Repeating History

Summary: Isach comes home for a weekend from college. He just broke up with his high school sweetheart, but he realizes soon that he regret his stupid choice. Will spending time with his dad knock some sense into him? Sam tells his son all about how he was a idiot all those years ago with his mom. Will Isach fight for his girl like his dad did?

"He`s here!", Andy yells from the living room. She has been waiting for what seems like an eternity for Isach to come home from Vancouver. He`s been busy her boy. Barely have time to talk with her on the phone, and hasn`t been home since February. That`s over two months, and her mother heart has been aching for a month and twenty nine days.

Of course, she has their two youngest girls Sarah Grace and Sophia still living at home, but there is just something about the excitement over seeing one of the kids after this long.

She knows she will most definitely beg him to move back to Toronto after college, just like their other kids did, because Andy wants' her kids as close as possible, even if half of their pack is adults with a fiancé, boyfriends, girlfriends, jobs and a baby on the way!

Yeah, that`s also happening. Ava is only two months from giving birth, and Andy couldn`t be more excited to be a grandmother. That boggles her. A grandmother!

"Girls! Dad and Isach is home! Come say hi!", Andy tries again.

She hears the front door open, and closes her eyes when she hears the dark, yet safe voice of her youngest son. Her boy is home.

"Hey mom", Isach smiles as his mom comes into the hallway to greet him. She pulls him into a smothering hug and kisses his hair.

"It`s so good to have you home kiddo. I hope you`re hungry. You look skinny. You eating properly?"

"Sweetheart!", Sam interrupted. "Let him make it past the hallway before you smoother him yeah?"

"Sorry! I`ll put your bag in your room kiddo. Sarah? Sophia? Get downstairs! Isach is home!", she calls as she heads upstairs.

Sam and Isach look at each other and smiles. "She`s been going at it ever since you said you were coming home. She... yeah, you know how your mother is", Sam laughed.

"How`s class going?"

"Good. Lot of stuff to go through, uh... hard work, but you know... That`s what I signed up for", Isach assured his dad.

Medical was hard stuff. But it was what his son wanted for himself. And having a son that would be a doctor, made Sam both proud and grateful. When raising their kids, Sam and Andy always taught them that education was important. If you wanted something for yourself, providing yourself with a good life, education was the first step.

At this point, Ava was the only one that was finished with her education. Going straight from high school and becoming a nurse, was her main goal. After a year on the job she was preparing for maternity leave. That made Sam proud too. And it boggles him. It`s that surreal.

Mason and Liliana ended up following in their parents footsteps, and being on their second and third year in the police academy, they would soon work alongside their parents. If Andy got her way.

"You seem off son. Everything okay? You're not in trouble are you?", Sam asked. Worried face and interrogating voice, like he was questioning his son.

"No dad. I`m not in trouble. I... -"

"Can`t believe you actually showed up oh dear brother", Sophia said as she came downstairs with her older sister in tow.

"Hi girls. Thought I should make time to check up on you guys", Isach said back, hugging them both at the same time.

"They giving you guys trouble?", he asked jokingly at his parents.

Sam chuckled. "Nothing your mom and I can`t handle".

Sam had sensed something was off with his son. He didn`t want to tell Andy, because she would go crazy and probably try to smother the kid even more, but there was definitely something on Isach`s mind that he was struggling with.

That made Sam struggle too, and it`s probably why he was wide awake at five in the morning.

He scanned his mind, and a minute later he found himself quietly padding down the hallway towards Isach`s room.

"Hey, Isach, wake up buds", Sam whispered as he dragged the covers from his son`s sleepy head.

"Dad, it`s five in the morning".

"Exactly. Now, get up, we`re leaving early. Downstairs in ten, and uh... don`t wake up the rest of the house", Sam instructed before he left the room.

"What is going on? Why are we leaving this early? And where is the rest of this crazy family?", Isach asked, which earned him one of dad`s quirked eyebrow.

"You and I are leaving early. Mom and your sisters are driving up later. Now, get in the car. We`ll eat breakfast once we get there. Buckle up!".

Isach couldn`t wait to see where this was going.

"Ah, here we are. Why don`t you take our bags inside and I`ll make us coffee?", Sam suggested as he got out of the car.

"Here", Sam said as he came up besides his son with two mugs of coffee in hand.

"Thanks dad. You, uh, told mom we left early?",Isach questioned.

"Yeah", Sam chuckled. "Wouldn`t want her to freak out or anything. You know that's the one of the good things about our marriage. Your mom and I know each other pretty well, and it`s all the little things that make it so great".

"I bet".

"So, uh... your lousy mood have anything to do with Shay?"

Isach looked at his dad. "How did you guess that?"

"You`re my son. I know you and it`s my job to know these things. So, you done something stupid?"

"I might have... I broke it off a few days ago."

"Why? I though you guys were solid?", Sam acknowledge.

"We were. We are... it`s just... she`s... School is a lot and I don`t-"

"Isach... look, I know you have a demanding study field and it takes a lot from you, but as a former idiot, who ended things with mom back in the days... trust me when I say this. If you want it fixed, you do it now before it`s too late. I almost lost your mom, and that would be the end of me, I swear...So, whatever you did or said to her, undo them and make it right, okay?"

"You only get one chance, so don`t screw it up. Don`t be the same idiot I was and please don`t repeat history".

The smile on his son's face, gave Sam the idea that he had knocked some sense into the kids head.

"Thanks dad. I, uh, need to make a phone call".

"Take your time son".