"How could you not notice?" A man yelled, voice muffled slightly as if he was shouting from another room.
"Look, I was a little bit preoccupied with the blood pouring from his head and the delirious babbling ok? I thought he had brain damage or something! Give me a god damn break you overgrown tin can!" Another man said, annoyance clear in the tone even though the voice was barely above a whisper.
"The only one with brain damage here is you! How could you let him fall asleep as well?!"
A loud growl echoed in his head and Peter winced, curling himself into a ball and praying whoever was having a screaming match, would shut the hell up.

Everything hurt, it was too loud, too bright and his head was thumping as if a herd of elephants had decided having a disco in his brain was a great idea. All the voices surrounding him sounded muffled and it was difficult to make out any words over the pounding in his head.
"I checked to see if he was bleeding anywhere other than the cut and nothing! Ok? Normally when you've hit your head hard enough to do serious damage there's blood coming from at least one orifice! Trust me I'd know!"
"Keep it down asshole! No I didn't take his mask off, I lifted it enough to check. Give me some credit."
A new quieter voice cut the other two off from their increasingly loud argument.
"We won't know anything until Spiderman wakes up, I removed the dart from his leg and I'm currently running some tests on it...I'll need to take some blood samples as well to see what affect that drugs had on the kids system."
An aggressive snarl interrupted the third man.

"Oh blood test is that all, not planning on finding out what makes Spiderman tick and trying to replicate it huh?"
"What? NO!" the third man sounded incredibly offended at the idea.
"Excuse me if I don't believe you Doctor."
"Look , I only need to know what exactly was shot at Spiderman, what affects it will have or if it's already out of his system ok? You can come down to the labs with me when I do the tests and watch me destroy the samples after OK?"
There was a long lengthy pause before the man gave a soft 'OK' as answer.
"He'll be alright though won't he?"
Peter felt a hand delicately grab his own, a thumb running softly on the inside of his palm. This time it was a woman who answered the question.
"We don't know Deadpool, not until Spiderman wakes up and Bruce can do his tests."
"I knew I should have killed the bastard."
"For once we agree Deadpool, let's say we ditch these losers and go hunting for an octopus?"
"Have I ever told you how much I like you Barton? Or how handsome you are?"
"Guys...could you shut up...please?" Peter let out a pathetic whimper, finally having enough of the irritatingly loud conversation that was leaving little bells ringing in his ears.

The hand that had been gripping his own was quickly removed as the owner was shoved unceremoniously out of the way.

"Hey Spiderman, can you hear me? It's Bruce?"
Peter winced lifting a hand to his throbbing head and sitting up slowly, noting the comfortable white bed he had been laying on. The ringing in his ears fading as he sat up and the pounding in his head fading to a dull steady throb, he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked around timidly, surprised to see Black Widow, Hawkeye and even Ironman standing next to a nervous looking Deadpool.
"Yeah, I can hear you fine Doctor Banner...where am I, what happened?"
"Deadpool brought you to the Avenger's tower to get checked over, you received a rather nasty blow to the head and were under the influence of an unknown drug."
"Wade? How long was I out?"
Peter started as Deadpool appeared suddenly in front of him, pushing Bruce to the side roughly.
"Only just got here baby boy, you've been out for about ten minutes."
"Yes and he's been arguing with Tony non-stop since he walked in." Bruce said, elbowing the merc back out of the way and concentrating on Peter.
"Oh...you said I was drugged?"
"Octopus shot you with some sort of dart...were looking into it." Tony answered, shrugging.
"I'll need to take your mask off in order to tend to your head wound...and to run a few tests, just to make sure you're actually ok."

Spiderman gulped audibly, he'd done exceedingly well at keeping his identity a secret from everyone. Especially the Avengers because of their ties to S.H.I.E.L.D. Even Deadpool only knew his first name...not that Peter hadn't been planning to tell Wade everything soon anyway.
"Don't worry, I'll clear everyone else out of the room and Tony will shut of the security feed in here...Won't you Tony?" Bruce turned to glare darkly at the other man, who flinched back slightly.

