Yo, hey guys been a long time since I updated this fic but if you're still with me I really appreciate it. Still want this fic to be not only the longest pokemon and sonic crossover but also the most well written.

Are you guys keeping up with the info about Pokemon Sun and Moon. Quite a few interesting pokemon have been revealed and I hear that gyms are being replaced with these trials. Along with these alola forms and new pokedex Sun and Moon sounds like it's going to be a blast!


Chapter 9: A Boy and his Hedgehog

Callen took a deep breath of fresh air. Now that he had everything he needed to start his journey, he and his partner had walked all the way to Oldale town where they had first met up early this morning. It was much later in the evening and despite having spent most of the day walking, the brunette was finally happy to be on the path of being a great trainer. He could almost picture all the adventures he would have in the near future alongside his incredible partner…?

Callen noticed a lack of blue hedgehog standing right beside him. His partner… Where did his partner go?

"Sonic?! Sooniiic?" he called out while turning in a circle only to spot him crouching down in front of a tree in a melancholy state. He was facing away from his newfound trainer head bowed, ears down, quills slackened, and a gloved finger drawing spirals into the dirt depressingly. The young kid felt that the only thing that would make the hedgehog's position complete would be a comically sized cartoony cloud raining and thundering right above his head. Callen walked over to the seemingly depressed hedgehog and crouched down beside him.

"Sonic, don't tell me your salty about the battle yesterday are you?" he said giving an amused chuckle and poking an ungloved finger into the blue furred hero's side. And then the hero stood up but didn't turn to face Callen.

"Salty? I'm not salty. I'm not salty at all." And then there was a pregnant pause as Callen stood to watch his partner.

"I'm just peachy about the fact that I lost to you and thunder mutt yesterday because of cheap tricks," he had turned to give what could have passed for the most genuine smile and thumbs up he could get from the sapphire colored pokemon if it hadn't been for the very detectable sarcasm in his voice.

"No kid, salty doesn't even begin to cut it," he said as he started walking, passing the sign that read Route 102 with Callen keeping step with him. The smirk was off his face now replaced with a small frown.

"If it was about your performance in the battle, I thought you did great. Better than great actually. That Manectric already had a lot of experience but despite not knowing anything about pokemon battles you still put on a great fight up until you got paralyzed. There was no shame in the way you lost," the young trainer reasoned trying to lift the blue hedgehog's spirits.

Sonic just snorted and walked a little faster and Callen had to adjust his gait to keep pace. "Are you upset because you have to be my partner now?"

Red sneakers stopped in their tracks as emerald eyes gave Callen a look. And then he continued walking. The fifteen year old sighed and tugged at the bandanna around his arm again, a kind of second nature habit when things weren't working out for him. And he had such a good morning too.

*This Morning*

Callen had spent another night at the Pokemon city in Littleroot town and he had woken up bright and early to head over to Professor Birch's lab so he could officially become a trainer. Halfway through changing clothes and fixing his hair, he noticed through the reflection in the mirror that there was bundle of untidy fur and quills still lying in the bed.

He sighed and walked over to the sheets pulling them off.

"Sonic I thought I told you to get up!"

"Ten more minutes..." the hedgehog intoned sleepily.

"You said that thirty minutes ago come on!" the brunette said talking right into a blue ear just to annoy him some more.

"Uggggh," the blue hero moaned.

"You know for someone so proud their speed, you sure are slow to get up in the morning," Callen smirked at his jab as he finished up his hair.

"Don't start. It's too early in the morning for this." Sonic said finally getting out bed before going through a morning routine of his own.

Callen was rather glad he could reserve a room for the both of them without any other guests. He didn't feel like answering fifty questions before finally sleeping and something told him Sonic wouldn't want to either. When they both looked more presentable, he and a still rather grumpy Sonic finally went down to the lab where Professor Birch was waiting on them.

