Sorry it's been so long, but I have an announcement.

I have chosen to discontinue my work in fan fiction, and am moving to other websites. I am currently writing a book called "Hooters! The Musical" about a barn owl named Timothy, in a post-apocalyptic world where birds have replaced humans as the Earth's sentient species.

I will be posting some short stories on FictionPress as well.

I might pop back in every once in a while when the temptation to write fan fiction becomes too strong, though.

I'll try to wrap up my current works as best I can, but I've long since lost the inspiration, so I feel like completing them now will just leave everyone more disappointed than they would be if I had just never come back.

I won't be deleting my account, and I am open to any of you guys who are still here PMing me.


Q1: Why have you made this decision?

A: Trust me, it's not because I've grown bored, or that I think I'm 'too good' for fan fiction now that I'm working on more original projects. It's also not because I don't appreciate you guys as fans. In truth, it's partially because back when I was active on this website, I was having a tough time with depression, anxiety, and paranoid schizophrenia. There were times when I wanted to just stop existing. The reason why I'm leaving fan fiction is the same as the reason why I no longer listen to Evanescence and Three Days Grace: They all take me back to a time when I was vulnerable and didn't feel safe, or comfortable in my own skin.

Q2: Seriously? Is that all?

A: No, actually. The other part is that I want to make a name for myself. I want to be an actual, published author with books you can read in a library. I want to prove that I can write my own characters and stories, without piggybacking off of some other writer. Not that I think fan fiction is less valid, it's just... I don't know. Ever since I shook off the depression and all that, I've discovered who I am as a person without the mental illnesses. I've gotten a glimpse of what "ok" feels like- and I'm addicted. I finally have hopes and dreams beyond "finding a reason to live" and "be happy, for once." The freedom is invigorating, and I want to experience all of it.

Q3: Where can I find you?/Please don't leave!

A: I'm not technically leaving, as I am not deleting my account. You can still PM me if you want. If you are craving closure for the stories I'm unfortunately leaving behind, I can a) PM you a short custom ending, b) PM you the basic details so you can make your own ending, or c) answer your questions through private messaging.

A2: If you really want to see where I'm at/where I'm going as an author, here's where you can reach me:
-Google+ as Joli C. Spencer
-ffgarfield413 g mail . com
-FictionPress, with the same username as my FanFiction account.

Q4: Are you discontinuing Innocence Lost and its sequel?

A: Yes. Why? Because I feel that it overly romanticizes many concepts contained within it- Like pr*stitution, for example. Not to mention human trafficking and what essentially counts as r pe. It has many adult topics in it, but it's marked as "Teen" and doesn't quite have the maturity or writing style necessary to make it rated M. If this explanation doesn't satisfy you, please read my answer to Q1. If you HAVE to have closure, please read Q3.

If you have any other questions, please PM me.

Thank you all so much for the love and support that you've given me, I really don't deserve it. I'm posting this announcement to all my stories. I know there's not that big a chance that anyone has stayed long enough to see this, but it had to be said. You guys are the reason I'm at where I am today as a writer. You kept me going, you gave me a reason to keep writing- you even inspired me to take that creative writing class junior year. If it weren't for you, I probably never would have gone down the path I did, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I came to this website a caterpillar- it was a long, and, at times, terrifying road, but I've finally broken out of my cocoon. I'm not a butterfly yet, but thanks to you, I'm on my way.