A/N: Do any of you have any idea how happy I was when I looked into my mailbox (email. whatever. ) and realized that there was over a hundred follows, which has never happened to me after only the third chapter. And all those lovely reviews. Thank you all very much! ILY all!


"So, Bobbi, what do you do here?" asked Skye with interest while Owen and Barry was arguing in hushed whispers behind the two girls, and having no interest in their conversation, she decided to start one with Bobbi.

"Well," The blonde started, then took a sip of coke before replying. "I actually work as a tour guide. But there's a lot of them and sometimes I get to take a break. And that's when I get a look at the raptors."

Skye smiled, it seems that the girls were really popular with the staff. "Do you like them?"

"Yeah, of course. Well, who doesn't. Except Hoskins of course, he just wants to use them. Oh, but there's sometimes when I don't like them. I mean, can you stand watching those four ripping open a pig with their claws. I mean - ew."

They both laughed, which caused the two boys behind them to stare at them curiously. But neither Skye nor Bobbi acknowledged them.

"What's it like, being a tour guide?"

Bobbi gave an exasperated sigh. "Hell," She replied, looking at Skye with a meaningful look.

She grope in her pockets and took out her phone, "Look, there's a family that needs my help today, but its not until this afternoon. Apparently they won the lottery and was able to get a V.I.P. pass. Do you know what I think V.I.P. stands for? Very Important Prisoners. And they should know that."

Skye's heart skipped a beat, and guilt washed over her.

She had been so exited to see the raptors and everything, that she had completely forgot about Grant.

"The family. What's their name?" She asked. Her throat seemed to be jammed by a rock or something, making it hard to speak.

Bobbi glanced at her curiously. "Peterson. Why?"

"Can I go with you, this afternoon I mean. I know them. They're -" Truthfully she didn't know how to describe her relationship with the Peterson. Acquaintances? That seems a little incorrect. Friends? Maybe. "Friends. They're friends of mine."

The blonde shrugged. "Fine by me. But I'm not sure that Owen'll agree to it."

"Why? It's not as though I'm going to work for him for forever." She said reproachfully. Then realizing what she said, blushed.

"But I'll ask him." She added hastily.

And she did, when she was jotting down notes of the girls movements she told Owen what she would like to do.

"My friends are here in Jurassic World," She started conversationally, while writing down Echo's behavior. "And Bobbi's told me that they're going to be in her care in the afternoon, and I was hoping that I could go with them."

Owen snapped towards her. Causing the girls down below to scurry away and do their own stuff.

Skye immediately cringed away from his look.

It was as if she was being rude to his raptors, by the look he was giving her.

"Well, okay, I won't go then." She stated, holding up her hands in defeat. But her eyes were still rather wide.

Then Owen seemed to have realized the way he was glaring at Skye made her scared. He quickly shook himself and returned to normality. "Yeah, of course, you can go. There's nothing for you to do here anyway."

Skye smiled and hugged Owen. "Thanks." She said, then continued to write.

He continued to watch her, however.

Her handwriting was pretty, but nowhere near 'neat'. But, all the while, readable. More readable than his, in any case. Maybe it was the speed in which she was making notes. Whenever he was assigned the job of note taking, it was just a one-liner for him. For Barry, maybe a few more sentences. In comparison, it was as if Skye was writing a novel of sorts. Every tiny little bit of detail, she had written down.

Every once in a while she'll look up, and at the third time, she caught Owen staring.

She fumbled a little, biting on her lip.

Then Owen seemed to realize he was making her uncomfortable, and looked away.


Afternoon came, and Bobbi had already picked Skye up. Skye had decided to surprise the family, and Bobbi had agreed to go along with the plan.

Grant had wondered what Skye was doing right now. Probably feeding her dinosaurs or something. His family had decided to wait a day until going on the rides and stuff, a day of calming relaxation to do whatever they wanted to. They ended up just sitting in a coffee shop while his parents' drank coffee, and him messing around on Photoshop.

They had booked a tour on the next day. And Grant was looking forward to it.

Indeed, he bounded down the steps of the hotel, being to giddy to take the lift, and ran towards the hotel door in which the tour guide was waiting.

When he caught sight of her, he thought there was something familiar about the silhouette.

As his parents joined them, the tour guide took off her sunglasses and revealed that it was Skye. The whole party squealed and laughed and started hugging each other all at once. And another girl, blonde this time, walked towards them.

"Hi, I'm Bobbi, and I'll be your guide for the day," She said, after they had all quieted a little. "And, as you should have noticed, Skye decided to join us."

Skye gave a small smile. "For free." She added.


"So, how's the job?" Grant asked Skye as they waited in line to the hamster balls.

"Very nice. But the pterodactyls haven't hatched yet. It's going to take a week or two. So right now, I'm working with the raptors. Their four girls named Blue, Delta, Echo and Charlie," She explained.

Grant looked awed. "Seriously? Velociraptors? Blimey!"

"Yeah. Velociraptors. And they're lovely." Skye implied.

"So, can I see them?" He asked eagerly.

Skye smiled at this. "Yeah of course, straight after this."

Then she preceded to watch the blond jiggle on the floor in a kind of victory dance, shouting at the top of his lungs, "Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" Then stopped abruptly, realizing that everyone was staring at him as if he was mad.

.1884 : Yes, eventually. I should've written in the summery: SLOW-BURN. *Face-palms*

n1ghtdr34m3r : Well the 'two legs and the opposite sex' stuff is just Claire. And yes, Skye is going to be wonderful with her dinos. ;)

And thank you all for the wonderful reviews once again!