"Bright and early I see. You know what they say, the early pidgey catches the caterpie," Birch said watching the trainer walk in with his black shirt and emerald green jacket from before. He hardly noticed the azure pokemon roll his eyes in response and plop down in the nearest chair.

"Speak for yourself doc. When you can move faster than the speed of sound you can afford to take your time every now and then," he finished while looking in the general direction of his soon to be trainer. If Callen felt the peeved emerald gaze upon him he made no indication of it.

"Uh professor can we move this along already," he said.

"Oh sure. I forgot how your journey was put on delay for a lot longer than it should have with everything going on." Birch walked to one of the desks and pulled out a couple of items before returning to Callen.

"Here," he said handing the red and black colored game boy shaped device to Callen. "This is your pokedex which contains valuable info on all kinds of pokemon." Callen tapped the device and watched the screen light up.

"I already took the time to add Sonic and Shadow's data to the pokedex, for future reference anyway, " he said and scrolled down to the very bottom of list for Hoenn.

Dex no. xx1

(Hedgehog Pokemon) (Shadow)


Type: Dark/Fighting

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 77.1 lbs

Ability: Quill Armor: The opponent using a physical move takes damage. Continued use of a physical move increases the damage.

A mysterious hedgehog pokemon... Using incredible, speed it can use its quills to cut through solid steel. It is said to originate from an unknown world.

Dex no. xx2

(Hedgehog Pokemon) (Sonic)


Type: Normal/Fighting

Height: 3'3"

Weight: 77 lbs

Ability: Quill Armor: The opponent using a physical move takes damage. Continued use of a physical move increases the damage.

A mysterious hedgehog pokemon… Using incredible, speed it can use its quills to cut through solid steel. It is said to originate from an unknown world.

Known Moves: Mach Punch, Roll Out, Agility

"Quill armor huh, I've never heard of that ability before but I guess it makes sense with the stray quills I took out of Manectric yesterday," Callen noted.

"Indeed it does. It seems like the ability is unique to only Sonic and Shadow although there are some abilities like rough skin that are very similar to it. Of course I hope you discover more about it as you continue your journey so I can archive more info to add to my research," Birch responded. "As you can see we don't have all the data on what kind of species they are since they weren't originally pokemon but if anyone asks this will do for now. This pokedex also comes installed with a map of the Hoenn region and a new resource being used by many trainers currently, a dexnav. It will help you find pokemon in certain areas. It should come in pretty handy."

Next Birch pulled out a silver case. "This is your badge case which you'll of course be using to keep badges as you beat gyms. And finally," he handed the last item to Callen a half golden pokeball with the letters GS inscribed on it. "This is the pokeball your father sent."

After putting away the badge case and pokedex he took the GS ball admiring the fact that it was so shiny he could see his own reflection in it. He turned to Sonic who was relaxed in the chair staring off at some uninteresting thing. Judging by the way he was fidgeting, you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to tell that he was pretty bored out of his mind right now. He was probably only half listening as the professor gave him the necessary items to become a trainer. Callen thought it was shame that the hedgehog didn't seem to share his enthusiasm with him, but he hoped that would change along the way.

"Sonic it's finally about time to hit the road," he said realizing how similar his impatience seemed to be in comparison to his partner.

"Finally, I thought you two were going to chit chat forever," he said stretching like he had been sitting in the chair for hours when he had been there for pretty much all of ten minutes.

"There's just one more thing we need to do before we leave." He tossed the golden pokeball in his fingerless gloved hand a couple of times as he watched his partners reaction.

"Oh no, if you think I'm going to ride around in that itsy bitsy ball for the rest of this journey you've got another thing comin kid," he said catching on all too quickly to what Callen was implying.

Callen caught the pokeball once more and folded his arms with a smug look on his face. "Now now, I'm the trainer here and it's not nice for you to sass your trainer."

"Pfft. Your about as much of trainer as I am a real pokemon. And you'd have to catch me first," he said pointing his finger for emphasis.

"Ok, challenge accepted," he said before making a grab for the hedgehog who leapt away to stand on top of one of the desks.

