the States, never even been East of the Atlantic."

"Wow." Mike replied.

As the two continued to talk, Gisele approached them. "We have the fingerprint. Let's roll."

As she put her dress back on, Mike stood up, bringing back up the Fairlady. "How do they handle?"

"The 240Z? Wonderfully. Best car I ever drove." Han replied.

Mike and Han began to follow Gisele back to the Subaru Impreza WRX STI that Han had driven. "You speak so fondly of the 240Z, man. I have to drive it someday."

"Yeah, those cars are amazing. You'll love them. Just promise me you'll drive it one day, alright?" Han asked. "It'll be worth it, I promise."

Mike nodded. "I promise." He answered as he got into the WRX.

"We're gonna figure this out." Roman said blankly as Tej toyed with the safe. "I promise you."

As Tej backed away from the safe, Han walked into the safehouse. Gisele and Mike were close behind. As they walked in their hands were intertwined, but they let go as they approached Tej and Roman. The two turned around and saw Mike holding Gisele's bathing suit bottom.

"Ooh, Mike, you got all sexy for Reyes?" Roman teased.

Mike fake laughed.

"But seriously." Roman turned his line of vision to Gisele. "I thought you were more of a thong girl."

"We got the print." Han pointed out dryly.

Tej turned around, circuitry and wires in hand. "Where?"

Gisele turned on a flashlight, shining it on where Reyes' hand had been.

"Okay, that is crazy." Roman uttered in disbelief, as he and Tej leaned over the bathing suit.

Tej commented, "So. Did he just slap that ass, or grab and hold onto it?"

Han and Mike shook their heads as Roman and Tej began to laugh, slapping each other's arms playfully. Gisele giggled.

"But, hey, this'll work." Tej said as the laughing died down. "I'm impressed."

"Got it?" Gisele asked.

"Got it." Tej said, after scanning the fingerprint. "But you still didn't answer the question.."

Mike was goofing off with Tej, Roman, Rico, and Tego when Mia called them. "Guys, we have a problem!"

"Yeah, the whole team just got burned!" Brian added, in a clearly agitated tone.

"Now we're all wanted." Mia groaned, sitting down in front of her laptop.

"How could this happen?" Gisele asked as the crew walked over.

Mia read another part of the computer screen. "US Diplomatic Security Service issued the warrants. Agent L. Hobbs.."

"Hold on one second." Brian said, moving his hand to the touchpad of the laptop. After reading the screen for a moment, he spoke up. "Hey Dom. Is that the guy you saw in the favela?"

Mia maximized the photo of this Agent L. Hobbs, giving the whole crew a good look. From what Mike could tell, this guy wasn't playing around. Dom glanced at the photo. "Yeah."

"Hobbs is the leader of the elite task force for the DSS." Brian commented.

"So he's good?" Tej stated in a questionable tone.

Brian glanced at him. "If the FBI wants to find somebody, that's who they call." He nodded toward the laptop again. "He never misses his mark. This guy is.. he's Old Testament. Blind, bullets, wrath of God. It's his style!"

Mia glanced up at him. "Well, right now, he's hunting us."

Mike spoke up. "We got to move up our timeline."

"Yeah, but how?" Roman asked. "This thing's already been difficult without Wyatt Earp on our asses. If anything, we need more room to breathe."

Brian glanced from Roman, to Dom. Dom walked forward. "Roman's right. I think we need to get some fresh air."