Thanks SO much to Mcr killjoy and Tibricel Tibby for the reviews! I appreciate them so much, and I totally agree, Tibricel Tibby, that JP really copped out on her character and made her so 2-D it was criminal. Hopefully, through this story, I can give her some purpose and personality and she'll become just as badass as Max and the Flock.

Read on! Let me know what you think!


Iggy sank into a chair, and sighed, resting his head in his hands.

He didn't know how many days had passed since he had been shipped to China, but enough time had passed that the auction felt like a lifetime ago.

He had been welcomed graciously. His new 'employers' had ushered him into a posh suite (he could only assume what it actually looked like, but it had a feather bed and the room was larger than the entire first floor of their safe house back in Nebraska, so it wasn't too shabby) and greeted by a personal assistant/interpreter.

The interpreter was named Nuan and he sounded nice enough, but Iggy kept to himself, suspicious of everyone.

Instead, Iggy turned his thoughts to other things: the flock, but most of all, Ella.

He hoped she was still in Nebraska, and that Jeb hadn't followed through on his threat to kill her and her mother, provided Max cooperated, and he knew how difficult Max could be.

He missed Ella. He missed listening to her read, he missed her laugh, and most of all, he just missed her. He missed everything, from the way she sounded when she smiled, to her dry humor that no one appreciated but him, but he especially missed the feeling he got when he wrapped his arms around her.

There had not been much room for happiness in his life, but she was one of the few exceptions, and he felt her absence keenly.

"Mister Iggy?" Nuan said, entering the room unannounced. "The president would like to speak to you."

Iggy didn't bother to look up. "The US president? What's he doing here?"

"No," Nuan sighed. After several days of Iggy's smart aleck attitude, Nuan was slowly finding he was getting used to it. "China's president. Your new employer."

Iggy lifted his head towards Nuan's voice. "Tell him I'm flattered, but I'm not signing autographs. My handwriting's atrocious."

Iggy heard Nuan sigh again, and felt oddly satisfied. "He's here to speak to you about your new job."

"Not interested. I didn't exactly apply for this job. Are the benefits any good? Do I even get a dental plan? I'm not really employee material."

"I beg to differ," a voice boomed throughout the room. "Mr. Iggy, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Is that the president?" Iggy asked.

"Yes," Nuan had to restrain himself from groaning.

"He speaks perfect English. What the hell are you for?" Iggy asked.

"I would like to discuss the matter of your contract," the president continued.

Iggy raised an eyebrow. "Contract? That almost sounds like I agreed to be here."

"After we discuss your benefits, I'm sure your attitude will change," the president sounded smug.

"Oh so I do get dental."

"Among other things." Iggy heard the president sit down in the chair across from him. "You're really quite valuable to us, Iggy. And I chose you because of your skills."

"You mean my devilish good looks and devastating charm? I wouldn't call those skills, more-"

"Your aptitude with explosives," the president continued as if he hadn't spoken. "We want you to create a bomb."

"Is that it?" Iggy asked. "Just a bomb?"

"A bomb more powerful than the ones they dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki."

"That's impossible."

"With your knowledge and our resources, I'm inclined to disagree."

"I can't do that. I won't," Iggy refused. "You're crazy."

"You can, and you will."

"What are going to do with a huge bomb?"

The president laughed. "Isn't it obvious? Drop it over the country that poses the biggest threat to China. And you'll help us do it."

"No, I won't." Iggy snapped. "You may have bought me, but you can't buy loyalty. I won't do it."

"That's a shame," the president said. "But I had thought you would be hesitant. That's why I'm prepared to offer you a deal."

"I don't want to make any deals with you."

"Not even when you hear what I'm about to offer?"

Iggy heard the door open, and a familiar voice washed over him, freezing his blood in his veins. "Hello, Iggy. It's been awhile."

"Iggy, may I introduce our head scientist leading this project?"

"Not this asshole," Iggy growled. "You again?"

