A/N: I own nothing pertaining to MARVEL except my dvd's!

Thank you to everyone who has been with this story since the beginning, this ending is for you guys.

And BTW, I have never been to New York, although it is on my bucket list, all the facts came from Wikipedia. All mistakes are mine.

"I wish to explore this city of noise with my friends." Thor said.

And that is how the Avengers found themselves on Broadway Street waiting for their tour guide to show up.

"Hey guys my name is Keith and I will be your guide for today."

"Hello, Keith. We cannot wait to partake in this wondrous city of York."

"Awesome dude. Well if you will follow me we will begin in Times Square."

Thor walked with the tour guide and Jane asking questions while everyone else followed.

When they made it to Times Square everyone stopped for their guide to put out different aspects of the area.

"This is one of the world's busiest intersections, sometimes called The Center of the Universe."

"I have seen parts of the universe and this is not the center." Thor said.

"Well not literally, it's just a figure of speech." Keith said. "So we have 1 Astor Plaza which is home to MTV's studios, Bank of America Tower, Church of Saint Mary the Virgin is over there, The New York Times Tower which gave Times Square its name in 1904, the iconic Coca-Cola sign, The Hard Rock Café of New York, There's Times Square Studios which is home of Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve and ABBC's Good Morning America just to list a few things from here."

"Watch this." Said Tony, fiddling with his phone.

Before he could do whatever he was planning, Steve took his phone right out of his hands.

"Not today Stark."

"Give me my phone Spangles."

"Not until you swear you will not manipulate anything technological today. Pepper told me to call her if you try to act up. This is Thor's day."

"And all I was going to was change that billboard, right there, to say Welcome Thor."


"Yes. Can I please have my phone back?"

Steve handed his phone back more out of shock at Tony saying please than anything else.

"No screwing with New York Tony." Said Natasha from behind them.

"Fine, I'll only use my phone for phone calls today."

"Thank you." Steve said walking over to where the guide was going over some of the history of the square.

They walked around the area, and after taking the usual tourist photos they began to head toward Central Park.

"Now Central Park is the most visited urban park in the U.S and one of the most filmed locations in the world." Keith started as they came to one of the entrances to the park.

"Hey Thor, can we take our picture on that bridge?" asked Jane wrapping her arms around one of his and leaning into him.

"Of course Lady Jane. Anything you wish, I shall make happen."

After Jane and Thor, Bruce and Darcy went up to have their picture taken.

"Now Central Park has 36 bridges and no two are alike." Keith said as the second couple rejoined the group.

"Well that's two couple down, you two are next." Said Tony to Clint and Natasha.

"Yeah I don't think so Stark." Natasha shot him down.

"Yeah, not our style."

"Your style is to avoid photographs all together."

"Exactly." Clint said.

"If our friends do not want to have their happiness photographed than we shall honor their wishes." Thor said defending them.

"Thank you Thor, but we actually have a different setting in mind for a picture." Natasha said.

"Let it be known and we will help you."

"Yeah, let's head over to the Bethesda Terrace." Clint said.

"Ah the Terrace, it is a personal favorite of mine." Keith said, leading the way. "It is two levels, which are united by two grand staircases."

"We want a picture in the lower terrace tunnel." Natasha said.

They made their way to the lower level and after using Tony offering autographs as bait to draw out the other people in it, Darcy took the picture they wanted; just them holding each other in the center surrounded by the carved sandstone, granite steps and roman bricks.

"So if you're ready, we can head to Greenwich Village next." Keith offered.

After everyone assented they began walking out of the park toward the west side of Manhattan.

"So Greenwich Village is simply referred to as The Village by the locals, it's known as an artists' haven, the Bohemian capital and the birthplace of the East Coast '60's counterculture movement. It is also the home of New York University." Keith explained.

"Fancy." Said Jane looking around.

"Last year, all four zipcodes that make up the village were all ranked among the ten most expensive in the U.S."

"That's cool."

"The view isn't as good as mine." Tony said.

"If you all want to come this way, I have something to show you."

