Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Dragonball. I do not make any money from this story or any others.

Pairings: Harry/Goku though not till way later, there will be another added to that pairing but not till Dragonball Z, Can you guess who ^^ - Draco/Not till Dragonball Z (Not telling who, but you get a cookie if you guess right.

Rating/Warnings: M cos I know it will go to that at some point plus from watching Dragonball there is nudity and knowing me there will be swearing. And later there will be lemons and Mpreg, after all, we will need Gohan in Dragonballz ^^ but they will be posted on AO3 ^^

(BETA) No Beta, only Grammarly.

(ME) Hi, ^^ as you can see I'm still only doing parts so they can get written faster, trying to type up and edit 10000 words per chapter was making me lag behind so much that I change it to only around 4000 to 6000 words. So short and sweet is the way for now on hehe, there is another reason as well, I keep getting stopped by other plot bunnies I have to stop watching films cos as soon as I see one I keep adding Harry to it to see what would happen ^^ Now I am going to try and post at the end of the month, lets hope I meet my goal ^^. okay on with the story hope you enjoy.



Episode 9

Fire Mountain part 3 - Ox King

Back with Goku, Draco and the others in the village. (yes I am doing this again ^^)

Parking the car on the edge of the village everybody all jumped out and gazed around in shocked. Because of all smoke from the Fire-mountain, everything seemed sinister, only the flames themselves giving enough light to see the devastation. All the building were in ruins, there were skeletons of those before them laying about, clad in rusted armor.

The place was giving Oolong the shivers. It was a ghost town.

Goku and Draco wonder a little away from Bulma and Oolong. Both trying to see if there was any clue or sign of Harry being there. 'Where could he have disappeared to. Harry where are you?' Draco thought worriedly. Looking inside a window of a broken house, he saw a bunch of broken furniture and some more old bones. Huffing, he looked away and instead glanced throughout the place. With a concerned scowl, he kept on looking. 'There are so many places he could be hiding in this old village. Oh, Harry where are you?.'

While they were looking for Harry, Bulma was wiping the sweat that was forming on her brow away, even being in the bunny suit with her arms and legs exposed didn't stop her from near melting. "I just can't stand this heat. My, what I wouldn't do for a fan right now."

"You're not the only one. It's like being in a hot spring for hours on end with no break." Draco commented walking over to her having found nothing that would clue him into where Harry had disappeared too. watching the two sweat and pant slightly from the heat Draco couldn't help but notice that strangely he didn't feel as uncomfortable as Bulma and Oolong were showing signs of.

The longer he felt the intense heat the more he felt a strange burning inside his chest, nothing like indigestion. The closer he got to the heat the more comfortable he felt too. 'I think I need to speak with the book again soon, this ain't normal. What's happening to me?'

He was knocked from his thought by Oolong whispering loudly at them. "Whoa! Be quiet. If the Ox King hears us we're dead meat you know."

Draco shakes his head at the cowardly pig. Turning he saw Goku having fun poking a skull with a stick. 'Only you Goku.' Draco thought, walking over to him he tapped him on the shoulder with a stern look. Glancing over his shoulder and seeing examination on his friends face Goku quickly dropped the stick and placed a hand on the back of his head with a cheeky grin.

Placing her hands on her hips, Bulma stared up at the raging inferno. "Boy, that sure is a massive fire."

"I'm surprised we're not cooking right now. Specially Oolong. Hehe, roasted pork chops anyone." Draco smirked a the frowning sweaty pig.

"Haha very funny." Oolong huffed at the smirking blonde, the blonde was a pain in his butt but useful to have around. Watching said blonde walk away from them to poke at this and that. He couldn't help noticing that the blonde wasn't sweating like them, even Goku was sweating a bit. Shrugging the strangeness away, as he came to think all three boys were pretty weird already he looked around apprehensively instead. He didn't like the boys being so far away it was making him nervous. He had a bad feeling being here and he wanted to leave as soon as possible before they lost there heads to the Ox Kings battle Axe.

Bulma took out her Dragonball radar and switched it on. From what she was reading she pinpointed where the next Dragonball was located. "Well, guys the Dragonball is definitely up there in the castle."

Tapping her chin with a thoughtful look on her face. "How do we get it out of there?"

