Full Summary: Down on earth, something old and evil is beginning to awaken. Viridi notices it, Palutena notices it, and as whole forests are being burned down by the renewed Pyrrhon/Aurrum threat, the goddesses go and send the angels to investigate. All the while, Pit is wondering about his past and Dark Pit is dealing with being Viridi's new captain, and a new disease stemmed from the Chaos Kin starts to lay victim to the gods. It's a race against time as the angels learn about trust and faith, with lives at stake and the threat of a new enemy ever at bay.

Warning: This story will start off where everyone is pretty happy and hunky-dory, but it's not going to stay that way! Also, this story has a TON of OCs to come to play, but I'd LIKE to think that they are well-developed and that they each play an important PART in the story.

But, of course, YOU be the judge.

Now, for a Kid Icarus, Quote-O'-The-Day!

"My wish would be to fly by myself!"—Pit, in The Wish Seed


There were several things Pit enjoyed most about this world.

Definitely one of the biggest ones, Pit decided one night, was gazing at the sky when it was dotted over with little lights as it was now. The thought of there being other lights out there, spreading over millions and millions of galaxies and probably holding a tiny world like the one he looked from right then still struck him with awe. And to travel through those galaxies every single day! It was like the adventure he had never had!

Not that I haven't been on any adventures, Pit thought, smiling. He clasped his hands underneath his head, sighing with content as a gentle spring breeze passed through the level roof of the dormitory. It was calm, peaceful nights like these that made him look like a completely different person to any outside viewer. But crusading through space and haggling for stars while manning your own space pirate ship would be amazing! He paused, hoping that Palutena was perusing through his thoughts again without him knowing. She would've never approved of his daring wishes, he thought. He could safely say that of all of their adventures together, the quest for the Great Sacred Treasure was perhaps his favorite.

Pit had a lot of favorite things.

Suddenly, a shooting star caught his eye. Pit gasped. The thing was huge; crossing through the night sky with a tail of flame that over shadowed all of the other stagnant lights.

That's a star that can't be wasted! Pit thought eagerly. I had better make a wish.

You could probably guess what he wished for.

I wish I could fly, I wish I could fly! Thinking it twice was essential to wish making. If you didn't mean it, then it didn't count.

Pit opened his eyes again. A surprise to him, the shooting star still had not left the sky yet. In fact, it seemed to be growing steadily bigger . . . and bigger . . .

The angel continued to watch its progress, sitting up now as the star became clearer. It lit up the sky with its trail, heading towards the earth as if in slow motion. How was this possible? Pit wondered. He had never seen a star this close before.

Finally, the great ball of flame ended its descent, careening past the clouds of Skyworld to hit the defenseless Overworld below.

Pit was wide awake now, pacing the rooftop nervously. It was only a matter of time before Palutena found out about what he had done . . . he hoped the damage wasn't too great . . .

"Pit?" There was Palutena now. "Pit, come in!"

"I didn't mean to do it, Lady Palutena!" Pit wailed.

" . . .what?"

"The shooting star!" Pit was on the verge of pulling out his own hair; he was so distressed. "I didn't mean to make it fall to the Overworld! I didn't even know stars could do that!"

"Pit," Lady Palutena said, exasperated, "You didn't make the star fall from the sky."

"But I did!" Pit cried. "I must have wished on it wrong!"

"Pit, what are you saying?"

"I saw the shooting star, and I made a wish. The next thing you know, it's falling from the sky! I knew humans made wishes on them all the time, and so I thought I'd try it too, but—"

"Pit, calm down!" Palutena exclaimed, able to get a handle on the situation before he started rambling again. Pit went silent. "You weren't the one who caused that star to fall."

"I- I wasn't?"

"No," Palutena said, a trace of laughter in her voice. "In fact, I'm not even sure if that was a star at all. I wanted to wake you to go and check it out, but it seems to me like you were already up before that had even happened."

Pit was silent.


"It wasn't me!" Pit exclaimed, fist pumping the air.

"Yes, you're right," Palutena said, still smiling. "But there's still a situation to investigate. Get ready as fast as you can so I can meet with you at the weapons altar. I still need to alert Viridi and Dark Pit about what's happened, if they haven't already heard about it already."

"I'm on it!" Pit scampered down the ladder that led up the roof.

"Of course I knew about the situation!"

Pit rushed into the Weapons Room, all dressed and ready to go. All he needed now was to choose a weapon . . . as soon as Viridi could be made to stop yelling.

"I mean, what do you take me as, incompetent? Stupid? That meteorite or whatever burned a hole through a forest— I am the Goddess of Nature, you know!"

"Viridi, I wasn't implying that you wouldn't have known—" Palutena tried.

"Of course you didn't!" Viridi fumed. "You just wanted to use Dark Pit to do your work—well, it's not happening!" Pit turned, and saw Dark Pit standing off to the side of her, arms crossed and looking like he was going to fall asleep right where he stood. Pit was amazed. How he could stand Viridi during one of her rants and actually fall asleep was a mystery to him.