"He knows me quite well," Guenther Hagen said. "We have some history."

"Ah, very good," the president said. "Then I'll just come out and say it. Iggy, Guenther Hagen has agreed to perform a surgery, at my request."

"What kind?" Iggy asked, suspiciously.

"I can give you the one thing you want," Guenther Hagen said. "New eyes."

Iggy couldn't help but let his face slip into a surprised expression. "That's impossible."

"No, as a matter of fact, it's not. I studied the procedure they used during your operation. In my studies, I have designed a new procedure to counter and fix the old one. You would go to sleep and wake up with your eyesight completely restored."

"What's the price? What do you get out of it?"

"I loathe to say anything as cliché as 'world domination', but dear boy, it is just that."

Iggy paused, then shook his head. "Thanks, but no thanks."

Guenther Hagen made a surprised noise. "No? You would refuse your only chance at eyesight? For what, misguided loyalty? Foolish pride?" His tone turned dark. "Because the stakes are higher than that. I'd be careful if I were you. I know where every single member of your flock is, and I'm fully prepared to do whatever is necessary to ensure your cooperation."

"Look, I don't care what you do to me, but leave my family out of this-"

"Not just your family," Iggy could hear the awful smile in the doctor's voice. "I also know the whereabouts of a certain young woman named Ella Martinez. It would be such a shame if anything happened to her."

Iggy stood abruptly. "I swear to God, if you hurt her-"

"Sit down, Iggy, it doesn't need to come to this," the president tried to calm him. "Now, I'm sure we can all come to an agreement without such measures-"

"No, with all due respect, Mr. President," Guenther Hagen interrupted. "This boy needs some incentive. I think he'd be much more agreeable if it wasn't just his life at stake."

"You're a monster," Iggy growled. "Leave Ella out of this, she has nothing to do with it."

"I'm afraid I can't. I sent some Erasers to retrieve her several days ago. I expect they'll return soon. You see," Iggy heard Guenther Hagen stand, and begin to pace. "I've decided she would be quite useful."

Iggy clenched his fists. "Leave her alone."

"I can't. She's the perfect candidate for my newest experiment."

Iggy's stomach lurched. Not this. Anything but this.

"For all the success and failures from ITEX, not once have they successfully given wings to someone who was born without them. The Erasers do not count, as they were mutated before the additional operation, but I have always wondered… what would the success be of an ordinary human receiving wings?" Guenther stopped pacing, right in front of Iggy. "And I decided, the sister of the great Maximum Ride would be a wonderful candidate. And," he added, "Given your attachment to her, I could possibly restart my failed experiment with Max and Dylan."

Iggy's arm shot out, and his fist made contact with Guenther Hagen's chin. The doctor staggered back. "What-"

"I'm not going to let you put Ella through the hell I've been through," Iggy swung again, catching him in the stomach. "And I'm not going to help you with your crazy plan to screw the world over!"

Iggy heard the president exclaim, and felt hands grasp his shoulders, holding him back. Nuan grunted as Iggy struggled to break free, and held him tighter.

"Perhaps we should discuss this at another time," the president said. "Doctor, shall we-"

"Just you wait," the doctor wheezed, making his way to the door. "It's only a matter of time before Miss Martinez arrives. And when she does," he managed to croak out a laugh. "She'll suffer for your unwillingness to cooperate."


The door slammed shut behind the doctor and president, cutting off the sound of Iggy's shouts.


Her stomach rumbled, and she curled further in on herself, shivering.

Day number five, and no food. They weren't joking.

She wondered about her flock, if they were just as hungry and miserable as she was.

I'm going to rip Jeb's balls off and feed them to him for this.

The door creaked open, and Max shifted to face the wall, refusing to look at whoever entered the room.

"How have these past five days been?" She heard the general's voice approach. "Hungry? Cold?"

When Max didn't answer, she heard him sigh. "Being stubborn will get you nowhere."

The door opened again.