They followed Keith over several blocks to stop outside a large building.

"This is the New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting, and Sculpture. Since this is a private group and we have all day, if you would like we can take a trip through their exhibition gallery."

They decided to go in and observe some pretty awesome contemporary art pieces.

As they exited the building, they agreed there were some really good pieces in the gallery. They continued walking around the Village stopping to let Thor take all the random photos he wanted. They followed Keith to Washington Square Park. As they stopped by the Washington Square Arch, Keith took their photo while telling them some random facts about the area.

"So the fountain area is popular for both residents and tourists, most of the surrounding buildings belong to NYU now, but the majority of them served as homes and studios for artists, the park as a long tradition of celebrating nonconformity and the NYC police department operates security cameras here as well as having security officers from the city parks department patrol the park."

They let Thor take more photos and took some of Thor, Jane and Bruce, Darcy in front of the fountain.

Darcy took the camera from Thor and snapped some candid shots of the rest of the group, getting a good one of Steve pushing Tony into the fountain which caused everyone to lean on each other laughing as Tony tried to push Steve back but he didn't even budge.

They headed over to the southwest corner where they had a bunch of chess tables set up. They convinced Bruce to play at one of the open tables against an older man who was eating a bunch of grapes.

He won.

Darcy took photos.

They passed through Soho, headed towards Little Italy and a place to eat lunch.

"Little Italy used to be a large swath of real estate but now is basically down to like three blocks. There are more tourists than locals here now, but there are a couple of groups trying to preserve what little Italian is actually left here."

"I require sustenance." Thor said.

"How many times do we have to go over this? Simply say, I'm hungry."

"I am hungry." Thor replied.

"Yeah, got that." Tony said.

"There's actually a pretty good place right down here." Keith said.

"Ferrara Café." Natasha read the sign.

A little over an hour later, the group made their way back down the sidewalk heading toward Chinatown.

"Chinatown is the home to the largest enclave of Chinese people in the Western Hemisphere, It is one of the oldest ethnic Chinese enclaves outside of Asia. They used to speak primarily Cantonese but in the 1990's they started speaking Mandarin after an influx of new immigrants."

They walked through a couple of grocery stores on the way to Canal Street to shop through knock off products.

"Oh my goodness, look at this!" called Darcy to the group.

Bruce and she were standing at a stall looking at artwork. She pulled a framed poster out and was staring at it with a grin.

"What on Earth?" Clint said coming up behind them with Natasha.

"Seriously?" asked Tony taking the poster from Darcy.

It was a picture of the avengers as cats.

"No." Natasha said.

"Too bad, my find, I'm getting it." Darcy said snatching it back from Tony.

After some friendly bantering, they continued through the stalls making their way toward the World Trade Center site.

"The 9/11 Memorial and the 9/11 Memorial Museum were erected to commemorate the September 11, 2001 attacks and the 1993 WTC bombing. It is operated by a non-profit corporation whose mission is to raise funds for, program, own and operate the memorial and museum. They held an international competition to design the memorial, and the winning design is called Reflecting Absence, which is what we see today." Keith said.

They came to the South Pool first and stood together in silence, observing the pool in front of them and the oak trees surrounding them.

Jane and Keith stayed with Thor explaining about 9/11 while the rest of the group headed towards the parapets surrounding the waterfall.

"They inscribed all the names of the people that perished in the attacks on these parapets." Keith said as they rejoined the group.

"Hey Clint." Natasha said reaching out to touch one of the names.

"I've missed him." He said wrapping both arms around her as their friends gathered to read the name Nat was still touching.

"Care to share?" asked Tony.

"He was a member of SHIELD, undercover at the time of the attacks. He was lead on our main extraction team for several years before deciding to take a more active role in the field." Clint said.

"He was pretty awesome." Nat added with a smile, letting her hands fall to Clint's, still in front of her.

They stood there for a moment more before heading toward the museum.

"I love that." Steve said reading the third line of the mission statement as they passed by the sign.

"Recognize the endurance of those who survived, the courage of those who risked their lives to save others, and the compassion of all who supported us in our darkest hour." Darcy read to the group.