Hearing a sound she looked to see Goku playing around again. A plan formed in her head. Pointing towards the mountain she called out. "What do you say Goku. Do you think you could fly up there and get us the Dragonball."

"Huh?" Goku looked at her in surprise before grinning and holding a skull in front of his face. Saying in a funny voice. "I tried that once and look what happened."

"Goku." Draco grinned shaking his head at his friend's actions. Goku pulled the skull down and laughed joyfully.

"Goku you're crazy." Bulma laughed.

"I know." Goku grinned like he was agreeing with her, Harry called him crazy all the time along with a giggle each time. The smile slipped when his thoughts turned to Harry. 'I hope we find him soon. Maybe while I'm up there I'll see him.' Liking that idea he raised a hand to his mouth he called out. "Flying Nimbus!"

Oolong started waving his arms around in genuine panic at all the yelling. "Now you've done it. The Ox King heard that for sure."

"Stop panicking so much Oolong it's getting annoying," Draco growled, his face set in a pissed expression.

While the pig coward from Draco the Nimbus cloud flow in and stopped beside Goku, who hopped aboard.

As the cloud race away Bulma yelled. "Get that Dragonball Goku!"

"And try not to set yourself on fire while you're doing it or Harry is going to be upset," Draco shouted after.

"Hurry back kid! Okay!" Oolong called, hoping it would hurry Goku along in getting the ball so they could get the heck out of there.

Goku nodded back to them before racing away heading towards the top of the mountain. Sweat quickly started to drip down the side of his face and back soaking his gi. As he flew around the flames the intense heat was nearly unbearable. Below him he finally spotted something, there nearly hidden in the flames he could make out the Ox Kings castle.

It was surrounded by the raging inferno yet it surprised him that the building itself was taking no damage from the fire, by from what Oolong had said, the fire was placed around the castle to protect it from thefts. "Wow, it sure is hotter than I thought it would be up here." Goku wiped his brow. "Pretty silly having fire as protection, how would you enjoy a nice cool drink or have a warm soup without baking."

Peering down at the castle from his cloud he circled around it. "Oh well, here it goes."

Goku had Nimbus fly down towards the castle roof. But just as he was getting close a large flame shot up into his path and he couldn't move out of the way fast enough and headed straight into it.

"GOKU!" Draco screamed in fear. watching from below as his friend was about to become a BBQ stake.

The other two on the ground with him watched on wide-eyed and yelling for their friend in fear paying no mind to how loud they were being. Luck must have been on Goku side that day, instead of being roasted he came shooting out the other side with a smoking tail.

"OW! OW! OW!" Could be heard coming from the cloud, Goku holding his bottom as he shoots away leaving a smoke trail behind him.

"Goku!" Draco called racing off to where Goku had disappeared to in the distance.

Poor Goku quickly had Nimbus fly over to a small lake, jumping off into the water he let out a sigh of relief as steam rose from around him.

Back with the others, Bulma was raging. "Great. The kid's just giving up."

"And we should do the same before we get ourselves killed!" Oolong replied, still not giving up on them leaving. He realized how loud they have been and that was sure to grab the Ox Kings attention.

Neither noticed a larger shadow rising up from behind them, a large Battle Axe in its giant hand.


Goku's head popped out of the water, spitting the water out of his mouth he turned to look at his poor tail. He took in the singed hair and smoke coming off the tip. "You alright there tail?"

It wiggled at him, with a grin he turned when his friend's voice came through the air. "Goku! Are you okay?"

Turning to the see Draco rushing up to him, not seeming to care that he was getting his gi wet as he made his way to him. Rubbing the back of his head Goku nodded with a sheepish grin. "Yeah, just a little crispy."

"Oh, Goku." Draco shakes his head, grinning at his friend. only Goku would joke after nearly becoming BBQ food.

0-0-0-0-0-0 Back with Bulma and Oolong...

The large shadow suddenly shifted, throwing its giant battle axe with terrible force. It spans through the air and slammed into the wall in front of the pair. Right above Oolong head.

Trembling like leaves the two slowly turned to each other, eyes wide with terror as they finished turning to look at the giant man from behind them. They screamed in terror. The giant man wore battle armor and a cape but it was the helmet that was the strangest thing. It had two large horns on each side and bottle goggles over his eyes. Ox King the giant reach forwards and grab the handle of his battle-axe, pulling it free from the wall the large blade passed between the two. Both Bulma and Oolong scared out of their wits.