"You're too slow," he said mocking the trainer as he leapt away again scattering papers across the lab in his wake.

"Please boys, not in the lab, there's too much expensive equipment in here!" Birch panicked as the two continued their one sided cat and mouse game.

Sonic landed in one of the chairs in the lab as it spun watching Callen with a smug look on his face. He was having way too much fun. As he sprinted away from the chair to make a dash for the door deeper into the lab he collided with someone moments later.

"Professor Birch, I finished alphabetizing those fil-ahh!" Joshua yelped as he didn't expect 77lbs of blue hedgehog to collide with him as he was turning the corner. Both he and the hedgehog hit the ground together scattering the stack of papers he had been holding on to. And seconds later the brunette who had been dashing after the hedgehog tripped and fell on top of both of them. While the blue blur was still dazed he quickly touched the hedgehog with the GS ball watching it engulf him in a red light before watching it wriggle from side to side in his palm.

He didn't know what the catch rate of the GS ball was but he hoped it was high enough to catch Sonic otherwise registering him with the pokeball without a fuss would be difficult. It took longer than usual for the ball to stop wiggling and even longer for the flashing red light to finally settle. Callen then immediately released the hedgehog with a prepared smug look on his face.

Sonic seemed to stand there in a trance for a minute before finally snapping out to glare into brown eyes.

"You...How dare you..." he said with dramatic effect.

Callen chuckled clearly amused before turning to the professor. "Sorry about the mess professor and the papers," he said referring to Joshua. He was just about to start picking up the papers when the professor stopped him.

"That's quite alright. Joshua and I will handle the clean-up. After all you have a journey to get to don't you?" Birch was clearly ready for the two to leave the lab before he really did have to be responsible for any expensive equipment.

"Yea I do, thanks professor, for everything. I'll make sure and call you when I get to Petalburg City and tell you how things are going," he said heading for the door a bit guiltily with Sonic following behind.

"Oh alright then take care you two. And try to steer to clear of Team Aqua and Team Magma while you're at it," he said as Sonic and Callen began approaching the door.

"Don't worry I will!"

And as they left, the Professor couldn't help but think what strange pair those two will make.

*End of Flashback*

Well at least in Callen's opinion he felt like he had a good morning anyway. He looked at the blue hedgehog again whose chatty demeanor had continued to be absent. He wasn't sure what he could do or say to make it up to his partner somehow. He was pretty sure trying to offer so kind of poke treat was out of the question. Unfortunately before he could continue his train of thought, Sonic had stopped abruptly beside him, cat like ears twitching.

"What is it Sonic?" Callen said in a low tone of voice not sure if he should be wary of whatever the hedgehog's sensitive hearing was picking up on. Luckily he didn't have to wait long to find out.

The rustling of the bushes just ahead of them became loud enough that even Callen could make out the sound. The two waited for the mystery pokemon to show itself but they only caught a glimpse of a gray furry tail peeking out.

"What is that?" the blue pokemon asked prepared for the next bit of pokemon weirdness to throw him another curveball.

"Let's find out," Callen said, taking out the gameboy shaped pokedex.

"Poochyena, the dark dog pokemon. At first sight, Poochyena takes a bite at anything that moves. This Pokemon chases after prey until the victim becomes exhausted. However, it may turn tail if the prey strikes back," the pokedex told him in an automated voice.

"So it's a poochyena. I bet we could catch it if we work together," the young trainer said smiling at his partner but to no avail.

Rather than give him an enthusiastic response, Sonic simply turned his head sharply away from the trainer in a very uncooperative manner. If it weren't for the fact that he was the kids partner now, he would have turned tail long ago. Unfortunately he was reduced to just being plain stubborn for now since he wasn't one to break his word.

Callen sighed hoping Sonic wouldn't act this way the whole journey. "Fine then. I'll just sneak up on it all on my own. Just be ready to battle it when pops out of the bush ok?" But if the blue blur heard him he didn't make any motion to agree he just continued being stubborn keeping his head facing away from his partner.