"Max," Jeb said. "Stop behaving like a child."

When she didn't say anything, he sighed. "I suppose I'll have to tell you, then."

She twisted her head. "Tell me what?"

"Ella's gone."

Max shot up in surprise. "What do you mean, gone?"

Jeb smiled, unremorseful. "Valencia called me, thoroughly distressed. Ella left a note saying she was coming to see you in Chicago, but the house was in shambles. Valencia even found a bloody knife lying on the kitchen floor."

"You're lying."

"In fact, I'm not. I even flew back to see Valencia. She was not exaggerating." Jeb smiled again. "It seems someone got there before I did."

"You planned this," Max hissed, and lunged for him, the chains around her ankles jerking her back. "What did you do to my sister?"

"Nothing, I assure you. I can't tell you where she is, but I can tell you this: if you don't cooperate, something just as bad might happen to your mother."

"Leave them alone!" Max snapped.

"Now," Jeb continued. "If you help us, I will try to find your sister, and ensure her safe return to your mother."

"You said you don't know where she is!"

"I have resources, Max, and powerful allies. In fact, I already have an idea of who has her."

Max glared and crossed her arms. "Who?"

"Why, Max, you know him. Doctor Guenther Hagen."

Max jumped at him again. "You planned this!"

"No, I didn't. I wish I had." Jeb stepped just out of her reach and watched her struggle with an amused smile on his face.

"You're an asshole," Max snapped. "A lying dirt bag. If you want to hurt me, fine, but leave my family out of this!"

The general cleared his throat. "Perhaps now is the time to tell her."

"Tell me what?"

"The president has requested a demonstration."

Max eyed him suspiciously. "What kind of demonstration?"

"Your flight."

Max snorted. "What, the wings weren't enough?" She shook her head. "Tell him he can kiss my ass before I even think about doing what you want."

Jeb stepped forward. "Here's the deal, Max. If you agree to do this, then I'll get Ella back."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

Jeb smiled. "You'll just have to trust me."

Max grit her teeth. "You'll get her back, and leave her and my mom alone?"

Jeb held up a hand. "Scouts honor. As long as you continue to cooperate."

Max sighed. "Throw in a cheeseburger and you've got yourself a deal."

"Excellent," the general said. "I told you she'd be more agreeable after a few days without food."

Max flipped him off. "Didn't they tell you that starving a kid was child abuse?"

The general laughed. "Starving a 'child' like you is nothing compared to what I've done."

"You're both sadistic."

Jeb unlocked her ankle braces. "Are you up to flying today?"

"Like I said, give me that cheeseburger and then we'll talk."

Jeb laughed. "Always hungry, just like when you were little." He gestured towards the door. "I brought some food along."

They played me, Max thought bitterly. They knew I was going to give in.

That doesn't mean I'll make it easy for them.

"Okay, Miss Ride, whenever you're ready," the president's voice blared through the tinny speaker.

Max was standing in the middle of an arena, longer than three football fields. The president was standing with his entourage at the edge, holding a pair of binoculars and a megaphone. Secret Service men were positioned along the perimeter of the arena, and Jeb and General Stewart stood nearby.

Everyone's eyes were on her.

She looked up at the wide-open sky, and smiled to herself.


With a running start, she leapt into the sky and snapped her wings open, flapping hard. They caught a downdraft, and then she was soaring, higher and higher. She did a few loops, dives, and flips to appease Jeb, and to put the helicopters above to ease. They were poised, ready to catch her if she flew away.

Have I got a surprise for you.

She'd figured it out, while eating before the flight. She knew where the flock was, all of them, and she was ready to break them out by herself, one by one. And then, when they had everyone together, they'd go rescue Ella and pick up her mom on the way.

I just have to get Jeb to leave my mom alone. But she's useless to him if he doesn't have me.

"Amazing display, Miss Ride," the president called. "That will be all."

"How about no?" Max called. She turned towards the sky, and poured on the speed.

"EAT MY DUST!" She shouted as she soared.