"What are you two doing here!" the Ox King bellowed angerly. He hated trespassers.

"Er…" Bulma stuttered out, her eyes so wide they took up half her face. "Who us… we weren't doing anything."

Beside her Oolong was shaking like leaves and if you looked closer you would notice a wet patch appearing in the front of his pants.

"Don't tell me. You've come to steal the treasure from my castle. Huh?" Ox King demanded, leaning in closer bellowing. "HAVE YOU!?"

Bulma was quick to shake her head negatively. "I swear, we didn't even know there was a castle up there. Right Oolong. Oolong?"

The pig was too terrified to answer her. All he did was nod his head in agreement.

Ox King leaned even closer until he was right in their faces. He roared. "Are you lying?"

Bulma screamed in terror at his booming voice, she hoped her yelling would be heard by the two boys and they would come to save her before she became a smear on that axe.

Down by a lake Draco had paddled out to Goku and had been looking over his poor tail.

"You really need Harry to look this over Goku. I think some hair has been singed off." He said inspecting the brown tail. "If it's not healed by the time we find him, He'll have something for it."

"Thanks for looking Draco," Goku said blowing on the blackened smoking end. He looked up at his friend. "I hope we find him soon. It strange not having him with us."

"He's around here somewhere, Goku. We will find him and then he is getting another lecture for running off again." Draco huffed. Frown set across his face. He was getting tired of Harry doing stuff like this all the time. They were a family and family stayed together.

Before either of them could say anything else a screaming voice reached their ears.

"What in the world. That's Bulma." Draco said looking in the direction he had come from. "What trouble has she and that pig gotten themselves into now. We haven't been gone long."

"I don't know but we better find out. Hop on Draco." Goku said pulling his power pole from his back.

Draco quickly grabs his friends waist, holding on tight as Goku shouted. "POWER POLE EXTEND!"

They shoot out of the water and high into the air, being so high they used the pole vaulting pole they tipped forward and made it back to the others within seconds. Landing beside them the pole shorted and both boys looked at the panicking Bulma and Oolong, grinning Goku said. "It looks like it's going to be tougher than we thought to get into the castle."

"Yeah, we don't want Goku's tail to be singed again," Draco said not noticing the pained looks on the faces of the others. "Ahh!" A booming voice bellowed behind the boys making them spin around to see a giant standing there.

"You dummies!" Bulma cried. Praying she made it out of this with her head attached to her neck. She was too young to die, she still needed to wish for her Boyfriend.

"I knew it. You're just stinking treasure hunters!" Ox King yelled, rage written all over his face as he leaned forward.

"Oolong's was right about him being big," Draco said off handily.

Goku on the other hand said. "That's not true, sir."

"What do you know about truth!" you little thief!" Ox King bellowed before swinging his battle axe down onto Draco and Goku's heads. Both boys eyes widen and they quickly dodge out of the way. As Ox King could only go after one of them at a time he choice Goku first.

The Ox King kept moving forward as he swings the large axe at Goku, who in turn used his skills to get out of the blades way but jumping and dodging out of its range.

From behind a wall, where both Bulma and Oolong had retreated, Bulma was cheering him on. "At a boy Goku! Keep him off balance!"

"This is insane." Oolong stated beside her. He wanted to run for the hills but those two were blocking the opening to the car.

What no one realized was Draco was climbing up one of the broken buildings and signing to Goku.
Spotting him as he jumped over the axe again, Goku quickly worked out the plan once he saw the large mallet in his friend's hand with a determined expression he waited for Ox King to swing down again, when the battle axe hit the ground he ran up it and shot a kick to the man's chest but the hit didn't even make him move back a single step. He only chuckled and rubbed at the spot.

Draco who was getting ready couldn't believe his eyes. 'What is this guy made out of, metal.'
Goku had landed a little away announced "Time to get serious! Flying Nimbus!"

The little cloud flow to it's master's side. Goku hopped on and started circling the Ox Kings head as fast as possible.

"Hay. Stop that" the Ox King yelled as he started to get dizzy. But Goku didn't let up and instead went even faster. Till the Ox Kings sight was spinning. Taking his chance he aimed another kick, this time to the back of the guy's head.

