Third story on this site. All constructive (and polite) criticism is welcome. I'll be updating every week on Sunday. Please enjoy!

Leo already knows the feeling of being handcuffed to a table in a dark room with a one-way glass window. But he was still trying to get used to the feeling of being handcuffed to a table in a dark room with a one-way glass window, while a man in bright blue and red tights was interrogating him. It also didn't help that that man was Superman.

I bet you're wondering how Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus, got himself stuck in the situation. I don't mean to point fingers, but it was all his own fault.

-(Line Break)-

Two days ago Calypso dragged Leo away on a "mission". A mission to find new shoes. Leo and Calypso were browsing an Arabian market, Calypso seemed to be enjoying herself. Leo... not so much.

"I should've know." he said as she looked at the daughter of Atlas angrily.

"Please, don't tell me you're still mad, Leo." the girl batted her eyelashes at him but Leo wasn't having any of that.

The couple made several stops on their way back to Camp Half-Blood. Half of them were so Leo could fix Festus, the other half we're to go sight seeing. After leaving the island Calypso felt the loss of her immortality, now she is trying to see as much of the mortal world as she can before her inevitable swim with the fishes.

"Look," he said to her, "I know you haven't been off your island in, like, a million years but, we have to get moving. Everyone at camp is waiting for us."

"Well, at least I'm not the one who got us stuck here in the first place." Leo opened his mouth to retort but shut himself up right away.

Calypso was right on this one, his carelessness was what got them ship wrecked (or should I say dragon wrecked) in Saudi Arabia. The navigation system was on the fritz but Leo had insisted that he could make it back to North America on his own. Somehow they ended up in North Africa and crashed into Saudi Arabia. Festus was okay, of course. But he lost his head, literally. When they crash landed Festus's head flew off in some random direction. This morning Calypso claimed to have seen a bronze dragon head being sold in the market. So they wandered away from their little shack, which Leo had made in a record breaking 10 minutes, only for them to find no dragon head. Bronze or otherwise.

Leo let Calypso browse and sat down with a long sigh. The longer he was away from camp the longer his friends thought he was dead. And with everything that happened to the Seven and the rest of the demigods the last thing they needed was more sorrow. Leo stood and started looking for Calypso, when he saw her she was talking with a short girl dressed in a hijab.

Calypso made eye contact with him and waved for him to come over. "Leo this is Johanna. She told me something crashed into some ruins yesterday."

Johanna babbled something in Arabic and Calypso answered back swiftly, "She also says it's about a 2 hour trip north of here on camel."

Leo shook Johanna's hand and thanked the gods that his girlfriend was an omnilingual ex-titaness. That day the couple rented 2 camels and set off on their journey.

It was funny because some other group of odd teens were on a mission that would lead them to the same ruins.

-(Line Break)-

"We've tracked the blimp to Saudi Arabia, where it crashed outside of a small town." Robin informed Batman. The Team sat quietly in the Bio-Ship so they could all hear Batman's orders.

"We also saw a small part of it fly off it before it crashed." Batman's holographic face flickered slightly.

"Good. I want to you to inspect the larger part of the blimp, look for signs of life. Do not move anything."

"Roger that." Robin clicked the hologram off his watch before the Dark Knight could say another word.

Wally let out a long sigh, "Why do we care about this blimp so much anyway?"

"Weren't you listening to the debrief at all!" Artemis scolded him, "There's a person of interest driving that blimp."

"More like a person related to our person of interest, if I'm correct. The person we are really looking for is Perseus Jackson, who was on that blimp." Kaldur corrected.

Robin nodded, "Emphasis on was. He got dropped off somewhere in New England area of the United States, but we haven't been able to pinpoint his location. The blimp is the closest link we've got to him."

"I don't know if this is a stupid question, but why is Batman so obsessed with him?" Zatanna asked.

The whole Team let out a long sigh.

"Not to be rude but, his obsession with this 'Perseus' is extremely..." M'gann trailed off.




"Sorry Rob, just calling it like it is."

Kaldur stepped in "Sometimes we shouldn't question Batman's motives, no matter how 'creepy'," he looked at Wally, "They may seem. Batman is right, Perseus Jackson is a force to be reckon with."

"Look at his file." Robins pulled up a holographic screen from his watch and flipped through the slides. It was full of information and pictures of the infamous Perseus Jackson. "This file is bigger than Wally's ego."

Artemis laughed, "That must be one giant file."

"The longer I hang out with you guys the more my dignity shrinks."

"Don't be ridiculous," Conner said with a straight face, "How can you shrink something that you never had to begin with."

The Team erupted with laughter.

"Why did the first thing you've said in hours have be insulting?" the speedster questioned exasperatedly. "Do I really deserve this? I'm a nice guy!"

"Don't worry KF. I still think you're…" M'gann trailed off.

Wally sat up vigorously, "Amazing, intellectual, handsome." he said while wiggling his eyebrows.

" okay person." M'gann finished off.

Wally pouted, "I still find this conversation insulting."

"C'mon, at least she tried." Robin interjected, "It was more of a… sult than an insult."

Conner suddenly cleared his throat making all the teens look his way, "By the way we should land the ship, since we're here."