Vanessa stared around the playground, her eyes falling from person to person. She was looking for a specific profile; isolated but close enough to be able to watch the children from a distance. It was the type she always went for; the ones that stood out and were clearly waiting to make a move on an unsuspecting child.

Vanessa grinned as her eyes fell upon an individual with gelled, black hair and cloudy blue eyes. Her was watching the children with a well suppressed smirk on his face. He had an ugly jacket on and his boots were dirty and worn. He looked to be underdressed for sitting in a park in Forks.

She grinned acknowledging the burning in her throat and skipped towards the man. Vanessa checked herself to make sure she looked presentable. Even this creep would have trouble following someone covered in blood from head to foot.

She skipped around the man, listening to his heart accelerating every time she would pass him. Her smirked at her, rubbing his hands together. She pretended to trip in front of him before skipping down the street. She could hear him get up and begin following her down the street. Her heart picked up in pace as she eagerly licked her teeth in anticipation.

As she turned down an alley away from public eye. He followed behind, his heart beating also with anticipation. She almost felt bad for the creep… almost.

As soon as he was in the alley; Vanessa jumped up and threw her hands around his neck, snapping it as she bit into him. She didn't like dealing with their struggles or their screams once her venom hit them, so she usually snapped their necks. Once he was drained, she dragged him over with the others where she could deal with them after the sun went down.

She quickly reversed her sweater so the blood would not be visible and turned down the alley. Her reflection became visible in a window and she smiled.

To the rest of the world, Vanessa was a blonde haired, blue eyed eight year old. Only she knew she was a half-vampire, blood drinking devil child… or at least that's what her father called her as soon as she could walk and he could leave her to fend for herself. That was three years ago.

Vanessa ran into the woods and took off; she noticed an odd smell... Actually several odd scents. She noticed a wolf standing, staring at her with intense eyes. It's eyes looked almost human and confused her so much. Animals didn't have human eyes. She was so caught up in its eyes that she barely noticed a bronze haired man step out in front of her. She collided with him hard and fell back.

He was a vampire; she could tell by his lack of pulse but his odd colored eyes confused her to no end. She turned back and noticed the wolf was watching her as though it were worries for her well-being.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen," he said softly.

"I'm Vanessa," she said. "Just Vanessa."

Edward frowned at the child confused as to why she didn't have a last name.

The wolf disappeared behind a tree and Vanessa found herself wishing he'd return. As she turned back to Edward, a teenage boy appeared and Vanessa felt like she knew him. He had the same eyes as the wolf and...

"That's impossible," she whispered staring at the boy, her eyes filled with wonder.

"Where are your parents, sweetie?" Edward said, bending down to Vanessa's level.

"My mom's dead and my dad didn't want to be responsible for a devil spawn," she shrugged lightly as she remembered his hurtful words. This man would know what she was saying.

"You're not a devil spawn," the boy whispered in wonder.

Edward stared at the boy for a minute and back to Vanessa. He sighed and threw his hands up in the air as though he had just been convinced to do something.

"Would you like to come and wash up at our place?" Edward asked.

Vanessa looked at the other boy who smiled as Vanessa yawned and began swaying. She felt the other boys hands wrap around her as she fell into a deep sleep. Why didn this always happen when she overfed?