But again it had no impact, the giant man was too powerful. All it did was cause him to lean forward.

"This guy like a rock." Goku frowned from atop nimbus.

"Let's see how he handles this!" Draco cried. Shooting into the air with his large Mattel held over his head.

"DRACO!" Bulma cried in surprise, she had realized he was there.

"AHH!" Draco yelled bring the full power of his Mattel on top of Ox kings head.

The force of the blow sent shudders through Draco arms but he made sure to keep a hold of his weapon. Jumping back he landed on the little yellow cloud beside Goku and smirked. "Did you miss me."

"Ow." The Ox King rubbed at the lump on top of his head.

Both boys looked on wide-eyed. Draco stuttered. "That was my strongest attack and he is still standing strong."

"Are you kids crazy! Get out of there! You can't beat the Ox King!" Oolong bellowed at them.

"You're the Ox King?" Goku said in surprise. The Ox King hummed in agreement but his eyes were glued to the cloud the boys were standing on. "So you're the great Ox King everyone has been talking about. No wonder you're so strong."

Draco seriously wanted to facepalm, he had realized this was the Ox King the minute they saw him. "Oh, Goku your so mindless sometimes."

"Huh?" Goku looked at Draco confused, having no clue what his friend was going on about this time.

The Ox King watched the two boys and when they gave him their attention again he addressed. "I know about that cloud and you couldn't ride it if you stole it. So who gave it to you!"

"I got it from a man who said he was the turtle hermit," Goku explained.

"Yeah, that old bald-headed man," Draco said before muttering under his breath. "Perverted old man."

The Ox King thankful didn't hear the last bit as he was too caught up in surprise that these boys had met his old master. "Turtle hermit, his name is Master Roshi and he was my old teacher. Do you know where I could find him?"

"Find him?" Draco asked confused. 'Well, it seems we're no longer fighting.' he didn't mind, this guy was way strong than them, in the back of his mind he made a note of more training. They needed to be stronger. Studying Ox King he decided to help the man out, plus he may know where his brother is. "I don't know where it was but Bulma might remember. it's not like she was going to forget him anytime soon."

Floating over to the others, Goku called out. "Hay Bulma! do you think you could find that place where the turtle hermit lives? the ox king wants to know."

"Probably, it has to be close to the beach we were on," Bulma said taping her chin in thought. Calm now the fighting had stopped.

Suddenly the Ox King started hopping from one foot the other in happiness, making the ground under him tremble, Both Bulma and Oolong yelped as they stumbled about trying to keep their footing. "Hooray! oh boy! I can finally go back to my castle! oh boy! oh boy!"

While everyone was distracted by the Ox Kings joyful dance the bandits Yamcha and Puar had finally caught up to the group and were safely making their way closer, hiding behind the broken buildings till they were close enough to hear their conversion.

After his dance the Ox King finally notice something familiar on Goku's back, he hadn't noticed before but with Draco hopping off onto the ground he could clearly see an orange pole resting on the kid's back. "Where did you get this little toothpick that you're carrying on your back here?"

Goku turned to him and said. "Oh, that's no toothpick that's my power pole. Cool huh, my Grandpa gave it to me before he died."

"That and the house Goku," Draco said, from below.

"The house was to all of us Draco," Goku said with a frown he didn't like it when Draco said the house was only his, in his eyes, it was all of theirs. Before he could go on Ox King interrupted them.

"That's interesting. Was his name Gohan by any chance?" Ox King asked.

Both boys nodded in agreement. Draco said. "That's right. Son Gohan."

"AH uh!" A big grin made it was onto his face. "Your grandpa Gohan once tried to break that toothpick on my head as well."

Goku looked at his wide-eyed alongside Draco. "You mean you and grandpa used to fight each other."

Yamcha, who was hiding a little away from them scowled angrily. "It seems our little tailed friend knows the Ox King. I can't believe it Puar, these kids have the best luck ever."

He had been hoping to see the two get beaten by the giant not make friends with bleeding small talk.

"These kids really starting to bug me," Puar frowned, unhappily for her master. He never seemed to catch a break since meeting this group.

"Why were you and grandpa fighting?" Goku asked.