"It wasn't like that at all," Palutena said. Pit went to her side. Palutena acknowledged him with a nod. "I was just wondering if we could use your assistance with all of this—it would be very helpful. We both don't know if that thing was a meteorite or what; it could be as dangerous as the Aurum."

Viridi still wasn't budging. She regarded Palutena angrily, "Well—"

"Viridi," Dark Pit said, coming out of his stupor. "Be quiet. It's too late to be yelling the way you are right now; we should just investigate this as soon as possible."

Viridi went silent, begrudgingly so. Pit was surprised again. Even though she looked as if she wanted to punch a wall, or punch Dark Pit for that matter, Viridi gave a terse sigh instead, doing neither.


"I've already got enough information to go on," Palutena informed. She sounded extremely relieved. "It's not from this world, that's for sure, and somehow it's been able to create fire, burning down forests and everything in its wake."

"So much destruction in so little time," Pit said, feeling a little sad. "Has it come to any towns yet?"

"Not yet," Palutena told him. "But it won't be soon before it does."

"So much hype over a few pitiful humans," Viridi said, rolling her eyes.

"Viridi, I called you here for more than one reason," Palutena said, ignoring her last comment. "Did you bring it?"

"Bring what?" Dark Pit asked.

Viridi nodded and stepped towards the goddess, producing from a pocket in her dress a couple of chains of silver. Hanging at their ends were two bulbs of swirling expanse; a grayish green substance that looked neither liquid nor gas.

"These necklaces will make you flame-resistant," Viridi told them. She dropped the two pieces of jewelry in Palutena's hand. "They contain liquid from Arlon's Flages. He made them, actually."

"They'll help you two on your mission," Palutena informed them. She gestured for them to come forward.

Pit approached her first, and Palutena draped the silver thing around his neck. "They have a time limit, especially when you're around extreme heat," Viridi commented. As Palutena got to Dark Pit, she added, "So be careful."

The two angels nodded, but Pit was looking unsure. "Arlon's Flages?" he said, to Viridi. "Does that mean that the longer we wear them, our eyes are going to meld into one and we'll eventually grow knives for hands?"

Dark Pit facepalmed. Viridi deadpanned, "You can't be seriously asking me this."

"I am," Pit said, and Palutena gave an exasperated sigh behind him. "What! I was just curious!"

"Arlon wouldn't make something that would turn you into a florescent Force of Nature, Pit-for-brains," Viridi said narrowly. "Besides, I'd cut off my right foot before I recruit you in my army."

Pit frowned. Dark Pit smacked him on the head.

Before Pit could react or retaliate, though, Palutena let out a great sigh and said, "Another day. You two should go pick your weapons and get ready; we should get to this thing before it does something serious."

"Nice job, handling Viridi back there."

Pit flew through the night sky with his twin. Though the two were going so fast that that there was no way they would have been able to hear each other speaking the way Pit was, their thoughts were connected telepathically, like the connection that served between the angels and the gods.

"She was getting annoying," Dark Pit said only. His thoughts to him was as familiar to him as his own. "And I was tired. I only wanted to get this mission over and done with so that I could get back to sleep."

Pit figured he was only telling the truth. Dark Pit really did like sleeping.

"Heads up, boys," Palutena said to them. "The forest below is the first of the attacks from this alien anomaly."

"Everything down there is on fire," Viridi said with a hint of sadness. "You two need to go down and take out whoever did this!"

"Viridi sure gets protective of her forests," Pit muttered to Dark Pit.

Dark Pit smirked. "You got that right."

The two started their descent to the earth below. The air was filled with the stench of smoke, billowing into their eyes as they finally landed into a fire-free clearing.

Pit looked on at the sight before him. Fire leaped up at them, licking the tips of leafless trees stripped bare as a result of the destruction.

"Um, Lady Palutena?" Pit asked uncertainly. "Why are we here, again?"

"To find out what caused the fire," Viridi said, rolling her eyes. "Duh."

"I'm pretty sure he asked Palutena, not you," Dark Pit said.

"Don't you get smart with me," Viridi threatened. "Remember, I'm the one who keeps you flying each and every day. Just you wait, one day you'll be having the time of your life and then, next thing you know, you'll be falling from the sky like a rock."

"Oh, don't even pretend like you wouldn't miss me," Dark Pit said. "I'm your favorite captain."

"My only captain—"

"You guys!" Palutena interjected. "Can we please stay on task!"

"Sorry," Dark Pit and Viridi said simultaneously.

"This force is fast. As soon as you go into the forest, you'll need to find it as soon as possible. Confront it, and take it down."

"Same old, same old," Pit said, taking out his bow and getting it ready. He looked to Dark Pit next to him, a force ready to be dealt with, a pair of claws already in hand.

The angels went in.

A/N: A short chapter, I know. As I continue on, you can expect my chapters to be about 4,000-6,000 words.

I feel like the biggest challenge for me in writing this fiction will be keeping Pit's personality in check. The way he responds to certain situations and interacts with people, as well as retaining his cute, bright and funny demeanor will be tough, since I usually write about serious characters in my stories.