A/N. This idea has been living in my mind for years… The Ten/Rose shipper that I am, I could not make it otherwise. The story begins during Journey's End… But one tiny thing might change everything.


Chapter One

"And you, Doctor? What was the end of the sentence?"

Rose was no longer sure about anything. The Doctor, the man she loved – the only one she loved – would love forever - he was driving her away, after everything? She wanted to slap him, kick him, cause him all sorts of physical pain – but all she could do was to keep her façade and pretend to be stronger than this. She, Rose Tyler, was not going to cry in front of them. In front of him.

The other Doctor was hurrying to Rose then, whispering something to her. In all this shock, his soft words were barely understandable to her. "I'm sorry. So sorry, Rose! You must stay with him… where you belong! Go, get inside the TARDIS before he sees you!"

This, she understood very well. What?

"What about you?" What about our future?

The not-really-her-Doctor shook his head. "I will evaporate, like a dust in the wind… in an hour or two. The planet's atmosphere – it's killing me, and there's nothing I can do. I'm sorry..."

Rose could see the unpleasant changes in him already. Could feel them. His life, slipping away, little by little… His eyes, losing the admirable hazel shade… She held her breath, not wishing to know where the dreadful knowledge of someone's existence coming to an end has come from.

"You love him. Not some sort of – let's face it - a magnificent alien born from a hand!" He grimaced. It wasn't fair, he knew. Not fair towards him or her… but was life ever fair?

She gave him a brief kiss on the lips on impulse. If this has indeed been the end – he has sure at least deserved a pleasant one.

"See… it was worth living for a day for this kiss alone," the half-human Doctor smiled at her sadly. "Go now, Rose Tyler. The TARDIS will know where to hide you until the worst passes. Go, go! I will say your goodbyes for you."

With her eyes full of tears, she went to the TARDIS. Somehow, she knew this was going to be the last time of her having seen her family. Rose knew the ones closest to her would understand.

Rose has found herself in a cosy little room to hide in almost the moment she stepped onto the clever ship again. Thank you, thank you...

But being thankful was not it. All she felt like doing at that moment was crying her eyes out. For the Doctor who could not have stayed by her side until the end of their days. For the Doctor who had died just to save her... But most of all - for the Doctor who was right here on the TARDIS. The one who seemed to have preferred living his life utterly alone.

It was then she heard him pacing. To and fro, to and fro. Rose believed she could sense his distress and sorrow through all these walls separating them... but she was afraid the Doctor would send her away the moment she showed herself. With her tears still flowing, Rose covered her ears with a pillow and cried herself to sleep.

The Doctor believed that has been the best alternative for Rose. Leaving her with the mortal version of him must have been the only right choice... Why, then, he felt like damning himself?! He should have felt relieved about having come up with such a terrific plan... but all he could feel was emptiness. All he could blame was himself, the look in Rose's eyes he remembered blank and resigned. She has finally understood who he was. Someone unable to love.

He sighed heavily. This was it – he has done the right thing. Rose was going to be happy with the meta-crisis version of him, possibly get married and have children… No, now he has just made himself sad. He needed to find something to do, some planet to save, perhaps… But it was too soon for that. Not when all he could think of was the blonde woman he had left without as much as a goodbye.

She had the other Doctor to herself now. They were going to be happy together… he wouldn't be afraid to tell her these three words, and-"

"Oh, Rose-" the Time Lord breathed her name as if it were a prayer. He was not ready to let go. Even if she were in someone else's arms now, even if-

The TARDIS could not take this foolishness any more, buzzing in disapproval. This had to end. Right now.

Rose Tyler awoke to the ground shaking under her feet. She was not one to get frightened easily. What is it, old girl? Is someone trying to get inside? The Londoner could remember very well the Doctor kept boasting about his ship being unbreakable. "Are we in danger?"

The ship remained quiet. The meta-crisis version of her Doctor had come up with a plan much more acceptable than her Time Lord. Self-inflicted torment was never something she approved of.

The vessel gave away no sign of having heard her. "What is happening? What is wrong? Tell me, old girl! I need to know- is the- is the Doctor all right?"

She could have shown Rose straight to the Time Lord's chamber, one she'd needed to have taken certain measures to get him into. Something to tire him down enough to crave for his chamber and his bed – the one thing even the clever ship has not expected for was Rose's name on his lips before the induced sleep took him over. This was only for the better…

With both of her subjects asleep, it was just about time for the TARDIS to take matters in her hands.

The Doctor could feel something was wrong – but the induced sleepiness would only have left him completely in three minutes and thirty three seconds. He knew his ship liked to do this whenever she was angry at him for something.

"I am angry at myself for this, old girl! You needn't have bothered! And I get enough nightmares without your help, thank you!" Usually, the forced sleep meant nightmares were even more horrific than the ones from the War. But never so devastating as this one. Rose was calling him, all bloody and on the verge of dying in some winged beast's arms- but this was not the worst part. Rose was laughing at him. Laughing at his inability to save her, even when the beast was biting parts of her body off. He is still better than you, she pointed.

"No, no! Rose!" His mind was slow to let go of the dreadful nightmare. Then, he remembered.

What have I done? The Doctor stared at the ceiling for a painful moment, before he understood the TARDIS flooring was unstable. All he needed was an earthquake, with one already in his mind as it were.

Besides, such happenings were impossible on his TARDIS. No earthquake outside could have had such an effect inside! She was his ship. He knew what could happen on his ship. Well, mostly anything, but earthquakes were not included in the list.

"What is it, old girl? Is there something I need to check in your circuits?"


"Tell me. Please, TARDIS! We can work this out together!"

"She won't tell. Trust me, Doctor, I've tried everything."

The very eyes from his nightmare were now laughing at him.

A/N. Tell me something. Anything!