"I'm curious about that as well," Draco said. Their grandpa hadn't told them anything from his younger days so it was interesting to hear what he used to get up to.

"Because we were like brothers! Your grandpa was the first pupil chosen by Master Roshi and I had the honour of being the second." Ox King explained, beaming with pride. "Ah, so your Gohan's boys."

"Yeah! my names Goku!" Goku said grinning happily at Ox King, celebrating inside that he met someone who knew his grandpa.

The Ox King smiled at the happy boy before turning to Draco.

Draco bowed respectfully saying. " I'm Draco sir, it's nice to meet a friend of grandpa."

"Those fine names. Goku and Draco." Ox King said nodding his head. though he thought Gohan had told him about three little boys.

Oolong groaned and fell onto his bottom in surprise. "That explains why they're so strong."

"I should of have been way nicer to them," Bulma stated in shock, falling down on her knees beside him. "I hope they still want to go find Dragonballs with me."

While they were complaining about the information they just learned of the boys the Ox King was again speaking. "Alright that's enough about the good old days, there's something important I want to ask of you, Goku and Draco."

"Yeah?" Goku asked.

"What?" Draco questioned.

"Old Master Roshi has in his possession a very powerful fan made out of the feathers of the Hikuv bird called the Bansho fan. Its the only thing that will extinguish Fire Mountain for good and I can finally go home." Ox King replied. "Will you use the flying Nimbus to go to him and borrow the fan for me?"

"Yeah sure." Goku nodded in agreement, an idea on hold to get the Dragonball popped into his head. "And there is something you could do for me?"

"Yes, anything you ask." Ox King said quickly.

"We're collecting theses," Goku said pulling out his grandpa Dragonball. "And I think you have one up there in the castle. its why we came."

Glazing at the orange ball over he spotted the stars resting inside, going over what he owned in his treasure in his mind, he tried to remember where he had seen one before it suddenly hit him. over the fireplace in his living room he had placed a glass ball he had found training one day. "Hay. I have seen one inside my castle, yes, of course, you can have it, my new little friends."

"Thanks." Goku happily said.

"Wait-a-go boys!" Bulma cried rushing out from behind the wall she had been hiding behind.

"Those kids have saved my bacon." Oolong sighed in relief.

Yamaha quickly got a good look at that the ball that was going to help him with his female problems. "I see. So that's what those Dragonballs really look like."

"I was expecting something bigger," Puar answered. Not understanding how such a small ball could grant wishes. Even with seven of them.

"I'll be back just as soon as I can," Goku said getting ready to head off.

"Hold up Goku," Draco spoke making them all stare at him. "Aren't you forgetting something or should I say, someone."

"Huh? what?" Goku asked, for the life of him he couldn't recall anything.

"GOKU! Harry is still missing!" Draco scowled, hands on his hips.

Goku blushed bright red with shame, he couldn't believe he forgot his most important friend, someone who sent his heart racing more and more as they got older. 'I can't believe I forgot him. Well once I find him I can make it up to him. Never again will I forget my Harry.' Goku thought with determination. He was going to fix his mistake right away. Turning to the Ox King he asked. "Hey, Ox King. Have you by any chance seen our friend Harry? He must have gotten here yesterday. He's slightly shorter than me with long raven black hair, it's tired in a plate and he was wearing a pale blue gi similar to ours."

The Ox King started nodding his head as soon as he mentioned the name Harry, he placed his hands together in front of him and said joyfully. "Yes, I know who you're talking about."
"You do!" Goku grinned happily.

"Can you tell us where he is?" Draco asked clapping his hands in front of him, hopping on the balls of his feet, he was so thrilled to know his brother was around somewhere if he hadn't found him in the next hour he would have been panicking like a madman.

"Well, first I thought he was Chi-Chi, my poor little girl who sadly passed away a few years ago along with her mother." Ox King replied sadly, the others giving him sympathy looks. "But those eyes are just like my wife had instead of like mine that Chi-Chi had. The little sweety was very understanding about me grabbing him and hugged him so. After I got a hold of myself we talked for a very lengthy time."

The sad look left the big mans face and a big grin replacing it. "I was so taken with him, he agreed for me to adopt him."