"Yeah sure whatever, yo Jarvis turn off the camera feed in here yeah?"
"Of course , security camera's disabled."
Tony crossed his arms and raised a challenging eyebrow at the doctor, Bruce simply rolled his eyes and begun shoving everyone out the room.
"Alright you lot out!"
"Wait!" Peter winced at the volume of his own voice, the sudden shout causing his head to start thumping painfully again.
"Can Deadpool stay in here please?"

Deadpool, who had frozen at the first shout, pointed at himself in a 'who me?' type gesture. Foot suspended comically in mid air as he eyed Peter curiously.
"Please?" He looked at Doctor Banner, willing the eyes of his mask to widen imploringly.
"Alright." Bruce said softly, shoving Tony out of the room whilst Natasha dragged an unwilling Clint out by his ear. He shut the door and locked it before striding over to the sink and washing his hands.
Deadpool took the time to walk over and sit tensely on Peter's left, subconsciously reaching for his hand and holding it lightly.
"I won't look baby boy, promise, I'll close my eyes and turn around."
Peter smiled softly, squeezing the hand holding his own.
"It's alright Wade, I was planning on showing you soon anyway. Plus I trust you and you can tell me honestly if my head looks as bad as it feels, ok?"
Deadpool didn't say anything, merely looked down at their joined hands with a furrowed brow. Wade squeezed his hand gently.
Peter frowned at the uncharacteristically quiet merc but before he could ask what was wrong, Doctor Banner interrupted him.

"Ok Spiderman, let's take a look at you." Gloved hands reached for the edge of his ruined mask and Peter tensed up, wincing as the mask snagged on the drying blood caked on his forehead.
He felt more than heard Wade suck in a deep breath next to him, letting it all out with a soft 'whoosh' of air as his face was exposed.
"Oh my god." Deadpool gasped; the hand not holding his own was clasped over the lower half of his face, the white eyes of his mask widened dramatically.
"What is it really bad?" Peter asked panicking slightly, his head beginning to pound even more in stress. His blue eyes looked at Wade's mask desperate for some reassurance.
"It's actually not as bad as I thought, the cut is relatively shallow. It certainly won't need any stitches. It merely looks bad, head wounds tend to bleed a lot heavier than other injuries." Bruce said quickly.
Peter breathed out a sigh of relief, ignoring the still silent merc next to him and the way the man was turning his head all around the room as if desperate not to look too long at Peter's unmasked face. Peter wasn't quite sure whether he felt upset about that or not, he knew the mercenary could be quite strange sometimes...and he did look really uncomfortable, maybe Peter should have let him leave with the others.

"Spiderman, I'm going to shine this light briefly in your eyes ok?"
Peter nodded slowly, the movement heavy on his aching head. He winced as the light was shone directly into his eyes. Pain exploding in his head and he let out a pathetic whimper. A long drawn out growl next to him made him tense.
Bruce paused.
"Please try to refrain from killing me if you can help it, I'm merely making sure he's alright...Now I strongly suspect you have a mild concussion, you're pupils aren't dilating fully to the light but it's nothing that warrants a high level of concern... ...please stop glaring at me."
Peter looked over at Wade, lips twitching in amusement at the way the merc was staring intensely at the poor scientist. It was obvious that Bruce hadn't seen the way the merc's hand was clenched tightly round the hilt of a blade, otherwise he would most likely have been chucked out of the room...Peter wisely chose not to mention it, Deadpool's hatred of all doctors and scientists was infamous after all.

"Spiderman if you could just follow my finger with your eyes please...yep, that's perfect thank you. You're hearing seems to be all ok as well, any problems?"
"They were ringing earlier, that's stopped now though."
"Ok, that sounds alright, if you could stand up for me. No rush, take your time... if you wouldn't mind helping."
Peter stood slowly, Wade wrapped an arm gently around his waist and helped him to stand. The grip was calming and very comforting and Peter relaxed despite the sudden dizziness that assaulted him.
"I feel woozy."
"Ah ok, that's quite normal. Let me know if it suddenly gets worse or you feel faint alright?"
Peter nodded slowly and Bruce smiled gently at him.
"Spiderman, if you could place your hand on mine and push as hard as you can. Don't worry about using your full strength ok?"
The young man did as he was told, nearly knocking the poor scientist to the floor when he pushed.
Bruce chuckled.
"Good, now count forward to twenty and then again backwards from twenty."
Again Peter did as he was told, Deadpool's arm still gripping him around the waist.
"Excellent, if you'd like to sit again and roll up your sleeve I'm just going to get the equipment for the blood tests." Bruce said, quickly striding over to a tall cabinet on the opposite side of the room.