"Man someone should really make a song about you. Heh- Sonic, he can really move. Sonic, he's got an attitude," he half mumbled half sung to himself jokingly.

Callen took cautious steps towards the dog like pokemon hoping his little chat with the blue blur didn't make the pokemon suspicious. He tiptoed around the bush ready to make it scatter in the direction his partner was when his foot made a rather loud crunching noise on a twig. Both the rustling of the bush and the young trainer stopped in their motion and waited. Then the next thing the brunette knew, the poochyena leapt out of the bush towards Callen. Startled by the sudden movement the 15 year old stumbled back to thankfully miss a mouth of teeth sinking into his person. The poochyena instead had gotten a hold of his green jacket. The pokemon continued to growl and tug until a red sneaker made contact with its face.

Callen looked at his partner standing beside him but Sonic didn't make eye contact with him. In fact he was giving the dog pokemon a rather bored stare. The poochyena that made a fearful whimper after being kicked backed up a bit before howling. Seconds later two other poochyena appeared beside it.

Alone the poochyena would have ran, but together as a pack they felt more confident in their abilities. They began to growl in unison to try and intimidate the blue hedgehog.

"Sonic quick use rollout!" Callen said picking himself up off the ground, but Sonic didn't move an inch. Instead he ran up using his speed and punched the poochyena on the right. The other two responded by turning around and using sand attack with their front paws. The blue hedgehog pokemon lifted his arm up too late as dirt was flung into his eyes.

Callen heard Sonic give an angry growl and watched his quills straighten in a dangerous way. The blue hedgehog lashed out in annoyance just as the three poochyena tackled him all at the same time.

"Sonic are you alright?" Callen asked but Sonic didn't answer back.

The blue blur began spinning into a ball managing to hit all three poochyena with amazing speed. Deterred by the fast attack the three aggressors began running off with their tails between their legs.

As Sonic began using his arm to rub off the dirt that covered his face and eyes Callen walked over to kneel in front of Sonic who scowled at the gesture. He didn't want to feel like a helpless child to the teen. Said teen only grabbed a cloth from his bag and poured water from his water bottle over it and began wiping dirt from his partners face. Something about the action seemed to irritate the hedgehog more and he took the wet cloth from Callen before wiping his own face. "I'm fine ok. I'm...just gonna go for a run..."


"I'll be back in an hour so don't worry," and before Callen could ask any number of questions the blue pokemon was gone.

The brunette just stayed there dumbstruck for a moment before he decided he might as well set up camp since it was getting late. They had managed to make so much progress throughout the day and were so close to Petalburg City too.

Thirty minutes later the young trainer had almost finished inventorying all of his essentials and had his sleeping bag laid out. He was just about to prepare some instant ramen for himself when a pink quadrupedal pokemon came and practically jumped into his arms.

"Woah there. Do I know you or you just some naughty pokemon looking to eat my food when I'm not looking?" he said.

"Sylvy, Sylveon!" it said cheerily, nuzzling into his chest like it had known him all along. The gesture seemed oddly reminiscent of a pokemon he knew before from his childhood but it couldn't be the same one could it?

"Well who'd of thought I'd find you here,," a voice said as he set the pink and white pokemon down.

Callen looked up to find a girl with toffee colored skin and short, dark, auburn hair. She was wearing black shorts, and brown boots that were laced at the top and matched her brown gloves, and a red tank with a white stripe on the side. She also wore a utility belt with lots of little compartments hooked on to it, a red and black backpack, and black goggles on her head. Her hazel eyes looked on to a somewhat bewildered trainer.

"Piper?" Callen asked almost unsure if this was the same person he had known as a child.

"The one and only," she responded looking at her dear friend that she hadn't seen in awhile..

"What are you doing here? I thought you said you started your journey a couple of weeks ago."

