Hello! So I made a poll on whether I should make this or not, and I decided to do it anyway! The idea popped into my head at a random moment and I started typing it later. I hope you like it!


The Gaang flew along the coast of Ember Island, it was quiet. They were on their way to a diplomatic meeting in Yu Dao about the new city that was planning to be built, but they were stopping in Ember Island to pick up Zuko and Mai and for a much needed couple days of rest. The sun was setting and after hours of flying they were getting ready to land. Sokka, Suki and Toph were asleep but Aang and Katara sat on Appa's head. Aang guided Appa to where they needed to go, Katara leaned her head on her boyfriend's shoulder.

This had turned into one of Katara's favorite places, with her family, friends and boyfriend. It was so peaceful, it was a good place to think. She thought about the future, the past and many other things that crossed her mind.

Aang and Katara had been dating for a while now, almost four years, and now that she was sixteen, she was expected to find a husband. Aang was fifteen which was an adult by his culture's standards, he wanted to honor the Southern Water Tribe's customs so they agreed to wait another year.

"Hey Aang are we there yet?" asked a still half asleep Sokka


"Not yet, but you should wake up Suki and Toph." Aang replied


"I'm awake Twinkletoes, so is Girly over here." Toph said.

It wasn't long before they started descending from the clouds into the fading daylight on Ember Island.

Aang noticed a strange force in the distance, a hole in the sky. Instincts kicked in and he flew a little closer to it, not to close but close enough to get a good look at what was going on.

"What's that thing?" Katara asked taking her head off of his shoulder. Sokka and Suki moved over to get a better view, and they sat with their mouths open.

The hole in the sky seemed to be growing, it got bigger and more powerful. It suked up anything below or around it. Strong waves of turbulence approached them, knocking them all out of balance.

"Hold on to something!" Aang yelled.

Everyone did what he said, Sokka and Suki grabbed on to each other and Appa's saddle, Toph clung to the side of the saddle and Katara clung onto Aang while Aang clutched the reins. The wind kept getting stronger, Appa was barely fighting the wind. Katara hung on tighter, she could feel the wind sucking her in, making her surrender at it's mercy. She hung on tighter still, but it wasn't good enough.

The strong winds yanked her from her family, taking her into the inevitable, was she to live or die she wasn't sure. She screamed as she was pulled further and further away from her family, her friends and Aang.

"KATARA!" Aang yelled. He grabbed his staff ready to go catch her. But a hand stopped him before he could stand up.

"Where are you going?!" Sokka asked in a panicked state.

"Sokka, you have to steer Appa away from here, we'll catch up with you. And if anything happens do not follow us." Aang said in an orderly tone.

Sokka noded as he took the reins, Aang jumped off of Appa with his glider in hand to save his beloved.

Katara was still being pulled by the hole in the sky, closer and closer. Never had she been so scared in her life, other times she had been scared she would know the outcome of whatever what was happening but here, she had no idea what would happen.

Aang was getting closer and closer to Katara, he was flying as fast as he could. He was too late, just as he was about to reach her she fell into the hole, the only thing he could do was follow her, wherever she went.

Aang dove head first into the hole, praying to the spirits that he wasn't too late.

Sokka and Suki watched as the circle closed just after Aang entered it.

Central City:

Barry was running circles around the opposite direction of the singularity, it seemed to be letting up, slowing down until after another fifteen minutes of running at his top speed it stopped all together. Right before it closed though, a figure was spit out into the sky, it sounded like a screaming girl, a helpless screaming girl that would fall to her death if he didn't catch her.

"Cisco a girl just came out of the black hole. She's falling out of the sky!" Barry said into the communicator.

"Well the black hole seems to be closing. I think it's safe for you to run down and catch her." Cisco replied.

Barry watched the hole close, then ran as fast as he could to the girl who had suddenly gone limp.

Great, now she's probably unconscious Barry thought as he ran down a building. He ran as fast as he could, luckily the wind was pushing her in his direction, right before she hit the building that he was running down he caught her.

Before he completely ran out of steam he managed to muster up enough energy to get back to Star Labs, he placed the girl on the hospital bed and fell onto the floor out of pure exhaustion.

"Barry are you OK?" Iris asked Barry, rushing to his side to help him up.

"Yeah, I'm fine but I don't think that she is" he replied.

There you have it! Sorry I left you with a cliffhanger but I wanted to keep people interested so yeah. Please review, I would love to hear your feedback!