"Hey Wade?"
"Yeah Pe..Spidey?"
"How comes you didn't take me to Reed's place? I thought you didn't like Shield or the Avengers?"
Deadpool shifted uncomfortably, letting go of Peter's waist to rub self-consciously at his neck.
"I don't but you were really out of it Spidey, and...I was worried...these guys were closer...and..." Deadpool paused, seemingly embarrassed.

"And what?" Peter asked curiously.
"It's nothing baby boy, Banner's coming back with the stuff."
Peter frowned at the merc, he was acting a bit offish and he couldn't work out why.

"Ready kiddo?"
Peter grabbed Deadpool's hand quickly, squeezing tightly. He hated blood tests.
"Ready Doc."
Deadpool squeezed his hand back as Peter winced. Bruce gently and quickly took five small bottles of blood for testing.

"Well, I can say for certain that you definitely have a mild concussion. Nothing to be too concerned over, plenty of bed rest for the next couple of weeks and no bright lights or loud noises." Here Bruce paused to look pointedly at Wade who flipped him off in reply.
Chuckling Bruce continued.
"No screens, TV, computers, phones, nothing like that ok?"
"And no Spiderman." Banner said firmly, crossing his arms.
"What but!"
"No but's"
"Heh you said butts!"
"Quiet , look Spiderman you do a good job out there but you're injured. A light concussion won't cause you a lot of problems as long as you look after yourself and rest. If you went out fighting...well that pain you've got in your head now will be nothing compared to what it'll be like if you get hit again. Besides we don't know how the drug Octavius shot you with is effecting you, if it's even still in your system."
Peter sighed deeply.
"I get it."

"I'll forward any results I have to Doctor Richards for you, I know you generally tend to go to Reed when injured. Reed's knowledge on human biology far surpasses my own at any rate."
"Thanks Doctor Banner, no offence but I'll feel better going to see Reed for anything medical."
Deadpool scoffed next to him causing Peter to frown slightly. The merc was muttering under his breath.

"Only cause pretty boy's there...blonde spider stealing prick...we used to be blonde too you know. Asshole."
"What was that?" Peter asked, confused. He hadn't heard what Deadpool said but by the look on Bruce's face it had obviously been amusing.
"Nothing baby boy!" Deadpool said brightly, tone soft.
"So Hulk darling, my Spidey good to go?"
Banner scowled at the now bouncing merc.
"Yes he is, but Spiderman? You will go to Reed if your head gets worse? Or you have anything like nose bleeds etcetera...if you experience anything that might seem strange please, please contact myself or Reed. Until we have the blood results back we're assuming that drug, whatever it is, is still active. Ok?"
Peter nodded seriously and turned to face Wade.

"Hey, don't suppose you'd take me back to yours for a bit?"
Peter was surprised when Deadpool merely winced, shrugging before sticking a hand into one of his numerous belt pouches. The merc took his hands out and brandished a pair of keys at him.
"These are the keys to one of my places." The merc tugged his teleportation belt off and handed it to the stunned Spiderman.
Deadpool never gave that thing to anyone and he certainly didn't hand out apartment keys willy nilly either.
"Wade what?"
"Look, Spidey, I've got to stay here for a bit...just to keep an eye on something important...my address is written on this piece of paper" Deadpool held up a small piece of folded paper. "Put the belt on and think of the address and it'll take you straight there."
"How does that even work?"
Peter laughed softly, his head throbbing slightly in response. He decided not to question Deadpool, when he had his mind set on something it was near impossible to deter him.
He would simply have to ask Wade what the problem was later.