"I did but I've been spending my time gathering data on pokemon for a huge project I'm working on," Piper said as she knelt down and the pink pokemon that greeted Callen earlier came back beside her trainer as she gave it an affectionate rub.

"Is that the eevee you befriended when you were younger?" the brunette inquired.

"It sure is. My little Sylveon. Well I guess she's not so little now," and Piper smiling as the Sylveon seemed to agree. "So where's your partner? Did you choose treecko like you always said you would when we were kids just because it was green," she teased with a hand on her hip.

"Well no not exactly..." he said awkwardly reminded of the situation going on between him and the blue hedgehog. Piper gave him a strange look.

"Well then who did you choose?" she asked eagerly.

"Piper why don't we spend a bit of time catching up first. It'll make it easier to explain everything that's happened over the past few days."

True to his word Sonic had spent the entire hour running. Too fast for any pokemon or trainer to make out his form or ask questions he had decided not to venture too far and circle the area around where he presumed his trainer would still be waiting. It was a little past sunset when he took off and it was getting darker every moment.

He still didn't feel complete relief after going for a run but he was still a whole lot more relaxed than before. He figured he should head back to his partner so he wouldn't worry despite the way he was still feeling.

When he returned he found that Callen had already set up a camp of sorts and more importantly that he wasn't alone. The toffee colored girl with hazel eyes seemed to perk up at his arrival, her expression showing just how stunned she was by his appearance and the speed that he had just been traveling.

"Have a good run?" Callen asked putting a small smile on his face.

"You could say that," Sonic said before jumping up in the nearest tree and making himself comfortable. His body language clearly showed that he wasn't in the mood to really talk or introduce himself for that matter.

Piper continued to stare at the blue figure now lounging in the tree. The brunette already told her that Sonic could talk but hearing him on her own was still pretty amazing. It's a shame the hedgehog didn't look like he wanted to start a conversation. Her curiosity was already on the rise and steadily climbing. Piper gestured with her eyes for Callen to confront Sonic. After her friend explained the craziness that went on in the past few days she suggested that he just ask his partner directly why he was acting the way he was. She intuitively believed that there was something else bothering him. The brunette stood up and started climbing the tree Sonic was in carefully trying to remember what Piper said..

Sonic noticed that someone was climbing the tree and looked over to see Callen pull himself up to the same branch he was laying on.

"Kid if you fall I'm not going to catch you," the blue blur said arms still lying behind his head with his legs crossed one over the other.

"Oh yea?" he said when he was finally sitting on the branch. Callen got this look on his face and then he began bouncing the branch up and down for a little harmless fun while he snickered. Sonic sat up a bit quickly and looked the trainer right in his brown eyes.

"I'm serious," he reiterated not enthused by his partners action at all.

Callen waited a minute to speak, catching Sonic lay back down on the tree out of the corner of his eye. "Sonic is there something else bothering you besides losing a battle and becoming my partner?"

Said partner stayed silent looking up at the sky. Callen never noticed how bright and gem like the eyes of the blue hero were until now. They reminded him a lot of how luminescent a cat's eyes can be. Not receiving an answer he looked up at the stars that were visible too. He knew he probably shouldn't have but he let his mind wander a bit about the sheer size of the sky before thinking about his partner again. For some reason those stories the other had told him a couple of days ago when they first met popped back up in his mind and he seemed to have a sudden realization of something.

"Sonic, you don't think being my partner means I'm taking away your freedom do you?"

Sonic gave a small almost inaudible growl annoyed at having to talk about his own emotions. "And how can I not think about something like that in a world where pokemon rely so much on people and act like pets?"

"Well yea there are some people who keep pokemon as pets but those pokemon don't seem to mind it otherwise they wouldn't stay."

He looked Sonic in the eyes to make sure his next words would feel sincere. "Not all relationships between people and pokemon have to be like pet and owner. Ours certainly doesn't have to be like that. In fact the relationship between trainer and their pokemon is a partnership where each one pulls their own weight and rely on each other equally."

