So here it is guys, the last chapter!

Jo and Henry were quiet while Abraham explained his idea. When he had finished, they both looked thoughtful for a minute before Jo spoke up.

'I think it might work.' Henry nodded,

'Me too.' Abraham stood up and clapped his hands together.

'Let's get to it then.' He picked up the phone.

-30 minutes later-

Henry sat in a hard plastic chair. There was no-one else on the room; Abe and Jo were out in the corridor with the doctors.

Once Abe had called the hospital to say that he had found Henry, they had sent an ambulance to check him out and bring him back to the hospital. Now he was waiting for one of the doctors to come in to examine him. The paramedics in the ambulance had found nothing wrong with him but they wanted to give him scans to make sure.

Just then the door opened, and Henry got a brief glance into the corridor where he saw Abe and Jo before a doctor entered the room and shut the door.

'Dr Morgan? I'm Dr Crade. The paramedics reported that they found you in perfect health, but we would like to perform a few scans just to make sure.' Henry nodded.


'So if you would just follow me,' Dr Crade opened another door on the other side of the room, 'and we can get started.' They entered a room with an assortment of MRI scanners and other machines. The doctor walked towards one of the scanners, talking over his shoulder.

'I need you to lie on this platform, and then I will lower this part here down over your head. It will take a scan of your brain and we can see if there is any damage. I'm not expecting to see any based on what the paramedics said and how you appear to me, but we need to be sure.'

Henry lay down and Dr Crade strapped his head in place before lowering down another part of the machine down until it covered his head.

'Once I switch the machine on it will begin humming slightly. I need you to stay as still as possible for the next 15 minutes or so, until the machine has finished taking the scan.'

'Ok. How long after that will it take to get the results back?' Henry asked. The doctor started programming the machine.

'Shouldn't be too long, maybe half an hour or so? Ok I'm going to turn the machine on now.'

The scanner shuddered a little before beginning to make a humming sound that prevented any more conversation. Henry spent the next 20 minutes staring at the scanner above him and thinking how good their plan was playing out. Just as he was starting to wonder how much longer the scan was going to take the machine made a beeping noise and stopped humming. Dr Crade raised the scanner and unstrapped Henry's head from the head rest, before leading him back into the room with the hard plastic chairs.

'Take a seat. I will be back with your results as soon as they come through.' He left the room, and Henry sighed. More waiting.

I wonder where Abraham and Jo are? After a while he dozed off, having slept very little that night. He was woken by the doctor returning around 30 minutes later.

'I've seen your results, Dr Morgan, and there doesn't seem to be any serious damage to your brain at all. Or nothing that shows up at least. We do expect that you will experience some dizzy spells occasionally, or moments of forgetfulness, but nothing to be worried about. You are very lucky that the poison was a type that causes your heart to stop rather than destroys your internals.'

'Yes, I know.' Henry smiled. 'Does this mean I can return to work?'

'Theoretically, yes. But your friends mentioned that you work with the NYPD? As you ended up in the hospital because of poison, they might not allow you back. We've already had them asking us a few times about how you ended up with the poison in your blood stream but as you were in a coma we couldn't find out what you knew, and your friends did not know. I guess the NYPD will want to ask you about that now.'

'Yes, probably.' Abraham had mentioned this while he was describing his plan to Henry. The doctor smiled at Henry.

'Well, as we can't find anything wrong with you, you are free to go.' He opened the door into the corridor and Henry saw Abe and Jo waiting.

'Thank you.' He said, turning to Dr Crade, holding out his hands. The two doctors shook hands, and then he was gone, leaving Henry, Jo and Abe to leave. As they walked towards the carpark, Jo's phone rang.

'Martinez.' Abe and Henry grew silent, watching Jo.

'Yep… no he's fine…yes; I'm with him and Abe now…ok I'll tell him…thanks lieu…bye.'

She put her phone back into her pocket and turned to Henry.

'Lieu says she wants you to come in to the precinct this afternoon to explain what happened with the poison.' Abe laughed.

'Explain how he slipped and fell against a table that had poison on it, and then it entered into his blood stream through a small paper cut on his arm. They're all gonna think you're a klutz, Pops!'

'As long as I'm an employed klutz.' Henry shook his head at Abe. They were in the car by now, and Jo began driving towards the exit.

'Hey, Pops,' Abe leant forward from the back seat. 'How did it feel being in hospital? You haven't been in a hospital since you became sick in 1955!' Henry opened his mouth to answer but Jo spoke before him.

'It's kinda creepy, talking about someone who looks 35 who was last in hospital 60 years ago. Especially when it's their 70 year old son doing the talking. Are you really Abe's dad?' She asked Henry.

'Yes. Abigail and I adopted him when he was a baby.'

'And Abigail was the person whose remains we found a few weeks ago.' Jo snuck a look at Henry, and saw him tense ever so slightly.

'Yes.' Jo built up her courage to ask the next question. She didn't want to ask it, but she had to.

'And since Abigail, you haven't had a serious relationship with anyone?'

'No, just Molly for a few days. I try not to let myself become too close to anyone because sooner or later they'll be gone and I'll still be here.'

Oh. Jo thought. That explained a lot.

'I really like you, Jo. You are the first person I've really found myself falling for.' Jo gripped the steering wheel tighter, trying to slow her heart.

'But I guess you want us to continue being just friends, though?' She questioned.

'No.' His blunt reply startled her; it wasn't what she was expecting. She stopped at a red light.

'You don't want us to just be friends?' She asked, putting emphasis on the 'just'. Jo turned to look at Henry. He was smiling his lopsided smile again.

'I'd rather not.' The light turned green and the car moved forward.

Like us. Jo thought. Moving forward in our lives.

As she drove, Henry's words echoed in her head.

'I'd rather not.'

So that's it guys, it's finished :( I've loved writing this story, and I'm quite happy with how it ended. Like I said in a previous chapter, I will be writing another story. I should begin posting that on here sometime in the next week. We'll see. Thanks again everyone for reading my story, and don't forget to leave a review on how you liked the last chapter! (It was a little cheesy at the end but meh). BYEEEEEEEE