"WHAT!" Bulma and Oolong shouted, eyes wide in shock. Draco was smiling though, his brother could win anyone other with his kindness so he wasn't surprised by this turn of advents. After growing up with his brother getting adopted by every mother animal he meets, it had become the norm.

"But where is he," Goku asked looking around, he didn't understand what 'adopt' meant but it seems to make Draco happy. So it can't be a bad thing.

"Well, when I explained to him about the fan he offered to go and find it for me." Ox King stated before his face fell. "But now I'm worried because I feel something awful has happened to my new baby." Ox king twists his hands together, he was so taken with the sweet child. Turning to Goku and Ox King begs. "Please Goku, find Harry and bring him back to me safely. I just adopted him and don't wish to lose my new son."

"Sounds like another has adopted my brother, with how much trouble he gets into that's a pretty good idea, he needs more people keeping an eye on him that's for sure," Draco said mostly to himself. Thinking of all the chaos his brother got into and had to be saved from. And that wasn't including the times Goku got them both in trouble either.

"For Harry, of course, I will," Goku said, nodding his head strongly. He would do anything for his friend.

"Say Goku." Ox King spoke out of the blue, his tone happy again. "How would you like to marry my son?"

Everyone save Goku fell down in shock, even Yamcha and Puar.

"Marry?"Goku asked bewildered to what that meant, it's not a word they had covered yet in their lessons with the Book. Maybe after finding Harry, he'll ask him what it was, it could be food.

Draco was quick to rise up from the floor and walked over to the Ox Kings side saying. "I think they're a bit young for that at the moment Ox King."

"Oh." Ox King said looking down at the blonde. He could see his point maybe in a few years they could marry, being joined to his old friends family would be a dream come true. "Okay, but keep it in mind. Here I even have a picture of him. He let me take one before he left so I could have a kept sacs."

They all watched as the Ox King reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture of a smiling Harry with twinkling green eyes.

That photo sent both Yamcha and Puar into a frenzy, eyes wide with anxiety as they realized who was in the picture.

"I'll do my best to find him, don't worry." Goku grinned. thinking his friend looked cute in that photo.

"Wow, no wonder he thought he was a girl, in that picture he's quite the looker," Oolong stated if he hadn't already known even he would of have thought Harry was a girl. it was the hair.

"That's my bother your talking about, Oolong," Draco growled out, his eyes glaring holes into the pig. "Do you think I look like a girl too."

"Yes... I mean no, err.. no." Oolong quickly said in fright his hands waving in front of him as sweat dripped from his brow. Trying to calm the boy down so he didn't get beaten up by the blonde.

He wasn't the only one in a panic though, behind the wall Yamcha and Puar were having mini heart attacks since seeing the picture.

Puar looked at her master. "This isn't good! Are you thinking what I'm thinking Yamcha."

"Yeah. I'm dead meat if that kid isn't okay." Yamcha freaked out, there was no way he could take on the Ox King.

Standing on his cloud as it rose in the air Goku called out. "Don't worry guys, I'll bring him back safe and sound." with the last wave he rose into the sky and disappeared from sight.
"Good luck son!" Ox King called waving back.

"Find him quickly Goku! You never know what trouble he's found himself in on his own!" Draco shouted, waving goodbye.

"And be careful Goku!" Bulma yelled. Oolong waving beside her, well away from Draco.

As they were calling out there fell well Yamcha and Puar were speeding away, quickly making their way back to their car, starting the engine Yamcha put his foot down, driving at top speed back to where they left Harry.

"Puar, the next time I try and smack the adoptive child of some huge giant that can ripe my head off with his bare hands. STOP ME!" Yamcha cried as he imaged all the things the Ox King was going to do to him if he ever found out he hit his kid. 'I'm dead meat.' Since meeting those kids he had had the worst luck ever! he was so scared that the Ox King was going to appear right that minute and take his huge battle axe and lobe his head off.

'Why me...' Yamcha mentally sob. Hoping against hope they made it back to the kid before something found him and thought him a snack.


(Me) Yamcha has the worst luck at the moment out of this lot lol you have to feel a little sorry for him but he shouldn't have hit Harry. Now are they going to get to Harry before something eats him, is Goku going to find him first. Will, they every get the Dragonball off that flaming mountain. Well, you're just going to keep reading if you wish to know.

Until next time on Dragonball