Note: Hey! I'm glad you are checking out my story and hope you like it. If you do, please be a sweetheart and follow/favorite or review.

Disclaimer: This story is purely a work of fiction. All recognizable characters from Twilight belong to Stephenie Meyer. The plot and OCs belong to me. Resemblance to any person/story is purely coincidental and unintended.


Chapter 1

"Oh, Emily! Pregnancy becomes you! You look great!" said Claudia.

"Thanks Claudia!" Emily said blushing. She was only three months pregnant but it was taking its toll on her. Making wolf babies was not easy.

Claudia had recently remarried a Makah man, Alvin, who happened to be Emily's distant uncle. He too had been married before but his wife had died of cancer and he had married Claudia two years ago. Alvin had a daughter from his previous wife, Emily's Aunt Joyce who was a wonderful and kind woman, Zara.

Now the problem was that in typical step motherly way, Claudia wanted Zara out of the picture. She was eighteen but her father had been unwilling to let her go and live on her own so Claudia, who had been visiting Emily's mom, found out about her pregnancy and got a brilliant idea. She suggested that Zara help out at the Uley household. Mrs. Young had told her how Emily had been struggling nowadays to get daily chores done and Claudia saw her opportunity. Alvin thought highly of Sam and Emily Uley and Claudia knew if she got Emily to take Zara in, Alvin would give her his undivided attention and wealth.

And so here she was to hand over Zara to the Uleys. Emily was no fool. She knew exactly why Claudia had brought Zara here but she was rather fond of the girl and was unwilling to let her go to another household which may not treat her well. Claudia had even pushed Alvin to get Zara married but he had refused when he saw how reluctant his daughter was. They still followed the traditional ways of their tribe and girls were allowed to be married when they were 16 years of age but Alvin was an understanding father and he stood his ground and refused to budge no matter how many suitable boys Claudia referred. And that had made Claudia think harder of ways to get rid of Zara. Ultimately when the opportunity presented itself, she was unable to stop herself from grabbing it with both hands.

"I can't thank you enough for considering taking her in. She knows her household chores, this girl. She isn't all that educated. Her mother's illness made them bankrupt of sorts. Now all they have is their property which her mother had refused to sell. She has been taking care of all the household chores for the longest time. She won't give you any trouble at all. I wanted to send her to Savannah to my own sister's house but the little devil refused. But Alvin and I were very happy to know of your pregnancy and when your mother mentioned how you were struggling with your household, I couldn't not do anything and so here we are!" Claudia said as if she were doing this for Emily and not her own selfish self!

"That's very kind of you but was Zara willing to come here?" Emily asked. She wasn't willing to be a part of a Cinderella story. Not in an evil way, anyhow.

"Of course I wanted to come Emily! Better than going to land of the dead in Savannah!" Zara called from outside. She was playing with another cousin of theirs, Claire, who visited Emily more than she did.

Emily smiled. She could definitely use some help. And if in the process she helped Zara, nothing could top that.

Claudia scoffed. "People do live in Savannah, Georgia and go about their daily lives just fine!"

Zara just grinned at Emily from the window and winked. Emily chuckled. It was no secret Zara did not like her step mother. They just didn't see eye to eye from the first day. But Zara was way better at disguising it than Claudia. She was willing to tolerate her for her father's happiness. Claudia made no such efforts and when they had been arguing over Zara, she decided to go with Claudia's plan and move away. She had been horrified when she had learnt that Claudia was planning to marry her off and had even made arrangements to run away in case the situation demanded but thankfully it never did. She had been thrilled to learn that she might be sent to Emily's. She liked Emily's family. They were kind people and her mom too had spoken highly of her when she had been alive. So she was immensely relieved to know she'd be moving in with her and her husband. She'd be more than happy to take care of them rather than anybody else. She had handled her household ever since her mom died so she was adept in it. It was the one thing she'd have no trouble doing.

Now she only wanted to be rid of Claudia.

"Oh my! I'm still trying to work out this phone. It's new you know and I'm still learning how to handle it." Claudia said as she showed off her new large phone but was unable to find the number on it that she had wanted to give Emily.

"They are called smartphones for a reason. If they wanted stupid people to handle them, they'd be called idiot phones!" Zara said under her breath.

But the few wolves sitting inside the house chuckled.

Claudia was done here. She wanted to leave and head back. Emily's house was nice but the boys who were crowding it seemed intimidating.

"Ok then. I'd better go now. It was really nice catching up and I'm so glad you agreed to keep Zara under you. Thanks!" Claudia said flashing a brilliant smile.

"No problem. Do visit again." Emily said sweetly knowing fully well she wouldn't. Emily tried to get up but Zara waved her off.

"Relax! She's leaving anyway. I'll see her off." Zara said as she skipped towards Claudia's car.

"You better not mess this up. Your father and I would like some privacy. Make sure you stay here for as long as you can." Claudia said sternly.

"Sure." Zara said easily but felt hurt by her words.

Zara watched Claudia drive off before returning to an eight year old Claire.

"Come on Claire! Let's head inside and see what your aunt would like help with!" Zara said enthusiastically and the two girls skipped off inside.

AN: Hey! if you're reading please follow/favorite or review.

Which wolf do you think is paired with Zara?