"That is an awesome line." Keith said. "The museum is this way when you are ready."

Jane took a photo of the sign and they went on their way.

They stopped to take a photo of the Survivor Tree.

"The Survivor Tree was 8 foot tall, badly burned and had only one living branch when it was recovered. It had originally been planted in the 70's near building 4 and 5." Keith told them.

"The museum is underground and has over 23,000 images, 10,300 artifacts, 2,000 oral histories, and over 500 hours of video. The museum is designed to evoke memories without additional distress, particularly to first responders and the families of victims." He recited as they entered the museum.

Keith let everyone spread out to take it all in at their leisure while he stood by the Final Steel in the center of the room. He always ended his tours here; it always gave his groups a chance to reflect on the important things in life. He loved doing these tours, no matter what the group dynamic was during the day, by the end, in here, they always went quiet, always stood with their loved ones. It was always refreshing to see, after the hustle and bustle of big city life.

"It's pretty amazing isn't it?" asked Tony coming up next to Keith. "Don't answer that. You've been great today, taking care of all of Thor's questions."

"I love sharing facts about the city. It's been a pleasure working for you all today."

"Thanks for not fawning all over us, we needed that." He handed some folded bills to Keith, "I've got it from here, you're free to leave." Tony walked away and joined Bruce and Darcy at a video screen.

Keith pocketed the money and made his way over to a part of the wall covered in photos where he stood for a moment; paying his respects to some friends he really missed.

"It's hard sometimes." Steve said coming up behind Keith.


Steve patted him on the shoulder, before moving away.

They spent a couple of hours moving at their own pace around the museum before regrouping at one of the many benches scattered through the main room.

"Let's go home." Clint said as they started making their way outside.

"Ray's for dinner?" Tony asked already pulling out his phone to order.

They made it back to Avenger's Tower at the same time the pizza guy was getting there. Making their way into the common kitchen, Pepper was already there with plates out.

"Missed you today." Tony said giving her a kiss.

They set around the table sharing stories and having a good laugh at each other before retiring to the living room.

"Thank you all for sharing you're city with me." Thor announced.

"Anytime, buddy. Maybe next time we will take you to the Statue of Liberty and catch a baseball game." Tony said.

"If it was anything like today, I'm sure it will be a grand adventure." Thor replied.

"Well, by my count, everyone has planned and executed a team bonding/building exercise." Bruce said.

"Well we don't have to stop hanging out." Steve said, "We can still go out and do things."

"Afraid we're going to fall apart if we no longer do things together?" Tony asked with a smirk.

"Not likely, once you defeat a bunch of aliens, you have a lifelong bond."

"So do just you guys get to pick activities or can we women get in on this?" Darcy asked.

"You ladies play an important part in our group, if there is anything you want to do with all of us, just let us know." Steve said.

"Awesome, because this new club is opening and I was hoping Tony could get us on the VIP list." Darcy said.

"Really?" Bruce asked her.

"You need to experience more." She told him.

"Really, I need to experience more?" he questioned. "Experience this." He said grabbing her face between his hands and kissing her deeply.

"Okay kids, break it up." Tony said trying to through a couch pillow at them, but Pepper snatched it and smacked him with it instead.

When they came up for air, both were grinning and breathing heavily. Everyone else shared a chuckle of their antics.

"We don't have to plan out everything right now, let's just take everything one day at a time." Jane said.

"I concur." Thor said. "Let us cherish the days spent with our friends and not worry about the future."

"Well said." Clint agreed.

"And I would like to see this Shakespeare, you mentioned when we first met in battle." Thor said to Tony.

"Oh yeah." He laughed at the memory.

They spent the rest of the night sharing stories and relaxing with each other. Steve sunk down in his chair with a smile on his face as he observed these people he was well on his way to calling family. He was really good at calling the shots in the field, and sometimes in real life as well. The future was looking up for him, and this ragtag group of people as well.

The End!

A/N: Thank you to everyone who stayed with this story. I hope the wait was worth it.