The blue blur continued to listen to the teen in silence. He still wasn't quite sure what this kind of partnership would entail and he wasn't sure if he could be patient enough to find out.

"Look I guess it was a bit of a mistake on my part to make you my partner without telling you all the details. I'll be honest I...kinda got caught up in the moment when we made that deal. But I hope you'll understand when I tell you it might have happened anyway."

"What do you mean it might have happened anyway?" the hero asked.

"My family's ancestry happens to have a long line of individuals who've been known to be able to see into the future. My family calls it the dimensional scream and right before I made that deal with you my dad had a vision of you and I fighting legendary pokemon together. His visions aren't always accurate and are not always guaranteed to be true, but ninety percent of the time they are especially with something big like this." Callen finished waiting for the hedgehog's reaction.

Truth be told, he guessed he couldn't be too mad with the kid for this whole situation. Afterall it's kinda of a recurring thing in his life to be roped into all kinds of important roles. And besides that he still carried quite a bit of curiosity about this world. It was full of things he had yet to explore and if the pokemon here could give him a good fight then battling could be a lot of fun. Of course he would still search for Shadow too.

Callen became a bit nervous when the blue pokemon took longer than expected to answer but he chalked that up to the fact that he may still be sitting the fence about continuing to be his partner. "You know if you were any other pokemon I probably wouldn't be ok with this, but if you ever feel like just going for a run then just go for it. Just remember that until we catch other pokemon that you're the only one I have and it wouldn't be nice to be ambushed by some angry wild pokemon while you were gone. I also promise I won't make you stay in the pokeball if you don't want to," Callen rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He was trying to appeal to the hedgehog in any way he could and this was the best thing he could offer to make a compromise.

Although Sonic normally doesn't need permission from anyone to tell him when or where he can run, he somehow found himself appreciating the fifteen year olds compromise. He felt it was nice to have a partner that can be considerate of the fact that he's use to being independent rather than treating him like an ordinary pokemon.

"Well I don't know, it seems like a pretty nice deal but I might have to reconsider your offer if it doesn't include chilidogs," the blue blur said with a hand on his chin and a smirk on his face.

"I think we can make some arrangements with my wallet," the boy said already feeling relieved when the hedgehogs playful attitude made another appearance. "Then you'll finally cooperate in being my partner?" he had to ask to be sure.

"Partners until the end of this journey," the blue pokemon gave a thumbs up and grinned.

"Sweet! Then I can finally give you this," the young trainer said untying the green bandanna with black outlines of pokeballs on it from around his arm and laying it in his hand for Sonic to see.

"Trying to impose your fashion tastes on my already?" Sonic said playfully.

"Nah, I just promised someone really important that I'd give it to my partner when I started my journey. I didn't give it to you before because well...we weren't exactly on the best of terms. You don't mind wearing it do you?"

"Not at all, in fact be my guest but mind the quills there sharp," he said sitting up and leaning his head forward a bit so the bandanna could be tied around his neck. Callen was careful and took his time tying the knot not directly behind the hedgehog's neck but rather tying it on the right side of his neck so the ends could be seen.

"There, not too tight is it?" he asked.

Sonic let his hand run over the smooth fabric of the bandanna hugging the fur of his neck and smiled. "It's just fine."

"Then I guess I'll see you in the morning," the trainer said before slowly climbing down the tree towards his sleeping bag where Piper and her Sylveon were already asleep. "Goodnight," he said turning towards the tree the hedgehog was in one final time.

"Goodnight," he told his partner as he leaned back to relax. The hero spent a few more minutes looking up at the night sky before he let sleep take him. He would need it for whatever adventures or battles he would face tomorrow.

I really hope you guys can appreciate the time and effort I put into making unique characters and trying to be accurate with pokemon moves and entries. I'm using both the pokemon anime, and the game as a reference for these chapters. And I'm trying to make the human companions seem like more than just carbon copies of the ones from the anime. You'll learn more about Piper in the next chapter. Roxa814 out!