The helicopters in position followed in hot pursuit, but Max easily dodged them.

Some trailed nets below them in an attempt to capture her, but she easily rolled and twisted, and soon, even the helicopters were tiny dots in the distance. Below her, the wide desert stretched out, hot and empty.

I did it, she thought. I'm free.

Max flew for the rest of the day, and as night began to fall, her stomach rumbled, and she knew it was time to make camp for the night.

She circled above a small forest, and was startled to see another flying figure approaching.

At first, she thought it was Fang, and her heart leapt. But when she noticed that the wings were light brown, almost white, and that the flier had blonde hair, she started to backtrack.


"Max!" He called. "MAX!"

"GET AWAY, YOU TRAITOR!" she shouted over the wind, and banked to the left.

"WAIT!" A new voice called out, and Max turned back.

Maya was flying towards her.

Her too?

"What do you want?" Max snarled. "Did you team up with this scumbag?"

"Max, it's not what you think." Maya was close enough now that Max could see how little she'd changed. It was eerie to see her own face staring back at her.

"It doesn't look too good to me," she snapped. "My clone who tried to steal my boyfriend has teamed up with the one guy who tried to steal me from my boyfriend." Max paused. "Actually, it's perfect. I'm glad you two found each other."

"It's not like that!" Maya protested. "Look, we're here to rescue you."

"Rescue me? I find that hard to believe."

"I have Ella," Dylan said as he circled closer. "She's back at camp, on the ground. Please, Max. We're here to help."

"How do I know this isn't a trap?" Max narrowed her eyes. "Jeb told me Guenther Hagen had Ella."

Dylan winced. "He tried, but I got there in time to get Ella away."

"Look, can we finish this on the ground?" Maya asked. "You look ready to drop."

"MAX!" Max looked down and saw the outline of her sister waving her arms. "MAX, IT'S ME!"

Max fell into a dive, and skidded to a stop in front of Ella. Ella rushed at her sister, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"You're okay," Max sighed, relieved. "Oh my God, El, I thought they had you."

"They tried," Ella said when Max pulled back. "But Dylan saved me."

Max turned and looked at Dylan critically. "I guess I owe you a thank you."

He shrugged. "It was nothing."

"Is Fang with you?" Maya asked. Max bristled.

"No, he is not. He's in Russia." Max sat by the small campfire, and began to devour the can of ravioli Ella handed her.

Maya nodded. "Then that's where we go next."

"You're going to help me?" Max glared at her clone. "I swear to God, if this is just a pathetic attempt at getting him back-"

"I'm not after Fang," Maya snapped. "I never was, okay? He's always been hopelessly in love with you, and I don't waste my time chasing guys who already have someone. I'm doing this because I owe him. He saved me, he saved my flock, and we owe it to him to help him out."


Kate, Star, Ratchet, and Holden all stepped out from the trees.

"Hi, Max," Kate said. "It's nice to meet you."

Star just glared, while Ratchet and Holden waved.

"Where did they come from?" Max asked Ella.

"I had them stay back, in case you flipped shit," Ella said. "I didn't want to overwhelm you."

Max put down her empty can and faced Maya's flock. "So, you're all in? You're going to help me get Fang back? And everyone else?"

They nodded. Maya walked over to stand with them, and stuck out her hand. "Truce?"

Max stared at it, before shaking it. "Truce," she said. She looked at Dylan. "But don't think you're off the hook. I still have to kick your ass."

He grinned. "I'm sure you will."

"Tomorrow," Max announced, "We're heading to Russia."

…So it's been awhile. I'm on vacation, and I had hoped to get some writing done, but I had a friend come visit me from Europe, so that plan fell apart.

Tell me what you think! Your reviews are what keep this story going! I write faster when I get feedback, and it helps me improve the story. Thanks again to everyone who followed and favorited, it really means a lot. Can you guys help me get to 10 reviews? Please? Thanks so much.

Until next time!